Episode 188 Show Notes- The American Military is Infected by the New Woke Madness
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Episode Description
The woke madness continues as it infects all aspects of our society, including the American military. This episode continues to focus on the woke totalitarianism that poisons everything in its path. Over the last week, we’ve seen wokism target the American flag and the national anthem. Senior military leaders are openly embracing the woke philosophy and call out “White Rage.” As the new buzz phrase ‘white rage’ is now being tossed around with impunity, what is “White Rage”, and does it really exist?
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Show Transcript- The American Military is Infected by the New Woke Madness
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I’ve got another very important episode lined up for you. It’s time we focus on how the United States military has been infected with the woke philosophy. Last week, you had senior military leaders testify before Congress, and what they said has me deeply concerned.
If these people actually believe the crap they’re pushing, it’s frightening. If they don’t then why are they complicit in this charade. In any event, I’m going to tackle that today. I’m going to examine the woke impact on the military, and why this logic is poisonous. I’m going to define this new buzz phrase going around called “White Rage.”
I’ll define what it is, and we’ll take a look to see if it really exists. And I’ll talk about the long-term impacts continuing down this path of woke totalitarianism which is even more concerning since the Biden administration released its National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
Now, I focused on that document last week, and if you haven’t yet listened to the episode, you should do so immediately because I go page-by-page showing just how dangerous this document is especially in light of everything going on.
I also discussed woke totalitarianism with the Anti-PC Professor, Michael Rectenwald. That episode dropped on Monday so be sure to take a listen.
Before I start today, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. While you’re there, sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter, and be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
What the Heck is Going On?
I’m going to be discussing the woke totalitarianism that is now poisoning the military in a few minutes. First, there are a few things that I want to tackle because what I’ve seen over the last few days has been nothing short of extraordinary, and they all tie in with the central theme anyway. First, I want to take President Biden. He spoke several times over the last few days, and at some point, we have to state the obvious. What the hell is going on?
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, take a listen to this clip.
Sound Clip President Biden Whispering
Talk about bizarre. What the hell was that? I am someone who does public speaking for a living. Whenever you are changing your tone, you do so for effect, but this didn’t make any sense. It was just odd and came out of the left field.
But that wasn’t even the worst of it. There was also this gem. Take a listen.
Sound Clip 2nd Amendment and Nukes
Again, what the hell was that? First of all, nobody is talking about a violent overthrow of the government. I know that those in the government and the propaganda press are pushing the idea that we have a bunch of insurrectionists intent on violently overthrowing the government. They scream “sedition!” and “insurrection!” but this is far from reality.
There is no serious talk about a violent revolution to overthrow the government, but they are pushing this idea for a reason. See, if the government was really under threat. If there really was an attempt of overthrowing the government, then it is only natural that the government needs to expand its powers. Once you realize that, all this talk of domestic terrorism, insurrection, domestic enemies, it starts to make sense.
It’s all about power. That’s what they want. It’s what they crave. But talk about F-15s and nukes is just crazy talk.
Now just imagine what the press reaction would have been had President Trump made the same statements. You can hear it now. “Dictator!” “Authoritarian!” You would hear calls to invoke the 25th Amendment. You would hear endless discussions of how the President is not mentally well and is suffering from a neurological disorder.
Yet, when Biden says it, the propaganda press simply laughs it off as if it’s not a big deal. Oh, it’s just Biden being Biden. Good ole Uncle Joe makes crazy statements.
Well, let’s just state the obvious, and it’s nothing you don’t already know. There are real and legitimate questions about the President’s health, and the propaganda press should be demanding a full health evaluation. They never will, but they should be doing their job.
This is supposed to be the leader of the free world, which leads us to more serious questions. If President Biden is suffering from neurological decline, is he still making the decisions? And if he is, why? More importantly, if he’s not making the decisions, then the American people have a right to know who is shaping our policies, and who are the ones making the executive decisions?
I think these are important questions that should be answered.
Then you have Congresswoman AOC. Obviously, the Congresswoman isn’t that bright. She’s one of the dumbest people in Congress, but she is politically cunning, and she knows how to command a following. Don’t ever underestimate her.
