Episode 268 Show Notes- The Battle Over the Constitution and Why It’s Survival Matters
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While everyone is paying attention to the War in Ukraine, and understandably so, many are ignoring the battle over the Constitution. Over the last several decades, we have witnessed a complete disregard for the United States Constitution and the founding principles of this country. There is an extraordinary effort to undermine the very principles that have led America to become an exceptional nation. The battle over the Constitution will continue as long as people remain silent.
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Show Transcript- The Battle Over the Constitution and Why It’s Survival Matters
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
We are living through extraordinary times. It’s times like these that change the course of human history. At the same time, these are exhausting times. Trying to keep up with every issue and crisis is not an easy task. There is only so much you can discuss and focus on at any given time.
Also, factor in how our attention spans have dramatically decreased due to the changes in technology and the rapid flow of information. It is hard to stay current on everything, but that’s why you listen to The P.A.S. Report podcast.
I do my best to bring you relevant issues that matter to you, our lives, and our country. That’s why you listen to this podcast.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been focusing on the war in Ukraine, and understandably so. It has the potential to lead to a much larger disaster.
But while most are paying attention to that war, many have not paid attention to the most important battle. In fact, the battle over the Constitution is being virtually ignored.
But the battle over the Constitution shouldn’t be ignored. It is extremely significant because our lives and our country depend on its survival.
Many seek to minimize or disregard the Constitution’s significance. Many want to undermine the Constitution and our founding documents. The extraordinary effort to weaken this document, and the founding principles that have led America to become an exceptional nation, is nothing more than an organized attempt to remake, reimagine, our society.
Call it what you want- the new normal, the Great Reset, the New World Order- all have the same goal. Destroy the Constitution and our way of life. This battle over the Constitution is real.
In this episode, I’ll focus on the battle over the Constitution. I’ll explain what’s really going on and why some hate the Constitution and others want to undermine it so they can acquire more power. More importantly, I’ll explain what we need to do to win the battle over the Constitution, and why it matters.
Before I jump in, make sure to click the follow button for this podcast so you never miss an episode, and don’t forget to visit The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
Awake, Not Woke
Brief Update War in Ukraine
Before I get into the battle over the Constitution, I want to provide three quick observations regarding the war in Ukraine.
The first thing is that the war in Ukraine laid bare, that short of nuclear weapons, we’ve overestimated the Russian military’s capabilities and competency for decades.
Some people pushed back on me for saying that. They claimed this was part of Putin’s strategy. That he’s doing this on purpose, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Putin could have taken over the eastern provinces and have been done with it. There would have been few consequences because it would have been the “small incursion” that President Biden essentially green-lighted.
Instead, he wanted to project Russian dominance and strength. He thought Ukraine would quickly surrender. It seems he learned nothing from our “we will be greeted as liberators” mistake in Iraq. This decision will come back to haunt Putin. He grossly miscalculated, and it’s had the exact opposite effect. Russia is far weaker today than it was three weeks ago.
Some are equivocating the Russian military failures to our own. As far as our military goes, when it comes to battles and strategies, our military actually performs outstandingly. The soldiers in the theater of war do well. Our failures are political failures from the pencil-pushing bureaucrats and failed leadership in the Pentagon. Had we gone in, completed the original objectives, and gotten out, we would have shown our military dominance.
Instead, we try to nation-build. We also push this concept of democracy without ever thinking that maybe some cultures and democracy aren’t compatible. And let’s be honest, should we, or the other so-called liberal democracies, be preaching to others given that we acted no different than any other authoritarian government over the last two years?
I know. You’ll say it’s different. We were facing a crisis. Well, sorry. Our Constitution doesn’t disappear because we’re facing our crisis. You don’t do away with democratic principles because you face a crisis. And if we do say that it’s okay because we were facing a crisis, then a free society is nothing but a myth.
The second thing that’s really illuminating in this war is how we can’t keep our mouths shut. Why are we announcing every little thing we are doing? The administration shouldn’t be openly talking about what weapon systems we’re providing to Ukraine, or what we will or won’t do.
If we are going to be providing support, the administration should simply be saying that and not define what that support consists of.
Also, the administration shouldn’t be taking anything off the table. It’s one thing if I say we should try to avert a world war. It’s a whole other thing when the President says we will not be doing something out of fear that it will escalate the situation. The President should simply say we are leaving any and all options on the table. They should keep Russia guessing as to where the red line is.
