Episode 272 Show Notes- Who’s Really in Charge? President Biden’s Disastrous Stumbles
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Over the last week, President Biden made significant proclamations that may prove to be very consequential. A President’s words matter and his comments have a significant impact both domestically and abroad. As the White House routinely has to walk back the President says, it has led to confusion as to what exactly policies are and who is actually in charge. President Biden’s allies and the media lackeys touted his nearly half-century in public service. They said his experience restores discipline and the steady hand of leadership to the White House. Obviously, it hasn’t worked out that way.
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Show Transcript- Who’s Really in Charge? President Biden’s Disastrous Stumbles
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
If we want to sum up President Biden’s trip to Europe, and really his entire Presidency, you can do it in one word- disaster- and I think his trip to Europe reflects pretty much his entire presidency.
Those that fall on the left side of the political spectrum will say I’m just being a partisan, and that I want the President to fail. That I, and people like myself, will never give him a fair shake.
Listen, I don’t shy away from the fact I’m Conservative. I don’t hide the fact that I believe in a smaller, limited government. I don’t hide that I think the government is too big and has amassed too much power. I don’t pretend to like the policies of this administration.
However, I do not want my President to fail. If the President fails, we are the ones that suffer. The United States, and We the People, are the ones that really lose.
I want to make it clear. This isn’t me gloating. It’s not me cheering on the President’s failures, shortcomings, and his administration’s demise. But it’s clear President Biden is in over his head and something is going on. It’s also clear that his near half-century in public office hasn’t given us the steady hand of leadership that we were promised.
His failures have real-world consequences, and sadly, it’s not like there are any alternatives. What’s the alternative? Vice President Kamala Harris. No thank you.
What we’ve witnessed over the last week is nothing short of breathtaking. However, we are not supposed to say anything. If you dare criticize the President, you’re anti-American. You’re a traitor. You’re a domestic terrorist. We are supposed to keep our mouths shut and keep pretending the Biden gaffes are normal. That they are inconsequential.
At a time when the President seems to decline more with each passing day, and as his policies continue to hurt the United States and We the People, the government continues to amass more power. You have the President himself talking about a New World Order.
While he didn’t specifically state what this new World Order consists of, he is not the first one to use the word. Whether it’s The New Normal, The Great Reset, or The New World Order, there has been a growing chorus about a global transformation. Frightening thought isn’t it.
I’m going to talk about it all. I’m going to talk about what we witnessed during the President’s trip, this idea of the New World Order. The Biden gaffes. The missed opportunities.
But I’m also going to talk about hope because there is hope out there, and I witnessed something last week that I found extraordinary. Perhaps it was a spark, and maybe, just maybe, there’s a movement afoot. A movement away from the increasing authoritarianism. A movement away from the all-powerful state. It may be the start of a renewed vigor for concepts like real liberty, real freedom. Restoring power back to the people.
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President Biden Utters the Dreaded Phrase- the New World Order
There is a lot to unpack, and I want to start off with the idea of a New World Order. The second you say New World Order, people’s ears perk up on all sides of the political spectrum. If you’re a Republican, a Conservative, a Libertarian, or even an Independent, phrases like the New Normal or the Great Reset come to mind. You think of a nefarious cabal attempting to destroy the sovereignty of the United States.
To Democrats, Leftists, and Progressives (or regressive), when they hear the words the New World Order, they think of tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists. That its crazy right-wingers trying to instill fear to stand in the way of what they deem as making progress.
It’s funny how those on the left side of the political spectrum continually deem those who question the idea of a New World Order as conspiracy theorists even though there are so many in power who have routinely called for a new normal, a great reset, and even a new world order themselves.
So, let me ask a question to my friends on all sides of the political spectrum, but particularly on the left, whenever a political figure utters these phrases, what do you think they mean?
