Episode 117 Show Notes- The Big Guy, Corruption, and Big Tech Censorship
Episode Description
Sick and tired of the corruption, Professor Giordano is fired up and calls out the news media, the Democrats, and big tech for their all-out assault on our God-given liberties. Many are trying to silence any dissent as they go all in for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. As we learn more about the corruption of the swamp and ask who is the ‘Big Guy,’ the censorship minions of Big Tech have decreed what the American people can and cannot see. Unfortunately, too many are more upset that the emails were released, as opposed to the contents of those emails alleging massive corruption. According to the sycophants, America should accept corruption because the Orange Man is bad. This is a can’t miss episode.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
It’s here. We have two weeks left until election day, and there are those who are doing whatever it takes to make sure President Trump doesn’t get reelected. The media industrial complex and big tech are all in for team Biden, as they make a major push to silence any dissent and opposition.
I’m not going to lie. I’m aggravated and frustrated especially now that the big tech censorship minions have censored me which I’ll get into more later.
So, in this episode, I am going to focus on the Hunter Biden emails. I’m going to focus on the fact that there are more people angry that these emails were released instead of the contents of the emails which points to massive amounts of corruption. I’m going to focus on how our bureaucracy, the media, and big tech have been weaponized for political purposes.
Unfortunately, there are too many out there who are willing to overlook the massive corruption because the orange man is bad. And I’ll wrap up the episode by focusing on the major censorship push currently afoot.
I can tell you right now that if we allow all of this to continue, we will regret it sooner or later.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter, and now that I’m being censored by big tech, it’s even more important you do that.
Dangerous Times Afoot
We are living in perilous times. I spent all weekend and the beginning of the week, laying the foundations for this episode. Looking back, the swamp is a powerful force. When Joe Biden first announced his candidacy, I didn’t think he had a shot to win the Democrat primary, and I didn’t think he had a chance in hell to win the presidency. I underestimated the lengths the unholy alliance- those in the media industrial complex, the left, the bureaucracy, Democrats, never-Trumpers, and big tech- would go to protect his candidacy.
It is truly stunning what we’ve witnessed over the last week. I will tell you now that if we had a media that really took a fair approach, I’m not talking about favorable coverage, I’m talking about fair coverage for both candidates, I can assure you President Trump would be up by 15 points in the polls.
Just think about it for a second. More people are angry that the Hunter Biden emails were released than they are about the actual contents of the emails which allege corruption on a grand scale. I can tell you now that looking at everything currently going on, it’s dangerous and it’s a moment we will soon come to regret.
What do emails allege?
These emails are disturbing. I’ll get to the reaction in a minute, but I want to briefly touch on what these emails allege. Now I’m not going to read through all the emails, but you can go to the New York Post to see their reporting on it. I have the link up on The P.A.S. Report Podcast. (NY Post)
The NY Post did a number of articles on it so you can conduct searches while at the Post website.
However, there were three damaging emails. One email setting up a meeting between Vice President Biden and an executive from Burisma.
Here is Joe Biden in 2019. Take a listen.
Play Biden Denying Burisma Clip
Did you hear him? He stated he found out that his son sat on the board of Burisma after he sat on the board, not while.
Yet the emails clearly show the exact opposite. In one email exchange, Burisma asks Hunter how he can use his influence to end “politically motivated actions,” and how to get Burisma executives an audience with the State Department.
In fact, the email states, “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message/signal, etc. to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions.” (Fox News)
Now I find it hard to believe that Hunter would interact with the State Department without speaking to his father who was Vice President at the time.
In another email chain, there is an email from a Burisma executive thanking Hunter Biden for setting up a meeting between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a Burisma executive on April 2015. Now this email is interesting and was sent on April 17, 2015.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It’s really an honor and pleasure. As we spoke yesterday evening, would be great to meet today for a quick coffee. What do you think? I could come to your office somewhere around noon or so, before or on my way to airport.” (Fox News)
What makes this interesting is that in 2019, Joe Biden said he never met with Burisma executives. Now in fairness to Biden, we don’t know if this meeting ever occurred. However, we have not had a flat-out denial that this meeting occurred.