It’s one of the reasons our adversaries were less aggressive under President Trump. Whether you like President Trump or not is irrelevant. He was unpredictable and it kept our adversaries at bay.
Thirdly and finally, if the Biden administration was smart, which they aren’t, we actually have the opportunity to use this to our advantage. Russia is now weaker. Reports have it that Russia is now asking China for economic and military aid.
Now, China denies this, and they will try to hide any aid provided because they’re smart and don’t announce it, but we should be driving a wedge between Russia and China. Put the screws to them. Throwdown the gauntlet and force China to make a choice. They either choose Russia or the United States and if they provide Russia with economic and military aid, then they cannot do business with the United States. You have to think as the communist regime does. The language of Xi Jinping is the language of economics. It’s the one thing they understand.
Battle Over the Constitution
Getting to the main topic, we are in a battle. It’s not a physical battle, it’s an ideological battle. A theological one. It’s the battle over the Constitution. On one side, you have those who want to defend the Constitution, our constitutional republic, and the democratic principles that are essential to liberty. On the other side, you have those who want to redefine the Constitution, do away with the republic, and challenge the core meaning of democracy and democratic principles.
For those that want to redefine the Constitution, they fall into two camps. One camp shows utter contempt for our founding and everything the United States was built on. The other camp shows a complete disregard for the Constitution and our system of federalism. They don’t despise the founding or our history, but they don’t defend it either. They want to change the system in order to increase their power within our society.
Example of Those Who Show Contempt for The United States and the Constitution
I’m going to start off with those who show disdain towards the United States and the Constitution. These are the more dangerous people in the battle over the Constitution.
I’ll start off by playing a sound clip because it really epitomizes the sentiment of what I’m talking about. You have these people with disdain for our founding, our Constitution, our history, and America in general.
So, I’ll set the sound clip up for you. Elie Mystal is a correspondent for The Nation. He also regularly appears on MSNBC. You already know where this is going. He went on The View to discuss his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution. You had the four women and him discussing the Constitution. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Elie Mystal
That right there illustrates the battle over the Constitution, and not once did any of the hosts jump in to say, “wait a minute,” and actually defend the Constitution.
I want to dissect what Mystal says though because it highlights their disdain for our system, our country, and our Constitution. It also reflects their ignorance when it comes to the founding of this country.
I just want to provide you with information on Mystal’s background because I think it’s an important part of the story. He was born in Haiti and became a naturalized U.S. citizen. Haiti is a country that has been racked with violence, and the average Haitian earns about $1,300 a year.
It’s why many Haitians immigrate to the United States to seek a better life, and that’s exactly what his parents did. His father would ultimately become a Suffolk County Legislator.
Obviously, Mystal’s parents did something right, and obviously, Mystal is smart because he went to Harvard Law School. I tried researching whether it was on a scholarship or not, but regardless, getting into Harvard Law School is not easy.
Mystal’s net worth is several million dollars. The reason I bring this all up is that you think he would be appreciative of the United States and everything he worked hard to achieve.
This is a person who ultimately achieved the American dream. Imagine if his parents didn’t immigrate to the United States? Imagine what his life would be like if he grew up in Haiti? Would he and his family have achieved the successes in Haiti that they achieved in the United States? Sure, the chance exists, but it’s doubtful.
Instead of being grateful for having the opportunity to achieve success, he shows utter disdain for the fabric of the country and the principles that have allowed him to thrive. Instead of explaining how hard work, self-reliance, personal responsibility, and the opportunities America provides as being the basis for success, he pushes the poison that America, the founders, and the Constitution are trash.
Is the Constitution Sacred?
Amazing how he goes on national television, calls the Constitution trash, and not a single person on that panel really challenges him or defends the Constitution. It’s disgraceful and illustrates why the battle over the Constitution is so important.
Let’s start off on whether the Constitution is sacred or not, and I’ll bring it back to Ronald Reagan because he says it better than I ever could.
Sound Clip Ronald Reagan ‘We The People’
President Reagan crystallizes the entire intent of the Constitution. See, while most constitutions of the world are ideological documents explaining the rights and privileges of their people, our Constitution is a mechanics guide to how our government operates. It defines the roles and responsibilities of our government and our institutions. It lays out the limitations of the government, and these limitations are enshrined throughout the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights.
