Episode 298 Show Notes- Horrible Policies Equal Horrible Results The Radical Left Agenda has Failed
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Horrible policies have horrible results, and that’s exactly what we have with the radical left agenda. Unfortunately, too many officials continue to push these policies to the detriment of the people they have sworn to serve. The radical left agenda has been a dismal failure with real-life consequences for ordinary Americans, particularly the most vulnerable. Rather than recognize these failures, they argue that the policies aren’t working because they aren’t radical enough. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
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Show Transcript- Horrible Policies Equal Horrible Results The Radical Left Agenda has Failed
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
For the last several years, we have witnessed the radical left agenda be implemented in cities and states throughout the country. Since President Biden has been in office, we’ve witnessed this radical left agenda go nationwide.
What are the results? Are you happy with what you’re seeing? Are we, as a country, in better shape today or worse? Are ordinary Americans better off or worse off?
Too many officials continue to push these policies even though the results are in. These policies have been detrimental to the people these officials took an oath to serve. By every single metric, the radical left agenda has been a dismal failure with real-life consequences for ordinary Americans, particularly the most vulnerable communities. Ironically, it is the same communities the leftists claim to be fighting for.
With all the evidence one would think they would realize that their radical left agenda is a failure, however, they argue that the policies haven’t worked because they aren’t radical enough. That if only we moved further to the left, if we adopted socialism, and even Marxism, then we would see the utopia they promise.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, and that’s what these policies are, insane.
Given that we’ve tried the radical left agenda and we’ve all felt the effects, it’s time we plot out a new path. Just maybe if we return to the principles of Old Republicanism, we can right the ship and see America prosper once again.
In this episode, I’ll explain these failures. More importantly, I’ll explain how correcting the situation is relatively simple, but it requires each of us to do our part.
I’ll explain it all, but before I do, be sure to click the follow button so you never miss an episode and visit The P.A.S. Report website to sign up for my newsletter.
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Legalizing Drugs
The first issue I want to tackle is the decriminalization of hard drugs. In 1809, Thomas Jefferson gave a speech upon his retirement. In that speech, Thomas Jefferson stated the first job of government is the preservation of life, not its destruction. He said this is “the first and only legitimate job of good government.” (National Archives)
Here we are 213 years later, and you have democrat-run cities and states either talking about decriminalizing hard narcotics or doing it. Take Portland and Oregon that moved forward with decriminalizing hard narcotics.
I want to make it clear, that we are not talking about marijuana. We are talking about cocaine, crack, heroin, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and other hard drugs.
Oregon was the first state to decriminalize hard drugs, and this is both the fault of the people of Oregon and the politicians in the state. It’s the fault of the people because they supported this move to decriminalize narcotics in the 2020 elections where ballot measure 100 passed with 58.8% of public support. So, the people voted to support this measure.
The politicians are at fault because when you are an elected official, you have to practice statesmanship. Statesmanship is where officials temper the people’s expectations and do what’s in the best interest of the state. This isn’t in the best interest of the people or the state.
And then you have the so-called public health officials in Oregon that supported the measure as well. It shows that whenever these people preach about saving lives, they don’t care about life because you would never endorse such an insane policy that anyone with any common sense knows that a policy like this will lead to more destruction and death.
Let me explain what the policy does. Police can no longer arrest individuals for possession. Instead, they are issued a citation where the maximum amount of the fine is $100. There are a whole host of problems with this. First, imagine being a cop and trying to give a citation to someone high as a kite on heroin. Is it even worth the trouble, especially when you know these people will never pay the fine in the first place?
Secondly, a large percentage of those who suffer from severe substance abuse are homeless. They have no address, no identification, and the little amount of money they may be able to scrounge up goes to drugs. Good luck trying to get them to pay the fine.
Thirdly, if someone suffers from severe substance abuse, I doubt their first thought will be to comply and pay the fine. Let’s face reality, they are a slave to their addiction, and once addicted, to hardcore narcotics, the odds that they are fully functional members of society are pretty slim.
But the craziest part of all is that they can get the fines waived by calling a hotline to get a health assessment. According to a report, out of the 1,885 citations issued, only 91 people called the hotline. They can also get the fine waived if they can show they can’t afford it. Trying to find out how many people actually paid the fine is nearly impossible, but maybe 1 or 2 people were dumb enough to pay a fine when there are virtually no real consequences if you don’t pay.
These are the geniuses that the people of Oregon voted into office, and this is the policy that 58.8% of the Oregonian population supported. I can guarantee that the overwhelming majority of that 58.8% of people who supported this measure never suffered from substance abuse or had a family member suffer from substance abuse.
