Episode 344 Show Notes- Protests Spread in China as the People Have Had Enough
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China is witnessing the largest protests against the communist regime since Tiananmen Square. As the protests spread in China, many are wondering will the protests ultimately fizzle out or is something much bigger going on. This has the potential to have massive ramifications, not just for China, but for the entire global community.
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Show Notes- Protests Spread in China as the People Have Had Enough
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I have another great episode lined up. I want to discuss what’s happening in communist China. This has the potential to have massive ramifications, not just for China, but for the entire global community.
We are witnessing the largest protests against the communist regime since Tiananmen Square. I do not want to underestimate the significance of these protests. At the same time, we have to temper our expectations given the brutality of the communist regime.
As the protests spread throughout China, what is the likely outcome? Will they ultimately fizzle out or are Xi Jinping and the communist regime really in trouble?
As I said, the answer to this question could have a significant impact on the dynamics of the international community.
The fact that we see the protests spread in China is important as it signifies that the people of China have had enough of the totalitarianism routinely inflicted on them.
There is growing discontent, and this comes shortly after Xi Jinping consolidated power within the communist party, and essentially became the Chinese leader for life.
You can only push human beings so far before they snap, and we may be witnessing the beginnings of a period of uncertainty as the protests spread in China.
This is truly remarkable given the fact that we rarely see these types of images coming out of the communist country.
I’ll explain what’s going on, the potential ramifications, and the Biden administration’s response to these fast-moving developments. I also want to discuss how the little Mussolini wannabes would love to emulate the communist regime as they are at it again. Calling for the potential for schools to be shut down and to reinstitute mask mandates. These people are sick. We have more than enough data showing how lockdowns, closing schools, and masking inflicted enormous damage within our society, but these people don’t care. The only thing they care about is power, control, and relevancy.
Before I jump in, be sure to subscribe to the podcast, and if you find the show informative, share it with your family and friends. Also, I want to hear what you think. Write a review on Apple podcast or drop me an email at podcast@pasreport.com.
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Protests Spread in China
While protests in China are nothing new, the size and scope of the current protests tell me that there is something different going on. China, particularly in the provinces, routinely quickly squashes any protests, particularly those that represent a threat to the communist regime.
However, there are a lot of misconceptions about China and the regime. People are allowed to criticize the government, and most of the protests are directed at local government corruption, not the communist regime itself.
When someone pushes too far, and the communist authorities believe that the comments and the protests threaten the stability of China, they swoop in and put an end to them. Those who incite the mob are arrested, and the protestors return to their homes and go about their daily lives.
However, the current protests are different. These are protests in the major cities, and they are directed against Xi Jinping and the communist regime itself. The protests are spreading in China, and that’s what makes this much different.
See, whenever there are local protests, they usually don’t last long and we certainly don’t see images of these protests as China has built and perfected the largest surveillance state in the world. They control all information flow- what people can see, what people can hear, and what people can say.
The great firewall of China and the social credit system were designed to keep people in line and to control the flow of information to make sure any discontent doesn’t spread like a contagion.
Xi’s Zero COVID Strategy
Listen, over the last few decades, China has made rapid advances, and the communist regime rarely makes mistakes because they understand that the biggest threat to their power and authority is the 1.4 billion people living in China.
However, Xi’s zero COVID strategy was the most senseless and illogical policy one can think of. COVID is here to stay and everyone is going to have to accept that fact. Most countries around the world have come to that same conclusion.
Xi Jinping and many Chinese officials are not dumb people. In fact, when you look at what they’ve done and how they have been able to develop becoming a powerhouse on the world stage, it shows that they are very smart.
So, we have to ask, what’s really going on? Do Xi and the Chinese authorities really believe that they can achieve zero COVID in their country or is there something else going on?
Given the evidence, it’s clear that the zero COVID strategy isn’t about COVID at all. They know the coronavirus will never be eradicated from their society, but these policies were instituted to serve a purpose. To be the vehicle that allowed Xi to consolidate his power and control within the communist party and to exert the government’s dominance over the Chinese people.