The Big Guy
When working with Chinese firms, there were many deals Hunter Biden was working on. One email from a Chinese energy firm outlining payments to be made under a business deal. It shows 20% for Hunter Biden to be split 10% for Hunter, and “10 held by the big guy.”
Well, who do you think the Big Guy is? This isn’t rocket science. Can the Big Guy be someone else? Sure. However, if you weren’t hiding any of this activity, why not just name the person rather than hide them under the “Big Guy.” Coincidences and politics just don’t happen, and it’s pretty clear who the Big Guy is.
According to Fox News, they spoke with one of the people included in the mail chain, and that person corroborated and stated the big guy is Joe Biden. (Fox News)
No Disputing the Emails and the Laptops
Now, these emails are real. They are authentic, and the laptop has been proven to be Hunter Biden’s. Those are facts that cannot be disputed. And here’s the disturbing thing. There are more people who are angry that these emails were released, and these same people show no regard for the actual contents of the email alleging massive corruption.
Now I want to preface this by pointing out how not a single person from the Biden camp has not denied this is Hunter’s laptop. They have not denied that these emails are fakes. They have not alleged that the emails have been manipulated. This is unusual in politics. Normally when a story like this comes out, the campaign will immediately come out and deny these allegations. Instead, they scream Russia and a smear campaign. That alone speaks volumes.
And another reason we know its Hunter Biden’s laptop is because his signature is on the paperwork from the store, and the contents of the laptop are listed on an FBI warrant when it was turned over to the FBI a year ago. I’ll discuss them more later.
But it only gets worse. These people are psychotic. They are screaming for an investigation. But not an investigation into the contents of the email. They want an investigation into how Giuliani got the laptop. They are in full protection mode of Joe Biden.
Here’s how demented these people sound. Take a listen.
Play Media Russia Clip
These are some of the dumbest people that exist, and remember, these are the same people that have been lying to you for 4 years. Can we finally say that anyone who brings up Russia totally discredits themselves and should never be listened to again? Seriously. I am so sick of hearing Russia, Russia, Russia. Especially when you have a presidential candidate and his family receiving money from America’s biggest and most dangerous adversary in China.
We have a press screaming that these emails haven’t been verified. Yet they relied on four anonymous sources for The Atlantic’s hit piece where they accused the President of calling dead soldiers’ losers and suckers. And still, repeat this lie even though over 2 dozen current and former officials disputed the Atlantic’s report. Then run with the Buzzfeed story on the Steele Dossier without any verification. That also turned out to be total garbage. Here we actually have hard evidence. We have Hunter Biden’s own emails. We know they’re his, but the press is saying they can’t report on it because they aren’t verified. In the words of Joe Biden, “Give me a break. Come on man.”
It’s quite scary. Remember when all these people said that Vladimir Putin must have something on President Trump. President Trump was being blackmailed by Russia. It all turned out to be bullshit, but that didn’t stop the media and the unholy alliance from making the accusations.
Now we have a candidate that actually is engaged in corrupt activities with foreign companies. And understand, any Chinese company is beholden to the Communist government of China. All information flows through the Communist system. Just imagine a President Joe Biden trying to negotiate with Xi Jinping as communist China has this information and likely more.
Once again, the projection is astounding, and we have a propaganda wing of the Democrat party that sits there trying to protect Joe Biden asking what kind of milkshake he got. The second a reporter starts a question off with the FBI, Biden laughs and walks away. Members of the press were laughing as well.
The Bureaucracy
And this leads me to something far more dangerous, and that’s the bureaucracy. I mean the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, is utterly useless. He should have been fired the day after he was appointed. He should have never been appointed, and I argued that the second President Trump announced him. He is a complete failure.
Now supposedly the FBI has had these devices for a year. What the hell have they been doing with these devices? I wonder if they are giving these devices the Hillary Clinton treatment or the Mueller treatment where those devices were bashed with hammers, acid washed, shredded, and completely destroyed.