The ballot initiative was funded by the Drug Policy Alliance, an advocacy group based in New York City, and funded by names you’re familiar with, including people like Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros. While substance abuse doesn’t discriminate between rich and poor, the communities that suffer the consequences are always the poorer communities on the lower end of the social-economic scale.
And the bleeding-heart regressive leftists who support this policy say they support it because they believe it will help those who suffer from substance abuse issues. They also say it’s to champion equity. That the war on drugs was designed to target people of color.
While I have my criticism about the war on drugs, decriminalization is not the policy solution. We now have the results of this asinine policy. Take the city of Portland. It’s a disaster. It is being referred to as an open drug market because if you go on the streets of Portland, you will see people openly buying and selling hardcore narcotics that destroy societies. People are shooting up on the sidewalks. Collapsing in the middle of the street and are passed out in broad daylight.
Imagine you’ve spent the last 10, 15, or 20 years building a business. Investing your life savings and putting in an enormous amount of time and money. And now no one wants to come to your business because there are a bunch of people using in front of your store, and tent cities are popping up everywhere. Imagine trying to walk your kids to school, and you have to step over people passed out on drugs. What kind of environment is that to start a business and raise a family? It’s disgraceful.
Even worse, overdose deaths have skyrocketed by 41%. Not only is this policy wrecking neighborhoods, destroying communities, and condoning drug use, it is killing people.
And Oregon is not the only place. We are seeing this idea of normalizing drug use throughout major cities in the United States. Just a couple of weeks ago, I discussed how we are seeing billboards throughout cities trying to normalize this crap.
“Don’t be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely.”
“Do it with friends. Use with people and take turns. Try not to use alone or have someone check on you. Let’s take care of each other, San Francisco.”
Why are these people trying to normalize substance abuse? Why are they condoning it, and even worse, providing easy access to hardcore powerful narcotics that destroy lives?
It all comes down to a lack of standards, and how backward our society has become. Consider this, if I preach about adhering to the principles of the founding fathers and following the Constitution, that is now labeled as far-right extremism. However, we are no longer allowed to pass judgment on drug use, and those addicted to powerful narcotics. If you do pass judgment, you’ll be labeled as an intolerant bigot.
Again, these people don’t care about human lives, they just want to publicly virtue-signal how moral and great they are. They want to pat themselves on the back because they believe they are morally superior.
The fact is that overdose deaths are now topping 100k a year, and they continue to climb. You have people like Michael Gray screaming from the rooftops about the paradigm shift. Warning about how powerful these narcotics are, and also warning that these drugs are taking the lives of those without any history of substance abuse, but the radical left doesn’t care. Their radical left agenda promotes increasing the supplies of these powerful narcotics that are destroying families and killing people.
Then you factor in the federal policy, and we have done nothing to punish China for poisoning our society with fentanyl. 90% of the fentanyl in the United States can be traced back to China, yet our officials don’t put any pressure on the communist regime to crack down on the illicit trade. Probably because many of them are influenced by Chinese dollars. Just look at how much money the Biden family took in from China. (U.S. Senate)
On the federal level, we haven’t applied any pressure on Mexico and the drug cartels, which transport fentanyl and other hard narcotics into the United States. In fact, under this administration, they instituted an open border policy, and what’s been the result? A surge in drug smuggling. The same drugs killing Americans throughout the United States.
Then you have Afghanistan, a place where we spent 20 years, trillions of dollars, lost over 2k brave American soldiers, and had over 20k soldiers injured. According to estimates, 85% of the world’s heroin supply comes from Afghanistan. Not only did we not do a damn thing about the Afghan opium trade, but we also actually turned a blind eye and allowed it to increase. Hamid Karzai’s brother was one of the biggest in the industry. That’s how dumb our officials are. Not only was Hamid Karzai stealing billions of American tax dollars, but his brother was also allowed to become one of the largest heroin producers on the planet, and we did nothing.
This shows that we have failed at all levels of government. A much more sensible policy would be for the federal government to punish those countries allowing the unending flow of deadly narcotics into the United States. Seal the Southern border. I am under no illusion that we will ever be able to completely stop illegal drugs in the United States. However, if you disrupt the supply, it becomes much more difficult to get.
At the state and local level, focus policies are taking down those supplying the illegal drugs. Get rid of the dealers.
We also need to rethink how we do rehabilitation for everyday users. The United States has spent an enormous amount of money on drug treatment and prevention programs over the last several decades, yet have addiction rates increased or decreased? Addiction rates have increased exponentially, and that’s the problem with the bureaucracy. Instead of looking at why these programs aren’t succeeding at lowering addiction rates, they just want to throw more taxpayer dollars that ultimately do nothing when it comes to solving the problem.
