Episode 196 Show Notes- Exposing The Real Big Lies the Ruling Elite Constantly Ignore
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Episode Description
In this episode, Professor Giordano explains the origins of The Big Lie and provides the solution that will restore the integrity of our elections. He also examines how any and all questions pertaining to the 2020 elections have been deemed part of The Big Lie. As part of the framework within the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, the government argues that all questions and accusations surrounding the 2020 general elections must be suppressed in order to prevent domestic violent extremism.
(You can listen to the entire episode by clicking the play button above or go to any podcast platform)
Show Transcript- Exposing The Real Big Lies the Ruling Elite Constantly Ignore
Welcome everyone to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I hope everyone is doing well out there. I have a great show lined up for you today, and I am going to continue to analyze the framework within the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
Today, I want to expose how the Big Lie is, in and of itself, the actual big lie. There are certain narratives that the powers that be, the ruling elite, don’t want us discussing or asking questions about. One of those things is any questions or accusations pertaining to the 2020 elections.
If you raise any questions about the election, you will be deemed as participating in the Big Lie and you will be silenced and censored.
This falls in line with last week’s episode where I warned that we are on the path towards totalitarianism. If you haven’t listened to that episode, be sure to check it out. I use the government’s own documents, and the official’s own words, to prove my point.
The point is that the government, working in partnership with the corporations and the tech giants, are attempting to control all forms of speech. Where they want to be the ones to determine what you can and cannot say. What you can and cannot hear. What you can and cannot see.
They are attempting to seize the narratives in order to social engineer society and force the outcomes they want.
So, in this episode, I am going to expose how The Big Lie is just that. It’s the actual lie. More importantly, I’m going to point out the Big Lie that really exists within a variety of topics/issues, and how the ruling elite- the government, the media, the corporations, the tech giants- are really the ones perpetuating Big Lies. They continue to cover up the thoroughly corrupt cesspools that many of our institutions have become, and how it all ties in with the totalitarian state.
Before I get started, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter, and make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so you never miss an episode.
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Restoring the Integrity of Elections
Before I get into the Big Lie, I want to provide a solution that will restore the integrity of elections. A solution that will allow people to once again have faith in our electoral process. See, this is essential. You can’t have election cycle after election cycle where half the country rejects the results of the election.
You need to have a system that restores voter confidence, not just among one political party or group, but among all Americans regardless of political ideology.
Unfortunately, too many Republicans and Conservatives solely focus on Voter ID. Now I support voter id, and if you listen to this podcast regularly, you know I advocate it. You also know that I find it extremely insulting and racist to suggest minorities can’t get an id.
But I think we focus on voter id too much. I’m not necessarily worried about an individual trying to vote twice or someone trying to vote illegally. It’s a very small number of people that try to do this and it’s actually easy to detect it.
I am much more concerned about the political operatives behind the scenes that have the potential to manipulate thousands of ballots.
If you want to restore integrity and faith in our election systems, then we should be adopting my solution. It’s a solution that doesn’t rely on party politics. It’s a solution that spans across the political spectrum. It doesn’t matter if it’s a red state or a blue state. It’s an American solution that every state should adopt.
First, we need to get rid of all electronic voting systems. Electronic voting systems are flawed and vulnerable. We need to go back to actual paper ballots.
For every ballot cast, we need to provide a carbon copy receipt to acknowledge a person voted. It doesn’t matter if it’s in person or an absentee ballot. One copy of the receipt goes to the person casting the vote, and one copy goes to the Board of Elections.
Following every election, I’m talking about all elections, from local government to the Presidency. On a bipartisan basis, following every election, every precinct throughout the United States should be required to audit 10-20% of the casted ballots to ensure no discrepancies or anomalies. Within the audit, the ballots must be matched with the carbon copy receipts.
If a discrepancy or anomaly is detected at a precinct, it should automatically trigger a complete audit of 100% of the ballots cast. Again, this needs to be done on a bipartisan basis, and the audit should be conducted by a neighboring jurisdiction in order to prevent any conflicts of interests and people who may try to cover their own butts.