Do you believe the government, ultimately the state apparatus, will be granted more power in this New World Order or less power? Do you think intergovernmental organizations would be granted more power or less power? Do you think the countries, and by extension the people, would be granted more sovereignty or less sovereignty?
Let’s just be honest about what it is. The New World Order is nothing more than a power grab by the political elites who have no regard for the people they serve. It’s as simple as that. They don’t look at the government and the ruling class as the problem. They view their own people as the problem. If the people just did what they were told, they believe that the world would be a better place, but alas, we are nothing more than the ignorant peasant class who can’t see the beauty in what our overlords want to create.
So, President Biden was at a business roundtable to talk about the economy, and he said this. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Biden New World Order
Now in fairness to President Biden, he did say a New World Order led by us, so I am assuming he means the United States.
But call it what you want whether it’s The New Normal, The Great Reset, or The New World Order, there is no denying that there has been a growing chorus about a global transformation, but why?
I mean, no thanks, I prefer the Old-World Order that was led by a free and strong United States that valued things like liberty and We the People. It’s not to say we did everything perfectly, and it’s not to say that we didn’t cause a different set of problems, but I prefer a world order led by the United States over a world order led by communist China or some pencil-pushing intergovernmental agency.
Giving up our sovereignty in this New World Order, only to empower some new international-led order at the expense of the United States, doesn’t really sound all that appealing to me. Remember, many of the same people calling for this New World Order are the same ones constantly denigrating the United States. The same ones who praise communist China and the social credit system. Who says communist China largely has it right when it comes to censorship and the internet?
I’m good. I don’t want or need that type of New World Order, nor should anyone else want it regardless of your political ideology. Not that I think President Biden even knows what he’s talking about half the time.
Is the President, the President?
Think back to what I said in last week’s episode. I didn’t have much when it came to expectations on his trip to Europe, but it was even worse than I imagined. I also stated that given our position, President Biden should go to Ukraine. I stated that it was an embarrassment that we are supposed to lead the world, yet, you had leaders of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia, going to Ukraine’s capital and meeting with Zelensky.
Once again, it doesn’t matter where you stand on the War in Ukraine. We already are involved, and so now we have to do what’s in the best interests of the United States, and I’ll explain that part in a minute.
But before I get to that, optics is very important when it comes to politics, especially international politics. You have to play to domestic and international audiences. An American President should always project strength and visiting Ukraine in the middle of war certainly would have sent a powerful message, and he would have been better off doing that and keeping his mouth closed.
President Biden was asked about visiting Ukraine and take a listen to his response.
Sound Clip- President Biden, They Won’t Let Me Go
Did you hear that? They won’t let him go to Ukraine. Who are they? He is the friggin’ President of the United States. If he wanted to go, he goes. It’s as simple as that. He tells those saying he can’t go to figure it out. How many Presidents and top-level officials have visited warzones?
This is insane. Rather than the president giving the orders, it appears he is the one taking orders. He needs to remember that his team works for him and the American people. It’s not the other way around.
Instead of projecting strength, this President constantly projects weakness, and it looks weak when a President routinely and openly admits that he is being controlled. That he has to be told what questions he can answer, what reporters he can talk to, and where he can and cannot go. It really is pathetic, and you don’t think the world sees that?
Imagine what our adversaries are thinking. Forget that, imagine what our allies are thinking. The leaders of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia weren’t stopped from going to Ukraine, and this President wouldn’t have been stopped either. Do we really think that Russia would target a sitting American President, especially given the difficulties they are having against Ukraine?
President Biden’s Statements Can Have Serious Repercussions
Then you have the Biden gaffes. I’m not talking about harmless gaffes that you can laugh out.
I’m talking about gaffes that can have serious consequences. Again, this is supposed to be the President with nearly a half-century of experience. He was supposed to be the steady hand of leadership. He was supposed to be disciplined.
