Episode 122 Show Notes- Shut up, Obey, and Don’t Ask Questions
Episode Description
With over 145 million Americans voting, we are now the Divided States of America where you must shut up and obey the ruling elites. This election clearly illustrates how deeply divided we are. Unfortunately, the division will continue due to the lack of transparency in the process regardless of President Trump and Joe Biden. The division will further increase as the ruling class, the propaganda news media, and the tech overlords, attempt to marginalize and silence anyone that raises questions.
Shut up and Obey Show Transcript
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
You must shut up and obey. You are not allowed to ask any questions. Do you understand? According to the ruling class, the propaganda press outlets, and the tech overlords, you must accept that Joe Biden is your new President.
The illustrious Associated Press has deemed it so, and it doesn’t matter if recounts have not yet happened. It doesn’t matter that there are multiple cases pending in the state and federal court systems. It doesn’t matter that there are so many unanswered questions.
Do you hear me? Joe Biden will be your new President and Kamala Harris will be your Vice President.
Accept defeat, repent for your support of President Donald Trump, and maybe, just maybe, they will stop calling you a racist and a horrible person for voting for President Trump.
I’ll tell you, what we have seen over the last 4 years is disgusting. It makes you think, what country are we living in?
This is the insanity of what we are dealing with so in this episode, I’m going to focus on what’s really happening. I’m also going to be dispelling a lot of the BS out there.
Before I get started, go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Election Day Unfolds
So, on Saturday, the Associated Press declared Joe Biden the President-Elect because it is now projecting Biden to win Pennsylvania thereby giving him over 270 electoral votes. Following that, all mainstream propaganda press outlets began to follow suit. The unholy began applauding. Kamala Harris sent out a tweet that “we did it,” and Joe Biden declared victory on Saturday, which was a stupid move. Whoever advised Joe Biden to claim victory should be fired. He would have looked much more presidential had he urged patience and told his followers to let the process play out.
Unfortunately for all these people, the Associated Press is not in charge of certifying election results. That’s the state’s responsibility, and since in several states, mandatory recounts have been activated because the vote fell within the 1% margin, and there are many cases pending before the state and federal courts, the election won’t be certified for weeks.
Sorry to burst the bubble to all those who support Joe Biden, but that’s the reality. Now, I readily admit, this may be the eventual outcome in the end, but we aren’t there yet. And I have to warn all President Trump supporters out there, you have to temper your expectations. This is an uphill battle and a long-shot at best.
The Rush to Declare Joe Biden President
But understand, there is a reason why they want to rush and declare Joe Biden President. It all goes back to the episode I did on the unholy alliance. They want to force President Trump to concede the election. They are following the playbook to the T and will not accept anything, but a Joe Biden presidency, and they are exerting a campaign of maximum pressure to remove President Trump from office.
Since the day after election day, we began to hear the rumblings of whether President Trump will accept the results of the election. Now those rumblings have become roars, and we are beginning to hear the predictable chorus of whether President Trump will try to commit a coup and whether the Secret Service will have to escort him off White House grounds. They won’t even let the President speak now. Listen to these morons in the press.
Play Media Cuts Off President Trump
It’s actions like these that only increase the division in the Divided States of America. This goes to highlight that everything they said- the media, the bureaucrats, the Democrats, the Never-Trumpers, and even Joe Biden himself- everything they said was BS. They all told us if Joe Biden is elected, we can begin to unify this country. Yet, the very day after Election Day here’s the olive branch they put out to the over 70 million people that voted for President Trump. Here’s what they think about the 70+ million people that voted for President Trump.
Play Trump Voter clip
You hear that, if you voted for President Trump, you are a horrible human being. You are despicable. You are a racist and misogynist and it shows what a horrible country America is. That’s a unifying message, huh?
The fact is these people, and many Biden supporters, cannot understand why so many Americans support the president. They believe they are morally superior and cast judgment on anyone who doesn’t think like them, and they are too dumb to realize that’s why so many people support the President.
The List
And it gets worse than that. We are now hearing that lists are being developed collecting the names of anyone who supports the President. The Marxist Congresswomen, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calls for her comrades to start building a list of President Trump supporters. She sent out a tweet, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.” (Twitter)
A former Obama staffer, Michael Simon, replied to Congresswoman Cortez, “Yes we are. The Trump Accountability Project.”
Jennifer Rubin, part of the Never-Trump crew, tweeted out, “Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into “polite” society. We have a list.” (Twitter)
So, what is The Trump Accountability Project? According to their website, they say, “We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.” They state that the targets are anyone who helped elect President Trump, those who staffed his administration, and those who funded him.” And here is the really interesting part.
When the website first went up, it stated that The Trump Accountability Project will target those who supported him, “Individuals and organizations that publicly endorsed wither of Donald Trump’s campaigns for President in 2016 or 2020.” Interestingly enough, they scrubbed that part from the website, but screengrabs last forever. (The Trump Accountability Project)
Now the question is, if they want so-called unity, as they have been preaching, why are they collecting the names of President Trump supporters? These lists are going to be used for malicious purposes, and they bluntly state that they want to harm Trump supporters financially. They want to destroy livelihoods. Since you have dared to defy the ruling class and support President Trump, you will now be branded with the scarlet letter from the Trump Accountability Project.