This is a relatively simple solution. It’s completely doable, and I believe it is completely reasonable. Everyone should support this idea regardless of political ideology, and I can guarantee that if this idea is adopted, the overwhelming majority of people will have much more faith in the process regardless of whether their candidate wins or loses.
I also think it will prevent those who may want to engage in any type of election or voter fraud because they are much more likely to be caught, charged, and prosecuted.
See, that’s why you listen. I’m about solving problems, and you don’t have to be a genius to figure this one out. But it seems that many of our officials have a problem with focusing on the obvious. Some of them avoid the obvious because they’re just dumb. They’re not smart. Others avoid the obvious because they are far more nefarious and are seeking power and control.
The Big Lie
This brings me to today’s topic. I want to take a look at where the phrase the Big Lie comes from. While most are unaware, it’s a reference to the Nazis and Adolf Hitler, where Hitler accused Jews of spreading misinformation and lies. It was an effort to control a narrative, and in order to push the narrative, Joseph Goebbels stated, “all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands.”
So why is it important to know that? Remember what I always say- language and how it’s conveyed is extremely important and powerful. By branding any questions about the 2020 election as part of the Big Lie, the intent is clear. First, they want to discredit anyone who dares to raise any questions. Second, and perhaps more importantly, it’s a subtle attempt to brand anyone who goes against this narrative as a racist. A white supremacist.
This is something that no one wants to be branded, and so people will self-censor themselves and fall in line with whatever narrative is being pushed by those in power.
I’m not going to lie. It’s a crafty propaganda strategy being employed in order to silence and end debate. It’s actually been a fairly successful strategy marginalizing those who dare to raise questions on what may or may not have happened in the election.
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2020 General Election
Now I don’t pretend to know what happened in the 2020 elections. I don’t know what I don’t know, and I am not afraid to admit that. In fact, I wish more people were honest and would just admit that. Instead, too many speak as if they definitively know exactly what happened. Too many speak with certainty when there are so many unanswered questions, and this is on both sides of the political aisle.
In this day and age, it’s getting harder and harder to figure out what’s true and what’s not. What’s accurate and what’s not, and by branding something as the Big Lie, rather than actually answering questions or releasing information and evidence to show the accusations may be false, it only raises more questions and sows the seeds of distrust.
This doesn’t mean that every accusation and question is factually or true. It also doesn’t mean there aren’t legitimate questions and accusations out there.
When we ask questions about the election, it’s not an all-or-nothing approach. It’s not a choice between no fraud vs. widespread fraud that must have changed the outcome. It’s not a choice between a conspiracy theory vs. some grand conspiracy against former President Trump and his supporters.
The saddest part is this whole thing could have been easily avoided. If there has been any accountability within the last few years, most would accept what those in power say, but I’m going to get into that more in-depth later.
The other way this could have easily been avoided was if Democrats rose to the occasion and extended an olive branch to the other side. If the Democrats were smart, they would have said, “Hey, we hear your concerns. You believe there was fraud in this election so we are going to partner with Republicans in each state, and we will work together to complete a forensic audit in every single state.”
That would have been the smart thing for the Democrats to do because it could have given them a political advantage. But see, many are so short-sighted that they don’t even know how to play the political game well. Many on the left argue that there is no point to waste time conducting a forensic audit. That the election is settled, and any audits just give legitimacy to the claims being made. That they shouldn’t have to disprove crazy conspiracy theories. But all that’s idiotic logic.
The truth is by rejecting the idea of an election audit outright, by refusing to cooperate with any audit, and then trying so hard to stop any audit from occurring, all you are doing is raising suspicion and creating more distrust within the system.
Had Democrats been smart, they would have agreed to these audits, and it would have potentially been a win-win for them. If the audits proved that no widespread fraud occurred, the Democrats could have used that to bludgeon their political opponents. They could have used that and said that everyone pushing the idea of fraud needs to be held accountable and thrown out of office. They could have used it to discredit influencers who pushed the idea.
Another way it would have been a win for them. Let’s say the audits uncovered some fraud, the Democrats could have used that to show the American people that they take fraud seriously and they want a zero-tolerance approach to election fraud. It could have been used to show the American people that they take election integrity seriously.
