Episode 255 Show Notes- Big Brother Outsources the Growth of the Surveillance State Apparatus
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When it comes to the surveillance state, the government has continually privatized much of its data collection. While the media is focusing most of their coverage on a potential conflict between Russia and Ukraine, there are many other issues that are being ignored. As we continue to see the privatization of the surveillance state, it is nothing more than the government’s attempt to sidestep the pesky Constitution.
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Show Transcript- Big Brother Outsources the Growth of the Surveillance State Apparatus
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I am so sick and tired of the hypocrites and the phonies. The ones who call for the authoritarian mandates. Who demands that our children have to be masked up 6-8 hours a day? The ones who try to shame anyone who dares to speak up and raise questions. I am tired of the Gavin Newsom’s, the Justin Trudeau’s, the Nancy Pelosi’s, the Lori Lightfoot’s, and all the other public virtue signalers who demand and preach one thing, and continually get caught violating their own decrees time and time again.
People need to wake the hell up, and I want to give a shout-out to the New York Post for publishing a piece I wrote about the arrogance and the hypocrisy. These frauds, because that’s what they are, have no problem cruelly forcing kids to wear masks as they live their lives unencumbered from the facial prison. It’s disgraceful, and if you still believe in and follow these morons, that’s on you. They have routinely violated their own decrees, but yet they want you to remain paralyzed with fear. At some point, you have to realize what’s going on.
I have a link up to the Post article in the show notes so go to The P.A.S. Report website, check it out, and while you’re there, sign-up for the newsletter. Also, don’t forget to share this episode with your family and friends, and post it on all your social media accounts.
Episode Breakdown
Jumping right in, there are also so many other issues to talk about, and while COVID remains the top story, there’s a lot going on. Unfortunately, we continue to see a blatant disregard for the American people as the ruling class ignores the needs and concerns of, We the People.
There have been several newsworthy issues that have received little attention by the media industrial complex, and while the situation between Russia and Ukraine is worth monitoring, it is serving as a major distraction to the continued buildout of the surveillance state, and how the government is trying to sidestep the Constitution. Well, trying isn’t actually right because they’re not trying, they already have.
And I want to make it clear when I spoke with Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer on Monday, which if you haven’t listened to that interview yet, it was a fascinating conversation. But you have to ask yourself, why would the media only begin to cover this story a month ago? I mean, the information has been readily available for about a year now. People like Lt. Col. Shaffer, myself, and many others, all saw this coming, and we’ve talked about it for the last year.
So, it’s not like it’s a new story. That’s what makes it so interesting. You have to be wary of the hawks, the establishment, the intelligence community, and the media. Always question the motives. There is a reason we are seeing tons of leaks in regard to intelligence assessments. There is a reason we are seeing more and more officials raising alarm bells when it comes to a possible conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
I’m going to briefly touch on that today, but I’m also going to talk about something that’s far more important and far more sinister. While we are all distracted by Russia and Ukraine, many aren’t paying attention to some really important issues. Issues will have a major impact on our lives, and not for the better. Issues that will transform this country. Issues that completely undermine the Constitution and continue to expand the surveillance state apparatus.
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Be Suspicious of the Drumbeats to War
You have many within the establishment, the military-industrial complex, the media, and others conditioning the American people for a possible conflict. The drumbeat of war is loud and clear, and growing louder by the day. It’s pretty obvious.
And as they are conditioning the public on a possible conflict, several other issues are being completely ignored. Issues that would outrage just about every American regardless of political ideology.
And the media is all too willing to fall victim to this trap. Some in the media just want to distract us from the Biden administration’s sinking poll numbers. Others in the media know war is always good for ratings.
However, after the Afghanistan debacle, I don’t think their distractions will work. There are many Americans who have the stomach for any type of conflict. Most Americans are war-weary. We are tired. We are angry that bureaucrats continue to develop failed policies that have nothing to do with what is in the best interest of America and Americans.
