Episode 115 Show Notes- Reimage America and What the News Media isn’t Telling You
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Episode Description
Reimagine America: ask yourself, what would a Biden administration look like if he wins the 2020 Elections? Most people probably aren’t sure because the American press has failed to ask questions and get answers. However, the American people have a right to know who and what they are voting for. In this episode, Professor Giordano will focus on the actual issues, and highlight the Democrat’s plan to ‘reimagine’ America by introducing the most radical changes we have ever witnessed. There is a reason why the news media continues to provide cover for Joe Biden because they know Americans won’t like what they hear.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. Nick Giordano here bringing you another great episode.
The countdown has begun, and we are less than 3 weeks away from the most important and consequential presidential election of our lifetimes.
This episode is for all American’s. Ask yourself, what would America look like under a Biden administration? Under a unified government controlled by Democrats? Where does Joe Biden stand on the issues? Most don’t know the answer to these questions. Unfortunately, the Democrats, aided and abetted by a compliant media which serves as the propaganda wing of the DNC, have successfully been able to change the narrative, and the focus isn’t on the issues, it’s on President Trump’s personality.
However, here at The P.A.S. Report, I believe every American deserves to know who and what they are voting for. For this episode, I’m going to lay out how a Biden administration will ‘reimagine’ America.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
Personality, not Issues
Now, I warned you on September 15th what the unholy alliance’s playbook was to oust President Trump.
Part of their tactics was to control the narrative. To make the election on President Trump’s personality, and to plant the seeds in voter’s minds that the President cannot possibly win reelection.
Well, we are seeing this come to fruition. They have successfully able to make this election a referendum on President Trump’s personality as opposed to the policies of each candidate. You notice how there is zero coverage of the actual issues. For the last two weeks, all the news media has been in hyperdrive against the President. All coverage has centered on President Trump being diagnosed with the coronavirus, and how he is mentally unstable. The constant narrative that the President can’t possibly win. The narrative that the President will refuse to leave the White House. The bombardment of polls showing that the President is behind.
All this is being done for specific reasons. This is all by design and goes right to the playbook I discussed a month ago. Just the other day, Joe Biden came out and stated how the only way he can lose the election is by “chicanery” at the polls. (Fox News)
Now think about that for a second. Every time President Trump raises questions about mail-in-voting and the potential for election fraud, the Democrats, never-Trumpers, and the media savagely attack the President for undermining the integrity of elections. Yet, Biden says the only way he loses is if there is election fraud at in-person polling places and nothing. Have you heard any accusations of Biden trying to undermine the integrity of elections? Have you heard the endless parade of pundits screaming that Biden won’t accept the results of the election if he loses?
Of course not because their goal is to ensure the President doesn’t get reelected.
It’s the reason that they won’t talk about the Biden policy agenda. The Democrat agenda should they win the Presidency and the majority in the Senate. Make no mistake about it. If Biden wins, democrats would win the Senate as well creating a unified government controlled by Democrats.
So, what would America look like under a unified government controlled by Democrats? Well, we’ve heard Democrats talk about reimaging education. We’ve heard Democrats talk about reimaging policing.
Well, how about we talk about the Democrats plan to reimagine America. I will go issue by issue and tell you what the Democrats intend to do. How they plan to radically alter the United States into something we wouldn’t recognize. A system in which the U.S. Constitution is deemed old, outdated, and irrelevant.
It’s clear that many on the Democrat side have no regard for the Constitution. They view it as an outdated piece of paper just take a listen.
Play Maher Schiff Sound Clip
Keeping that in mind, let’s go issue by issue and examine how Democrats would reimagine America under a Biden administration.
Reimagine America
I keep hearing that Joe Biden is moderate. In fact, Joe Biden announced he’s not a socialist, and of course, the media simply provides him cover. They want us to forget the things Joe Biden and Senator Harris said during the Democrat primary. They want us to ignore the fact that the entire Democrat party has shifted so far to the left, and they don’t even try to hide it.
The media fails to press Biden on every single question. Just listen to Biden’s response when it comes to packing the Supreme Court.
Play Biden Packing the Court Sound Clip
Really? The press should be ashamed of themselves. We, the American people, have a right to know the answer to that question, and the failure of the press to push Biden is journalism negligence. Imagine if President Trump told the press that they have to wait to hear what he is going to do after the election. The media would go nuts. They would demand answers and it would be the subject of endless segments by the propagandists about how the President is hiding what he will do because he is a dictator.