Unfortunately, Democrats did the opposite. Instead, they just dismissed any and all questions as part of the Big Lie, no matter how legitimate the questions are. They deemed anyone who raised questions as a conspiracy theorist threatening the fabric of democracy.
Even worse, under the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, they have now made it government policy that any “narratives of fraud in the recent general election” is a major threat to the homeland and will “spur” domestic violent extremists.
Therefore, it’s incumbent on the government, the media, and the tech sector to end any and all debate surrounding the 2020 elections and the Big Lie. Those who dare to continue to raise questions, questions will be deemed as misinformation or disinformation, and those that raise them must be punished because they are expressing an anti-authority, anti-government sentiment that has the potential to lead to what they deem as incitement.
Legitimate Questions
Now I’m not here to debate the results of the 2020 election. I’m not here to drop some bombshell evidence to prove widespread fraud that could have changed the results of the election. I’m not here to tell you what’s been proven and what hasn’t.
If you want honesty, I simply don’t know and can’t possibly give you those answers. What I am here to do is to explain the legitimate questions that exist, and illustrate that the Big Lie is a bunch of BS. It is the Big Lie.
And unfortunately, the overlords have done a good job of discrediting the election audits. Even if the audits do uncover widespread fraud, you do realize that 50% of the country is simply going to dismiss this because they will view the results through the eyes of partisans. They’ll say that no Democrats participated and since it was only republicans, the evil Republicans manipulated the results of the audits. You will then have the media and big tech do their bidding by not reporting on the story and censoring any information that goes counter to the narrative.
Here are some observations I have before I get into the real Big Lies that exist.
Prior to the Election
First, let’s go prior to the election, and this is solely on Republicans for not fighting hard enough against the changes on how we conduct our elections all in the name of COVID. I’m talking about widespread mail-in-ballots, ballot harvesting, changing signature requirements, and other election changes at the state level.
At the very least, Republicans should have implemented strong safeguards in an effort to prevent or limit any potential abuses. While this would have been difficult to do in solidly blue states, Republicans could have at least implemented safeguards in red states and put more protections in place in purple states.
Also, whenever I talk about the 2020 elections, the suppressing of negative information about Joe Biden and his family cannot be understated. That’s partly why I criticize the 2020 election. When we look at how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed and pushed as Russian disinformation, and then Big Tech went on a censoring rampage to assist in the cover-up, that clearly shows an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the election.
Understand, that in the past, similar stories have destroyed political candidacies. Had the Hunter story got the coverage it deserved. Had the media done their job, we might be having a very different conversation today.
Legitimate Questions That Should Be Easily Answered
While many of the ruling elite want to silence and censor anyone asking questions, there are legitimate questions, and the answers to these questions should be easy especially if there’s nothing to hide. Some of these questions have been raised through the audits that are currently taking place, and no matter how much the media, big tech, or the government, want to suppress anything uncovered by the audits, the questions will remain.
Take the chain of custody issues related to election ballots. The concept of chain of custody is extremely important, not just in elections, but for a whole host of things including evidence in criminal and civil court proceedings, as well as national security issues.
As far as the election goes, the chain of custody is really important because it provides an accounting of ballots, establishes control over the ballots and who has had access to them. We know there are widespread chain of custody issues plaguing the 2020 elections. Now, this doesn’t mean all these things were done for nefarious intent. It does not mean that fraud occurred.
The chain of custody issues could have been due to sheer and utter incompetence. It could have been due to oversight. Regardless of why it occurred, we need to make sure that never happens again and we need to hold those who screwed up accountable. And if something was done for nefarious intent, those individuals need to be prosecuted.
Another area is the number of disqualified ballots. In every election 2-3% of ballots are disqualified due to them not being filled out properly. However, in this election, I believe it was only .6 or .7% that were disqualified. Now, this raises my eyebrows for two reasons. This election saw the highest turnout of first-time voters. One would assume that given the high number of first-time voters, you would actually see an increase in disqualified ballots, but we saw the exact opposite.