There were three major Biden gaffes on this trip, all with their own ramifications. President Biden gave a speech and announced that there will be food shortages and stated they are going to be real, and it will hurt Americans and the world. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- President Biden’s Food Shortages
He always finds a way to make a bad situation worse, and you don’t want this to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just look at how Americans reacted to toilet paper, and there are numerous other examples where talk of shortages just made things worse.
I don’t remember the exact year, but it was around 2008 or 2009, you had a Costco announce that a few stores ran out of rice sending people into a frenzy. The price of rice skyrocketed. People ran to the stores, people who probably never eaten rice in their life, now they were buying 50lb bags of rice. Thereby fulfilling the prophecy exacerbating the supply of rice.
I witnessed this firsthand when I worked for NYS OEM, and we were responding to Sandy. I was stationed in NYC Emergency Ops Center doing the overnights. It was probably the fourth or fifth day. We just finished a meeting about gas stations, and whether we would run out of fuel. We had tons of gas stations that had no power, we weren’t really that concerned.
The logic we were working with was that as supplies begin to dwindle at some gas stations that never lost power, we would be bringing the gas stations that did lose power back to the grid, and they would be able to pick up the demand.
I left the meeting and was on my home to get a few hours of sleep. I needed gas, but I was exhausted and figured I would just get it on my way back in. While driving, I have on the news, and they are talking about fuel shortages. I laughed to myself. I literally just left a meeting about this. I didn’t think much of it.
Anyway, I woke up, showered, and went to stop at a gas station by my house and there was a ton of traffic. I didn’t think much of it. I was still in a fog. Finally, I realized that all the cars were waiting to fuel up. The same thing at the next two gas stations I passed. This was now going on at nearly every gas station. Luckily at the time I worked for the State and was able to fill up at a state depot, but because of the media overhype, they created the self-fulfilling prophecy of gas shortages.
Had the information been conveyed responsibly, and people acted reasonably, we wouldn’t have had the shortages.
Now we have a President talking about food shortages. Instead of him saying we will give our farmers whatever they need to make up for the shortfall, he tells people there will be food shortages, they’ll be real and will inflict pain on the American people. This was highly irresponsible.
Are U.S. Troops Headed to Ukraine?
But that wasn’t as bad as the next two examples I’m going to talk about. Remember, this is the President with nearly a half-century of experience. He has all this foreign policy experience, and I’ll keep reminding you of that because that was his entire campaign. Yet, what does he do? Well, he goes before the 82nd Airborne Division and says this. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Biden 82nd Airborne Division
Talk about a huge gaffe with the potential for catastrophic consequences. He tells the 82nd Airborne Division that they’ll be going on the frontlines, and they’ll witness what’s happening for themselves.
I don’t think many realize that would the President said could prove catastrophic. I did an episode months ago on how President Biden was committing juvenile mistakes when conducting diplomacy. One of the things I said is that when it comes to the rules of effective diplomacy, a President must always be careful in what they say. Choose their words wisely. Understanding the consequences of the language being used. That’s diplomacy 101, and it isn’t rocket science.
It’s similar to the time he stated that a small incursion of Ukraine would be okay, and there wouldn’t be many consequences, only this was much worse.
The White House quickly came out and tried to clean up the damage that was done. Imagine WWIII starting because the President makes a dumb gaffe and misspeaks.
And I know what the left is saying. They’re saying I’m being unfair. That I’m blowing this out of proportion. Oh, you’re exaggerating. President Biden may have misspoken, but you’re making it out to be worse than it really is. The White House put out a clarification. You’re just attacking him because you don’t like this President.
Understand, that it’s not just our media and the American people consuming this information. The world sees and hears what we do. Do you think Russia isn’t paying attention to what the President is saying while he’s in Poland?
There are so many ways this gaffe can haunt us. What happens if Russia thinks this is true. What if they don’t believe the White House’s clarification. What if they see our involvement as imminent and decide to launch a preemptive strike based on what the President says. Remember, in war, there are always miscalculations, and those miscalculations can be catastrophic. Those miscalculations can also be the direct result of miscommunication.