The Constitution is actually a pretty straightforward document. If we agree that the Constitution is a mechanics guide that explains what the government can and can’t do, why would anyone want to change it? The answer is simple. Both camps, those that despise the Constitution and those that disregard it, want to remove the limitations to what the government can do. It’s ironic that those who despise our founding would want to empower the government even more. Remember, these are the same people that want to declare people like me a domestic terrorist because I criticize the abuse of power and government overreach. The other camp simply wants to empower themselves.
Were All the Founding Father’s Slavers and Colonists
Getting to the second thing Mystal says, that our founding fathers were “slavers and colonists” or willing to negotiate with slavers and colonists, this is wrong and either illustrates his ignorance on our founding or his attempts to deceive his audience.
First off, if we look at the era in which the founding fathers lived, this is going to be a unique point in our history. It’s going to be a time when many of the founding fathers were born in the United States, rather than their native countries. It’s a period where the bond to the native country didn’t really exist. They didn’t have the same loyalty to their native lands because some never visited their native lands whether it be Britain, France, Spain, Denmark, or any other country.
Secondly, not all the founding fathers were slave owners. In fact, there were a bunch of founding fathers that thoroughly opposed slaves. Others would renounce slavery later on in their lives, and some would free their slaves upon their death.
Listen, I’m not justifying the practice of slavery and our sin of slavery, but there are so many inconvenient facts these people choose to ignore. Applying 21st century standards to people that lived in the 18th century is illogical. Also, painting the founding fathers with a broad brush is just as dumb.
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History is Complicated
Many of our founding fathers, including those that did own slaves, acknowledged that slavery was an evil. People like Mystal tend to oversimplify everything. They make it as if the issue of slavery is black and white- no pun intended.
However, it’s much more complicated than that. Some of you may be aware that Thomas Jefferson acknowledged that slavery violated the natural rights of the enslaved. He even included that as a grievance against King George in the Declaration of Independence. But it was taken out, and you need to understand why. We were already going up against the biggest war machine of that time. Had he included the provision for slavery, it would have alienated much of the southern colonies to take up arms against the British at a time when we anyone and everyone giving that even with a full-throated effort, the odds were stacked against us.
But there are many more inconvenient facts in the Battle over the Constitution and our founding. Facts like slavery being heavily debated since 1776, and some of the founding fathers understood their hypocrisy.
Many never talk about the 5,000 black patriots, many of them free, fighting against the British in the American Revolution. In fact, they fought side by side with their white counterparts. These integrated army units wouldn’t happen again until the Korean War. After witnessing these black patriots in action, George Washington wrote a letter to Robert Morris stating, “there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it—but there is only one proper and effectual mode by which it can be accomplished, & that is by Legislative authority ” (National Archives)
Most are unaware of people like Crispus Attucks, a black American and the first patriot killed at the Boston Massacre kicking off the American Revolution.
What about people like Peter Salem, a black patriot who killed the top British officer, Major John Pitcairn, in the Battle of Bunker Hill.
What about James Armistead who served as an American spy and double agent feeding us vital intelligence about the British and their movements?
Or Lambert Latham, another black patriot who killed a British officer after his American commander was murdered by the British.
Let’s not forget about the contributions of people like Lancaster Hill, Peter Bess, Nero Funelo, Brister Slenser, and many more who called for equality, freedom, and justice during the American Revolution.
Or what about Prince Hall, who after gaining his freedom in Massachusetts in 1770, was one of the main drivers behind getting Massachusetts to abolish and outlaw slavery in 1783. (The Atlantic)
People like John Adams adamantly opposed slavery saying, “foul contagion in the human character…an evil of colossal magnitude.” (WVU)
Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, and others were firmly against slavery. Patrick Henry said, “I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be afforded to abolish this lamentable evil.” (Original Letter/NY Times)
People like Benjamin Franklin, who once owned slaves, granted them emancipation and later headed up abolitionist groups. John Jay attempted to outlaw slavery as early as 1777 in New York, but he was unsuccessful.