But the reason I bring her up is because of a comment she made regarding the increasing violence we are witnessing in every major city under Democrat leadership. Take a listen to what she had to say.
Sound Clip AOC Crime Hysteria
Seriously? This is an elected member of Congress? She is either devoid of reality just showing her stupidity or she’s intentionally trying to sugarcoat the rising violence we are witnessing in every major city controlled by Democrats.
Basically, she’s saying that the percentages may look large, but we always see an ebb and flow when it comes to rising crime. That’s the context she wants to frame it in. She also wants to frame it in the context of racism. That people commit crimes because America is a systemically racist country. I’ll remind you what AOC said a few months ago.
And she sure is relying heavily on disinformation.
But let’s look at the context. Let’s use our brains and some simple common sense. Common sense dictates that the same cities seeing an increase in violent crimes are also the same ones that saw bail reform passed where violent criminals are simply released back into the public after they commit a crime. These offenders will then go back into communities they’ve already victimized only to victimize them again.
Common sense dictates that when you spend a year undermining law enforcement, you’re going to see criminals become more aggressive as we live in the bizarre time where the criminals are elevated, and the police are demonized.
Common sense dictates that when you defund the police and disband entire units, violence will increase.
Common sense dictates that when you tell the police to stand down, crime increases.
Common sense dictates that when you don’t enforce the laws on the books, criminals will take advantage and continue to commit those same crimes as they don’t have a fear of repercussions. Most of the charges against those engaged in rioting and looting last summer have been dropped. More importantly, we constantly hear the left talk about gun violence. They say we need to get the guns off the streets. Yet, they don’t even enforce the gun laws already on the books.
There’s your context of why we are seeing the violent crime surge within every major city under democrat control. Understand Hamilton had it right, weak leaders equal weak governments. Weak governments equal bad governments. While Hamilton was talking about a President in Federalist 70, I think this applies to any executive leader from mayors to governors.
Disrespecting America
Moving on to the next two stories that are annoying me. I am so sick and tired of people disrespecting the flag. I am so sick of those who constantly denigrate our country. Listen, we aren’t perfect, and we certainly have our flaws, but we live in the greatest country to ever exist.
Take the Olympian Gwen Berry. She’s representing the United States at next month’s Olympics. During the qualifiers, when they played the national anthem, she turned her back on the flag and became what she describes as an activist athlete. She says that she knows it’s disrespectful, but she says that she chooses morality over patriotism.
If she truly believes America is an immoral country, and if she truly believes she needs to stand up against the oppressive nature of America, then wouldn’t a better protest be to not participate in the Olympics? If I go by her logic, why would she want to represent an oppressive country?
And that’s where you know it’s all a bunch of BS. She doesn’t believe the crap she’s peddling in, but she wants the attention. She wants the accolades from the far-left. She wants the woke corporate endorsements.
These people make it like their civil rights activists, but they don’t even come close. When there was real systemic racism like Jim Crow, then she’d have an argument, but what oppression have they faced. It’s not to say people don’t experience racism on an individual and personal level, but this isn’t 1950’s America anymore. As I said last week, we are living in the most open and tolerant generation to ever exist.
I don’t know her past, but this is the one country where anyone from anywhere can come and succeed. What defines America is the constant stories of immigrants after immigrants coming to the United States with absolutely nothing. Coming from destitution. Only to escape it, overcome obstacles, and become a success story. How many other nations can we say that about?
Nike A Chinese Company For the Chinese People
Then you have the woke corporations like Nike. The other day, Nike CEO John Donahoe, who is a complete and utter fool, said on a call with Wall Street analysts that “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China.”
This guy is a complete piece of garbage. It was the American people who built Nike. Nike put out a good product and the American people bought it. Instead of showing an appreciation to our country, Nike constantly bashes the United States as being an oppressive, unjust country. As a corporation, they’ve made the calculated decision to jump on the social justice warrior bandwagon. They’ve made a calculated decision to become part of the woke corporate class.
But again, do they really believe the crap they’re peddling. Of course not. If Nike truly cared about morality, they wouldn’t do business in China. Not because of the Chinese people, but because of the communist regime that has routinely silenced its own population. The same regime has reeducation camps, which are nothing more than concentration camps, where they take the Uyghurs and Christians, torture them, and many die at these reeducation camps.
