Episode 312 Show Notes- Can We Stop Pretending that Western Countries are Free Societies?
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Episode Description
We constantly talk about living in a free society, but when we look at the Western world, are we really a free people? Do we ever stop to think about what true freedom and true liberty actually mean? Sure, we get to vote on elected officials and maybe some local issues, but does that mean we are free? While our officials constantly preach about democracy and freedom, the truth is we are anything but a free society.
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Show Transcript- Can We Stop Pretending that Western Countries are Free Societies?
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
This will be a very important episode because we need to explore what it really means to be free. We’re constantly talking about freedom and liberty. We constantly talk about a free society. We preach Western values. We constantly try to impose these concepts on other countries throughout the world and criticize their authoritarianism.
But we have to ask ourselves- are we really a free people? We never stop and think about what real freedom and true liberty actually mean.
We’ll preach about democracy and equate voting to freedom, but no one ever really explains how democracies don’t inherently equate to a free society, and the Western world is anything but free, including here in the United States.
We have been programmed to think we know what it means to live in a free society and exercise liberty and freedom.
That’s what I want to talk about in this episode. I want to explain how once a free society has become nothing more than authoritarian-run democracy. I want to explore how we’ve gotten to this point. I want to call out the phonies and the hypocrites. I want to explain what it means to have true liberty.
See, we have deviated far from the vision of the founding fathers, and we have a warped view of the elements that create free societies. Too many of us have our heads buried in the sand. We go about our daily lives as if everything we’re witnessing is normal. We ignore the increasing authoritarianism creeping into Western societies, and here in America. People in these free societies unknowingly advocate against their interests, granting the government more power and authority over their own lives.
And it doesn’t mean that people want to see authoritarianism. They don’t want to see their liberties erode, but until the masses realize what’s happening, we won’t be able to reverse course and before you know it, it can be too late. This is why it doesn’t matter what your political ideology is. It doesn’t matter where you fall on the political spectrum because, in an authoritarian society, we all get screwed. It doesn’t matter if you’re a progressive, a Democrat, a Republican, or a Conservative. If you want to talk about equity, we will share in the equitable distribution of misery and suffering.
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Freedom is Never More Than One Generation Away from Extinction
When we explore the ideas of freedom and liberty, I want to play a sound clip. If you’re a Conservative there is little doubt that you’ve heard this before. If you’re on the other side of the political spectrum, you probably have heard it before. Regardless of whether or not you’ve heard this before, it is a good time to reacquaint ourselves with it. Take a listen, and while you’re listening to it, I want you to think about where we are today. I want you to think about everything that has gone on over the last 20 years, especially the last few years.
Sound Clip Reagan Freedom
You listen to that, and you realize how right Reagan was. Freedom is precious, and it can be lost fairly quickly. It is much easier for a free society to slip into an authoritarian society than it is for an authoritarian society to become a free society. The process is quick.
The interesting thing about what Reagan said was that we didn’t inherit our freedom and liberties in our bloodstream. That our founding fathers, giants among men, believed these all-important concepts are inherent within us. That we have God-given liberties, and no one should deny us from exercising these rights, especially governments.
Our founding fathers understood the mindset of human beings. They recognized that liberty is the natural condition of human beings where we get to exercise our free will responsibly in accord with the dictates of right reason and natural law so long as we aren’t imposing on other people’s liberty.
They understood that freedom was the ability to exercise these liberties. That we should be able to exercise these liberties without fear of reprisals. Without threats of canceling or having our lives destroyed because some bureaucratic pencil neck or a group of ideologues doesn’t like what you believe or what you say.
However, while the founders did believe that liberty was the natural condition of human beings, our founders also acknowledged the flaws of human beings. They understood that human beings would be willing to give up their liberties for stability and security. They understood, and history is replete with examples, of human beings accepting despotism. They live under authoritarian abuses because it is easier to do nothing than it is to show courage and push back.
