Rant or Rave Wednesday
“Suffs” A Woke Play Co-Produced by Hillary Clinton Has Poor Turnout
This week will be a rave – a high-five to the American consumer for avoiding a play about women’s suffrage co-produced by an insufferable woman – Hillary Clinton. With a soaring inflation rate, Americans are forced to be selective about what they spend their money on, particularly luxuries, like entertainment, and the public has chosen to avoid another virtue-signaling show.
“Suffs,” a performance commemorating the significant woman’s suffrage movement hit Broadway last month. It is nearly 3 hours long and touted to have a cast comprised exclusively of women and non-binary performers. If that’s not a red flag, I don’t know what is. The reviews are mixed, but I found them to be very creative. Considering many of the critics want to be invited to fancy soirees, a jumble of positive words are tendered, but then you’ll see something like, “…its scenes often come off as educational skits.” Well, that doesn’t seem tempting with an average ticket costing $344. Who wants to sit through a lecture, especially at that price? Last week, “Suffs” ranked in the bottom 23% out of all 35 Broadway shows.
Hillary Clinton’s involvement in this play is predicated on her support for women’s rights, but the truth is, she doesn’t give a damn about women past or present. She is to women’s rights what Al Sharpton is to the plight of Black Americans in this country; that is to say, the antithesis of advancing the cause. Like Sharpton, Clinton is completely self-serving, and everything she does is to elevate her own status and wealth.
Hillary Clinton is the queen of hypocrisy. I could write a dissertation on this subject, including, how she criticizes Trump for categorizing payments to Stormy Daniels as legal fees – an issue he is currently fighting right now in a New York City court. Not many people are aware of this, but her campaign was forced to pay over $100,000 in fines for doing the same thing Trump is currently being accused of. Also, she incessantly claimed that Trump was threatening democracy when he questioned the 2020 election, meanwhile, she repeatedly accused Trump of being an “illegitimate president,” denying the results of the 2016 election.
Let’s take a quick look at Mrs. Clinton’s hypocrisy on women’s issues given the subject of this article. During the peak of the Me-Too movement, Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by an unstable and unreliable woman, Christine Blasey Ford. However, contradicting and far-fetched Ford’s claim was, Clinton’s vocal support was unwavering. If only she had held that stance when several women accused her husband of the same thing. Not only did she not believe them, but she also viciously attacked them in public and private in a concerted effort to destroy them.
Hillary Clinton befriended and accepted large donations from Harvey Weinstein, but then distanced herself from him when he was finally held accountable and sent to jail for sexual misconduct spanning decades. Clinton is cunning and certainly not stupid. She knew exactly what was going on – it was the worst kept secret in Hollywood, yet she maintained their relationship for years.
Hillary Clinton is not someone who stands firm in principled beliefs, She has proven this time and time again. Her involvement with this play is merely to stay relevant. So, please Mrs. Clinton, keep your nose out of an important topic – women’s suffrage. America would be much better off if you faded into the shadows.
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