Be suspicious. There are only a few who stand to gain from these types of conflict. Obviously, you have the military-industrial complex. Remember, if we aren’t dropping bombs, we aren’t depleting our munitions stockpiles. Just think, cruise missiles cost around $2-million a pop. Something as simple as a cruise missile can be very lucrative to these companies, then think about all the other types of munitions and supplies that have to be purchased and continually restocked when we are in a conflict.
Of course, you have tons of politicians who all own stock in these companies. They will certainly stand to gain. In fact, how many former elected officials now sit on the corporate boards or serve as lobbyists for the military-industrial complex. They certainly stand to gain from a conflict.
What about China? Any conflict between the United States and Russia would automatically give China the advantage. All they have to do is sit on the sidelines and watch the United States and Russia destroy each other. They’ll certainly be big winners in any conflict.
What about the government. During any conflict, government powers often get enhanced, and a conflict of this magnitude will undoubtedly empower the government even more.
The media wins because ratings will go up. More people will tune in to see what’s happening.
It’s pretty clear who wins, but the question that we need to ask is, who loses? The answer is rather simple. It’s us, We the People. We are the ones that lose. Wars used to be profitable for a country, now they are only profitable to a select few. The hard-working, tax-paying Americans will continue to pay the bills of these conflicts, only putting the country further into debt, while the protected class will reap the rewards.
The brave men and women and their families are also the ones that lose because they’ll pay a tremendous sacrifice. Just think about the last 20-years. How many soldiers have died? How many of them suffer debilitating injuries? How many of them suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety? And it’s not just the soldiers. Deployment places enormous burdens and stresses on military families.
Listen, we understand the sense of duty and sacrifice. We get the need for a strong, powerful military. We accept the fact that in any conflict, our soldiers will be asked to pay the ultimate sacrifice. Many will never return home. And that’s the point of a soldier. Our soldiers are trained to fight and die for the country, but it has to before something. What we’ve witnessed over the last two decades is failed policy after failed policy. We don’t have achievable objectives, and it is unfair to put our soldiers in harm’s way if we can’t easily define what the objectives are or what victory actually looks like. The American people are willing to bear the costs, but only if we fight to win and only if it’s in America’s interest.
When not a single bureaucrat is held accountable for the failures in Afghanistan, it’s reasons like that that we have to be even more suspicious in any future conflicts.
Obviously, any military conflict will have an impact on our lives, but while everyone is distracted, there are so many other things being done that have an immediate, direct impact, which are being ignored, and I want to highlight these things.
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Illegal Immigrants Transported in the Dark of Night
First up is the illegal immigration situation. Video has emerged of the Biden administration transporting illegal immigrants in the middle of the night throughout the country. This story did receive coverage from Republican and Conservative leaning outlets, but it was ignored by the mainstream press.
Why is this story important? First, consider that over 2-million people have crossed the border over the last year. Many of them receive nothing more than a citation to appear at an immigration hearing, half of which will never show up. How many of these people have been moved into the interior of the United States? We are talking about planes and busloads of thousands and thousands of people. We simply have no idea.
The second question is who exactly are these people? Do we even know? What countries are they coming from? Have there been any background investigations done to ensure no ties to any terrorist organizations and no criminal history? The fact is, we have no idea who most of these people are, and it’s very difficult to verify any of their identities. Factor in the numbers we’re dealing with, and it becomes a virtual impossibility. Now, I’m sure many of these people are really good, decent, hard-working people who are seeking a better life. However, we don’t do that at the expense of other Americans or legal aliens, particularly those that are already struggling.
The third question is where are these people going? Do you think they’re going to the wealthy elite communities that may be able to sustain this population? Or do you think they’re going to the communities where the infrastructure and resources are already stretched to the brink? The communities where people are already struggling and will now have to compete with those who are illegally here. Where you already have a high number of at-risk youths, and where the schools have all but collapsed.
If Republican officials were smart, which many of them aren’t, they would campaign on the idea that those who are “resettled” in America must be “resettled” in communities that can afford to sustain this population. Basically, put them in the wealthy elite areas, many of which tout themselves as progressive, and let’s see what happens. I can assure you that the problem would be solved almost instantly.
