Episode 44 Show Notes- Politics & The Disaster of the New Way Forward Act
Professor Giordano sounds the alarm bells and explains how America is committing national suicide in this very important episode. The elected officials have chosen to introduce policies that go against the very fabric of Our Republic and ignore the needs of We the People. These policies are specifically designed to hurt the United States. As we continue to bury our heads in the sand, Professor Giordano calls on all Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to rise above the politics of the political parties and wake-up to what’s really going on before it’s too late. We are like Nero, sitting idly by as Rome burns. Visit The P.A.S. Report website, and be sure to sign up for The P.A.S. Report newsletter.
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Welcome to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano and I want to thank you for tuning in. I hope you’re having a great week.
This week I want to focus on some of the insanity that’s going on in the political world. In previous episodes, I brought up how our elected officials have little regard for We the People, but it has gone too far, and it is time we begin to push back. We need to get the message out there, so I encourage you to share this episode. This is bigger than political parties. It’s bigger than how we identify ourselves as Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians or Independents.
If we continue to ignore what these elected officials are doing, it will be to our own detriment. We are committing national suicide by keeping our heads buried in the sand and pretending as if these insane policies could never pass. The reality is, they are. For far too long, Americans have disengaged from the political process, and this has allowed the politicians to run rampant.
The rise and fall of every empire follows the same trajectory, and America is not immune from this cycle. Before being destroyed militarily, an Empire dies from within. The first step in the downfall of an Empire is the degradation and destruction of its culture. As the empire begins to die culturally, it also begins to die economically. Finally, they die militarily, and the superpower is destroyed. We are like Nero, sitting idly by as Rome burned in the Great Fire. In this episode, I will lay out how we are witnessing the death of our culture, our economy, and our nation.
But before I begin, if you want to see the show notes go to thepasreport.com. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter.
We have a problem
Over the last several years, we have witnessed a movement to destroy America, our institutions, and everything the United States stands for from within. While I do believe those pushing this movement are in the fringe minority, they have managed to make enormous gains. The political class and the media have succumbed to the fringe mob, and most of the sane elected officials are silent as they are deathly afraid of the pushback the mob will create.
I’m going to get into the insane policies in a minute, but before I do, understand these people despise you. The only obvious conclusion is that these people hate you and they hate the United States. I don’t say that lightly either. I mock politicians regularly and call them names, but I never label members of an entire political party. I never use the terms demonrats, repubicans, or RINOs. I’m a rational person. I am more conservative in my approach, but I am not an ideologue or a bomb-thrower. However, for too long I, and many others, have sat by without pushing back.
I never label people because they may disagree with me and I don’t label them as evil. I am someone who can respectfully disagree with people. I do not look down on others because they have a different viewpoint and I do not judge people based on their political viewpoints. However, when we are witnessing policies that are detrimental to all people, regardless of political party, we have to call that out.
Previous issues
At The P.A.S. Report, I discuss real issues that matter. Some of the issues I focused on was the collapse of the American education system, academic intolerance on college campuses, wasteful spending by the government, an analysis of immigration, gun violence, mass shootings, the 2nd Amendment, China, Iran, Latin, and South America. I focused heavily on the abuses within the bureaucracy. I also highlighted how there are those that want to remake America by destroying our institutions.
Unlike the advocacy news media, I continue to focus on the issues that matter to you and this great country. I do my best to respond to everyone when they email me questions. I try to limit covering the gossip the media constantly pushes.
Over the last few weeks, I have been pointing out how the elected officials have all but given up on the people they swore to serve. These officials have no regard for the American people. They believe you are dumb and irrelevant. How do I know this? Just look at their policies. Many of the policy proposals introduced at the State and Federal level directly hurt us.
Policies that directly hurt the American people
For instance, I talked about what’s happening in New York State. I focused on Bail Reform. Since that episode, the situation has only gotten worse. We are seeing crime increase dramatically. In January alone, New York City’s violent crime rate increased by 16.9%. (Wall Street Journal) and that’s just the city. This bill has hurt the people the most. How many people have been victimized because of this dumb law? How many crimes could have been prevented? I ask everyone, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents, what are the societal benefits of this law?
Now that we have seen the results over the last month, we can clearly say this law has been a failure. You could have done simple bail reform and just put in that those with a clean record, who never committed a crime before, are released without cash bail as long as the crime they are charged with was nonviolent or egregious.
Why are elected officials fighting harder for those charged with crimes, who have rap sheets that date back years? What are the positive benefits and what conclusion should we draw from that? Now officials are saying, “Well the law may need some tweaking.” No. It needs to be fully repealed, and you the people need to hold these officials accountable. Anyone who voted yes should be voted out of office regardless of party. If the elected officials are incompetent and cannot pass laws for the public benefit, why should they deserve to be elected officials? Think about what happens if you screw up royally at your workplace and cost the business a ton of money? Would you get a second chance, or would you be fired immediately? Why don’t we hold the politicians to the same standard?