The second reason that this raises eyebrows is that we know tens of thousands of ballots were disqualified in primaries just a few months earlier. We saw this in plenty of states including Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, and others. In fact, in one Congressional primary here in New York City, over 80,000 ballots were disqualified. 80,000+ ballots out of 400,000 ballots were disqualified. That’s 20%. So, we are just supposed to pretend that this doesn’t raise any questions?
Another area of concern is that ballot boxes were sealed with regular tape as opposed to tamper-evident seals that are required. Once again, this doesn’t mean the ballot boxes were definitely tampered with, but it does raise serious election integrity issues. We need to know how many ballot boxes were affected, who was responsible or made the decision to use regular tape, why did they make that decision, and those responsible need to be held accountable.
There are also accusations that mail-in-ballots had no creases even though they had to be put in an envelope to be mailed to the voter. The voter would then have to unfold the ballot, fill it in, fold it back up, and mail it back. Now this one should be able to easily be proven true or false. Just release the ballots for scrutiny. Not sure what the problem is or why this is so controversial.
In Arizona, there’s an allegation that an entire database directory missing, and 2020 general election data has been removed from the main database. Again, this shouldn’t be difficult to prove or disprove, yet here we are several months later, and this question is still unanswered. Why?
There are discrepancies in ballot batches. In each ballot batch, a slip is issued on how many ballots were cast. However, the number shows on the slip and the number of actual ballots in the batch is discrepant. In some batches, there are more ballots than listed on the slip, and in other batches, there are fewer. From what I’ve researched it’s not a major discrepancy. For example, in one batch in Arizona, the total on the slip was 200, and the actual ballots in the batch were 198. In another batch, the total on the slip was 200, but the actual amount in the batch was 218. So, it’s a legitimate question to ask why the discrepancies? It doesn’t necessarily have to be nefarious. It doesn’t mean it was due to fraud. It doesn’t mean it changes the vote total. Again, it could simply be due to incompetence. But we need to know exactly what’s going on, and who is going to be held accountable.
Listen, these are just some of the legitimate questions being raised. There are far more, but I wanted to point out that the Big Lie is a bunch of nonsense. That there are legitimate questions pertaining to the 2020 elections that need to be answered.
The more you try to deny these questions, the more you try to silence or delegitimize those who raise these questions, the more people will reject the results of elections. It really is that simple. If you truly cared about the integrity of the elections, you wouldn’t put so much effort into silencing people. They are working harder and putting more effort into fighting the audits and delegitimizing people than it would take to answer these questions and debunk some of the allegations that exist.
Let’s Take a Look at the Real Big Lie
And while they continue to target anyone who goes against their narratives, they push the Big Lie on a whole host of issues. And if you want to target people that push a Big Lie, then don’t push big lies of your own, but that’s exactly what we’ve witnessed over the course of the last several decades.
The lies being pushed by the ruling elites are far more dangerous and damaging to our society. Remember the question I raised in last week’s episode when talking about misinformation, disinformation, and the totalitarian state. I asked, throughout history, what entity has been the largest purveyors of disinformation and misinformation, and the answer is governments. Not just our government, but all governments.
Elections Were Never Challenged
If you listen to the Democrats and the talking heads, they make it as if no political party ever challenged the results of an election. That it is unheard of for members of Congress to challenge the electoral votes, and that any member of Congress that objects to the electoral college results represent a threat to democracy.
Of course, this is a big lie. In fact, Democrat members of Congress objected in the 2000 presidential election, the 2004 presidential election, and the 2016 presidential election. Hillary still hasn’t accepted the results of the 2016 election, and how many officials went with the hashtag, not my President when it came to Trump. So the idea that Democrats never challenged an election or objected to the results in Congress is nothing more than a Big Lie.
Let’s take a look at their other Big Lies.
Spying on Americans
Let’s look at the first Big Lie. Remember when we were told that the government doesn’t spy on Americans. Remember when we were told that there are strict laws in place to prevent that from happening. Well, in case you forgot, here’s a reminder. Take a listen.