It’s so much easier to publicly virtue-signal when it’s not your community or your family being affected. It’s easy for them to preach from their ivory towers because they aren’t impacted. These people are hypocrites, and the second it begins to affect them, you’ll see how quickly their true colors come out.
Another question that should be asked, that needs to be asked, is if the administration really believes it’s doing nothing wrong, why are they trafficking these people in the dark of night? Why are they keeping flight logs off the record? Why aren’t they informing the states when they do these drop-offs? Why aren’t press releases issued? These are all fair questions especially in light of the leaked video where officials and contractors were caught on camera talking about how this needs to be on the “down-low” and kept out of public view.
I’d also like to know what bureaucrats came up with this terrible idea, and who approved it? This is not something that was approved by low-level bureaucrats, and it had to go high up the food chain. Was it Secretary Mayorkas? Did he green light this program? What about our border czar, the Vice President herself? Was President Biden informed this was happening or taking place? Did he approve it? We need to know what these officials knew, when they knew it, and what was their involvement?
I don’t think people realize the full significance of what our government and these officials have done. Essentially our government is engaged and is now the purveyor of human trafficking because that’s exactly what it is. You can try to sugarcoat this all you want, but when you step back, our government is trafficking people all throughout the country to the detriment of their own citizens. Just ask yourself how this benefits us and the United States in any way?
And here’s the kicker. Another thing we need to know more about is supposed payments to these illegal immigrants. As they are being transported throughout the United States, they are also given cash. That’s right. They’re getting your taxpayer dollars. I searched high and low to find out how much these cash payments are, but I couldn’t find it so that’s another question we should be asking. How much taxpayer dollars are these people receiving as millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet because of inflation?
IRS Facial Recognition & $600 Reporting Requirements
So, as if that wasn’t insulting enough, let’s see how this administration wants to ease the economic burdens for Americans. Let’s look at what tax relief they have in store for us.
Unfortunately, because you are an American citizen or a permanent resident, you get no relief. In fact, the government is looking to squeeze whatever it can out of you. Remember, a few months ago when the Democrats wanted to pass the Build Back Better bill which would require banks to report any transactions totaling $600 to be reported to the IRS. Basically, they want the financial institutions to report every transaction we make.
Luckily, that provision was killed, but thanks to the infrastructure bill there are new reporting requirements they call digital reporting rules. See, the government doesn’t like the idea that you can transfer and receive money online. They believe you’re skirting your tax responsibilities, and that’s unacceptable. So, while the wealthy elite has all these write-offs, and illegal immigrants are getting shuttled around and getting taxpayer dollars, PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, and other mobile money apps have to report any transaction you valued at $600 and over.
They want these transactions reported so the government can scrutinize them and make sure it’s not business income. They say it’s not to track personal charges between family and friends, but let’s be honest, do you really believe that? How are they supposed to know the difference between a commercial transaction and a personal transaction? We all know what it’s really about. This administration wants to squeeze whatever they can out of you unless you are part of the protected class.
It’s funny how they always rail against the 1%, yet when you look at their policies, look at who they are targeting. I don’t think the Mark Zuckerberg’s or the Jeff Bezos of the world are using PayPal to make purchases.
It’s Always About the Money- Well, Sometimes it’s About the Money
And it’s not just with this new rule. Remember that infrastructure bill that was going to upgrade our infrastructure to the 21st century. The $1.2-trillion monstrosity. It’s already been established that only about 10% of the actual $1.2-trillion goes towards infrastructure, and even with the money that goes towards actual infrastructure, by the time many of these projects break ground, it will be 4-5 years later if at all.
But I already spoke about the infrastructure bill in a previous episode so I’m not going to rehash it here.
What I do want to talk about is something that wasn’t specifically in the bill. See, when Congress passes these massive spending packages, they always earmark money for discretionary spending, which means the money can be spent however the powers that be want it to be spent.
