Episode 48 Show Notes- Russia 3.0, Bernie Takes the Lead & an Apoplectic News Media
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When all else fails, go back to the Russia hoax accusations. For over 3 years, Americans have had to sit through the endless talk of Russia and it’s starting again. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. Well, perhaps the Democrats have gone insane by reintroducing Russia. In a predictable move, Democrats are now tagging the Sanders campaign with the Russian allegations as the party lurches closer towards becoming the party of socialism. Visit The P.A.S. Report website, and be sure to sign up for The P.A.S. Report newsletter.
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Welcome to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano and I want to thank you for tuning in. I hope you’re having a great week.
I enjoyed providing live commentary through Hot Mic during the Democrat debate last night. It was certainly interesting because I never provided commentary while an event is going on. It was much harder than I expected, but I had fun doing it. I will let you know if and when I plan to do it again.
As for this week, I want to focus on the Democrats and the media, and how they may be losing their minds, or perhaps, they already lost their minds. Once again, the Russian accusation is being hurled at President Trump. At what point will these morons stop with the Russia nonsense. And President Trump is not the only candidate the Russia allegation is being thrown at. Comrade Bernie is also being labeled as a Russian agent. The Democrat establishment is trying to do whatever it can to prevent Comrade Bernie from being the party’s nominee. What these morons don’t realize is that the more they target Bernie, the more likely he will win the Democrat nomination setting up the ultimate showdown between a capitalist society vs. a socialist country.
We are going to discuss all this today, but before I begin, if you want to see the show notes go to thepasreport.com. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter.
Russia, Russia, Russia
Just when you thought we were finished talking about Russia, the Democrats find a way to inject them into the 2020 election. I wonder if these idiots realize they are playing right into the hands of Russia. Who am I kidding, they’re not smart enough to realize that because you would think, for the last 3-4 years, we have heard endless accusations of President Trump colluding with the Russians. We have spent tens of millions of dollars investigating what Russia did in the election and whether there were any ties to the Trump campaign. We branded people with the Scarlett Letter. If you defended President Trump, you were branded with an R and stigmatized as a Russian agent.
People went broke and had their reputations destroyed trying to defend themselves against these accusations.
In the end, it turns out there was no there there. After an exhaustive investigation, you had a few people be charged with perjury, lying to federal officials, and even those charges are questionable at best. Most would argue that the government inappropriately set perjury traps for people like General Flynn, George Papadopoulos, and Roger Stone.
We now know the investigators severely abused their power by lying, misleading and falsifying evidence to the FISA Court. And now reports are surfacing that there may be some criminal referrals for those who were part of the Mueller team for also lying and misleading the courts. The reports don’t have many details, but there are indications, that original statements were changed and presented to a court.
Ask yourself, if there was a connection between the Trump campaign and Russia, why would investigators have to lie, misled, and manipulate evidence? You would think the media would be jumping all over this, but of course, they’re not because it doesn’t fit the BS they have been spewing for the last 3 years even though this is a far greater threat to the system.
The media is now reporting that Russia is once again trying to meddle in our elections. Even worse, they are already saying that Russia wants President Trump to win reelection and that President Trump is a tool of Vladimir Putin. I’m not joking. These morons are seriously deranged. Take a listen.
Play Media Russia Clip
You would think after they were thoroughly embarrassed time and time again, they would be more careful. Unfortunately, I monitor all the media outlets, and I am just wondering for any listeners that watch these channels, at what point do you say I need to start getting my news from somewhere else because these people have been wrong on just about everything.
How many stories have had to been retracted over the last three years? How many bombshells were that that ultimately fizzled out or proved to be totally wrong? It’s now at the point of absurdity.
So, the media is basing reports from the New York Times and the Washington Post. Now, if you read both articles, you will see that some in the intelligence community and Congressman Adam Schiff said that Russia supports the President’s reelection. But if you read further on, you see an anonymous source from the intelligence community say that they don’t have any intelligence that says Russia supports President Trump.
Really? So, what the hell is the point of the article? It truly amazes me how dumb these people are. First of all, anything coming out of Congressman Schiff’s mouth should be an immediate red flag. The guy lies more than Pinocchio. Secondly, there is a difference between election meddling and supporting a candidate.
Understanding the difference between election meddling & taking active members to support a candidate
Unfortunately, the media and those with TDS cannot tell the difference between meddling and taking active members in an effort to support a Presidential candidate.
First, it’s no surprise that Russia is trying to manipulate and meddle in the election. Russia has been doing that for years. I think the bigger question is that if Congress was so concerned about this- remember, they were saying this is a 21st century Pearl Harbor and akin to an Act of War- why hasn’t Congress done anything about it?