Nowhere is this more clearly stated than in our Declaration of Independence, “all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
I agree with Dr. Gad Saad, author of The Parasitic Mind, who says cowardice should be the eighth deadly sin because ultimately cowardice is just as destructive as the brutality of many authoritarian regimes.
It is cowardice that is destroying free societies. The fact is that I cannot imagine that most people support the insanity we are witnessing today. I can guarantee most people don’t want this gender ideology bullshit being pushed on children as young as four years old. I can guarantee that most parents didn’t support their children being masked up for nearly two years, and while some fought back and spoke up, most parents remained silent. That’s cowardice.
When you think about it, parents will complain to a school about the most asinine things, yet many remained silent when their children were suffering in isolation under distance education or when they were forced to mask up for nearly two years in school.
As a matter of fact, we complain about a lot of things when it comes to the government. We’ll complain when our roads have craters in them and are barely drivable. We will complain when we get called for jury duty. We’ll complain when our taxes go up. We’ll complain that Congress isn’t passing legislation. We’ll complain that the government isn’t doing its job. Just think about the 2020 elections. How many of those complaining have signed up to become poll workers, precinct captains, or tried to volunteer for other positions with their local board of elections?
My point is that we complain a lot, and we don’t do much when it comes to doing something about it. A free society requires we participate, and when the people don’t participate, the government and a fringe minority get to do what they want. This is a major part of the problem.
Our scope of participation, how many people can participate in the system, is 100%, but our depth of participation is far lower than that. Far lower. If we factor in all the different ways we can participate in the system besides voting, it’s probably in the low twenty percentile.
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We’ve Been Conditioned to Think We Live in a Free Society
See, we’ve been conditioned to believe that just because we get to exercise our right to vote that that means we are free people living in free societies. That if you vote you’re doing your part and you’re participating in the system. However, even when it comes to voting, we fail miserably and all you need to do is look at the numbers.
Only 10-25% of the voter-eligible population will turn out and vote in local elections. That is horrifically pathetic especially given that local government impacts our lives the most. When it’s a state race, voter participation is anywhere from 30-55%. If you have a governor’s race, it’s closer to 55%. If there isn’t a gubernatorial race, participation drops dramatically.
When it comes to a presidential race, voter turnout is anywhere from 47-58%. Again, that’s pathetic. It means that nearly half of those eligible to vote, don’t. So, while they’ve conditioned us to believe that just because you have a right to vote you live in a free society, we don’t even exercise the one thing we’ve been conditioned to believe, and I can’t imagine that 50% of the country is satisfied with the way things are going, especially when you look at the right track/wrong track poll where 80+% of Americans believe we are headed on the wrong track.
That’s 80+%, and guess what, half of them won’t do the one thing that they believe makes us a free society.
We’ve also been conditioned to believe that just because we call something a democracy that democracy and freedom are the same, even though they are two very different things, and we aren’t even a democracy.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that majorities can’t be tyrannical, when in fact, the opposite is true. We’ve been conditioned to believe that democracies can’t be tools of injustice, yet just look at history. It’s funny to watch the public virtue signalers constantly preach about democracy, and at the same time, they criticize the same system as inherently evil and racist. Hmmm, you would think they would realize that.
But the reason I decided to do this episode was because of a disturbing video I saw. This wasn’t a video from the United States, it’s a video from Britain, but how long will it be before we see this imported here? I’m going to play the clip, and then I will explain what happened.
Sound Clip Arrested for Causing Anxiety
Okay. Here you have a man that reposted something on social media that caused another person to have anxiety. For that offense, the man was arrested. For some of you, the first question you may be asking is what did he post that got him arrested, but that’s the wrong question and by asking that question first, it highlights how we’ve gotten to this point.
See, by asking what he posted, you are unknowingly validating the idea that someone can and should be arrested over certain social media posts.