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Bail Reform, Defund the Police & Crime
Let’s look at bail reform, another area where the radical left’s agenda is destroying the lives of innocent Americans. As always, it’s hurting those the radial left claims they are helping. All done in the name of equity.
Bail reform is something I support, but not the way the radical left did it. The radical left, of course in the name of equity, said that bail disproportionately affects minority communities and so we must do away with the bail system.
These people lack any deep thought whatsoever. First of all, bail is a socioeconomic issue, those that are poorer can’t afford bail, and those that are wealthy can. It’s as simple as that. But the left will say that minority populations are poorer than white people, and as always, they are pushing a false premise. When we look at the common age of White people, it’s about the mid-50s. When you look at the common age of minority populations, particularly Black and Hispanic people, it is 27 for Blacks and 11 for Hispanics. (Pew Research)
So, it’s not that minorities are poorer, it’s that they’re younger. Normally those in their 50s will have a higher net worth than those in their 20s. That’s common logic. See, the radical left and the radical left’s agenda look at everything through the prism of race. They oversimplify it as if race drives everything.
What they don’t tell you is that 85% of crimes committed are committed between the ages of 16-24. If you’ve never committed a crime, the odds of committing a crime after 24 are relatively slim. Given that the minority populations are younger, they make up a bigger percentage of the crimes committed.
So, bail is not a systemically racist concept. It’s a socio-economic issue. The fix was relatively simple and all it takes is a little common sense. If you are a first-time offender and committed a nonviolent crime, you can be released without bail. If you are a repeat offender and/or committed a violent crime, you should have to post bail. If you can’t afford the bail, too bad.
But the rich elite officials don’t care because those being released aren’t going into their neighborhoods. They’re going back to the neighborhoods they already victimized and have the opportunity to victimize them again.
When it comes to crime, we have seen violent crime jump in recent years partly due to the idiotic bail reform and partly due to the defunding of the police movement. As the police get their resources stripped, they have less money to spend on hiring and training. If you have fewer patrol officers, you have fewer areas being patrolled, and therefore, more areas will be susceptible to crime. Again, it’s not rocket science. Also, if you cut back on training, do you think that we’ll see fewer controversial incidents? That’s how dumb the radical left’s agenda is.
But there are other reasons for the surging crime. You have government officials, like the New York City Council, stripping qualified immunity from officers or calling to strip police officers of qualified immunity. Qualified immunity is where an officer cannot be held personally liable. If you strip a police officer of qualified immunity, do you think an officer is going to put themselves in jeopardy if they believe the system will take their livelihoods from them, including their home?
And if we are going to strip officers of qualified immunity, then we should strip the legislators of qualified immunity and hold them personally liable for any policies they push through that negatively impact our lives. We should strip qualified immunity from schools, and they should be personally liable when they’re not properly educating our children. Of course, the radical left agenda doesn’t ever mention that and would never support something like that.
You also have radical district attorneys and prosecutors dropping charges for violent offenders. These are the same DAs and prosecutors that scream about gun violence, yet they drop gun charges for those illegally possessing a firearm. It shows you what frauds they are. They call themselves progressive, but clearly, these policies are regressive, and we are seeing levels of crime rise to what we saw in the 70s, 80s, and early 90s.
The radical left’s agenda has destroyed neighborhoods and are forcing innocent Americans to live like prisoners because they are afraid to walk the streets of their neighborhoods that’s how dangerous it’s become. And I love the leftists that say the increasing crime is fiction. Nothing more than a right-wing conspiracy theory. These are the same people that wouldn’t dare set foot in the ghettos. The same people that live in their ivory towers, and rarely interact with those from outside their little bubbles.
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Let’s take a quick look and see how the radical left’s agenda has destroyed education in the United States. Just look at the New York State Regents exam for American Government and History. Look at how few questions there are when it comes to the founding fathers. Jefferson and Adams are hardly mentioned, if at all. George Washington gets hardly any mention, maybe a question or two. You’ll be lucky if you see a question on the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, or the Colonial period. No specific questions regarding the articles within the U.S. Constitution, the Great Compromise, or Madison being the father of the Constitution.
If you believe I’m exaggerating or lying, I have a link up in the show notes at the P.A.S. Report where you can view the U.S. History and Government regents for the last ten years. Check it out yourselves.
Instead, it’s the DEI version of the American government and history. In May, the New York State Board of Regents announced that it has canceled the regent’s exam for U.S. History and Government due to the content within the exam and the Buffalo shooting. I find this interesting because their exact phrasing was that contents within this exam “has the potential to compound student trauma.” (NYS State Education Department)
Or if you want to look at how the radical left’s agenda has failed, just look at the academic achievement gap that the left is always touting. Now, if you ask me, I say the education system has completely broken down across the spectrum. It doesn’t matter what color you are or your socioeconomic status. The fact is that students know less today than they did 30-40 years ago. Ask them simple questions or facts, and they won’t be able to tell you. They don’t know how to effectively formulate thoughts or arguments, and students’ ability to right well-organized research papers has fallen off a cliff. Sure, some students can write well, but the majority can’t.