Yet, Biden gets a pass because he’s one of them. He’s a friend of the press. He’s friends with the ruling class, and as I said a few weeks ago, Biden is not just part of the swamp, he is the swamp.
This reminds me of Speaker Pelosi’s comment on Obamacare that you have to pass it to find out what’s in it. How well did that work out? How many lies were we told? Remember, if you like your plan or your doctor, you can keep them. We were told insurance costs would go down, yet they skyrocketed. We were told the plan would be affordable, but it is anything but affordable when you look at the high deductibles and the coinsurance rates where if you ever have to use the insurance, you will pay an enormous amount in out of pocket costs.
So, are you really going to accept the answer that we have to wait until after the election to find out if Joe Biden will pack the courts? Well, guess what? If the answer was no, he would have said it because that would be where the majority of the American people stand, and it would have been a non-news story. But we don’t have to wait until after the election. His non-answer is an answer in and of itself. And we don’t have to look back that far to see that this has been a plan of the Democrats for over a year. Just listen to them in their own words.
Play Changing the SC Sound Clip
Now that’s the Democrats in their own words. What do you make of that? Are we not supposed to take them at their word? Do you really believe they were just saying that and didn’t really mean it?
The Electoral College
The Electoral College is another area where the Democrats have had no qualms openly expressing their hostility towards this institution. They have clearly stated their disdain for the Electoral College, and do not hide their willingness to undermine and destroy an institution that has served us well for over 230 years.
Once again, just take a listen to them in their own words.
Play Abolish Electoral College Clip
And don’t forget what Hillary and other Democrats have said. If Joe Biden loses the Electoral College vote and wins the popular vote, he should never concede.
It shows they will do whatever it takes to destroy our institutions. There are specific reasons why the founders decided on the Electoral College. They understood the dangers of a national popular vote and how it undermines the entire idea of the United States. POTUS really means the President of These United States. The President is the President of all the states. Yet, Democrats want to create a system where a President is beholden to large population centers as opposed to the states.
Once again, I played a clip of the Democrats in their own words. And it’s not like these sound clips are from 10-15 years ago. These are clips from this year. They are quite open with their intentions.
1st Amendment
Another area that Democrats seek to reimagine America is through changing the 1st Amendment when it comes to Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Assemble. We are the only country in the world where a real Freedom of Speech exists. However, Democrats seek to change this as well. They want a European type of speech system where speech codes exist.
We have already seen the way these speech codes work on college campuses throughout the United States. Democrats understand that controlling speech and the right to protest is a key to power. In fact, some Democrat leaders and so-called journalists are actually calling for the criminalization of free speech by introducing European-style laws where you can be charged with incitement or hate crimes based on what you say.
In fact, Richard Stengel, a former Obama administration official, basically calls the idea of freedom of Speech a “design flaw.” (USA Today) He argues that because the internet amplifies voices, people should not be able to express their thoughts or opinions if that speech is based on hate. Stengel epitomizes the ruling class and what they think of the people. Freedom of Speech was justice fine when only the ruling class had these enormous platforms. However, since the internet gave voice to ordinary individuals, now Freedom of Speech is a problem.
But what he really means is people should not be able to express thoughts or opinions that may go against a particular narrative. Remember, who are the ones who will judge what is deemed acceptable or unacceptable?
When it comes to censorship, the Democrat acolytes are calling for massive censorship of anything that goes against their narrow-minded point-of-view. In a piece written by Harvard Law Professor, Jack Goldsmith, and University of Arizona Law Professor, Andrew Keane, they write, “in the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong” as “significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in such practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with societal norms and values.” (The Atlantic)
They should concern every single person out there. Here are influential people. When Democrats say listen to the experts, these are the type of people they are talking about, and they are openly calling to develop a Chinese censorship model when it comes to the internet. We already see how that model works. If you express a liberal point-of-view, your post is deemed to be perfect. The second you post something that goes against a narrative, your post is labeled false or deceptive. It will be purged from the websites.
And the coronavirus has really shined a light on what these people will do in the name of a crisis. They will force the internet to censor alternative points-of-view. They will limit your right to assemble. They will deem what protests are worthy, and which ones aren’t. Just think, protesting the government’s usurpation of power during a crisis is deemed unacceptable. Protesting racial injustice is essential. Allowing protests to devolve into rioting and looting to the tune of $1-billion is simply the price to pay for a protest deemed acceptable.
