Episode 316 Show Notes- Why Are so Many Complacent and Will We See a Red Wave in November?
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Episode Description
When looking at the current political environment, we have to ask what is going on in America and why are so many complacent. On every front, life has become more difficult. Americans are struggling financially. It’s unsafe to walk the streets in many major urban centers. Crime is rampant. Parents are being shut out of what their children are learning in public schools. Ordinary Americans are being labeled as extremists if they dare to criticize the government and our institutions. Why haven’t Republicans been able to capitalize on these issues and is a red wave far from certain?
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Show Transcript- Why Are so Many Complacent and Will We See a Red Wave in the Midterms?
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
Man, I’ll tell you. Thank goodness for CNN. Had it not been for them, I would never have known that I got a $100 a month raise because of gas prices. And here I was thinking how much money I’m losing every month for the increased cost of food, gas, and just about everything else. It’s funny how gas prices were at $2.39 per gallon when President Biden took office. The current national average is still $3.90 per gallon. CNN likes to use CRT math.
Then you have the Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, touting that because of the Inflation Reduction Act, middle-class Americans can lower their energy costs by installing solar panels and get 30% off in federal subsidies.
Just when you thought the ruling elite couldn’t be any more out of touch, they manage to find a way to show how they have little in common with the plight of ordinary people. Buy an electric vehicle. Get solar panels on your home. As if these things are so simple and cheap.
Not only are your tax dollars being used to finance these subsidies. Not only do they continue to push us further into debt. The only people that benefit from these programs are the ones that don’t need any subsidies. The ones who could already afford to make these purchases.
These people are nuts.
In any event, I want to touch on two things in this episode. I briefly want to talk about the lack of trust in our institutions, and I want to talk about the red wave or the potential lack of a red wave in the midterms.
With everything going on, you would think that people would be more outraged given how difficult our lives have become. You would think that those responsible for the current conditions wouldn’t stand a chance this coming November. You would think that the Republicans would be able to capitalize on the growing dissatisfaction. But that’s not what appears to be happening.
There are many questions as to whether a red wave will occur in November or if the red wave has already fizzled out before it even began, and that’s what I want to get into in this episode.
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Abuses of Power Within Our Institutions
Over the last few weeks, I’ve highlighted the corruption within our institutions, explaining the abuses of power within the bureaucracy. I also just published a piece in The Federalist pointing out several examples of how our institutions have forfeited our trust. I encourage you to read it, and I have the link on the website.
The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was simply the culmination of two decades where the abuses of power got progressively worse.
Much of what we are witnessing started with the Patriot Act where the tools developed to target foreign terrorist organizations quickly morphed into a mass monitoring program where all of our electronic data was being captured under the NSA’s PRISM program.
You have John Brennan and James Clapper openly deny that the government was capturing our data and lying directly to Congress. However, they were never charged with perjury, and not a single person who authorized this program was ever held accountable for this direct assault on the Fourth Amendment.
Journalists were routinely spied on in the last five administrations, and again, no accountability.
We saw ideological abuses at the IRS with the targeting of Tea Party groups.
You had Lois Lerner and Eric Holder charged with Contempt of Congress, but they never got the Bannon treatment.
John Brennan’s CIA spied on sitting members of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. While members of the Senate feigned outrage, they never held a single person or the agency accountable for this clear abuse of power.
We are all familiar with how they protected Hillary Clinton and her illegal use of a private server so I don’t have to get into the litany of double standards that exists in that whole saga.
We are also well aware of the abuses when it comes to the FBI’s Russian collusion hoax investigation.
Time and time again, officials leak classified information to the press, but they’re never held accountable.
You have the U.S. Postal Services ICOP program where its inspector general stated that the program was largely illegal.
Or what about the FBI illegally accessing the NSA’s repository on Americans on several occasions?
We know that multiple intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies continue to monitor and collect the data of American citizens, including the FBI, the CIA, and ICE. We also know that the ATF has amassed millions of records on legal firearm owners even though a gun database is strictly prohibited by Congress.
We know the Secret Service tried to protect Hunter Biden and his illegal gun crimes. We know that the FBI served as President Biden’s personal police force tracking down Ashley Biden’s diary.