George Mason did own slaves, but stated, “Slavery discourages arts and manufactures.” And “Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven on a country.” (National Archives)
At the Constitutional Convention, Governor Morris gave a speech warning about how slavery will haunt America and will ultimately lead to civil war. He encouraged the practice of slavery to end. (The Debate Over Slavery)
Luther Martin of Maryland argued at the Convention that slavery, “is inconsistent with the principles of the Revolution, and dishonorable to the American character to have such a feature in the constitution.” (CSMonitor)
Even Madison warned about slavery. Madison was a slave owner, but he warned that “It was a nefarious institution. It was the curse of heaven in the States where it prevailed.” He also predicted the North-South divided when he wrote, “It seems now to be pretty well understood that the real difference of interests lies not between the large and small but between the northern and southern states. The institution of slavery and its consequences form the line of discrimination.” (Yale)
Several states began outlawing slavery several years before the Constitution was created, including Pennsylvania wherein in 1780 any child born to a slave was a free person. 1783, Massachusetts freed all slaves and outlawed the practice. Also, in that same year, New Hampshire began to gradually outlaw slavery. In 1784, Connecticut and Rhode Island followed suit.
In 1784, Thomas Jefferson proposed to ban slavery in all Western territories. The law failed to pass Congress by one vote. In 1787, we would pass the Northwest Ordinance. In 1794, Congress passed the Slave Trade Act outlawing American ships from participating in the slave trade. 1800, American citizens were banned from investment and employment in any business participating in the slave trade. In 1807, Congress makes the international slave trade illegal, and in 1808 they banned the importation of slaves.
Does this absolve us from the sin of slavery? Absolutely not. Does it illustrate that our history is much more complicated than those seeking to destroy it make it out to be? Absolutely. It also shows that not all of the founding fathers were “slavers” as Mystal tries to push.
It amazes me how all these people want to push CRT and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. How about we just teach real American history? If we taught real American history, maybe, just maybe, people would know about the Black contributions to our founding. Maybe they would have a better understanding of where we started and how far we’ve come.
Our country is not free from sin, and I acknowledge that. I think it’s important to teach about things like the institution of slavery, the Trail of Tears, Jim Crow, and segregation. At the same time, we are not the evil nation that Mystal claims we are, and his life story is a testament to that.
However, these loons continue to denigrate the United States. They push this idea that the United States is a horrible and evil nation. That there is nothing good about this country. And this hatred is having a profound, at least among Democrats. Consider that a just-released poll asked Americans whether if we faced a similar invasion as Ukraine, would they stay and fight or would they run.
52% of Democrats said they would run if the United States was invaded. That’s 52% of the Democrat party, the majority, that would rather leave than defend America. That’s pathetic and they should be ashamed of themselves. Perhaps if they knew what the world was really like, they would have a different opinion, but many don’t. Only 40% of Democrats would stay and fight.
While the Democrat number is troubling, while the majority of Americans said they would stay and fight, 38% said they would leave the country. That’s sad, but that’s what happens when people are constantly fed this anti-American crap.
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Do Away with Federalism
And listen carefully to what Mystal says. I focused on his disdain for the United States, now I want to focus on how he wants to change the Constitution. Remember at the beginning I talked about two camps.
One camp shows utter contempt for our founding and everything the United States was built on. The other camp shows a complete disregard for the Constitution and our system of federalism. They don’t despise the founding or our history, but they don’t defend it either. They want to change the system in order to increase their power within our society. This is where the two camps converge.
Mystal says he can remake the Constitution in a series of tweets. He calls our Constitution trash, so what does he want to change regarding the Constitution? Well, he makes it clear.
He says, “No States rights when it comes to healthcare, elections, policing and guns.” Basically, he wants the federal government to usurp all power and authority from the states. He wants the federal government to be the driving force in the country.
Essentially, he’s proposing a unitary system where you have one central government with the totality of governing authority. Our founding fathers thoroughly rejected the unitary system because they feared a strong central government. Our founding fathers were always suspicious of government power and authority. While they saw government as a necessary evil, they also wanted to place an enormous number of safeguards on the system. From checks and balances to the separation of powers to institutionalizing conflict.
They also wanted the people to always be skeptical of government. To ask questions. To push back. Unfortunately, the last two years have shown us that too many out there are lemmings and will simply accept whatever narrative the government throws out there.