Now someone will argue that I’m only pointing to people that may influence the Democrat party. Surely, Democrat elected officials would reject this. Well, I encourage everyone to look at HR 1. This was the very first bill Democrats introduced in the 116th Congress when they gained the majority in the House of Representatives. I have a link up at The P.A.S. Report website so check it out in the transcript of the show.
In Section 1201, subsection 1A and 2D, it prohibits people from challenging someone’s eligibility to register or to vote. In fact, it states, “Whoever knowingly challenges the eligibility of one or more individuals to register or vote or knowingly causes the eligibility of such individuals to be challenged in violation of this section with the intent that one or more eligible voters be disqualified, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both, for each such violation.” (HR1)
HR1 also censors speech when it comes to an election. In section 1302, subsection 2, 3, & 4, it designated “Prohibition on Deceptive Practices in Federal Elections,” it states that anyone who provides false information 60 days before an election can be charged with a crime. Well, who are the people that will determine what a false statement is? What if I warn someone about the potential of election fraud and mail-in-ballots? Will that be deemed deception? (HR1)
The entire bill is nothing more than a power grab and a usurpation of state rights in a number of areas, but when it comes to censorship, the most concerning aspect is section 4203, 4205, and 4206, titled Honest Ads. Basically, this section discusses that anyone who solicits any contributions and says something that the power that be may find misleading can lead to a fine or imprisonment. Section 4206 also states that anyone who places an ad on a social media platform can also face a fine or imprisonment if that ad is deemed to be misleading. (HR1)
And it goes on and on especially in Title 6 when it comes to Campaign Finance. Once again, this is actual legislation by the Democrats and their own little wish list on ways they would restrict speech during an election. How they would empower the bureaucracy to enforce speech codes.
Freedom of Religion
Sticking with the First Amendment, what about Freedom of Religion. Once again, we don’t really have to look that hard. Just search the Do No Harm bill that was introduced in the 115th Congress. I have a link up at The P.A.S. Report so check it out. And the link is directly to the bill from Senator Harris’s Senate website. (Do No Harm)
This bill amends the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. Now the Religious Freedom Restoration Act created a legal pathway for religious institutions to challenge government mandates, and the rules were quite simple. Three questions are asked. Has the federal government substantially burdened a person’s faith? If so, does the government have a compelling reason to burden the person’s faith? And has the government used the least restrictive means to achieve its goals?
If it was determined that a yes could be answered to these questions, the court would rule that the government mandate infringes on religious institutions.
Basically, the Do No Harm Bill threatens to strip away certain exemptions from religious institutions with the effect of banning any belief from the public debate. Obviously, the most notable thing is abortion and contraceptive mandates. For years, the Catholic Church and other religious organizations had an exemption where if they provide healthcare to their employees, their healthcare would not cover things like abortion.
Now the way the left tells it is that if a Church doesn’t offer abortion as part of that coverage, the employee won’t have access to said abortion. Well, that’s just not true. That person could pay out of pocket for abortion services, but that’s what the Democrats don’t want. They want easy access to abortion.
Democrats used to say they want abortions to be safe, legal, and rare. Now they want it on-demand, in any trimester, for any reason. My, my how the times have changed. The Do No Harm bill eviscerates the religious protections and will again empower government bureaucrats to dictate how religious institutions operate. It doesn’t matter if these are Christian institutions, Muslim institutions, Jewish institutions, or any other institution.
And again, this is Democrats own piece of legislation. It’s in their own words. This is right from the potential future Vice President’s webpage.
Under a Biden administration with a Democrat House, and a Democrat Senate where they do away with the filibuster, why wouldn’t they push through major restrictions on religious beliefs and censorship laws. The First Amendment would be under direct assault under a Biden administration with a Democrat-controlled Congress. Remember this is their legislation. Without a filibuster, it will sail through, and with a packed court, nothing can be done to stop this unconstitutional legislation.
And if you don’t believe that the Democrats will get rid of the filibuster, just listen to their own words. They give the same non-answer that Biden gives when it comes to packing the court and they have announced their intentions to do away with the filibuster. In fact, President Obama stated it pretty bluntly on why they should get rid of the filibuster at John Lewis’s funeral. Take a listen to the Democrats in their own words.