Is this the Truth and Reconciliation committee that former Clinton Cabinet Secretary Robert Reich brought up several weeks ago? Or what about Keith Olbermann’s rant that everyone who supported the President needs to be purged from society.
How’s that for unity? When the political elite, the ruling class, and pure ideologues begin to put together lists of political opponents, every American should pay attention. As always, remember these are their words. I didn’t misquote them. I didn’t exaggerate. These are their tweets and their own words.
You Cannot Raise Questions
What’s even more infuriating is how they want to rush the process and silence anyone that dares to raise any questions. People having faith in the process is one of the most important elements of American success. It’s what led us to become the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.
Over the last few decades, we have seen that faith in the system has eroded rapidly over the last four years with all the BS the media and the bureaucracy have done. However, the American Electoral process was still strong, and we would have our say at the ballot boxes.
Shortly after the polls closed, there were several reports of irregularities. Over the coming days, these reports increased. Accusations of election fraud have been put out there. Now, you would think if everything was on the up and up, nobody would mind the questions being raised. More importantly, that any questions would receive satisfying answers to quickly dispel these claims.
However, rather than answer questions, all we have heard is shut up, obey, and accept the results of the election. You are not allowed to raise questions. If you raise questions, you are destroying the fabric of our Democracy. You are destroying people’s faith in the electoral process.
They try to dismiss the questions as conspiracy theories in order to discredit any and all claims. They accuse you of undermining America and our institutions.
I have a big problem with this, and you will never shut me up or silence me. It is our Constitutional right to ask questions. In fact, it is your civic duty to always question government and those in power even if you agree with those in power. Even if you agree with the policies and outcomes.
You are not supposed to be a blind sheep that accepts everything. In order to hold government accountable, you should always ask questions.
Faith in the System
I have a warning to Biden supporters and Democrats. Over 70 million Americans believe President Trump got an unfair deal over the last four years. Now you’re telling people to shut up and accept the results. That will not unify us and that will not make people have faith in the system.
If Joe Biden really wants to be a President for all Americans, our questions need to be answered. If you want the process to be viewed as legitimate, any wrongdoing must be held accountable.
In order to ensure people, have faith in the process, the process must be transparent & questions should be answered.
Any credible accusation of Election Fraud should be accompanied by evidence & thoroughly investigated. Any accusations of improprieties and irregularities need to be thoroughly explained.
My advice to everyone who wants Joe Biden to be seen as a legitimate President is that they should be leading the calls for transparency in this process. They should want every legitimate claim of election fraud investigated. They should encourage the process to play out.
It is essential that we have complete transparency. It’s the only way people will have faith in the system. In a nation, as divided as we are, it is essential that people can understand and accept the results.
And my warning to all those Biden supporters out there, If you disregard 70+ million voters & rush to declare Joe Biden the President as you are doing, you will face 4-years of Not My President hashtags. Believe me, it’s not fun when people don’t recognize a duly elected President, especially when it’s a President you support.
That’s why it’s so important that every legitimate claim be answered.
Election Fraud/Irregularities Claims
Now, I will say loudly that any accusation of election fraud needs to be accompanied by hard evidence. There is a lot of false information out there, floating around in the cesspool of social media. For example, a lot of people have asked about watermarks on ballots and stated that this is a federal requirement.
That’s fundamentally false. States are the ones that run elections, not the federal government. While in 2017, then-Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Kiersten Nielsen advised states that they should watermark ballots, it was never a federal requirement. It was a recommendation, and I am unaware of any state accepting the federal recommendation.
States rejected it for two reasons. First, they want to retain their sovereignty over elections, and they want to create the ballot the way they see fit. States are in charge of ballot production, not the federal government. Secondly, the federal government did not provide the states with funding to do this and so the states passed.
It’s important that we’re accurate because when false claims are being pushed, it takes away from the real accusations.
Because there are some real questions that need to be answered. Take Wisconsin for example. In Wisconsin, I noticed real high turnout numbers that seemed odd. You have to understand, in any presidential election, you usually have about 60-70% turnout when it comes to registered voters, and usually a 50-55% turnout for the voting-age population. The voting-age population is simply those aged 18 and older in the United States regardless of whether they are registered or not.
Getting back to Wisconsin, when comparing the number of votes to those registered to vote, Wisconsin had a little over 90%. That’s astounding, and so I decided to look at Michigan and Minnesota. In Michigan, when comparing registered voters to those that actually voted, the turnout was about 67%, which seems normal. Then I tallied up Minnesota, and again, I was surprised. Minnesota had a nearly 90% turnout of registered voters as well.