I warned about the all too powerful bureaucracy in plenty of episodes, so I am not going to rehash it here. What’s concerning is we are hearing reports that the FBI is investigating whether these emails are part of a Russian disinformation campaign. (NBC News) Now, if the FBI wants to investigate that fine, but they better be investigating the contents of the emails. They better be investigating the Biden’s. If the FBI overlooks the massive potential corruption that these emails highlight. The FBI should be disbanded as a law enforcement investigation.
I am very concerned about what has taken place over the last several years, and the entire senior leadership of the FBI needs to be fired immediately. The FBI has failed us and so has the CIA.
Remember when the CIA was spying on duly elected members of the United States Senate? Was anyone arrested? Was anyone charged for this clear abuse? No.
Remember when former Directorate of National Intelligence James Clapper told Congress that the NSA and government do not willingly spy on Americans? Well, he lied directly to Congress because sure enough, we found out about a massive surveillance campaign on ordinary Americans. Was Clapper ever charged? No.
Just go back to the Clinton investigation. I know, the left is going to scream, “you’re always going back to the Clinton’s.” But seriously let’s take a look at how the bureaucracy protected Hillary.
I still do contract work with the feds, and in order to get my work done, I’m issued a federal laptop. Now the thing is horrible. It takes 15 minutes to boot up. I need to enter a million passwords to do anything. It’s really annoying. If I was able to do the work on my desktop, it would cut my time down by half.
So why don’t I manipulate the system to have it work through my desktop? Well, the reason is when I start my laptop, a big message comes up stating, basically, if I do what Hillary Clinton did, I will go to jail. I also have to take several IT security refreshers throughout the year, again telling me that if I do 1/10th of what Hillary did, I’m going to jail.
Was Hillary Clinton ever charged for an illegal server? No. Was Clinton or any of her acolytes charged with destruction of evidence? No. Were Clinton’s staffers charged with lying to investigators? No.
In fact, Hillary Clinton wouldn’t even be able to get a security clearance because of the whole server issue. When you are getting a clearance, you have to fill out an SF-86. One of the questions is, “In the last seven (7) years have you introduced, removed, or used hardware, software, or media in connection with any information technology system without authorization, when specifically prohibited by rules, procedures, guidelines, or regulations or attempted any of the above?”
Then we faced three years of a BS Russia investigation. Those involved in the investigation violated DOJ policies and procedures. They lied to the FISA court. They manipulated evidence. They lied to Congress and investigators. They leaked information. Those are all facts, and those are all crimes. It’s well-documented and I did an episode on it.
Has Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Page, Brennan, Clapper, and all the others involved in these crimes charged? No with the exception of one FBI lawyer that was working on a FISA warrant.
We now know, due to CIA Director John Brennan’s own handwritten notes, the Clinton campaign wanted to smear President Trump as a Russian agent. This was before the Russian investigation even started. CIA Director Brennan even briefed President Obama on this. Once again, this is a fact. Not speculation, not conjecture. Just fact from John Brennan’s own notes. (The Federalist) Was anyone from Clinton’s campaign held accountable? No.
So now, if Biden doesn’t even get investigated, what does that say? What message will that send? I’ve said it over and over again, the American people have a right to know who and what they are voting for.
But according to Biden and his team, you’re not allowed to know, and he doesn’t have to answer questions. He doesn’t have to tell you if he endorses packing the Supreme Court. He doesn’t have to tell you if he endorses ending the filibuster. He doesn’t have to answer questions about corruption. He will only answer questions about what flavor milkshake he got. Are you all okay with that out there? And I’m talking to the Biden supporters. Are you okay with the fact that Joe Biden believes he doesn’t have to answer to you, and what happens if he becomes President? Do you think he will suddenly answer questions? Come on man.