Or what if what President Biden said is true. What if we really are sending troops to Ukraine, which you would think would be something Congress has to authorize. I know there are many who don’t like that pesky Constitution, but Article 1, Section 8 tells us that Congress is the one who would have to authorize such action, especially considering I don’t see how the War Powers Act would come into play since our national security isn’t under any immediate threat.
But let’s just say that what President Biden said is true, we would lose any element of surprise, and he may have just upped the ante.
We cannot pretend this is normal and that what the President says doesn’t have serious ramifications.
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Calls for Putin Regime Change
As if that statement wasn’t bad enough, President Biden was giving a speech, and at the end, he went off teleprompter creating another disaster. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Biden, Putin Cannot Remain in Power
Did you catch that at the end? You basically have the President of the United States calling for regime change in Russia. There are several reasons that this comment was a huge gaffe, and again, gaffes like these are consequential.
First, is regime change now the official policy of the United States? As always, we have to be honest with ourselves. For all Russia’s military shortcomings in Ukraine, we are not talking about Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Russia still remains a world power and has a large arsenal at its disposal.
Now think about it this way, President Biden tells the 82nd Airborne Division that they will be headed to the front lines. The next day he says that Putin cannot remain in power. All the while, we have over 90k troops amassed in Europe. (Army Times)
Then you factor in the paranoia of Putin. Like all authoritarians, the inner circle gets smaller and smaller. You begin to think everyone is out to get you. You have an American President calling for regime change. As the walls close in on Putin, he may become increasingly unpredictable and desperate. That’s a dangerous combination.
If he and Russia believe American involvement is inevitable, again, this can lead to Russia making the miscalculation and launching a preemptive strike based on the miscommunication of President Biden. This certainly raises the stakes because of Russia’s poor military performance in Ukraine.
If Russia is having difficulty with the Ukrainian military, how are they possibly going to take on the American military, especially given our soldiers have a ton of combat experience? This is where we see the potential for a preemptive tactical nuclear strike.
That’s not the only potential consequence. Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, and the White House, once again came out to walk back the President’s comments. (CNBC) However, President Biden just handed Russia a soundbite that they can use for propaganda purposes and to rally Russians to Putin’s defense.
We are getting tons of reports that many within the upper echelons of the Russian government are questioning Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine. We are also getting reports that many once Putin allies are now turning their backs on him. You have to understand how important this is. As dissatisfaction with Putin’s leadership grows, it opens a major intelligence pipeline to the United States as those disaffected Russians will feed us information.
Also, we know that there are many ordinary Russians who are protesting the war. There is a lot of discontent out there amongst the Russian people. However, if Putin and his regime can reframe the conflict to make it as if the American government wants to topple Russia, we may start to see those who were questioning Putin’s leadership begin to rally around Putin.
Here’s the thing, sometimes it’s better to say nothing, especially if you look at what’s happening and know anything about Russian history. Why give Putin ammunition to rally his people? No pun intended. The fact is that Russian leaders don’t normally survive when they lose military campaigns like this.
We know at least seven top Russian generals have been killed. (BBC) According to the Ukrainian government, they say Russia has lost over 16k troops. (The Sun) I’ll take that number with a grain of salt, but there is no doubt that Russia has sustained heavy military losses in this 30-day+ war. Far more than we lost in 20-years of war.
We also know that Russian forces have begun to take up defensive positions in several key areas, meaning that Ukrainian forces have taken to a counter-offensive, and are trying to push the Russians back.
If Russia continues at this pace, I have no doubt that it’s only a matter of time before Putin is ousted. If this war becomes a stalemate, or even worse for Russia, they lose, Putin is finished, so there is no point in pouring gasoline on the fire, but that’s exactly what President Biden did with his off-the-cuff remark.