Play Sound Clip NSA director Alexander and DNI Director Clapper
That was both the former director of the NSA, Keith Alexander, and the former director of the DNI, James Clapper. Both were testifying before Congress, and both stated unequivocally that the government doesn’t spy on ordinary Americans. We now know those statements were false, and they knowingly lied to Congress. Were they held to account? Of course not. This was nothing but a big lie. In fact, for years, they were tracking every American’s electronic communications. Without evidence of a crime. Without evidence of any nexus to terrorism. Without any warrants. There’s a big lie for you.
Russian Collusion
What about Russian collusion and those who accused former President Trump of working with the Russians to win the 2016 elections? Was there evidence to prove this? Was the former President really colluding with the Russians? Well, take a listen.
Sound Clip Congressman Schiff and Congressman Swalwell
Now, I could have played endless hours of officials, pundits, and media talking heads, pushing the notion of collusion, but I chose the imbeciles Congressman Adam Schiff and Congressman Eric ‘Fang Fang’ Swalwell because I can’t stand them. But I could have chosen from a lot of clips.
In the end, it all turned out to be BS. It turned out to be a Big Lie, and there are some morons who still try to cling to this Big Lie, which is truly amazing because it’s been thoroughly disproven.
Along with the Steele Dossier which turned out to be the whole basis for the investigation. In fact, the FBI used the Steele Dossier even though they knew it was a Big Lie. They knew it wasn’t verified, and they even had evidence to the contrary, yet they still used it to lie to a FISA court in order to obtain a warrant to surveil the Trump camp and launch the investigation.
But I don’t want to harp on the Russian Collusion hoax too much. I’ve spoken at length about this. I just want to point out that it was a Big Lie.
Justice Kavanaugh
What about the attacks on Justice Kavanaugh and the attempt to completely destroy his character? Think about the accusations of Kavanaugh in an attempt to prevent him from sitting on the Supreme Court. They all rallied around Michael Avenatti claiming he had the goods on Kavanaugh when he announced he was representing Julie Swetnick and that Justice Kavanaugh raped her. It all turned out to be a Big Lie, yet no one was held accountable. At least karma came back to Avenatti.
What about Bountygate? The idea that Russia was paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers. It turned out to be nothing but a bunch of BS. A Big Lie and I called it out as soon as the ghouls in the media started reporting it. It had all the hallmarks of fake news, but that didn’t stop anyone from pushing this Big Lie.
COVID Origins
Then we have the coronavirus where we continually see big lies being pushed. Remember, when officials stated there is absolutely no way COVID could have originated in the Wuhan lab? In fact, you had a major censorship push against anyone who would even suggest at the thought of the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory. Yet, it turns out that was a Big Lie. In fact, now we are seeing evidence emerge that it’s actually likely. And you still have idiots saying that it’s impossible that it originated in the Wuhan Lab. They still try to provide cover to China. It’s bizarre.
Then you have the whole mask thing. Another big lie. I have explained why cloth masks and surgical masks are ineffective. I point to the study that was released in 2015, long before COVID, and I explained how most don’t wear the mask properly rendering their effectiveness to zero.
And then we have vaccines. If you turn on the news or listen to Democrats, they constantly tout Republicans, Conservatives, and right-wingers with the label anti-vaxxer. They do this to shame anyone who dares to raise any questions. It doesn’t matter if you have all your vaccines. You’re not allowed to decide what’s in your best interest or the best interest of your family, but if we actually dig deeper into the numbers, is it really Republicans that aren’t getting the vaccine, or is this a big lie?
Actually no. In fact, the numbers show that those who are most skeptical of the vaccine are Black Americans, who last I checked, are overwhelmingly registered as Democrats and vote mostly for Democrat candidates.
Another group that’s skeptical of vaccinations is those between the ages of 18-29. Remember, they’re young and COVID isn’t nearly as deadly to a 20-year-old as it is to a 70-year-old. Which party do you think dominates with 18–29-year-olds? I can tell you; it isn’t Republicans.
In fact, according to a CBS poll taken in June, 52% of Republicans are either fully or partially vaccinated. 29% of Republicans say they won’t get vaccinated, and who knows how many of them already have a natural immunity to COVID.