You have the Department of Education, the National School Boards Association, and the Department of Justice, colluding and labeling parents as domestic terrorists.
We all witnessed repeated lies from the CDC and other public health institutions throughout the pandemic. From if you get the vaccine, you can’t get COVID to masking and keeping kids out of school for over a year. Even worse, Fauci’s emails show his ruthlessness by targeting any scientist or medical professional that disagreed with him in an attempt to destroy their credibility.
Thank goodness he is retiring. He should be prosecuted for his lies to Congress when it comes to gain of function research and how he used government resources to target any scientist who disagreed with him like the authors of The Great Barrington Declaration.
These abuses are glaringly obvious. However, rather than take responsibility and hold officials accountable, instead the ruling elite does the opposite. Not only do they take zero responsibility for their actions, but they also attack and demonize anyone who dares to criticize them.
They’ve made it abundantly clear. The problem isn’t with the government or its institutions. The problem is with you.
If you listen to the officials and their media allies, those that criticize the government, and its institutions are deemed as potential extremists. Just listen to what they’re saying. You are not allowed to question the integrity of officials.
They say because of all the criticism, that the threats against the agencies and departments are at all-time highs. Now, anyone that threatens any type of violence against any person or entity is a moron, and there are numerous criminal statutes to deal with actual threats of violence.
But just because you have a handful of morons out there that have little self-control, it doesn’t mean the rest of us should sit down and shut up. These abuses illustrate why it’s always important to be skeptical of the government and our institutions. It’s reasons like this that show exactly why we should not just blindly and obediently trust these institutions and their policies.
Too many of our officials justify their abuses with a sense of righteousness as long as they qualify their wrongdoing with the sentiment of preserving democracy. In their delusional minds, they believe they are the guardians of democracy.
Thomas Jefferson once warned, “The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold of us.”
We have to call out these abuses of power, and one of the main reasons we got to this moment is because the American people have been far too silent. Far too complacent, and far too trustworthy when it comes to the government.
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About that Red Wave
To me, that’s the far more startling thing. When we look around, our lives have gotten so much more difficult. You have millions of American families struggling financially. You can’t walk down the street of any major urban area without fear of being accosted or fear of violence. Crime is out of control. Parents are being shut out of what their children are learning.
Given everything we’ve witnessed over the last two years, one would think that Republicans should be able to capitalize on the dissatisfaction. The reality is that on every major policy issue, Democrat leadership and Democrat policies have failed. It’s why so many said that a red wave appears all but likely this November.
But in recent weeks, the narrative has changed. There is no longer optimism about a red wave. Many of the pundits have changed their tune and are now saying a red wave is unlikely. Even Republican leaders are less optimistic about a red wave and have resigned themselves to the fact that while Republicans appear geared to take the House, the Senate is a much different story. Many now believe the Senate is an uphill battle and Democrats are likely to retain control.
So, what exactly is going on here? Why haven’t the Republicans been able to take advantage? Forget the idea of the red wave. Given everything that’s happened over the last couple of years, it should be a red tsunami, not a red wave.
Are Republicans that inept and incompetent that they can’t take advantage of the Biden administration and the Democrat’s failures? Have we misread the American people and do the majority of Americans support the Democrat agenda or have the American people given up? Have they resigned themselves to the fact that the new normal is here? Is the polling accurate? Can the polls be trusted?
These are just some of the questions that we should be asking because nothing makes much sense. What I mean is that elections are largely predictable or at least historically they used to be.
During midterm elections, the party that controls the White House usually suffers in the election. Throughout the last one hundred years, there have been only two exceptions to this- FDR in the 1930s and George W. Bush following the 9/11 attacks.
Then when you factor in a bad economy, it’s usually devastating for the party in power as they ultimately bear the responsibility for the current conditions. Add in crime, and the party in power should get a shellacking.
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Media Controls the Narrative
But that’s not what appears to be happening. Headline after headline is now saying Democrat losses may be limited. That Republicans are blowing their chances of a red wave.
This is where we see Republicans repeatedly fall for the same nonsense. They allow the media to drive a narrative thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Republicans never challenge the media narrative. Instead, they delude themselves into thinking that no one pays attention to the media and that the media is out of touch with ordinary Americans.
