Episode 95 Show Notes- The Constitution is on the Ballot in the 2020 Elections
Episode Description
The U.S. Constitution is now on the ballot for the 2020 Elections. Over the last three years, the Constitution has faced an all-out assault and is currently under threat at all levels. There are those who want to manipulate and change the Constitution in order to increase their power. There are others who want to change it because they believe the Constitution was created in bad faith and represents racism. The scary part is that the Constitution is being attacked from within and those who have taken an oath to uphold it. Nothing is safe from this all-out assault, including the Electoral College, the Senate, the Judiciary, the First and Second Amendments, and more.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
I can’t believe we are already into August. I feel like the last five months have been the longest months of my life.
As I stated on Monday, I want to thank the people at Campus Reform for inviting me to their Faculty Contributor Program sharing my opinion on how to combat leftist biases and abuses on college campuses. You can visit https://www.campusreform.org. I wrote a piece about reversing the trend of leftist indoctrination so be sure to check it out. (Click here for the article)
As for this episode, it’s becoming clear that this year’s election goes well beyond President Trump vs. Joe Biden. It even goes beyond the normal difference of opinions about everyday policy issues.
This election is about the United States and where we are going. In fact, the Constitution is now on the ballot in November.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter while you’re there.
Why our institution’s matter & why the Constitution matters
While the United States is in no way a perfect nation, it is the greatest nation. Our institutions have served us well over the last 232 years. While our system has its problems, as a nation we always strived to do better. To correct past sins. To advance. And while we can make minor reforms such as injecting more accountability into government, we do not need a major overhaul and to destroy our current system.
Our system is slow, awkward, complex, and inefficient, and that’s what makes it such a great system. It’s all by design. It’s difficult to navigate, and it takes debate and compromise to get things done. We have institutionalized safeguards throughout the system between the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the way we institutionalized conflict throughout the system.
This makes it really difficult for any one party, person, or branch of government to dominate. It makes it difficult, if not nearly impossible, for tyranny to take hold. This is enshrined in our Constitution. As President Reagan once said, we are the only country, that through our Constitution, the people tell government what it can do, and not the other way around.
However, over the years, and little by little, there are many within both political parties that have chipped away at our Constitution all in the name of power, not justice. Factor in a failing education system that doesn’t put any real emphasis on American government and politics, or the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution, or the roles and responsibilities of our institutions, and it is a recipe for disaster that brought us to this current moment.
Take the coronavirus as an example. With more nearly 160,000 dead, many are calling for the President to do more. Many are calling for the President to institute a nationwide mask mandate and a nationwide lockdown. They are calling for the President to usurp state and local authority and takeover response operations. They want the President to usurp Congressional authority by imposing these policies.
See, many think that government has the power to prevent things from happening. Many believe government is an effective tool to solve the myriad of problems we face. And many believe the President has much more authority than he actually has. We now elevate every issue to the national level.
We don’t elect kings or queens. The power of the President is not absolute and nor should it be. While the complexities and inefficiencies within our government may not be ideal during a pandemic, these safeguards have been institutionalized for a reason.
Our founding fathers understood the weakness of human beings. They understood that people would be willing to grant government more and more power in the name of solving problems. In the name of public health and public safety. They understood the dangers of this weakness and the threat it poses to the system and that’s why safeguards exist.
Unfortunately, due to our lack of knowledge, we fail to hold government accountable. We are willing to empower government much more than they should be. And we are willing to ignore the direct attacks on our Constitution.
That’s why I think the coronavirus is such a good example because it epitomizes government’s limitations and ineptitude. Ask yourself, we have been debating the same issues for the last 70 years. Throughout this period, Democrats and Republicans have been in power at one point or another. If it was so easy to solve problems, why are we debating the same issues?
Think about where you live. Think about your roads. Think about your schools. Your taxes. Your infrastructure and ask yourself if you’re satisfied with the job government has been doing. Yet, we expect government to be able to efficiently and effectively prevent a pandemic? There have been failures all over the place and at every level of government. And what I find interesting is that most are completely unaware that state and local governments are the ones who lead responses, while the federal government provides resources and support. They help with coordination.
If we look at the top ten states total deaths per one million population, the top ten states, with the exception of Louisiana, are all blue states. And even Louisiana is run by a Democrat Governor, John bel Edwards. In fact, the death toll from these states represents 82,125 of the nearly 160,000 deaths. That’s 52% of all deaths in the United States. If I add in Pennsylvania, California, and Virginia, the death toll that number rises to 101,037 dead Americans and 64%, nearly 2/3rds, of the death toll.
And God Forbid we should have a media that asks Joe Biden what he would do differently. In fact, the only time he was asked this, everything he said he would do is already being done by the current administration. And I’m not saying the current administration did everything right or red states have handled the coronavirus that much better. But facts are facts. Yet, we want to empower government even more. That’s mindboggling.