At least I know who President Trump is. I know the good, the bad, the ugly. President Trump has been thoroughly investigated at every level. Even with all the manipulation, the deceit, it turns out there was nothing there. Several people associated with the president did get arrested. Interestingly enough, they were arrested for much less than everything I just mentioned. Their lives were destroyed, and not a single one of them was charged with conspiring with a foreign government.
An unaccountable bureaucracy, that only enforces their interpretation of justice, is a threat to each and every one of us regardless of our political ideology. It’s a threat to everything the United States stands for. It’s a threat to the future of our Republic. It also shows how little regard these high-level bureaucratic weasels have for We the People.
Big Tech Censorship
But they are not only the only ones who have no regard and are trying to push an agenda. The media industrial complex, the bureaucracy, and social media have all made it clear they are going all-in on Biden and will do whatever it takes to protect him.
This leads me to the dangers of big tech. Social media giants quickly swooped into action shutting down the NY Post by suspending or limiting their accounts. The censorship minions were out in full force in an attempt to limit the fallout.
What these idiots didn’t realize is how their overzealous censorship campaign was an epic fail. They magnified the story and they’ve exposed themselves for who they really are- ideological shills pushing an agenda rather than providing a platform for debate and dialogue.
The tech giants stated that the move to censor the NY Post and other outlets connecting to the Post’s story was because the information on Joe Biden was hacked and unverified. Here’s the problem with that, the information wasn’t hacked, it came from Hunter Biden’s own laptop that he wanted to be repaired and failed to pick up.
As far as the unverified part, that’s a joke. For 4 years the left has been pushing out false and unverified stories on social media, and they have never been censored for that. Even worse, is how the left openly calls for the President’s death, and anyone associated with the President, yet their posts never get deleted or removed. You see, censorship only works one way.
And 2020 will be remembered as the year tech giants began to implement the censorship model they helped build-out for China. Just look at the coronavirus and social media. Anything that goes against the narratives of masks and lockdowns gets censored. Anything that challenges the mainstream narrative inciting fear and panic will get censored. Dr. Scott Atlas is a great example.
But it’s even more nefarious than that. Last week, it was brought to my attention that I was no longer appearing in Twitter searches, and unless you are following me, my posts weren’t being seen. Also, my posts weren’t appearing in people’s Twitter feeds even if they were following me.
I decided to check it out. Now my Twitter handle is unique @PASReport. No one has a similar handle. When I typed in the Twitter handle and search people, I’m nonexistent. When you type in my name, I’m nonexistent. Basically, I’m invisible to anyone who doesn’t follow me. They are throttling my posts on Twitter. They never warned me. They never pointed to a specific tweet. They never suspended my account.
What’s disturbing is how everything appeared normal on my end, I didn’t know anything was wrong. I would have never known hadn’t it been for a few people that reached out. This is what makes it so nefarious and shows how sneaky these tech giants are. I didn’t violate any Twitter policies. I didn’t tweet anything that contained hate, violence, or any other graphic material.
I am being censored because I had the gall to call out the social media companies for mass censorship. I had the nerve to criticize these tech giants. You can call for the death of the President and that’s okay, but the second you criticize the tech overlords, you will be punished. You must obey and comply, anything else will be deemed unacceptable.
I don’t care what side of the aisle you’re on. You need to recognize how dangerous this is. I will not remain silent as Twitter continues to throttle my tweets.
This got me thinking, how many others are being censored and have no idea? If our posts are only being mostly seen by those who follow us, we are just speaking in an echo chamber. When I post on social media, I don’t just want to reach the people who agree with me. I want to get people to think critically especially those who disagree with me. The point of my posts is to reach new people and start a dialogue to debate the issues.
Preaching to the choir doesn’t isn’t conducive to the environment I’m interested in. Also, it only increases the factionalization of our society, making us more tribal.
Even more than that. When I think how many conservatives are being censored it made me think back to over a year ago, and it shows how dangerous big tech is. It shows how big tech has no intention of serving as platforms where people can share ideas. They are using their platforms to reshape minds and people’s beliefs.
Here is Jen Gennai. She is the Head of Responsible Innovation for Google.