While the media may be out of touch, they still maintain an enormous amount of influence on how we think and the way we perceive the issues impacting us daily.
Republicans have no room for error. Anytime a Republican says something dumb, the media amplifies it. Unfortunately, all too often Republicans will allow the media to set the agenda and they never challenge the narratives flowing out of the newsrooms. Rarely do they go on these programs and push back against the hosts who simply regurgitate the Biden administration talking points.
Again, just look at the ridiculous piece from CNN that I brought up at the beginning of the episode where they pronounced that Americans got a $100 a month raise because of falling gas prices. Or what about the Biden administration cutting the deficit?
Or what about what these networks don’t cover? The mainstream media outlets continue to ignore the surging crime in the major urban centers. They rarely cover how these urban areas are becoming uninhabitable where innocent Americans have to live in their homes like prisons because of the violence. They totally ignore what’s happening on the border.
Abortion Debate is Hurting Republicans
On any given day, you’ll see endless segments about the abortion debate, but they’ll never show one image from our southern border.
There is no doubt that the Democrat strategy is working, and the media is all too happy to push their agenda. They want the abortion debate front and center as we head into the midterms because they see the polling. Before the abortion ruling, Republicans were leading on just about every generic poll, and Republicans were leading in just about every key race.
Since the Supreme Court decision, the polling has changed as Democrats and their media allies continue to push false narratives making it as if abortion is illegal in most states. They keep pushing the idea that interracial marriage and gay marriage are next up, and the Republicans continue to remain silent or play defense.
Again, the Republicans fall for it every time. They always allow their opponents to define them rather than they define themselves. Like, why are the Republicans even talking about abortion? The fact is the Republicans shouldn’t be playing defense. They should force Democrats and the media on how they have morphed far from where the American people are. Where the Democrat positions have morphed from safe, legal, and rare to abortion on demand.
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Four Key Issues
But more importantly, this shouldn’t even be at the forefront of the issues we face. Republicans should focus on four key issues in every speech, in every appearance. Every time they go out there, they should be talking about the surging crime and unsafe streets. They should be talking about the surge in prices and how millions of American families are facing economic devastation. They should be focusing on the Biden administration’s complete failure to control the southern border and the unending stream of illegal immigrants. They should be focusing on parent choice when it comes to education and how Democrats want to exclude parents from what their children are learning in the schools.
These are the four key issues in this election cycle, and no Republican should deviate from these issues. If you want to throw in a fifth issue, it could be about the abuse of power within our institutions, and how we reign in these unaccountable agencies and departments.
Don’t go off message. Democrats would love nothing more than to keep the debate centered on other issues to keep the American people’s minds off all the failures of this administration and the Democrat party.
So, when someone in the media asks a Republican about abortion, the Republican should immediately pivot to one of these issues, particularly the surging inflation or the surge in crime. Just say, “I know you want to focus on abortion, but the truth is crime impacts a hell of a lot more people. Most people will never get an abortion, but when an American can’t walk down the street out of fear of being attacked or when stores have to close because of rampant looting this affects all Americans. When Americans are witnessing their economic livelihoods being destroyed, having to make tough choices like what bills they can afford to pay, those are the issues the American people want to hear about.”
These are the issues that Republicans should be talking about in every single campaign speech they give. Take Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania. Not a particularly good candidate, but there is no reason that he shouldn’t be leading. He should be pointing out how murders are skyrocketing in the state. He should point out the economic devastation the state faces because of the Democrat’s war on natural gas, and how this would negatively impact the personal economies of millions of families in Pennsylvania.
The arguments are simple and should be framed in a simple way. Do you want to pay more for food and energy or less? Do you want more crime or less? Do you want more illegal immigration or less? Should parents have more say in what their children are learning or less?
Stop going down the rabbit holes. The name of the game is to bring in new voters. To get support from independents and disaffected democrats. The reality is a crappy economy and surging crime affects everyone. It doesn’t matter what your political beliefs are. The base is already shored up. The more time a candidate spends talking about other issues, the more time they are wasting on voters that are already likely to vote for them.
You win elections by speaking the language of the ordinary people and empathizing with their struggles.