Unable to Take Advantage of the Situation
As I said in previous episodes, if we had leadership, this entire war could have been prevented. But we are where we are, and so we should be looking we should be taking advantage of the situation rather than committing self-inflicted wounds.
When we look at Russia, there are some common interests, but they are a natural adversary to the United States. As with any major world power, Russia’s foreign policy is based on acquiring power and influence throughout the international community. The only way for them to gain power is for other countries to lose power, particularly the United States. It’s a zero-sum game, thereby, creating an adversarial relationship between the two.
Given the sustained losses the Russians have faced and the fact they weren’t able to quickly force Ukraine into surrender, Russia is much weaker today than it was a month ago, which certainly benefits us.
At the same time, there are several things that we should be doing to take advantage of the situation. First, we need to stop announcing what we will do, and what we won’t do. We need to keep our adversaries guessing. Second, we should be crashing oil prices. We should have been doing this for the last several months.
I know it goes against this administration’s green agenda, but if we oversupply the market and crash the price of oil, it does two things. It reestablishes our energy dominance in the world. It also denies Putin much-needed funds.
Understand, that we cannot prevent Russia from selling its oil on the world market. Sure, Europe can cut its dependency on Russian oil, and so can we, but China, India, and other countries will gladly purchase Russian oil. Crashing the prices would cripple Russia.
At the same time, this would also help the Biden administration and the Democrats politically here at home. This is an election year, and the high prices of oil and gas are going to be a big factor in how people vote. Republicans are already exploiting the anger by registering voters at gas stations throughout the United States, which is a brilliant political move. And I have to say, I’m a little surprised. Normally, Republicans lack this kind of creativity.
Another way we take advantage of the situation is by reestablishing our power and influence throughout the world. It means that we don’t beg countries like Iran for a nuclear deal. Instead, we set our terms, and if Iran doesn’t want to agree to our terms, we walk away and keep the Ayatollah isolated. We also start reaching out to South American countries and reestablishing our relations. As communist China seeks to make inroads in South America, we should be creating a wedge.
Another thing we should do, rather than deferring to intergovernmental organizations and talk about a New World Order surrendering our sovereignty, we should be renewing our commitment to the core American philosophies of liberty and freedom. We should make it clear that the United States is a sovereign country, and we should call out the corruption within these IGOs and hold them accountable.
There is Hope
But there is hope and there are some who have now begun to speak out against this idea of a New World Order. There are some who have begun to speak out against the growing authoritarianism we’ve been witnessing in so-called free countries. We’ve been witnessing this growing backlash both here within the United States and abroad.
Now, I want to play a clip of the European Parliament and the reception they gave to Emperor Trudeau of Canada. Trudeau went before the European Parliament to talk about the threat to Democracy, particularly by people like Putin.
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Trudeau didn’t get the welcome he was expecting. Take a listen to this clip.
Sound Clip- Trudeau Gets Roasted
That was Christine Anderson, a German member of the European Parliament, and wow. Did she sum it up perfectly, or what? She wasn’t the only one. There were many members, but I can’t play them all, and she ended it succinctly by stating that Trudeau is a disgrace.
I think there are so many more people who are fed up with those who preach about threats to democracy when they have pretty much violated any standard of what we would consider democracy.
And that’s the good news. People are sick and tired of all these wannabe authoritarians. They see through the BS. They see through the rhetoric. As the ruling class lectures us about the threat to democracy, people see who and what the real threat is. A political class that throws out all Constitutional norms. A politically weaponized bureaucracy that routinely abuses its power. A ruling class that tries to destroy anyone who dares to ask questions and diverges from their narratives.
They’re tired of the incompetence. But mostly they are tired of being treated as if they don’t matter. They don’t want to hear that inflation is a high-class problem. They don’t want to be told that if they don’t like high prices then they should take a bus.
People are tired of being told that ordinary Americans must bear the brunt of the results of the ruling class’s failed policies.
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