As the protests spread in China, this strategy may come back to haunt them, and we may be witnessing the beginnings of that now.
The Brutality of China’s Pandemic Response
Usually, when it comes to situations like these, it’s always about power and control, and these policies were designed to control the people in China.
For the last two years, imagine being locked in your home, unable to leave, not even to go outside to get fresh air. Not being able to take a drive to visit family and friends. Not being able to interact with other human beings.
That’s how the Chinese people have had to live off and on for the last two years, and we aren’t talking about cities with one or two million people. We are talking about cities with a population of anywhere between 15-25 million.
Eventually, this will drive people mad. Imagine, it’s like solitary confinement. Human beings are social animals. They need to interact with other people. Yet, the communist regime treats them as nothing more than products of the state. Their existence is to serve the state and obey their communist masters.
Apartment building door locks were welded shut so no one can enter or leave the buildings. CNN reported that gates with metal spikes were put around some buildings to prevent freedom of movement. Children testing positive for COVID were ripped from their parents and forced into filthy quarantine camps. Pets were thrown in sacks and beaten to death with baseball bats.
I mean when we look at what the Chinese government has done to its own people, it shows just how little regard they have for them. More importantly, it shows the sheer cruelty of this regime and why they are the largest human rights abusers on the planet, and it is the exact reason why protests spread in China.
You can only abuse your subjects for so long before they stand up for themselves and begin to push back. And if you know anything about Chinese culture, understand that obedience is a big part of it. Networks and linkages are a big part of it. We haven’t seen a protest of this magnitude in quite some time.
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As Protests Spread in China, the Government Sends in the Military
What’s remarkable is the images we are getting out of China, and it shows that cracks may be forming in the great firewall.
Remember, the Chinese government controls all information flow in the country so the fact that word is spreading throughout the mainland shows how widespread this is, and how it has the potential to serve as a contagion throughout the country.
No one really knows how this all plays out, and there are many who are being a little too optimistic about where and how this ends. Remember the Arab Spring? You had a street vendor in Tunisia, tired of government abuses, walk to the presidential palace, douse himself in gasoline, and set himself on fire. That was a powerful message and served as a catalyst for the Arab Spring and uprisings throughout a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
You had the so-called experts in the United States cheering on the protestors. They said it was a new day, and the people were tired of the authoritarian regimes abusing their power and their people. That democracy would finally come to this region of the world.
Then there were people like me who knew it was going to end in disaster. I am not an expert, but I do understand human behavior. I understand that real liberty is not inherent in every culture. Most people would rather have stability and improvements in their personal economies as opposed to true liberty.
I also know the brutality of these types of governments and the tribal culture that exists in many of these countries. We are now 11 years out from when the Arab Spring started. The Arab Spring reached a dozen or so countries. How many of those countries are thriving democracies today? The answer is 0.
The reason I bring this up is that we need to temper expectations, especially considering the brutality of the regime.
How is the Chinese Government Responding
China is already using its surveillance state apparatus to take down the agitators and to prevent new protests from popping up, and sadly American tech companies are helping the government.
In a disgraceful move, Apple has restricted the use of AirDrop on all its devices in China to prevent people from easily communicating and sharing information, including images, videos, and locations. Imagine, this is a company that is threatening to take Twitter off its app store, but they have no problem with the communist regime tracking and targeting their own people.
Police are fanning out across the country to arrest those they deem are inciting the protests. On Tuesday, tanks began to roll into major cities in an effort to secure these cities and prevent future protests. It’s reminiscent of Tiananmen Square, but the main difference is that Tiananmen Square was mostly student protests and these protests include grandparents, mothers and fathers, young adults, and teenagers.
Remember, I always say that the communist regime is much more worried about the 1.4 billion person population than they are about a country like the United States.
We have to recognize that the odds of these protests toppling the regime are not all that great.
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Is This the End for Xi?
Others are asking whether this is the end for Xi Jinping. There is a possibility that the communist party can fracture. Remember, in the communist system, it’s supposed to be about the party as opposed to one man. Think back to the Soviets. Sure, people may know about Stalin, Kruschev, or Gorbachev, but there were many other Soviet leaders.