I mean you could have seen this coming. These idiots have been screaming about Russia for three years, and they haven’t done a damn thing.
There are only two obvious answers. Either Congress is completely and utterly incompetent or Congress really doesn’t care about Russia and it was all BS, to begin with. I think it’s probably both.
The same goes for the intelligence community. What active measures have the intelligence community taken over the last three years? I would like to know what active measures they have taken to counter Russian election meddling.
What’s really going on
I am going to spell it out for all the dumb people. First, there is no way Russia wants President Trump to win. It simply doesn’t make any sense. Anyone that has any knowledge of International Politics knows that power is a zero-sum game, meaning that in order for one country to gain power, another must lose power. Since 2006-2017, Russia’s power had been increasing. Their influence around the world grew significantly.
Since 2017, Russia has lost a significant amount of power, and most of that power came to the United States, while some went to China. You have to understand, the power of a country can be measured when including a variety of factors including military strength, economic, strength, political stability, the age and talent of population, geography, and other factors.
So, the question is why has Russia been losing power? Well, it’s directly tied to U.S. policy. In the last three years, the United States
- Implemented strict sanctions on the Russian government
- Forced NATO allies to begin investing more in their militaries and begin to meet the minimum of 2% of GDP for military expenditures. The more money spent on NATO and European militaries, the weaker Russia grows.
- We killed hundreds of Russian mercenaries in Syria which got virtually no attention.
- We provided enormous military aid to the Ukrainian government, including deadly weapons, and the deadly weapons were not delayed as the imbecile Congressman Schiff wants you to believe.
- We have marginalized Russian allies like Iran and Venezuela significantly weakening those governments, thereby weakening Russia. For example, Iran owes Russia billions upon billions of dollars. Because of the harsh sanctions, the Iranian government is essentially broke. How are they going to pay Russia back?
- We have increased military spending by roughly 22%, $133 billion dollars, to upgrade all military hardware and equipment, as well as prepare for the 21st-century battlefield. Increasing our military might directly makes Russia a weaker country as Russia is unable to keep up with our military investments. We spend more than 10 times Russia’s entire military budget.
- Most importantly, we became the largest oil and natural gas producer in the world. Russia’s economy is mostly reliant on oil and natural gas. If we want, we can essentially crash the markets destroying Russia’s economy.
Now put your biases aside. Do you really believe that Russia wants the person, who implemented these policies, to remain in office or do you think they would rather someone who would be much easier on Russia? This is not rocket science, and anyone that has a little common sense gets this, but unfortunately, there are so many people who let emotions drive them and they lack any common sense.
What about the intelligence
So, what is the intelligence really showing? I have several years’ experience in the emergency management/homeland security arena. If you take my work in that arena and add it to more experience in international relations, I would say I am pretty well-versed. I have conducted numerous country profiles. I have conducted intelligence assessments for large scale events, and I utilize the Levels of Analysis in an attempt to understand why a country behaves the way it does. Why they make the decisions they do and what they are likely to do.
I understand Russia and Putin well, and they are easily predictable. First as far as the intelligence goes, as I said in all the articles, there is not one U.S. official anonymous or with their name on record that said we have intelligence that Russia wants President Trump or any other candidate to win (which I will get to later).
But what I really find amusing is the morons try to say, “You think you know more than the entire intelligence community?” I readily admit I don’t have the raw intel data, but these same morons that criticize me were the ones screaming and yelling about WMD’s in Iraq and saying the intelligence was wrong.
Intelligence is an art, not a science. Intelligence can be wrong, but it can also be weaponized for political purposes. Remember ISIS was not supposed to be a threat or take over territory? ISIS was downplayed. The intel officials in the field were screaming and warning about the growing strength of ISIS. However, their intelligence assessments were changed and manipulated as it was funneled up to the political hacks in these departments. It was changed to fit a narrative that “GM is alive, and Osama bin Laden is dead.”
The narrative that Islamic extremism wasn’t a threat really wouldn’t work if ISIS emerged. So these intel assessments were changed to fit that narrative and that’s why President Obama called ISIS the JV team.
What about North Korea? In the late ’90s, North Korea was supposed to be decades away from developing a testable nuclear bomb. Even in the early 2000’s, many dismissed the idea. Then on October 9, 2006, North Korea tested their first nuke. They weren’t supposed to be able to develop an ICBM for decades. In fact, under the last administration, we were told they were decades away again. Yet, on July 4, 2017, North Korea conducts its first successful test of an ICBM. The intel was wrong.
Intelligence is not always going to be right, and many of the assessments can be seen through the eye of the beholder. Sometimes it’s manipulated for political reasons.
Russian meddling has nothing to do with any particular candidate. It’s about sowing chaos in the American political system, and these morons played right into Russia’s hands for the last four years. Because of the irrational hatred for the President, they did something even the Russians didn’t expect.