Tucked away in this $1.2-trillion bill is $42-billion allocated. Apparently, the Department of Transportation and Secretary Pete Buttigieg are declaring that this money is going to be used towards a road safety plan. I’ll remind you that Secretary Buttigieg is the idiot that said he rides his bike to work, but he got caught driving to work, parking down the block, and taking the bike out of the trunk. I swear these people are so pathetic.
So, they come out and give this big press conference and I have to set this up for you, so you really understand what’s going on. They talk about how deadly the roadways are becoming. How traffic deaths have increased dramatically, and in order to highlight their point, they explain how traffic deaths rose 18.4% in the first six months of 2021 compared to 2020. I wonder if anyone asked them if they were aware of the lockdowns that took place in 2020 where the roads were pretty much empty. Perhaps that’s a big part of the 18.4% increase. I’m just saying. I know how they like to avoid logic, but it may be a question worth asking.
And just so you are aware, because I don’t want anyone to accuse me of misleading, I know how the left operates. I want to be clear about the numbers. From 1960-1980, we averaged about 48,000 fatalities from motor vehicle crashes. From 1981-2001, we averaged about 43,000 fatalities from motor vehicle crashes. From 2002-2020, we averaged 37,606. So, if you look at it, we’ve been trending downward over the course of the last 40 years. Now factor in how many more cars are on the road compared to the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s, and you’ll see that the roadways have gotten safer and vehicle safety has improved dramatically as well.
Keeping that in mind, they give this press conference where they use words like surge in traffic fatalities. That a deadly trend has started. Remember, they use these words to shield themselves from criticism. You dare to criticize them, and they scream, “you don’t care about safety on our roadways. You just want people to die.” They use that one for everything now because they saw how well it worked in the coronavirus. Actually, they’ve been using that one for years. Remember, when some people opposed the Affordable Care Act, and on the flaw of the House, then-Congressman Alan Grayson said the Republicans want Americans to die quickly.
They are now calling this $42-billion program the “safe system approach.” Part of this $42-billion package, in fact, $13-billion out of the $42-billion is being spent on creating roadways that help to “self-enforce” speed limits.
I’m not kidding. That’s what the plan actually says. You got to love their word usage. What the hell do “self-enforce” speed limits mean? Simple, it’s speed cameras. That’s what it’s about. Nothing more than a money-making scheme to suck more dollars out of American pockets and into the coffers of the cesspool of Washington, DC. That’s what it comes down to.
And they are already working to insulate themselves from criticism. They’ve figured out a way to inject race, social justice, and equity, into this program. They argue that if speed cameras take pictures of the cars, fewer black and brown people will be pulled over by the cops, and if fewer black and brown people are pulled over, then fewer of them will be killed by cops. It’s insulting and they are demented.
See, if you criticize the program, you’re not just expressing anti-government/anti-authority sentiment which may lead you to be labeled a domestic terrorist, but you’re also a racist. Amazing how these parasites figure out a way to inject race into everything. Also, realize they’re liars. Who do you think this targets the most? How many speed or red-light cameras do you see in the ruling class areas? Ever notice how most of these cameras are in areas on the lower to middle social-economic scale? Mostly middle class and lower-middle-class areas? Keep that in mind.
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It’s Not Just the Money…It’s Also the Surveillance State
I know I just said it’s all about the money, but it’s actually not. It’s the continued buildout of the surveillance state. It’s the continued spying on the American people. Capturing all sorts of data on them, and our movements. Now I will certainly be labeled as a conspiracy theorist loon but look at the facts. Take the red-light cameras. Have you ever sat at a red-light night, and all you see is flash after flash even though no one is going through the light?
Understand that while a human being isn’t looking at your every movement, these cameras have license plate readers, and who knows where the data goes. Don’t forget the NSA prism program that Edward Snowden revealed where our government was literally capturing all the metadata from our phone calls, emails, web searches, social media posts, and God knows what else.