Unless the post is openly threatening violence against a person, people, a group of people, businesses, or the government, it shouldn’t matter what he posted. More importantly, it shouldn’t matter that his post caused anxiety. Hurt feelings don’t constitute crimes.
If anxiety is the new metric, can we arrest the little Mussolini wannabe, lord Fauci, because every time he opens his mouth, he gives me anxiety? Or what about the unelected governor of New York, empress Hochul? She gives me a lot of anxiety.
The whole thing is ridiculous. If this is the new standard, I guess I’m screwed because every semester when I give exams and research papers are due many of my students will get anxiety.
Here’s the problem with this whole incident. First, it’s a direct assault on freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Secondly, it is the main reason that we are creating an entire generation of self-entitled, spoiled brats who are unable to function in society and need to be sheltered from every little thing.
Anxiety is a part of life. Disagreements are a part of life, and when someone disagrees with you and you get offended or anxious, the problem is with you, not the other person. I routinely talk to people from the left wing, and while some espouse communist and Marxist sentiments, I don’t get anxious. I don’t get offended. They have every right to believe whatever the hell they want. I may challenge them, but I will always defend their right to freedom of speech and freedom of thought.
Getting back to the incident, and the much more frightening aspect of the story. It turned out the guy retweeted images of the pride flag in the shape of a swastika. He said he retweeted the meme to serve as a commentary on the authoritarian nature of transgender activists.
Now, I am someone who likes the Nazi comparisons, and I believe that the second you use Nazi comparisons when talking about social issues, you end up discrediting yourself. Nazi references should only be used in the most extreme cases like when talking about communist China and its treatment of the Uyghurs and Christians.
However, this man should never have been arrested or even censored for what he posted, regardless of whether you agree with what he was saying or disagree. I think he could have easily found tons of ways to show the authoritarian nature of some within the trans movement without resorting to a Nazi reference.
What’s more frightening is that this was the second visit to the man’s home. The first time they went to the man’s home, the police offered that he could pay for and take an “educational course” instead of the complaint escalating to the level of a crime.
Yeah, because that’s not Orwellian or anything. See, this man deviated from a narrative. Some bureaucratic pencil neck determined that his opinion isn’t the right opinion and therefore he should either be reeducated so that he never deviates from the accepted narrative again or face arrest. Does that sound like a free society to you?
And while we may not be as extreme here in the United States, at least right now, how long before it’s imported here? This type of stuff is prevalent throughout Europe, yet we still pretend that Western societies are free societies.
Just look at the farmers in several European countries, where their lives and livelihoods are going to be destroyed over the next few years, and for what?
Moving to our own backyard, just look at Canada where you have the pathetic tyrant, Justin “Blackface” Trudeau who made it his mission to destroy the lives of those who took part in the trucker protest. He went after any business that supported the truckers or any individual that donated money to the cause. Talk about petty tyrants, Trudeau epitomizes what a petty tyrant is all about.
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Rights Being Routinely Violated is Not The Hallmark of A Free Society
But even here in America, we have been witnessing a trampling of our rights for the last twenty years and picking up a lot of steam over the last few years. Looking at the obvious, you can see the clear coordination between the government and the big tech oligarchs censoring millions of Americans to control the narrative and end debate on a variety of topics. Destroying a once free society.
This is not some conspiracy theory. The former Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, openly admitted that the White House was flagging posts for what they deem as misinformation and disinformation. Of course, only one side gets to deem what’s misinformation and disinformation.
We are witnessing the implementation of speech controls throughout our society. What you can and cannot say will be determined by the powers that be. Certain topics are very restricted and you have to be very careful because if it’s taken out of context, some want to destroy your life.
According to an internal FBI memo that was leaked to Project Veritas by a whistleblower, the FBI talks about symbols of potential domestic terrorists. These symbols include the Gadsden flag and the Betsy Ross flag. Ironically, the FBI has ten American flags on their headquarters and one of them is the Betsy Ross flag that’s how dumb these people are. They don’t even think before they put this crap out there.