Nobody asks the question, what is a bigger threat- Russia making fake social media posts to create discord or millions of Americans pushing biased and false information regularly.
Think logically, who are people more likely to believe when it comes to social media posts- someone who they have a relationship with, that they know and trust, or some stranger posting an ad.
I also don’t believe that people go social media to pick their candidate for President. I think most people that engage in political discussions online, usually know who they are already voting for, and go to others who reinforce their opinions.
The rise of Bernie
And now the establishment and the elite have a new target- Bernie Sanders. Don’t you find it interesting that the night before the Nevada caucus reports leak out that Russia is supporting Bernie’s candidacy? I mean come one, how dumb are people. While it may be more plausible given Senator Sander’s affinity for socialism and the Soviets, it is clear as day that these leaks were designed to hurt Bernie.
The Democrat establishment and the mainstream media are now in full, all-out panic mode that Bernie may capture the Democrat nomination to run for President. Take a listen
Play Bernie clip
These people are deranged. Now they are worried about socialism. This is the same media that has been praising the likes of The Squad, and the likes of Senator Sanders, Congresswomen Ocasio Cortez, the Congresswoman who married her brother Ilhan Omar, Congresswomen Rashida Talib, etc.
So, they elevate these morons, and now they fear that a Socialist candidate will win the Democrat nomination. You can’t make this stuff up. These people are so dumb and what they don’t realize is the more apoplectic they become, the better Bernie will do.
Here’s the problem, in the beginning of the 2020 Democrat primary, each of the candidates rushed to outdo each other in the race to who can be the most progressive. The media encouraged this push of who can be the most woke.
The reality was different, however. Most of the Democrat establishment and the mainstream media failed to remember that it was the moderate candidates of 2018 that allowed the Democrats to take control of the House of Representatives. In fact, with the exception of AOC and a handful of others, most of the far-left candidates lost their elections and lost by wide margins. It was the candidates that pledged to work across the aisle, to negotiate with the president, made the promise not to impeach the President (not that they actually followed through on their pledges), that won.
However, the establishment, the moderates, and the blue dog Democrats have remained silent since 2018 out of a paralyzing fear that if they speak up against the far-left’s agenda, they will be viciously attacked by the mob and will be primaried. So, they decided to remain silent allowing the socialist takeover of their party.
Bernie is now the front runner, and while we still can’t predict exactly what will happen, I think it may be too late for the moderates to wrestle control back. In fact, all those who advise the Democrat party should be fired immediately because they have seriously misplayed their hands, and I can envision this ending in a spectacular disaster for the establishment if Bernie doesn’t secure the majority of delegates, but has the most delegates.
Rather than just take their chance with Bernie or write off the 2020 election and begin preparing for the 2024 election, the establishment democrats will coalesce around a different candidate and try to usurp Bernie as the nominee. That will destroy the Democrat party, and it will take decades for them to recover. If they can recover at all.
If the Democrats were smart, they would let the process take its natural course and hope Bernie loses the Presidential election by a wide margin. This would allow the blue dog and moderate Democrats to wrestle back control from the far-left, and put the far-left wing of the party in exile.
The rise of Bernie is not all that much of a surprise. And to all those Republicans and Trump supporters, do not underestimate Bernie Sanders. He has a loyal base who is sure to turn out. There are many Democrats who know socialism would be a disaster for the United States, but they will still support Bernie because they have an irrational hatred of Donald Trump.
I see all to often people will vote against their interests. In addition, there are many who are gravitating towards the idea of socialism because they don’t really know what socialism is all about. People like Bernie Sanders wrap socialism with the idea of democracy, yet the two can never coexist, and there is no such thing as Democratic socialism, and the numbers show they are making gains.
Support for the idea of socialism has been growing in the United States for the last several years. Poll after poll has shown Americans are more accepting of socialism.
According to a Harris Poll, 61% of Americans aged between 18 to 24 have a positive view of socialism, and 55% of women between the ages of 18-54 would rather live in a socialist country. (Axios)
In a Pew Research poll, 65% of Democrats have a somewhat positive to very positive view on socialism. Regardless of political party, 50% of those 18-29 view socialism in a positive light and 47% of those between the ages 30-49 view socialism in a positive light. (Pew Research)
In a Gallup poll, 43% of Americans believe socialism is a good thing regardless of age. In 1942, only 25% of Americans viewed socialism as a bad thing for the country. (Gallup)
If Bernie does win the nomination, this will be an election where the candidates cannot the two candidates have exact opposite visions of where they see the country going. The differences are stark, and this would be one of the most critical junctures in our history.
Just remember, Karl Marx stated that socialism is simply the first phase of communism.
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