And while bail reform is just one aspect of lawmakers working against the interests of the people, there are many more. Giving driver licenses to illegal immigrants is another example. I am not going to harp on the problems New Yorkers face, but I will call out our government that didn’t debate any of the issues, and rather are socially engineering the society. Now that illegal immigrants can get driver licenses, and New York State cut off access to DMV databases, New Yorkers, average American citizens, are the ones being punished. New Yorkers who want to fly under the Federal Trusted Travelers program will no longer be able to do so. A clear example of You the People following all the rules and getting screwed for the elected officials’ dumb policies.
And now these geniuses are talking about granting the right to vote to illegal immigrants at the local level, and who knows, potentially the state level. It’s clear that they only want to do this for power and control. They also want to grant those in prison the right to vote as well.
If you’re a New Yorker, are you satisfied with the roadways, the education system, the high cost of living, the high property taxes, and the traffic? Are you satisfied with the direction New York is headed? Do you believe it is a good thing if we lose congressional representation and people are leaving the state in mass?
Now if you answered no, then why do you keep voting for the same elected officials over and over again? If you don’t vote, then why not? You see what’s happening to the state, and you bitch and complain, yet you do nothing about it. Why? If the conditions are continually deteriorating, at what point do you stand up and say, “Hey, maybe I should get involved and vote.”
Another example I brought up was the Virginia gun grab being pushed by Governor Black Face. This is another example of having complete disregard for the will of the people. Once again, all those who followed the law and purchased their firearm the right way. All of those who are responsible gun owners and contribute to our society have been declared enemies because they believe in the 2nd Amendment. They view you as horrible people, and therefore, you must be punished.
I discussed how the American people are being scammed by both the government and the corporations. How corporations are importing workers, paying them dirt, and want the American taxpayer to subsidize social welfare benefits to these people so they can continue to pay them dirt. They are basically saying that Americans, who need access to these programs, are irrelevant. Remember, the more people participating in these programs, the less benefit award people receive. So, you have American citizens, who may truly be in need, receiving a lower benefit amount all because the corporations don’t want to hire an American, and want to pay foreign workers lower wages.
They also don’t want the social welfare benefits taken away from these foreign workers because then these people will not be able to buy stuff from these same corporations. Not only are the taxpayers subsidizing these corporation’s payroll, but we are also subsidizing their profits as well and I didn’t even talk about the tax loopholes allowing multi-billion-dollar corporations to pay virtually no taxes.
Why don’t we matter
So, why don’t we matter anymore? We have heard just about every Democrat Presidential candidate say they would provide healthcare for illegal immigrants. We have States using taxpayer money to fund abortions. We have States providing more taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal immigrants even as their cities are collapsing. Even as the Americans in those states are suffering. California says it will provide all illegal immigrants with healthcare. What about the 7-10% of American citizens, who reside in California that don’t have healthcare? What about the homeless people lining the streets? Why don’t they matter? At what point do we ask, “Why don’t Americans matter?”
New Way Forward Act
Just when you think it can’t get any worse, sure enough, these people prove they are even dumber than thought. I mean, with everything I just mentioned, if you threw people in a room and said try and come up with the dumbest law possible, I don’t even think they would be able to come up with this one. I’m talking about the New Way Forward Act, and this bill illustrates that some elected officials have gone insane.
For the text of the bill, click here
I have a link to the text of the bill on my website in the show notes.
I first learned about this act when watching Tucker Carlson, and I had to read it for myself to see if it was true. Sadly, it’s even worse than being reported. I’m going to walk you through the bill.
Right from the start, on page 2, the bill reads, “the Secretary of Homeland Security may not enter into, or extend, any contract with any public or private for-profit entity that owns or operates a detention facility for use of that facility to detain aliens in the custody of the Department of Homeland Security.”
Essentially, the Department of Homeland Security is not allowed to detain any people coming into the United States, or any immigrant within the United States.
On page 4, an alien can only be taken into custody if an immigration judge issues a warrant. Even then, DHS has 48 hours to release that individual back into the general public. If DHS feels that the person will not show for their court appearance or is a threat to the community, they will impose “the least restrictive conditions.” It sounds like the failed bail reform law in NY.
On page 6, If the judge determines that the person will not show for their appearance, the judge can issue a cash bond, but according to the bill “the immigration judge shall consider, for purposes of setting the amount of the bond, the alien’s financial resources and ability to pay the bond without imposing financial hardship on the alien.” So, if an illegal immigrant works off the books, they can show they have no income, and therefore, bail cannot be applied.