In a communist system, when one person becomes bigger than the party, it can represent a threat. While the overthrow of Xi is possible, the reality is that Xi has consolidated his power to a large degree where many of those who posed a threat to Xi have been purged- either placed on house arrest or haven’t been seen in a while. The most recent example was just a few weeks ago when the communist party held its gathering to anoint Xi to his third term. As the gathering was coming to an end, Hu Jintao, the former president, was escorted out. He represented a threat to Xi’s power, and those loyal to Hu Jintao are probably paying a price right about now.
So, while infighting in the communist party is certainly possible, and we could see Xi forced to step down, I do believe the odds are low that that actually happens.
What was the Biden Administration’s Response to the Protests Spreading in China?
With that being said, the political instability in China can work to our advantage. China is obviously our main competitor. Over the last three decades, they have gained an enormous amount of power and influence in the international community.
The more destabilized China becomes as the protests spread in China, the more power they lose, and since power is a zero-sum game, that power will go somewhere. Naturally, as their main competitor, we can increase our power and influence in the international community.
But this doesn’t come without consequences. Let’s say hypothetically all hell breaks loose in China, and the country erupts into a rebellion. This would wreak havoc on supply chains that are already seeing major problems. Understand, during a revolution, people aren’t waking up saying “okay, even though there is a revolution going on, I have to go to work and make products.”
China produces a lot of the goods that we use here, and this will be particularly devastating for a variety of goods, particularly Tylenol and generic medications. That’s a disaster, and you would think that would have learned our lesson of dependency during the pandemic, and begun building out manufacturing capabilities here in the United States, especially for life-sustaining products like prescription medications.
As usual, the feckless leadership in the White House is completely unprepared for this and is being caught flatfooted. You had the State Department spokesperson, retired Admiral John Kirby come out and state that the Biden administration’s policy towards the protests spreading throughout China is that the protestors speak for themselves.
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A Word About the Little Mussolini Wannabes
How pathetic is that, but then again, what do you expect? Many of these people want actually envy the surveillance state and the social credit system China has built out over the last two decades. Many of them would love to do something similar here and are working towards just that.
Let’s talk about the little Mussolini wannabes, here in the United States, who seem to be out in full force and would love to emulate the communist regime.
You know the types I’m talking about. These are the people who completely ignored the Constitution for the last two and a half years. The ones who said the Bill of Rights never came into consideration when they ruled by decree and that the Bill of Rights is above their pay grade.
These are the officials that disregarded any type of debate when it came to the draconian decrees, completely bypassing legislative bodies, and abusing emergency powers.
They are at it again. Over the last several weeks, there have been grumblings about the increasing cases of the RSV virus in kids and the flu.
There are reports that RSV hospitalizations are up nearly 300% and that cases of flu hospitalizations are up 15%. Because of these increases, some of the mask nazi’s are out in full force calling for a return of masking up.
I’ll tell you right now, I’m done. If you think I’m masking my kids up again, you got another thing coming to you.
I warned that this would happen. The flu and RSV are annual viruses. They have been with us for centuries. We never universally masked up for these viruses prior to the coronavirus, but because of the number of people who obediently masked up with no pushback, I warned how there were some officials who wanted to normalize masks.
I warned that these power-hungry officials enjoyed the relevancy and control. I warned that cloth masks and surgical masks do little to protect from viruses, and I linked to well-established studies proving just that. These studies were all conducted prior to the coronavirus and the politicization of masks.
Now some are calling for a return to masks, yet they don’t even see their own stupidity, and that’s what makes it so frustrating. And you know they will never be called out by the media industrial complex.
It’s funny that all these so-called people who claim to follow science never ask some really simple questions. One question I have is don’t you find it odd that we are seeing spikes now? Think about it for a second. It’s almost as if the flu was nonexistent over the last couple of years. All of a sudden it reemerges now. Could it be that most of the flu cases over the last two years were declared covid cases? I don’t have the answer to that, but it is certainly worth asking. The same holds true for RSV.