As Republicans and Conservatives, we believe people can make their own decisions and do what’s in their own best interest.
But Democrats are parroting the line that republicans are sowing the seeds of doubt when it comes to vaccinations, but again, this is nothing more than a big lie. When we talk about those sowing seeds of doubt, don’t forget that it was President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Emperor Cuomo, and other Democrats, who stated they would have concerns with a vaccine developed under the Trump administration. That they didn’t trust his administration. So, if we want to talk about doubts in the vaccine, perhaps, they should look in the mirror.
Biden Laptop
Something I alluded to earlier was Hunter Biden’s laptop. If you want to see a Big Lie, this is perhaps one of the biggest. There is no disputing the fact it is Hunter’s laptop, yet when the NY Post reported on some of the contents on the laptop, the media engaged in a full-blown cover-up. They quickly cast doubt on the origins of the laptop and its content by claiming it was Russian disinformation, and outside of that coverage, there was a media blackout on the story.
The big tech censorship minions also got hard at work by going on a censorship rampage. They censored accounts, slapped false and misleading labels, suspended accounts, and throttled posts to make sure they got little impressions and engagements.
But worst of all the former intelligence officials, many of whom are part of the establishment, and make tons of money as consultants or sitting on corporate boards, came out and signed a letter stating that the laptop was in fact Russian disinformation. These people hated former President Trump so much that they would knowingly go out there in an effort to tip the scales and kill the story. See, that gave the media the cover they needed not to report on the story.
So, if we are going to talk about the Big Lie, how about we include that in the Big Lie category?
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Then we have Critical Race Theory. We are constantly being told that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools. That this crap is not being pushed, and the government isn’t endorsing it to be taught.
For those who acknowledge that CRT is being taught, and remember, it also goes by the name of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, they say it’s history that’s being taught. They say that anyone who doesn’t want CRT or DIE to be taught wants to whitewash our history and they must be a racist. They argue that CRT is accurate historical teaching, and does not teach one group of people that they are inherently racists and the other group of people that they are inherently victims.
It’s all lies of course. CRT isn’t history. While they may use a few historical examples, which may be taken out of context, they are not teaching history.
To show you that you are being fed a bunch of lies, the Biden administration sent a reopening the school’s handbook to public schools throughout the United States. In this handbook, the Department of Education recommends that some COVID monies be spent on “race and social-emotional learning,” and it offers a direct link to a group called the Abolitionist Teaching Network, and here’s what they think.
Sound Clip Biden CRT Group
That’s what this group is promoting, and this was sent to thousands of public schools across the country. It’s an agenda that’s being pushed at all levels. Now, after that came out, and parents expressed outrage, the Biden administration tried to walk it back, but it’s a big lie.
Voting Laws Akin to Segregation
The last example is comparing any new voting laws to be akin to segregation and Jim Crow 2.0. This is the most disgusting of the Big Lies because it is so outrageous, blatant, and disgusting. It’s the one that really annoys me.
I can play sound clips of President Biden, Majority Leader Schumer, Queen Pelosi, and so many other Democrats calling voting laws racist, and saying it brings us back to Jim Crow.
This does a disservice to every single Black American who had to suffer under the Jim Crow policies, and it diminishes how bad racism and segregation actually were. It is such a blatant lie, and on Monday I interviewed Ward Connerly who is someone that actually lived through segregation and understands what it’s all about. I suggest you listen to that episode.
And just so everyone is aware, New York and Delaware have stricter voting laws than the ones that were recently passed in Georgia and the ones currently proposed in Texas.
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But this is the biggest and most dangerous lie of all because it’s intentionally being pushed in an effort to divide Americans.
So, if we are going to talk about the Big Lie, let’s not forget to include those examples of the Big lie.
They are using this idea of the Big Lie as nothing more than a propaganda push to amass more power and control. It falls right in line with the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. It goes to pillar 2 where they want to control the narrative, and only push the propaganda they want.
But I just destroyed that narrative, and I challenge anyone to tell me where I’m wrong. I gave you specific examples of the Big Lies, and believe me, I could have gone on a lot longer, but I think this will suffice for now.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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