On page 6, At any hearing where DHS wants to hold an immigrant for longer than a 48-hour period, the Department of Homeland Security must go before a judge and you have to hear this, “In a hearing under this subsection, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the alien should be released. The Government shall have the duty of rebutting this presumption by clear and convincing evidence based on credible and individualized information that establishes that the use of alternatives to detention will not reasonably assure the appearance of the alien at removal proceedings, or that the alien is a threat to another person or the community. The fact that an alien has a prior conviction or a criminal charge pending against the alien may not be the sole factor to justify the continued detention of the alien.”
So, the burden is on government, not the illegal immigrant that’s here, and the kicker is that past criminal history cannot be used against them. If a judge and DHS cannot use past criminal history to indicate a flight risk, then you are essentially saying that no one can be held.
On pages 7 and 8, if the alien is deemed a vulnerable person or primary caregiver the alien cannot be detained unless the Department of Homeland Security must provide evidence that it is “unreasonable or not practicable to place the individual in a community-based supervision program.”
You might be wondering who constitutes a vulnerable person. Well, these geniuses deem a person under the age of 21 or over the age of 60. A pregnant person. Someone who identifies as LBGT. Someone who has limited English proficiency. I’m not making this up folks.
Page 11, completely eliminates mandatory detention for any alien both legal and illegal.
On page 13, “the alien shall be detained during the removal period unless the alien can show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the alien’s removal is not reasonably foreseeable and that the alien does not pose a risk to the safety of any individual or to the community.’’
Think about this a second. If a judge orders removal, the person can be released if they can show cause as to why they should be released. And on page 14, it states, “any alien who has been detained during the removal period shall be released from custody, pending removal, subject to individualized supervision requirements.” You can’t make this crap up.
Page 15, this would be great if it wasn’t so sad. According to these morons, the bill states that an immigrant can be detained if “the alien poses a risk to the safety of an individual or the community, which may only be established based on credible and individualized information that establishes objective risk factors, and may not be established based on the fact that the alien has been charged with or is suspected of a crime.” So, on page 6, it clearly states that prior convictions cannot be used as the factor to justify the detention and it’s now restated here. If criminal history cannot be a factor that the alien poses a risk to individuals or society as a whole, then what else is there? Then no alien is a risk.
On page 16, the bill includes a statute of limitations. So, under current immigration law, if an immigration court ordered the removal of an alien, that alien can be deported whenever they are found. Under the New Way Forward Act, if an alien is ordered to be removed, and then that said alien goes into hiding and evades ICE officials, that order is null and void after five years.
Pages 16-18, also discusses that when an alien commits a felony and is sent to prison after that alien serves their sentence and leaves the prison, they are not allowed to be turned over to immigration officials for removal and here is some of the key language.
“An adjudication or judgment of guilt that has been dismissed, expunged, sealed, deferred, annulled, invalidated, withheld, or vacated, or where a court has issued a judicial recommendation against removal or an order of probation without entry of judgment or any similar disposition, shall not be considered a conviction for purposes of this Act. No judgment on appeal or within the time to file a direct appeal shall be deemed a ‘conviction’ for the purposes of this Act.”
If an alien plea bargains to a lesser charge, that cannot be considered for removal. If a record is sealed. If a court decision is deferred, if a person is found guilty, but is appealing the ruling. Interesting.
On page 19, “only an alien who has been convicted of an aggravated felony for which a term of imprisonment of not less than five years was imposed shall be considered to have been convicted of a particularly serious crime.” Remember most crimes are plea-bargained down, and many can receive less than 5 years in a plea bargain, and a reduced charge, including assault, rape and molesting children.
Take assault with a deadly weapon. In most states, assault with a deadly weapon carries a total jail time of 2-4 years, and it is usually plea-bargained down, and in some cases, the charge is dropped down to a misdemeanor.
Once again, doesn’t this sound like the NY Bail Reform, where short of murder, everyone gets out?
Now factor in activist judges who may give an alien a more lenient sentence because of the deportation issue and you have a recipe for disaster.
But we’re not done with activist judges because on page 20, “an immigration judge may grant any relief or deferral from removal, including withholding of removal, to any individual… the immigration judge finds such an exercise of discretion appropriate in pursuit of humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest.”
Page 21 in a section titled, Reinstatement of Removal Orders Against Aliens Illegally Reentering, it discusses redesignating illegal aliens by creating “special rules relating to continuous residence or physical presence.”