This Isn’t Rocket Science
It’s not rocket science. Every single Republican ad should be focusing on these issues. Juxtapose images of the ruling elite talking about bail reform and defunding the police against videos of people being brutally assaulted for no reason. Against stores being raided and looted with impunity.
Juxtapose clips of Energy Secretary Granholm and the Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg talking about how Americans have to feel pain at the pump to move toward green energy vs. images of people waiting in line at soup kitchens.
Juxtapose images of the ruling elite building walls around their compounds against images of the endless flow of migrants crossing the border every day.
These are the campaign ads that should be airing throughout America, but we’re not. Sure, some ads like this may be airing out there, but not nearly enough. Any Republican campaign manager not putting out these types of ads should be fired immediately.
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Tie Biden to the Democrat Agenda
One thing that Republicans have done successfully is highlight the failures of this administration. President Biden’s poll numbers are in the tank and even Democrats don’t want to see President Biden run for reelection.
But while the Republicans have been successful in tying the people’s dissatisfaction to the Biden administration, they have failed to tie these failures to the Democrat party.
This is a huge mistake. While President Biden is the face of the Democrat party, Republicans need to show that President Biden is simply implementing the Democrat agenda. They need to show that it’s the Democrat agenda crushing the American people, and Biden is nothing more than a vessel pushing through that agenda.
If you simply make it about President Biden, then sure, he will lose some support, but if you show the American people that Biden is simply pushing the Democrat agenda, then the entire Democrat party loses support. Every Democrat candidate will have to go on the defensive, and you box them into a corner.
Either they have to defend the Democrat agenda, and thereby show that they are out of touch with the people, or the Democrat candidate will have to speak out against the Democrat agenda acknowledging its failures. It’s a win-win.
It’s Also Important to Have a Message
But just being against something isn’t enough to win an election. You need to stand for something and provide solutions to the problems people are facing.
This is where Republicans do a very poor job. They don’t articulate where they stand on the issues, and they don’t provide solutions that are relatively easy for people to understand.
I am constantly hearing talk from Republicans that once they get the majority, they will start launching investigations into the Biden administration and some of the institutional corruption that exists. That’s great and all, but that’s not solving the problems Americans currently face, and that messaging doesn’t win over any new voters.
The fact is that Americans don’t want to hear about endless hearings that have little impact on their lives. Sure, it’s important to highlight the corruption within the institutions. It’s important to hold any official that abuses their power accountable for their actions and policies. But these are the things that play to a base.
Most Americans want a message of optimism. They want a message that rises above the routine political divisions.
The Republican party should issue a one-page fact sheet on what legislation they intend to introduce and how that legislation solves a problem in our lives.
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If we are to believe the polls, it should serve as a warning to every single Republican. It’s not to say the polls are accurate. There are many problems I see within the polling that simply doesn’t make sense.
Just take how every poll shows Hispanics gravitating toward the Republican party in a big way. We’ve also seen movement within the Black community away from the Democrats. If that’s the case, and Republicans outperform with Hispanics and Blacks, it doesn’t make sense that Republicans would be losing in the generic balloting.
However, even if the polling is wrong, Republicans shouldn’t be comfortable at all. They should fight as if they’re ten points down.
You have a lot of dissatisfaction out there, and if Republicans can’t capitalize on the current political environment, then they don’t deserve to win. If a red wave doesn’t happen, it will be a political disaster for the Republican party and the Republican leadership.
If a red wave doesn’t happen, then every single person in a Republican leadership position should resign immediately. I’m talking about people like Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Ronna McDaniel, every state GOP leader, every county GOP leader, and every town GOP leader.
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This election should be a lay-up. The issues are clear. The lines are clear, and there are no excuses for failure.
Unfortunately, the Republicans are better at fighting amongst themselves rather than fighting against the Democrat agenda.
If Republicans were smart, which many are not, they would stick to the messaging I outlined, especially now that the primaries are coming to an end. Enough of the infighting. We need leadership and if the Republicans blow the red wave, then they don’t deserve to lead.
I hope you found the content of this episode informative, and that’s why I implore you to share it with others.
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I want to thank you for joining me, and I’ll be back on Monday with another great episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
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