Apparently, Nike and other corporations like the NBA, have no problem with the systemic human rights abuses that occur regularly in China. They also could care less about the widespread animal abuses that occur with impunity.
And obviously, these woke corporations could care less that China is the number one synthetic opioid dealer in the world, where 90% of American opioid deaths can be traced back to China. It’s apparent these woke corporations don’t care about Americans dying.
Truly stunning and pathetic.
The New Woke Military
This leads me to our new woke military. Over the last several months, there have been increasing complaints that the United States military has incorporated Critical Race Theory throughout the military. This is highly disturbing, to say the least. We are creating divisions, while our adversaries are plotting on how to expand their power and sphere of influence. Power is a zero-sum game, and in order for these countries to gain power, we have to lose power.
Essentially, we are doing our adversaries’ work for them. The other day, the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, was testifying before Congress, and he stated that the military does not teach CRT. Take a listen to what he said.
Sound Clip Secretary of Defense CRT
So, he claims the military is not teaching CRT. Is he being honest? Of course, he’s not being honest. Like they do in the schools, they may not call it CRT. They disguise it and call it diversity, inclusion, and equity, or as I like to call it, DIE.
In fact, in February, Air Force spokeswoman Captain Leah Brading sent an email to those in the Air Force stated, “Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity education and training are essential to cultivating positive values and behaviors, as well as an environment where inclusion and equity for all personnel is achieved.”
On February 21st, the Navy issued an order immediately resuming all diversity and inclusion training, and on March 4th, the Army ordered its Military Equal Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity offices to immediately resume diversity and inclusion training.
This type of training goes directly against the intent of desegregation. When President Harry Truman ordered the desegregation of the military in 1948, he stated that he was invoking the American commitment to “equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin.” (Truman Library)
And if you don’t believe that CRT or DIE are being drilled into the soldiers, just look at what happened to Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier. He wrote a book calling out how Marxist ideologies are becoming widespread within the military.
He then had the audacity to go on the Steve Gruber show, who is conservative, and the Lt. Col. said, “Since taking command as a commander about 10 months ago, I saw what I consider fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is and should be. That wasn’t just prolific in social media, or throughout the country during this past year, but it was spreading throughout the United States military. And I had recognized those narratives as being Marxist in nature.” (CNN)
He said, the military was adopting the teachings of the 1619 Project, which is nothing more than a false history. One that tries to make it as if this entire country is built on racism. That our institutions were all founded with racist intent, and that once the United States Constitution was codified, racism was codified.
So, what happened the Lt. Col. for daring to speak out? Well, he was relieved of his command. Lt. General Stephen Whiting stated that he was being relieved of his command “due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.” Not only was he relieved of his command, but Lt. General Stephen Whiting, who is a pathetic human being, has launched an investigation, and the Air Force Inspector General has now taken over the investigation.
They are investigating whether the Lt. Col.’s comments are prohibited partisan political activity. If the investigation deems his book and comments are in violation, the Lt. Col. can be charged under the Military Code of Justice.
So apparently if you criticize CRT or DIE as being rooted in cultural Marxism, that cannot be tolerated. Yet, if you attempt to indoctrinate soldiers on with far-left ideology, that’s just normal military policy now. Understand that the recommended reading list for soldiers now includes How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibrahim Kendi, and White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo.
At West Point, cadets are being mandated to attend seminars and presentations on critical race theory, and all cadets are required to attend at least one seminar on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Slides at the presentation include, “White Power at West Point,” “Racist Dog Whistles at West Point,” and “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage.”
So, the Secretary of Defense testified that CRT wasn’t being pushed in the military, but it clearly is. How do you think this plays out, and I want you to seriously think about this? We encourage young men and women to join the military, and we tell them that in their service, they may have to pay the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the nation.
Why would anyone want to defend a nation that is steeped in racism? Why would anyone want to defend a nation that was founded in evil, and continues to perpetuate in the evil practice of racism? Would you be willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for this?
General Mark Milley
This brings me to General Mark Milley, who at the same Congressional hearing, contradicted exactly what the Secretary of Defense said. Take a listen.
Sound Clip General Mark Milley
I want to dissect what the General said, and it’s really disgraceful that someone of his caliber is pushing this nonsense.