So why the discrepancy? These are three states in the rust belt, all with similar demographics. Why was the turnout of registered voters so much higher in Minnesota and Wisconsin? Now, it may be something relatively simple that can easily get explained away and I would be satisfied. It could also be something more nefarious, and so when I look at the commonality between Minnesota and Wisconsin, you will find that they allow widespread ballot harvesting. In Michigan, they have much stricter rules.
I warned about ballot harvesting months ago. It’s a shameful practice where third parties can be hired to collect ballots. Ballot Harvesting is known to be ripe with fraud and it should be outlawed. That doesn’t mean anything illegal happened here, but I think it’s worth asking the question.
There are also questions in Pennsylvania, I believe Philly for one area, where thousands of votes, 24,000 in fact, were turned in from a polling precinct and not one vote was for President Trump. Now that doesn’t make any sense. You can go to the bluest of the blue areas, and there should be at least one vote for the President. 24,000 votes for one candidate and zero votes for the other candidate is not something you see in the United States. Maybe in North Korea, but not the United States. So, what gives? It’s certainly worth investigating.
We know that voting software in Michigan flipped 6,000 votes for President Trump to Joe Biden. This is fact and can’t be disputed because the Michigan Department of State said that the error happened due to a software glitch, and the problem was corrected when the software was updated. (Detroit Free Press) It turns out, this same software and the vendor is used throughout Michigan and several other states. So, it is a fair question to ask whether this happened elsewhere? How widespread was the problem? If it’s been corrected? It’s also fair to ask whether it was intentional or not?
And what about poll watchers being denied access to polling stations and observing ballot-counting throughout the United States particularly all in blue districts? Why can’t people observe the ballots? You take one Democrat and one Republican and let them watch. It’s fairly simple and I would say extremely reasonable. Yet, you had windows covered. You had observers forced to watch 30 feet away and given binoculars. Are you kidding me? And in one case, a judge ordered that ballot observers should be within 6 feet of the counting and the Democrats appealed the decision. They lost, but why would they appeal the decision?
The President’s team submitted over 3,000 names of dead people and people who have moved out of Nevada who voted. They submitted it to a court. Well, we need to know if this is true. It’s not hard to figure out if a dead person voted. If this is true, we need to find out, and those engaged need to be prosecuted.
Why Don’t They Want Transparency?
So, the question is why are Democrats so afraid of transparency? This should be as transparent as a process as possible if you want people to have faith that whoever won is legitimate. Once again, we need these questions answered. The fact that Biden supporters are quick to dismiss these questions says a lot. The fact that they try to label everything a conspiracy theory is there go to but remember all the lies over the last four years.
Then when you corner them, they say well it wouldn’t change the results anyway. Are you kidding me? What the hell does that matter. Whether Biden still wins or not, anyone who is caught manipulating the electoral process needs to be thrown in jail. That’s the problem in America today. We don’t hold anyone accountable especially if they hold the right politics.
Transparency is more important now than ever before. It’s essential.
Should Biden Get The Trump Treatment
The more they try to push this down our throats, the more they try to circumvent the process, the more it will divide us. I wonder how Joe Biden, and his supporters, would feel if he got the Trump treatment once he gets in office. I don’t think he would be able to handle it especially given how feeble he is.
However, one thing is clear, we will not be going back to the status quo until we rid ourselves of the swamp rats. The reason we are the Divided States of America is because those in the ruling class, the media, and the political elite, they want us divided.
It’s time that we put both political parties on notice. It’s time to reclaim our position as the rightful gatekeepers of this country. It’s not President Trump or Joe Biden. It’s not Democrats or Republicans. It’s not the ruling class, the media or the tech overlords. It’s We the People.
Too many are making this simply about President Trump and Joe Biden. But it’s bigger than that. Remember, America isn’t about just one person or one office. It’s about a vision, an idea that thrust us into greatness. The American system is resilient. It can withstand a great deal. Our future is in our hands.
However, what it cannot withstand is the lack of accountability. In the last four years, no one has been held accountable for all the lies in the propaganda press. No one has been held accountable for the mass censorship push by the tech giants. And no bureaucrat has been held accountable for trying to take down a duly elected President.
Whoever the next President is, so be it, but we cannot forget or ignore what’s happened these last four years. If President Trump should lose, which seems very possible, on his way out, he needs to declassify and release everything. He needs to put it out there because once he leaves, the paper shredders will be working overtime. Computers will be erased and wiped, and the American people will be unaware of all the crimes and corruption within the bureaucracy.
It’s time to expose everyone and everything in this country. Let the public see what’s really going on. Why are so many so afraid of transparency? Listen things are ugly, but we need to see it all because it’s the only way to force accountability.
We have a lot of work to do in order to fix all the defects that exist. And we have a choice, we can burn it all down where we all suffer, or we can begin to develop a pathway forward to reclaim this country. This pathway starts at the very bottom with us, and I will be laying the pathway out over the next few weeks.
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To everyone out there, hang tight because we are just getting started, and the America first agenda is not going anywhere.
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As always, thank you for joining me, stay safe and I’ll be back on Wednesday.
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