They say that the masks prevented flu and RSV, but if that’s true, then why was covid still spreading? That doesn’t make any sense to me. If masks stopped the flu and RSV in their tracks, then why didn’t it do the same for covid?
Also, is anyone going to ask whether social isolation made us more susceptible to routine viruses that we normally face every year? The constant sanitizers and disinfectants that also kill good bacteria? The reality is that we need to be exposed to some degree in order to build a strong immune system.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The fact is cloth masks and surgical masks provide no protection when it comes to aerosolized viruses. Sure, it may prevent globs of spit and snot, but it is not going to stop transmission and actually causes more harm.
Masks are unhealthy and unsanitary. If people swabbed their mask and put it in a petri dish, they would be disgusted at the bacteria that grows. Then you have the issue of people wearing masks repeatedly without throwing them away.
With surgical masks, you have to worry about microplastics. Most people were never told that the FDA recommends that surgical masks be worn for a maximum period of 4 hours. If you touch the mask, if the mask gets wet, or if you wear it longer than four hours, the mask becomes compromised, and you begin inhaling the microplastics.
I will not be surprised at the significant long-term damage that was inflicted on all of us with these dictatorial decrees. Oh, masks have no impact on our health. Your breathing doesn’t change and your oxygen levels stay the same. Anyone who tells you that is a moron. Your breathing certainly does change as you are using more energy to breathe. Your body has to work harder.
We know children born during the covid era have lower IQ’s than those born pre-covid. We know masks significantly impacted children with speech issues, and delayed development of our children. We know that schools throughout the United States are witnessing an explosion in behavioral issues. We know mental health issues like depression and anxiety have exploded in children, teens, and young adults.
The damage inflicted due to senseless policies like universal masking is criminal in my opinion, and let’s be honest, it was all for show. In the fall of 2020, I couldn’t do the mask anymore, so I decided to get a cloth mask that has a bunch of small holes in it. If you slightly stretch the mask, you can clearly see these holes. It was a joke, but when I walked in a place and they told me I had to wear a mask, I put it on, and no one said a peep. That’s how you know it was all for show. They didn’t care about whether the masks worked or not, they cared about obedience and compliance.
Listen, you want to wear a mask than wear an N95. It really is that simple. If you are wearing an N95, then you don’t have to worry about what’s not on my face. I won’t criticize you. Just leave me and my kids alone.
All these little Mussolini wannabes should never be anywhere close to power because they proved that they are nothing more than totalitarians. They don’t care about facts. They don’t care about science. They don’t care about the Constitution.
For God’s sake, some are even talking about the potential to shut down schools again, even though we know how catastrophic that was to learning, development, and the mental health of an entire generation. They only care about power and want to dictate to everyone how to live their lives.
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Remember, many of these same officials here in the United States lauded China’s response to the pandemic. People like lord Fauci, the embodiment of science, openly stated that China’s response was far better than ours a year and a half ago. Maybe someone should ask him what he thinks now. All these people will play coy, but they don’t care even as the protests spread in China.
A lot of the frauds love the totalitarianism of government. Consider a piece written by Harvard law professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona law professor Andrew Woods, where they argue, “in the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong” as “significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in such practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with social norms and values.”
That’s the mindset of these people, and I will continue to remind you of that. Just think of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism that I have spoken about often. Think about how those expressing anti-government/anti-authority sentiment can be labeled a domestic terrorist. Think about the use of the word incitement throughout the document.
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Take a look at China and look at how they use similar language and it is quite revealing. As the protests spread in China, maybe we should begin reacquainting ourselves with the concepts of true liberty and freedom. Maybe we should read the Constitution and understand why our founders believed in limited government and implemented safeguards like the separation of power and checks and balances.
We need to better understand the core American political philosophies. Don’t be so willing to trade your liberty away for the illusion of safety and security. All you have to do is look at communist China to see what happens.
I hope you found the content of this episode informative. I appreciate all the 5-star ratings on Apple Podcasts, and if you have 30 seconds please write a good review.
I want to thank you for joining me, and I’ll be back on Monday with another great episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
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