However, it shows how it’s all ideological and it shows how far we are moving toward speech controls. I routinely talk about the concept of nationalism. I explain the good and the bad. I highlight its importance. I also explain how some have used nationalism in the past for nefarious purposes like Hitler.
However, the importance of nationalism cannot be understated. In the last 20-25 years, some have attempted to make nationalism a racist concept. That if you believe in nationalism, you are xenophobic and express ethnocentric tendencies. Some told me that I shouldn’t talk about the good aspects of nationalism because nationalism is bad now. They said I should use the term patriotism instead.
I pushed back against this because I have a little something called common sense. I explained that we shouldn’t be redefining words to satisfy the left. That if we allow the concept of nationalism to be redefined, how long before they try to redefine patriotism? In fact, this was the topic discussed during my first appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show.
Well, look at where we are now. Patriotism and patriotic symbols and sentiments, including our current flag, are now considered to be part of some domestic terrorism nexus. That those expressing patriotism may be susceptible to becoming domestic violent extremists. Ridiculous.
You thought as parents that you had a stake in your child’s education. That you had a say in what should and shouldn’t be taught to your child, but what have we witnessed? Well, we witnessed the Department of Justice view ordinary parents as potential threats. Parents get labeled as racist, xenophobic, bigoted, and even potential domestic terrorists.
Freedom of the press is also under assault. Consider how the government has routinely monitored journalists over the last four administrations. Consider how you have this coordinated effort to deplatform media outlets that don’t fall in line and tout the mainstream media’s narrative.
Consider how so many within the field of journalism have openly called for cable providers to drop any conservative outlets. See, you are not allowed to hear varying points of view. It’s not enough that the left controls 90% of the messaging in the media and regularly coordinates with their minions. They want total control.
This is what happens when journalists morph into political activists and the lines between media outlets and the government merge into one. You even have officials within the government calling for outlets like Fox News to have their broadcasting licenses revoked.
Last I checked that is not what is supposed to happen in free societies. That’s something you see in authoritarian countries.
We see the whole freedom of religion thing go out the window. Remember, the government is not supposed to make any laws concerning the establishment of religion, yet in the name of a crisis, the government was the one who determined when, where and how you can practice your faith.
We saw our freedom to petition the government for redress and the idea of freedom of assembly get thrown out the window over the last few years. Remember how those that protested lockdowns and unconstitutional mandates were labeled as pushing white nationalist ideology by over 1,300 public health officials? See, only public health officials get to determine what legitimate forms and topics of protest can be, and if you protest against their power, they’ll attempt to attach the vilest labels they can to you.
Talk about freedom, we still have soldiers being discharged from the military, police, fire, and EMS officers, public health employees, and others, all getting fired because they dared to challenge the unconstitutional decree of the shot. A shot that does nothing to prevent the spread and transmission. But it doesn’t matter. If you disobey the ruling authority, the ruling authority will destroy your livelihood. Again, this is what they do in authoritarian countries, not free societies.
When you look at that, do we really have free societies when you’re not free to go to work and make a living to provide for your families all because you didn’t comply with a mandate issued by power-hungry officials?
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Legislative Bodies Becoming Irrelevant
But you’re free because you get to vote for your elected representatives. Elected representatives that routinely get bypassed through executive decrees. How’s that for a free society? We elect legislative bodies to pass laws, but it turns out that whenever they don’t do what an executive wants, the executive will just do what they want anyway. Last I checked that’s authoritarianism.
And look at how many people advocate it. Of course, they only advocate it if the chief executive belongs to the same political party as they do. But if you look at the Congressional approval ratings, it’s abysmal. It’s something like 15% of the American people approve of Congress. When asked why they disapprove of Congress, the number one answer is because they don’t do anything.
Maybe we need to stop looking at Congress as if they are supposed to just make law after law. I can guarantee that most people listening to this podcast don’t want this current Congress to pass laws. Just look at the disaster of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act that just passed, which I’ll get into in a minute.