Play Filibuster Sound Clip
Now the filibuster is the one tool the minority party has to slow and stop legislation. It’s the one tool that forces the majority party to compromise with the minority party, and the democrats want to do away with it. This means that won’t have to rely on a single Republican vote to push through their agenda. They can bulldoze through their agenda, and even if their censorship laws and speech codes are unconstitutional as many people like me believe it won’t matter.
It won’t matter because the Democrats will have already packed the Supreme Court who would likely uphold their far-left agenda. Why won’t the media tell the American people this? Why are they hiding this from the general public? Once again, if this was President Trump, they would accuse him of creating a dictatorship and an extraordinary power grab, and I would agree with them. But it’s not. This is Democrats in their own words.
2nd Amendment
And it’s not just the first Amendment that would come under attack. They also have their eyes set on neutering the 2nd Amendment as well. Once again, here are the Democrats in their own words including potential President Joe Biden and potential Vice-President Kamala Harris. Take a listen.
Play Gun Control Sound Clip
Now I take them at their word, and they will do exactly what they say. These people have never handled a firearm before, and they don’t really associate with any people that do. It’s obvious because they don’t even know how to explain these firearms. They call them weapons of war when they’re not. They call them assault weapons but can’t define what an assault weapon is. Go ahead, ask them. If it is up to Joe Biden and the left, the only guns available would be a pump shotgun and a 357. All other firearms would be banned and fall under the “voluntary” gun buyback, which will quickly turn into mandatory gun confiscation.
Be warned, because you do realize that most countries transitioning from a democratic form of government to an authoritarian go after guns first. Then the press, and then speech.
And once again, there be nothing Republicans or anyone that supports gun rights can do about it. You can try and challenge the constitutionality of such orders, but with a packed Supreme Court that focuses on judicial activism, your challenge will be thrown out.
An Assault on the Entire Constitution
So, I just laid out how they would destroy the First and Second Amendments. How they would destroy Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution by abolishing the Electoral College. How they would conduct an all-out assault on Article 3 by politicizing the Supreme Court and packing it with the point of judicial activism where judges will essentially legislate from the bench as opposed to interpreting the Constitution. This, in turn, destroys Article 1, Section 1 that states all legislative power will be vested in a House of Representatives and a Senate. It doesn’t say in the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch.
To them, the Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper that’s past it’s prime. So, if they are willing to destroy a document that has served us well over the last 233 years, what would they do in regard to individual issues.
What would the energy policy of a Biden administration look like? Don’t the American people have a right to know? Remember, under the Obama administration when we were paying over $4 a gallon for gas or over $3 a gallon for home heating oil? Did you enjoy paying those prices?
Joe Biden keeps referring to bring back the policies of the Obama Biden administration, well shouldn’t the press ask Joe Biden if agrees with his former boss, President Obama, when President Obama stated that high energy prices are necessary to force Americans to give up coal, oil, and natural gas. Take a listen.
Play Obama Energy Prices Sound Clip
You the American people deserve to know if this is what a Biden agenda consists of. President Obama’s own Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, said, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” Just so you know, gas prices in Europe hover between $6-$7.30 a gallon. How many of you want to pay that much?
Imagine if we double or triple what you spend per week on gas. How much would that impact your weekly to a monthly budget? Remember, it’s not just gas prices that increase. Everything is shipped using oil and gas. When gas prices rise, so does the cost of everything else includes necessities like produce and other food.
So why hasn’t Joe Biden been asked if agrees with the Obama Biden administrative positions are when it comes to oil and gas.
Oh, wait. Again, we already know the answer to that. Not only would a Joe Biden administration revert back to the draconian energy policies of the Obama Biden administration, but he would also actually go a step further and adopt Congresswomen AOC’s Green New Deal.
Now in Joe Biden’s defense, during the debate, he stated he didn’t support AOC’s Green New Deal and has put together a Joe Biden Green New Deal. So, once again, I have a direct link on my website to both AOC’s Green New Deal and Joe Biden’s Green New Deal. You read them and compare the differences.
Now right off the bat, the Biden website says that the Green New Deal is a “crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.” So, he calls AOC’s Green New Deal a framework, which really means it is just the foundation for radical change.