What about the Biden administration amassing millions of records on gun owners? What did these gun owners do? Well, nothing. But according to an internal ATF document, the ATF collected nearly 1-billion records pertaining to law-abiding gun owners. Why are they collecting these records and what do they plan on using these records for? What’s the purpose? Especially considering these people did nothing wrong and aren’t being accused of any crimes, yet the government is monitoring their activity. Why? (Washington Free Beacon) And just so everyone is aware, a federal firearms database is strictly prohibited by law. But then again when do they care about the law. We continue to see laws being violated, but it’s okay because they say they’re doing it to save democracy.
What about the Postal Services Internet Covert Operations Program (ICOP) program? Why would the United States Postal Service by monitoring social media sites to look for what they say are “inflammatory” postings, and then share that information with other government agencies? (Fox Business) The Postal Service exists to deliver mail and deal with mail fraud. I’m not sure what monitoring people’s social media posts has to do with that.
I would like to know who gave them the authorization to do this and what constitutes what they consider to be “inflammatory” posts? How do they define inflammatory? Of course, we don’t know because no one asks.
What about the FBI illegally accessing the NSA’s repository on Americans, openly defying the federal courts who have criticized the FBI for this practice? Now it would be nice if the courts could issue a contempt order, but the problem is that the Courts cannot enforce their own rulings. Enforcement would have to come from the DOJ. But why isn’t anyone pushing the FBI and demanding answers as to why are they illegally accessing the NSA databases without a warrant, and who are they targeting? Kind of important questions if you ask me.
The Privatization of Intel Gathering on Americans
While the government abuses are clear, and while we see the buildout of the surveillance state throughout government agencies, even more concerning is how the government is utilizing private organizations to serve as its eyes and ears. To gather intelligence on American citizens.
This is a dangerous road we are headed down and I am not sure the vast majority of Americans are aware this is even happening. I don’t even think half the politicians know the extent, and I’m talking about both Democrats and Republicans.
The most important thing to know is that the privatization of intel gathering on Americans is nothing more than an attempt to sidestep the Constitution. It is much easier for corporate entities to gather information on Americans because it doesn’t require any warrants, and the information is readily available.
We focus far more on government surveillance because let’s face it, the government has the power to destroy lives. They can investigate you, prosecute you, take away your civil liberties, and even worse, convict you and send you to prison. And while we knew that corporations keep an enormous amount of data on us, we didn’t really pay attention because we figured it was only for marketing purposes.
However, what happens when the corporate world, big tech, and the government begin to blend into one where the boundaries no longer exist? Think of the contracts between the intel community, DOD, and other government entities. Look at who holds those contracts whether it be Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or a whole host of other far-left companies who are making billions upon billions of dollars each year from the surveillance state. Why wouldn’t they want to see it expanded?
I’m not even accounting for all the smaller companies that stand to make a lot of money from the surveillance state apparatus. Just before I brought up speed cameras and red-light cameras. Understand, it’s private companies that build the equipment, install it, maintain it, and get to keep a hefty percentage of the money it rakes in.
Digital intelligence relies mostly on private companies, and these companies routinely share this intelligence with the government because they are serving as the contractors to the government rather than the government itself.
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We continue to head down the slippery slope of authoritarianism. The surveillance state is here and is continually growing. And realize, it will only be a matter of time before the social credit system we see in China is imported here in the United States. You already see elements of these with cancel culture and vaccine mandates and passports, but it will go far beyond that if we allow it to.
Any politician out there, I don’t care what side of the political aisle you are on, you should be campaigning about this issue. You should be campaigning on reigning in the government abuses and the privatization of intelligence gathering. You should be proposing legislation that would either ban the practice or severely limit the practice. And Congress needs to do their freakin’ jobs and conduct oversight. Find out what the hell is going on and hold accountable anyone who is abusing their power. If that means disbanding some government agencies, so be it.
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This is not a partisan issue because whoever is in power, will be the one who has control over the surveillance apparatus. The situation can quickly change where you’re on the receiving end and that’s why we should all care.
With that being said, don’t forget to share this episode with family and friends. Reviews are always appreciated so if you’re listening to this podcast on Apple Podcast, please take 30-seconds to write a good review.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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