A Wall Street Journal report found that only 38% of graduating seniors can read or write at the college level, and it’s certainly in line with what I’ve witnessed, and what many other professors have witnessed.
Getting back to the academic achievement gap, there is no doubt that the academic achievement gap is real, and those underperforming usually come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and minority populations. The left has been in control of academia, curriculum development, and schools for the last 60 years. Since that’s the case, who are we to blame for this achievement gap.
The coronavirus made this problem far worse where the gap has widened significantly, and so I’ll ask another question. Who were the ones that advocated for schools to be closed for nearly two years? In what areas were the schools closed for nearly two years? While some of your children returned to school in the fall of 2020, over 50% of schools were shut down for the entire 2020-2021 school year.
Where were these schools? Most of these schools were located in the inner cities. What population demographic did these schools serve? Mostly at-risk students who were already struggling academically. Many of these students come from unstable homes and communities. Who was advocating for these shutdowns? It certainly wasn’t Republicans or Conservatives. It was the Democrats in charge of these institutions. It was Democrat elected and appointed officials in these communities. It was the teachers’ unions, and I don’t think anyone would mistake teachers’ unions as being far-right white supremacists.
Rather than teach students important information or focus on closing the academic achievement gap, look at what they’ve chosen to focus on? CRT, DEI, and gender theory. They’re not teaching them anything they should know. Instead, they want to indoctrinate them with the belief that the system is inherently and institutionally racist. That those born of a certain color are born racist and oppressors, and those born of another color are victims and oppressed. That gender is a social construct.
The situation has exploded here in New York as the New York City government, the Adams government is using taxpayer money to fund drag queen story hour at public schools and libraries. And you can’t dare to criticize. Councilwoman Vickie Paladino did just that, and the Adams government is now on a seek and destroy mission. You all know Vickie. She’s been on the podcast before. She’s standing up for her constituents, but according to the radical left’s agenda, that’s not allowed, and they are looking to take Vickie down.
But they’re barking up the wrong tree, and Vickie is a fighter. I’ll also bet the majority of people are more closely aligned with Vickie on this issue than with the Mayor Adams government.
New York City is falling apart. Businesses and people are leaving. Violent crime is surging. The homeless population is exploding. The City is going broke. You would think that with all these problems, they wouldn’t waste time or resources for drag queen story time for elementary school kids, but no. The incompetent fools run the show.
Returning to the Roots of Good Government
These bums in office have got to go. It’s ridiculous. We didn’t become the greatest nation in the history of the world by pushing all the crap we are seeing today. The radical left’s agenda has been a complete failure. I mean, I can go on and on about the insane policies of leftists, but I won’t bore you with the details of how bees were just declared fish in California so that the California EPA equivalent can regulate even more.
It’s time to revive the three principles of Old Republicanism. The first principle in recognizing that the government is fundamentally flawed, and therefore, its power should be extremely limited to those things that people and communities can’t take care of themselves. The second principle is that liberty is best protected in the small state and that the federal government should not be allowed to usurp the rights of the states to do what’s in their best interest. That we have the Tenth Amendment for a reason.
Finally, the third principle. That the government that governs best governs least. The government shouldn’t be churning out law after law or mandate after mandate. For every law or mandate issued, you are losing some of your liberty. It’s not to say no laws should be passed, but any law that’s passed should be carefully thought out. It should focus on solving a problem, and then we should create metrics to determine whether the law is doing that. If the law fails to solve the problem, then get rid of the law.
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We keep empowering the government more and more to fix the problems, but when will people realize that the government has created many of the problems we are facing.
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The fact is that as government power has grown and metastasized so have the problems. Over the last several weeks, I pointed to several policies of the radical left’s agenda. I’ve explained how these policies have failed. The experiment is over, and the evidence is clear. Horrible policies will produce horrible results, and that’s exactly what we’ve got. Not a single one of you can say you’re in a better position today or the country is in better shape than ever before.
We all have to get involved more and push a more conservative message. A message that lives up to the principles of our founding. A message that allowed the United States to grow and thrive. A message that was responsible for making the United States an exceptional country.
And I’ll explain that next week because while the left’s radical policies have damaged the United States, they’ve also completely maligned Conservatives or what it means to be conservative.
With all that being said, if you’re in Suffolk County, check Blue Collar Barbell out. I have the links up at The P.A.S. Report website and they are great patriots. I also have links up to their Facebook page and Instagram.
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