I found two major differences. AOC’s Green New Deal calls for the United States to be carbon-free in 10 years. Biden’s plan calls for the U.S. to be free of carbon emissions by 2035. So, not really much of a difference there.
There is one other difference. If you read Congresswoman AOC’s Green New Deal, you’ll find it actually doesn’t focus on the climate that much. In fact, out of the 14 pages, many centers around the idea of economic justice. Guaranteeing every American a job, paid vacations, paid leave. Things of that nature.
So, I will admit, that won’t be found in Biden’s Green New Deal. However, his plan mirrors the AOC plan when it comes to energy and requiring all homes and businesses to be retrofitted to meet climate demands. While the timeline is essentially a five-year difference at this point, it will surely force Americans to pay much more for energy than they are now.
I think the voters deserve to know whether they would be paying more for gas. More for home heating oil. More on their electric bills. Remember, the most important thing that people vote for is their own individual economies. That’s why the media won’t focus or discuss the Biden energy plan.
What about other issues? What about immigration? It’s amazing how Biden has yet to get any real questions on immigration, more specifically, illegal immigration. In fact, ever since Democrats pledged during the primary to give illegal immigrants taxpayer healthcare, there has been a media blackout on where the candidates stand on immigration.
So once again, I will use the Democrat’s own legislation and Joe Biden’s campaign platform. If you go to Biden’s campaign website and click on his immigration platform, you won’t find the word illegal immigrants anywhere. In fact, the only reference is to undocumented workers and where a Biden administration will provide a roadmap for the 11 million illegal immigrants. (Joe Biden)
And not for nothing, can we stop using the 11 million number. We have been using 11 million since 2005. Are we really to believe that no illegal immigrants have come to the United States since then even though we’ve seen caravan after caravan for the last 15 years? MIT released a study that found the likely number of illegal immigrants is between 20-22 million. Now, this is MIT, not your hardcore conservative institution by any stretch. (MIT)
Also, under the Biden plan, he will up the number of refugees granted asylum into the United States. The global refugee cap prior to President Trump was 30,000. President Trump reduced it to 18,000. Under the Biden plan, he will increase the limit to 125,000 with annual increases.
Obviously, he would do away with the idea of the border wall. In fact, he will probably order the knocking down of the existing border wall.
For the last several years, Democrats have viciously and unfairly attacked our ICE and Customs and Border Patrol agents. Some will argue that it’s by far-left bomb-throwers, but it’s not.
Remember when Governor Cuomo, who’s revered in Democrat circles as mainstream, said ICE agents are thugs and not welcome in New York. Joe Biden himself has said any ICE agent that enforces laws, which were passed by Congress, will be fired. Even if an ICE agent arrests an illegal immigrant caught drinking and driving. Apparently, Biden doesn’t think that’s a big deal. Take a listen.
Play Biden Cuomo ICE Sound Clip
And word has it that Biden is considering Emperor Cuomo for the Attorney General slot. God help us all if that happens as the Emperor has shown such little regard for the Constitution and our God-given liberties.
But what really concerns me is what a Democrat-controlled legislative branch will do under the Biden presidency. From the abolish ICE mantra to the New Way Forward Act.
Once again, this is their own legislation that they have introduced. This is HR 5383. On page 2, the bill forbids the detention facilities. On page 4, an illegal immigrant can only be taken into custody if a judge issues a warrant, and even if a warrant is issued, that illegal immigrant can only be held in custody for 48-hours and released back into the public. On page 6, in order to issue a bond, the judge must consider the illegal immigrant’s ability to pay and will not be able to order a bond if there is a financial hardship.
On pages 7 and 8, if an alien is considered to be part of a vulnerable community, they cannot be detained.
On page 11, mandatory detentions of both legal and illegal immigrants end.
On page 14, if a judge orders an illegal immigrant to be removed from the United States, the person must be released until their removal date. Yeah, because they won’t pose a flight risk then.
On Page15, an alien’s criminal past cannot be used against them in court. Pages 16-18 state that if an alien is convicted of a felony and sent to prison, once they serve their sentence, they cannot be turned over to immigration officials once released from prison.
On page 22, it prohibits state and local officials from cooperating with federal officials on matter pertaining to immigration, including information sharing, sharing of resources, and providing backup during any warrant executions.