I’m tired of hearing people complain that Congress is obstructionist. That they aren’t implementing the President’s agenda. You do realize that congress is supposed to obstruct the President. State legislative bodies exist to obstruct the governors. They’re supposed to be coequal branches of government and the chief executive doesn’t get to do whatever they want. It doesn’t matter if it’s at the state level or the federal level.
Then you have these prosecutors, the District Attorneys determining what laws they will choose to prosecute and which ones they won’t. Who the hell gave these people the authority to determine what laws are righteous and just and which ones aren’t?
Again, we have legislative bodies that make law. DAs exist to prosecute those who violate the law. Their feelings and emotions on particular issues are irrelevant, and we don’t elect them to pontificate on how they feel about a law.
It’s not just with the DAs. We have a whole host of government bureaucrats that think they could do whatever they want. The hell with the legislatures, the hell with checks and balances, and the hell with a free society. When you have unelected bureaucrats making consequential decisions over your life, and the lives of your family members, does that sound like a free society to you? But they get away with it because God forbid, we hold anyone accountable. That would take too much effort and give meaning to public service.
But the Senate did just pass the Inflation Reduction Act. Do you think that makes you more free or less free? The answer is obvious given that laws are designed to restrict human behavior or establish certain rules or regulations. Do you think in a free society we should hire over 80k IRS agents?
It doesn’t mean that we don’t need laws, but when you say that the government exists to pass laws, you get bad laws. Even worse, you’re giving up your liberties in the process, regardless of whether you know it or not.
Let’s look at the Inflation Reduction Act. Sounds great, right? I mean who wouldn’t want to lower inflation? This bill does anything but lower inflation, and that’s according to their estimates. The whole thing is being pushed as if it does something to help the American family, but it does the exact opposite.
This bill claims to reduce the deficit. The Congressional Budget Office says that this bill will reduce the deficit by $300+ billion dollars. It doesn’t do that either. I am so tired of politicians that have spent us into oblivion in recent years, now saying they are reducing the deficit.
That’s like the Biden administration says they reduced the price of gas by .50-cents a gallon over the last few weeks when they caused the price increases in the first place. It’s completely ridiculous. You didn’t reduce the price of gas. So now gas prices are up $2 a gallon instead of $2.50. Gas prices are still a lot higher than they were when President Biden took office. President Biden trying to take credit for lower gas prices is laughable. Nothing makes sense.
And the whole deficit reduction is a fraud. I want someone to show me when has a Congressional Budget Office estimate ever been correct. I’m serious. You never hear of a government program coming in at either what it was estimated to cost or even under budget. It always costs more than initial budget estimates.
Also, they say that this bill will make the wealthy corporations and the elite pay their fair share, but that’s a lie too. Sure, it may implement some new taxes on these corporations, which will probably be passed down to us, but these corporations and the elite won’t be paying more. They still have all the deductions and loopholes. If they wanted them to pay their fair share, get rid of the subsidies and the deductions, and implement a flat tax.
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We Don’t Have a Capitalist Economy, Nor a Free Society
We have this false idea that we live in a free country with a capitalist economy, but what happens when the government manipulates the economy? What happens when they determine what businesses are essential and which ones aren’t?
Rather than let the marketplace figure things out, this disaster of a bill pushes an agenda. Take pharmaceutical companies. I have no love for big pharma, but in this bill, the pharmaceutical companies have to accept government price controls. Oh, Professor Giordano, you’re lying. The bill clearly states that these companies get to make a choice. You’re being dishonest. Well, if you don’t believe me, just read the damn thing yourself.
The pharmaceutical companies do have a choice, they can either accept the government price controls or their tax rate jumps to 95%. Wow, that’s some choice. You either do what we say, or we will tax you out of business. Where I’m from, we call that extortion! This right here represents that we are not as free as we think we are.