Page 22, this section is just plain ridiculous and dangerous. This section prohibits state and local law enforcement agencies, as well as any employee of any state or local jurisdiction, from cooperating with federal officials in any capacity. You think I’m kidding, well here you go,
“Civil immigration warrants shall not be made available to the officers or employees of any State, or any political subdivision of a State, through the National Crime Information Center database or its incorporated criminal history databases. Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials are prohibited from entering into the National Crime Information Center database or its incorporated criminal history databases information that relates to an alien’s immigration status, the existence of a prior removal, deportation, or voluntary departure order entered against an alien, or any allegations of civil violations of the immigration laws. Any information described in this paragraph that is in the National Crime Information Center database shall be removed from such database not later than 90 days after the enactment of the New Way Forward Act.”
The next section on page 23 is titled, Prohibiting Coordination for Enforcement of Immigration Laws.
And finally, we find what they have wanted to do all this time. On page 25, Title 6, Section 601, the title reads Decriminalize Migration, and the subheading is Repealing Migration Criminal Laws. This section makes it legal for anyone who wants to come to the United States gets to. Essentially, it eliminates our border and overstaying your visa or crossing the border illegally is no longer considered a crime. Anyone who chooses can come to the United States and there is not a damn thing we, or immigration officials, can do about it.
Title 7 on Page 25 talks about the Right to Come Home. Basically, this section violates Ex Post Facto under Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution and states that those who have been deported and would not have been deported under the New Way Forward Act will have a right to have their case reopened and come back to the United States. If we decriminalize marijuana tomorrow, it doesn’t mean that anyone currently serving a sentence gets their charge dropped because, at the time of the offense, it was illegal. Here they want to decriminalize activity retroactively clearing violating the Constitution.
And here is another kicker- you the peons will fund their return. The section reads, “The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide transportation for aliens eligible for reopening or reconsideration of their proceedings under this section, at Government expense (essentially at taxpayer expense considering we fund the government), to return to the United States for further immigration proceedings and shall admit or parole the alien into the United States.”
Why do these officials have such little regard for We the People? Ask yourself, how does this bill benefit you, our communities, or our society as a whole? This bill is sheer insanity, and when factoring in everything I have been talking about since I launched The P.A.S. Report, we are witnessing the death of our nation. You can say to yourself a bill like this is never going to pass, but remember, bail reform wasn’t supposed to pass. Driver licenses for illegals wasn’t supposed to pass. The SAFE Act wasn’t supposed to pass.
Just looking at everything from a commonsense perspective, how do any of these things benefit America, Americans, our society or even legal immigrants that follow the rules?
If you’re a Democrat, provide me with one example of how this benefits you, our communities, our society as a whole? Ask yourself, should we really allow criminal aliens that have been deported back into the United States at taxpayer expense? Why?
We need to put party politics aside. None of these policies benefit this country, and we have to stop voting based on our political party affiliation. As we get closer to the election, The P.A.S. Report will put out a list of every politician that voted for the New Way Forward Act, bail reform and other asinine policies. We have to begin to hold these people accountable.
Put party politics aside and ask yourself, “How can a country survive if the people we elect serve the interest of themselves and noncitizens at the expense of their own citizens? How can the country survive if the people we elect hate the people they swore to serve?” Because that’s true. I try to keep my rhetoric to a minimum, but the only logical explanation for these asinine policies is because they have little regard for you and they despise you.
Over the last month, I’ve spoken with many who are dissatisfied. Then I ask, well why do you continue to vote for the same people, and they don’t have a good answer. Where are the Democrats speaking up and against these nuts? See this is where we see the defects.
James Carville, a staunch Democrat that helped Bill Clinton win two terms, stated the party has gone insane. He stated that what’s being preached is just plain crazy. But then when he was asked who he would vote for, he stated he would support the Democrat nominee. Why? If you really view these policies as detrimental to the United States, why would you still support that candidate? Just because they are in the same political party? Sorry, but that’s not good enough of a reason.
Every elected official should be asked this question. “What is your primary obligation to We the People? Are non-citizens entitled to all the same benefits as citizens, and if so, why and what is the point of citizenship?”
We are telling Americans they no longer matter, and this country is a horrible country. These people want to burn down everything that was built all in an attempt to acquire more power and to remake America as they see fit. We have been abandoned by those who hold elected office.
For those of you who may support these types of proposals, do you not see what’s happening? Do you not believe our culture is worth keeping? Do you not believe the American people are good, honest people just trying to do their best to survive?
We are losing the battle. Our society is collapsing. Instead of tackling real issues, these people want to destroy the very fabric of the Republic for political power. These people are dangerous and should never even come close to having power. And I didn’t even get into the economy or our $23 trillion-dollar debt. When you factor that in, we see a perfect storm brewing and we need to wake up.
Share this episode and get this message out there. Let’s put aside party labels, and begin voting for those people who pledge allegiance to the American people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc. Let’s vote for those who want to uphold the Tenets of the American Creed found in the Declaration of Independence. Let’s support those who respect the Bill of Rights, and America’s institutions.
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Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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