Play Big Tech Intentions Sound Clip
As she states, the tech giants have been at this since 2016. She is openly stating that the tech giants’ mission is to prevent another Trump situation in 2020.
Does everyone realize how dangerous that is? When tech giants, who control virtually everything you see or don’t see, have infused their ideological biases into their platforms, and have decided they will be the arbiters of what information is deemed accurate and just.
And this isn’t lost on their employees. Take a listen to this tech employee.
Play Google Insider Sound Clip
So, you have all these tech giants, censoring people on a massive scale, controlling what you see and what you don’t see. For the last four years, I have had to listen to morons talk about the integrity of elections and election interference. Well, what the hell do you think these tech companies are doing?
They make our adversaries look like amateurs when it comes to election interference. This is election interference on the largest scale possible. Yet, we hear nothing. Nothing from the elected officials who are supposed to be serving us. Instead, our elected officials are serving their tech overlords, and even Republicans have shown they have no spine to take on these tech giants, with the exception of a few.
Once again, I don’t care what side of the aisle you fall on, if you don’t recognize the danger in this, you have your head in the sand. What happens when these tech giants begin to censor you and your thoughts? The thing is, I will be speaking up for you even if I disagree with your arguments. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same of those on the left with the rare exception.
I have plenty of listeners who don’t agree with me on some of the issues, but they listen to this podcast because they have an open mind and we should be encouraging more of that. Unfortunately, many Americans have decided that there okay with all the abuses we are witnessing as long as it helps their candidate.
So, I want to ask, is this where we are America? Are you okay with a justice system that only works one way? The number of Democrats and Biden supporters, that are so quick to dismiss these emails as fake news, do you really believe this ends well for anyone?
I want to ask, are you okay with the big tech censoring people in mass because of ideological beliefs? Once again, do you think this ends well? And what are you going to do when they begin to come after you and your ideas? Again, mark my words, you will come to regret it.
Sure, your guy may get a pass from the bureaucrats, the media, and big tech for now. But, do you think they won’t do the same thing they’ve done to the President when it’s a person you support?
I warned how radically the country will change if we continue to allow those in power to abuse their power. I warned last week how it ends if these people ever get into power. For God’s sake, these people are already talking about creating truth commissions, and that’s no exaggeration on my part. I played the clip of Keith Olbermann last week where he calls for the prosecution and purging of President Trump, his associates, and even his supporters.
And now we have Robert Reich. Robert Reich is a former Cabinet Secretary under the Clinton administration. He was an advisor to President Obama. He advises the Biden team. He put out a tweet the other day, “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.” (Twitter) He doesn’t want to reconcile anything. He wants to target anyone who disagrees with his narrow point-of-view.
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But that’s really the point. We are creating a society where obedience and compliance are becoming the norm. Where there is no pushback. No questioning of the powers that be.
Understand that history is replete with examples of how quickly a country can go from being free to a totalitarian state. And with everything that’s happened in 2020, if we don’t pushback, that moment will rapidly approach. Before you know it, you’ll turn around and wonder why you didn’t speak up and speak out. You cannot condone corruption simply because you think the orange man is bad.
We don’t have to agree on the issues. This is not about political ideology. This is about holding everyone to the same standard. This is about making sure that everyone has a voice. This is about preserving our God-given liberties.
Now that Twitter is censoring me, make sure you follow me on Twitter or else you might not be able to see my posts. Also, it’s more important now than ever before to share The P.A.S. Report podcast with others. They don’t like the fact that the audience is growing and I’m giving a voice to the forgotten men and women of America. They don’t like that my content is free and easily accessible. They know the message is resonating. So, share the podcast with others and post it on all your social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and wherever else. And if you are listening on an Apple device, be sure to rate the podcast, and take 30-seconds to write a nice review.
As always, thank you for joining us, stay safe and I’ll be back on Monday, and in honor of the upcoming election, I got great guests coming on to talk about the electoral college and provide a little refresher so be sure to tune in.
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