The bill also adds a new tax for any oil and gas imports. These taxes may not be as draconian as big pharma, but I will guarantee that sooner or later, they will use the same extortion tactics towards this industry as well. But I want you to think about something. A few years ago, we became a net energy exporter, but since this administration wants to push an energy strategy that’s not ready for primetime, we have to suffer. They want to force us to purchase cars that we may not want or can’t afford or both.
Make it so expensive for the oil and gas companies to operate. Make it difficult for them to cut through the regulations. Make it impossible for them to turn a profit. Get the banks to stop lending them money, and eventually, you put the oil and gas industry out of business. Not only that but the tax is linked to inflation so as inflation increases, so does the tax causing more pain. That doesn’t sound like much of a free society to me, nor does it sound like a capitalist economy.
We also see tax increases on natural gas to heat your home and coal-fired power plants. They claim that this will reduce our dependency on foreign oil. What they don’t tell you is that this will increase our dependency on China. As they are pushing people toward electric vehicles, what they will not tell you is that 90% of the batteries made for these vehicles are produced by China. Great, so we aren’t going to reduce our dependency. All we are doing is transferring our dependency from a few nefarious countries to one of the most nefarious countries.
This bill also wreaks havoc on retirement accounts. 401(k)’s, IRAs, and any other deferred compensation plans by adding a tax to stock buybacks. These types of buybacks help grow the value of the investment accounts, but not anymore.
These are just a few small examples of how we continue to lie to ourselves believing that we live in a free market system.
It’s not just in the economy though. Free societies encourage their people to explore, study, invent, and solve problems. However, our government has figured out that it can move the needle and manipulate issues by providing funding for studies in the form of grants.
Our government use taxpayer money as a means to manipulate agendas. This money does not get disbursed evenly, yet many still pretend that grant funding isn’t a rigged game. Of course, it’s rigged.
The conclusions are already baked into the parameters of most grants, and so the person applying for the grant, for whatever research project they’re working on, knows exactly what the government and the bureaucrats want the findings to be, and they tailor their research to fit the agenda to keep the grant funding alive.
Imagine your career is based on government grants. Are you going to defy the powers that be and come to an opposite conclusion of what they expect? Obviously not, because if you do that, the grant funding spigots get turned off.
And that’s how grant funding has become a scam and it is becoming increasingly weaponized based on ideology.
Do you think the government and Fauci’s NIH will be providing any funding for grants focusing on why, just maybe, we shouldn’t be funding gain of function research?
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The idea that people believe they live in a free society is simply wrong. We are not as free as we think, and we should stop pretending we are. Too many have become dependent on the government whether it’s people in the system, corporations receiving subsidies, grant funding, you name it, and this dependency has made us prisoners to the state.
When you rely on the government for the outcomes in your life, you are a prisoner of that same government.
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When you rely on yourself, that’s empowerment and that’s what it means to be free.
For the most part, people are generally good and decent, especially the American people. It doesn’t mean we are perfect or without flaws. I have plenty of flaws and I readily admit that. But I have to think that the majority of people want to do the right thing.
We mind our own business. We provide for our families and the ones we love. We want to be left alone, protect our families, raise our children from young boys and girls and grow them into decent men and women who contribute to society. As Americans, we routinely give to charity even if we are living paycheck to paycheck. In times of disasters, we come together and help each other out.
However, something changed. It used to be that this is what makes a robust society, but now we see ordinary people coming under attack all because they believe in traditional culture. All because they value things like liberty and freedom. Now when you say you disagree with the expansion of government or you don’t want the government to get involved in a particular issue, we’re maligned, and they subscribe to the worst motives of their political opponents.
All the while, the government is usurping power and authority. Anyone who dissents from the narrative is threatened with being labeled a domestic terrorist. That’s how they view anyone who stands in the way of their power.
I hope you found the content of this episode informative, and that’s why I implore you to share it with others.
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