On page 25, they decriminalize illegally crossing the border. Meaning there would be no such thing as illegal immigration. And on the same page, anyone who has been deported would have the right to return to the United States. Not only would they have the right to return, there return would be fully funded by you the taxpayer.
I’m not kidding. Read the bill for yourself. I have it up on The P.A.S. Report. (New Way Forward)
Again, this is in their own words. It’s not Professor Giordano taking things out of context. Yet, the media continues to hide this information.
Let’s move onto another important issue. Let’s look at healthcare. On Joe Biden’s own campaign website, a Biden Presidency would introduce the long dreamed about Public Option paid for by you the taxpayers. (Joe Biden)
As I said two weeks ago, this would destroy the private employer-based health insurance. It would also destroy public union health insurance. So, if you are in a union, you should be concerned. Most businesses, especially small businesses, would quickly end offering employer-based health insurance. It’s not worth the cost, the burdens, and the hassle. It would be easier and cheaper for these businesses to give every employee a raise and tell them to get their insurance from the public option.
Most health insurance providers wouldn’t be able to withstand the exodus and they will quickly go under. Some insurance giants will remain, but they will cater to the ultra-wealthy who can afford concierge insurance. Think about it. The ruling class will be able to afford private insurance, but you the peon will have to suffer in the public healthcare system.
As far as civil service employees go, many municipalities are in a fiscal crisis, and one way out would be to unload the expense of providing healthcare to employees. They will quickly dump private insurance as well.
The majority of us will be forced to the public option and the quality of care will dramatically decrease as healthcare workers become government bureaucrats, and those medical professionals who remain in the private sector will be so expensive and they will only be able to cater to the wealthy elite.
Those Are Just Some of the Issues
I can spend all day on what an America will look like under complete Democrat control. Just look at the coronavirus stimulus package Speaker Pelosi and the House were trying to push through until President Trump walked away. That bill included universal cashless bail (basically nationwide bail reform), a ban on state voter ID laws, a federal takeover of elections, ballot harvesting, stimulus money to illegal immigrants, etc.
Once again, this is what the media is not telling you. I provided you with documents, sound clips, and the Democrat’s own words, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
I challenge any Democrat, or anyone for that matter, to try to refute anything I said. To point out where I’m wrong.
The only thing these people may say is that the moderate and blue dog Democrats will be more reasonable and won’t support this agenda.
To that I say, where have they been as the radical left has hijacked the Democrat party? Name me one time they’ve pushed back against the far-left in the last four years. They’ve stood by in silence.
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Unfortunately, many believe if Joe Biden is elected, the far-left can be contained. They can be placated. What they don’t realize is how they have already lost control of the far-left. How long do you think the far-left will sit by when they know that Democrats can ram through any agenda? Well, the far-left is going to quickly call in their markers and they will not accept anything except for the complete submission to their will.
These people are insane, and they are dangerous. They should never be anywhere close to power. And if you think I am kidding at how dangerous these people are, I want you to listen to a rant by Keith Olbermann. Now Keith Olbermann is a loser, but there are many who think just like him and it should frighten anyone who believes in America. Take a listen.
Play Olbermann Sound Clip
You know, I am not a journalist, and I don’t pretend to be. I am a Political Scientist. In my private life, I am conservative, but once again, here at The P.A.S. Report, you’ll get a fair and honest assessment.
I find it disgusting that nearly all press outlets have failed to explore the issues. They are ignoring the issues for a particular reason. They understand very well that if the American people hear the Democrat agenda, many Americans, the majority of Americans, would flat out reject this agenda. Even sensible Democrats would reject it. Just speak to Democrats in New York. How many New York Democrats are happy with the direction of our state? New York is a unified government controlled by Democrats, and it’s been a disaster. Now imagine what it would look like at the national level.
I am encouraging each and every one of you to share this episode with any reasonable person who has an open mind. I’m not talking about the far-left ideologues. As I said on Monday, no matter what facts you put in front of them, you’ll never change their minds so don’t waste your time. I am talking about sensible people who may be on the fence or who aren’t crazy about both candidates. The real moderate and blue dog Democrats. It’s those people you want to reach because this may be our last shot so share this episode like crazy.
Also, post this episode on all your social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and wherever else. And if you are listening on an Apple device, be sure to rate the podcast, and take 30-seconds to write a nice review.
As always, thank you for joining me, stay safe and I’ll be back next week.
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