First, I’ll take on this idea that he’s read Mao, Karl Marx, and that doesn’t make him a communist. That he’s learning about CRT to have “situational understanding.”
I’m constantly reading literature on varying points of view that I disagree with because, in order for me to take on those ideologies and philosophies, I need to know and understand them. And I expect the same from a top-level General, especially one that serves as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
But here’s the problem with General Milley, it’s clear he doesn’t believe in communism. It’s clear he’s not a Marxist. However, he validates CRT and approves of this teaching. It’s clear he supports CRT when he says, “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it.”
He goes on to say, “So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out.”
I’ll get into the “white rage” aspect in a minute. First, I want to take on the January 6th riot at the Capitol Building, or as the left would call it, “the insurrection.”
Essentially, he all but said that the root cause of January 6th was based on white supremacy and whiteness. Why else would you lump January 6th in when discussing and defending CRT being taught in the military?
And I really wish someone would have followed up and asked the General what evidence he has to suggest January 6th was the result of white supremacy? I wish one of the congresspeople would have asked what white supremacist groups were behind the riot? According to General Milley, only white people stormed the Capitol Building that day even though we know that’s not true.
I also wish someone would have asked what the goal of these white supremacists was when they stormed the Capitol Building? Were they looking to reinstitute slavery? Segregation? I mean if you’re saying that the whole January 6th riot was based on white rage, shouldn’t we know the groups involved and their goals?
White Rage
Also, what is white rage? I always warn you to be careful when you hear these new buzzwords. Apparently, the alt-right label didn’t stick so now they’ve latched onto this idea of white rage. The idea of white rage is based on a book written by Carol Anderson. Want to guess what her profession is? Of course, she’s a university professor where most bad ideas trickle out.
White rage is the idea that as minorities advance within society, and move into positions of power, white people get angry. These morons believe that white people look at everything through the prism of race. From the minute they wake up and look in the mirror, all they see is whiteness and plot how to keep white people in power.
I hate to break it to these losers, most people regardless of race, it doesn’t matter if they’re white, black, brown, most people wake up every day figuring out how they’re going to get through the day and provide for their families. They’re too busy with real-life and real-world problems that they don’t have time to dwell on their, or anyone else’s, skin color.
She argues that there’s a white backlash when racial progress occurs and that when white people are forced to confront their white privilege, most white people will become angry, particularly males. So, who are these so-called angry white males?
Well, according to liberal scholars, anyone who holds conservative or right-wing political views is an angry white male as if women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, or just about any other demographic can’t possibly be conservative.
That’s how dumb these people are. They don’t even think through their arguments. Another gem is that white people have an anxiety of others, particularly immigrants. Umm, have these people looked at the immigration policies of other countries? Mexico is pretty strict when it comes to immigration and the Mexican people aren’t big fans of illegal immigrants either.
In fact, many South American countries aren’t fans of immigration, especially illegal immigration. And it’s not just South American countries. Go look at the immigration policies of many African countries. Look at the immigration policies of Asian countries. Then look at how immigrants are treated in those countries.
The whole premise is just ridiculous and utter stupidity, yet the chumps eat it up. And of course, if you deny the existence of white rage, you’ll be tagged with the racist label, and they’ll argue that it proves you have white rage.
While their premise is completely ridiculous, its effectiveness is impressive, and that’s the one thing I’ll give the left. They constantly raise arguments that can never be quantified, and if you challenge them, they’ll just label you. Anything and everything is racism. It’s not like if we did a survey people would openly admit to having white rage or being racist, and the left will say that just proves how many people have white rage and are racist.
It’s like climate change. Every single negative weather phenomenon is the result of man-made climate change. If you deny that, you’re labeled a science denier. When it comes to climate change a more logical explanation may be that we have some contribution, at the same time, mother nature is a powerful force and was here prior to human beings and will be here long after we’re gone. To think we have that much control certainly shows the arrogance of man, but I guess that’s my angry white self talking clearly showing my bitterness and resentment even though Italians were rejected by both the Whites and the Blacks.
Back to General Milley
Getting back to the point on General Milley. He needs to be asked to define white rage and the role it plays. To provide evidence of this white rage. Either the General believes this nonsense, which would certainly be disturbing, or he has another motive.