An All-Powerful Central Government
When we look at everything that’s happened over the last two years, but really the last couple of decades, there are so many who want to create a centralized power. They want to grant more power to the federal government, and within the federal government, they want to funnel that power to an unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy.
And let’s be honest, we can’t put this all on Democrats. Republicans are just as guilty, and many of them have little regard for the people they serve as well. Many in the republican party want a strong central authority, and even if they aren’t for an expanding federal apparatus, many of them remain silent even though they are aware of the massive abuses taking place. They are aware of the absolute corruption within the system. They are just as guilty.
Don’t believe me. Just look at what the CIA did in 2015. I know I constantly bring it up, but I think it was a pivotal moment in our country. You had the CIA spying on duly elected members of the United States. Some of the most powerful people in the country. It was highly illegal. Highly unethical. And what was done about it? Congress has the power of oversight and can hold these agencies accountable.
Sure, members of the Senate feigned outrage, but what did they do about it? Did they introduce legislation to reform the agency? Did they impeach the then CIA Director John Brennan? Did they cut the funding? Did Congress do a single thing to punish the CIA and ensure this never happens again? The answer is a resounding no.
Congress didn’t do a damn thing even though they are the ones with the power to do something. At least that’s what we thought, but it appears the nameless and faceless bureaucrats have far more power than those we elect. Just look at what the FBI did in the 2016 presidential campaign, and then to a sitting President.
Sadly, there’s only a handful of elected officials that actually stand by the Constitution and our God-given rights. There are only a handful of politicians that will call out the growing power and authority of the government. That will warn against corruption and abuses. Sadly, they are largely marginalized and dismissed, and the ruling class does that intentionally.
They do it for two reasons. First, they want to marginalize and isolate those who dare to question the system. Secondly, they want it to serve as a warning to other elected officials that they will be made an example of.
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We Have a System of Checks and Balances for a Reason
When you look at the battle over the Constitution, understand that the founding fathers worked hard carefully crafting our Constitution. It was debated. Compromises were made. I don’t pretend it’s a perfect document, but it’s the best damn governing document ever created.
When you read the Constitution, you see its greatness, as well as its imperfections. When you study the document, along with other founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers, the anti-Federalist Papers, the personal letters and diaries of the founding fathers, you clearly see the thought that was put into this system.
Consider the importance the founding fathers placed in the Legislative Branch, by far the longest section of the Constitution. Consider the number of checks and balances the legislative branch has over the executive and judicial branches. I can go through a dozen, maybe more. Then look at the judicial branch. What’s there check- judicial review. What about the executive branch? A handful of checks over the other two.
It clearly shows that many of the founders wanted decisions to be made by the many as opposed to the few. Yet today, it appears that Congress and many of the state legislative bodies simply defer to the executives to make all the decisions.
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Just look at how nearly every one of our first Ten Amendments has been routinely violated with little to no consequence. Look at how freedom of speech and thought are being controlled. Where if you go against narratives, you’ll be criticized and labeled. In some cases, you may be declared a domestic terrorist.
Look at how those in power deem what protests are legitimate and which ones aren’t. Look at how our government has routinely targeted the press and members of the press. Now, I am not someone who is a fan of the media. However, no matter how insane some of these press outlets are, they should in no way be targeted by Democrat or Republican administrations.
Look at how we have been governed through executive orders and rule changes rather than the legislative bodies craft bills. Debate those bills and then vote on those bills.
Look at how the right to privacy has been completely done away with, and our government works hand in hand with the corporations to obtain information on ordinary Americans.
And since when do social media companies get to control the terms of debate and what can and can’t be said? What can and can’t be seen?
There is a battle. The battle over the Constitution is real. It’s not a battle of guns, bombs, and violence. It’s a battle of ideology.
I’ll leave it off with a series of simple questions. As the government has continually gotten bigger and bigger, to the point where we don’t even know how many agencies exist within government. As the government has continued to grow larger, has your life gotten easier or more difficult? Has the government solved problems or created more? Does the government have more control over your life or less?
I want you to think about those questions, and I want you to be honest with yourself. Be honest with me. Feel free to send me your thoughts. Hit me up on social media with your answers. I’m also on Truth Social now. My handle is @NicholasGiordano.
Also, don’t forget to click the follow button and share this episode with others. The battle over the Constitution is profoundly important, and depending on how this plays out, it will have severe ramifications on our lives.
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