And he should be asked directly, what keeps him up at night? As a General, what is the biggest strategic threat we face that you think about every day? What’s a bigger threat to the homeland, white rage from within, or the growing aggression of communist China?
Maybe he is sincere in his beliefs, but if he truly believes this amorphous idea of white rage is the bigger threat, he should not be holding the position of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
But I don’t really think he’s really had some racial awakening, and so we need to ask what other motive can there be? Why would a General promote this white rage theory if he really didn’t believe it?
The answer is actually fairly simple. Ask yourself, what is the current party in power and who controls the funding levels for the military? You have to realize that those in senior military positions are political animals, and they know how to play the game.
They know not to bite the hand that feeds them. General Milley is also keenly aware that many on the left look to cut the funding from the military so that they can fund other social welfare programs. Well, if the military placates the left with this CRT crap, maybe Democrats won’t be so quick to cut their funding. So, you certainly have the financial motive.
Another motive may be to play up the threat level. Now this is all complete speculation on my part, and I admit I have no evidence to back this up, but as we begin to draw down from Afghanistan. As the global War on Terror begins to wind down, how do we maintain a security state?
Easy, create the perpetual crisis where the nation is under a constant state of threat, not from those abroad, but from those within. Instill enough fear, and the people will grant the government ever more authority to expand the surveillance state and increase funding levels for all those agencies and departments that play a role in the security apparatus.
See, it’s why they never release any real detailed threat assessment of white supremacy. It’s why whenever they speak of the issue, they talk in vague generalities, not just General Milley, but everyone that pushes this crap. You notice how they never give hard numbers like what is the estimated number of white supremacist groups and white supremacists throughout the United States. They never give any details about their operational capabilities or their command-and-control structures.
Well, there’s a reason for that vagueness. The reality is that the number of white supremacists and white supremacy organizations is extraordinarily low. It doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but they have little capabilities and the racists in these organizations are largely marginalized.
Granted, all it takes is one or a handful of morons to cause damage and kill people, but no one really expects any type of sustained long-term terror campaign.
And if the threat is that low, most Americans would reject the government’s efforts to expand the surveillance state, and many members of Congress, particularly those on the left, would begin to call for a shift in funding from the security apparatus to their dream programs of universal healthcare and universal education.
However, if you make people believe that white rage was behind January 6th, scaring people into believing that this was just the beginning and we will witness an all-out sustained assault on Democracy, then the gravy train continues.
And he tries to obfuscate what CRT really is. Notice how he said that he thinks it’s important to know that Black people were considered less than a full person. He’s talking about the 3/5ths compromise. If he was really big into research, he would know that this is already taught in the K-12 system in several academic years.
To all the morons out there. Before you start criticizing me and saying that I don’t want racial disparities to be taught. That I want to sanitize our history, and that’s why I oppose CRT and the woke totalitarianism. It’s actually the opposite.
I believe in teaching about racism and discrimination. I believe in teaching the totality of the American experience, both the good and the bad. It needs to be taught to everyone from elementary school to the military.
What I don’t believe in is indoctrinating entire generations into thinking this is somehow an evil and racist country.
What I don’t believe in is the notion that America is just as or more racist today than in our past.
What I reject is the idea that we haven’t made any progress regarding race relations. And I flatly reject turning this country into a tribal country.
I reject breaking Americans down into groups based on something we have no control over like skin color. I reject the attempts to divide us based on our differences and understand we actually have much more in common regardless of our differences.
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We’re all in this boat together, and as I said before, most of us are just trying to live our lives and provide for our families. It’s really that simple.
I think I did enough ranting for today. It’s been a busy week for me. I appeared on The Joe Cozzo Show so check it out. Joe has a great podcast and we went through a lot of issues. It really was a great discussion. I have the link up at The P.A.S. Report.
I will also be sitting down with my friends Mark Young and Chuck Woolery on Blunt Force Truth so check that out as well. It’s always fun joining those two. They have one of the best podcasts out there.
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This weekend is Independence Day, and everyone should go out and celebrate July 4th. Also, take some time to reflect on the importance of the day and the current moment in time we are living through.
I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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