However, getting to the point of all this, the leftists are empowered because of our lack of knowledge about the government and the Constitution. They are emboldened given the current environment and everything going on.
Election 2020
So, it’s really interesting to look at what has transpired over the six months, and how the election has shifted so dramatically. This election is, in fact, the most important of a lifetime. Six months ago, the election fit the standard model. What I mean by that, it was your standard reelection campaign and the election was pretty much a referendum on President Trump. Are the American people happy with President Trump? Are they happy with his leadership? Are they happy with the economy?
Then came the coronavirus. Then the protests. Then the violence. With these events, the purpose of the election changed and changed dramatically. The leftists have decided that they are going to put America as a whole on the ballot.
As I said in previous episodes, the far-left despises the United States and everything the United States stands for. Sadly, the Democrat party has been hijacked by the far-left and they are now in full control of the Democrat party. You have elected Democrat officials that have openly endorsed the mobs, and everything they stand for. These officials have turned their backs on the United States.
They are routinely bashing and demonizing the United States. It’s really sad to see what’s going on.
And now they don’t even hide it anymore. Just think about the John Lewis funeral last week. I thought I was going to watch services that celebrate Congressman Lewis’s life and all he did during the era of Civil Rights. Instead, it became a political rally led by former President Obama.
And this was pathetic to see. President Obama knows the difficulties of being President. He knows the current powder keg that exists in the United States. Instead, of giving a speech on how much has been accomplished in the area of race relations because of people like John Lewis, he chose to target his political opponents. It could have been a unifying moment recognizing our accomplishments and how far we have come. But he knew exactly what he was doing. And he chose to exploit the current division and playoff the hate. See how they do the same thing they accuse President Trump of doing? Yet, not a peep out of the activist media criticizing the divisive nature of President Obama’s speech.
In another pathetic show of how little regard the elites have for We the People, The Mayor of Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser, exempted all funeral attendees from DC’s strict quarantine rules. (Dailywire) See, how it works…if you are part of the elite, you get a pass from complying with these unconstitutional mandates, but if you are an ordinary person, you must obey and comply. If you don’t, you will suffer the full wrath of government.
And it gets worse because the left doesn’t even hide their disdain for the people or the country anymore. Now, I don’t even have to put words in their mouth. I can let them speak for themselves. They are open about how they feel about the United States and what they want to do and that’s completely destroying our system and our Constitution. Just take a listen
Play Ilhan Omar clip
Congresswoman Omar speaks direct, and she clearly states that she wants to tear down the economic and political system. The only way to tear it down is to undo the Constitution, and the calls have been growing louder and louder to do just that.
And that’s what this election represents. Do you really want to see the Constitution be systematically destroyed because that’s what is at stake in this election? I am going to go through exactly what they are proposing and how that would radically destroy our Constitution.
The Senate
There are some who are calling to reform the U.S. Senate. The notion of reforming the Senate would be laughable if it wasn’t for the dangers of such talk.
Those that wish to reform the Senate make the argument that the Senate is an undemocratic institution. They believe it is unfair that each state has equal representation regardless of population. While they are correct that Senate is undemocratic, they are either ignorant, intellectually dishonest, or are flat out deceiving the American people.
What these people don’t tell you the Senate was intentionally designed this way. The Senate represents the States, not the people, and they are supposed to advance legislation that is in their respective state’s best interests. Sometimes what’s in a state’s best interest won’t necessarily be in the people’s best interest. Other times it will.
The states have equal representation within the Senate. James Madison argued that this is necessary because if the Senate was a representative body, the Tyranny of the Majority will reign supreme. He said, “It ought finally to occur to a people deliberating on a Government for themselves, that as different interests necessarily result from the liberty meant to be secured, the major interest might under sudden impulses be tempted to commit injustice on the minority.” (Madison- Term of the Senate)
Essentially the Senate is a vibrant part of the republic. If the Senate becomes a representative institution, our Republic is gone.
The Senate is also the institution that forces compromise and ensures the minority opinion will always have a say. The founders understood that if the Senate is a representative body beholden to the people, the people would make ever-increasing demands on the Senate and the mob will rule.
During the Constitutional Convention, Madison made this clear when he described the makeup of the Senate and said, “First to protect the people against their rulers [and] secondly to protect the people against the transient impressions into which they themselves might be led.” (Madison- Term of the Senate) They did not want the Senate to fall victim and be pressured by the mob.
In order to work within this framework, Madison argued in Federalist 62 that “among independent and sovereign States, bound together by a simple league, however unequal in size, ought to have an EQUAL share in the common councils, it does not appear to be without some reason that in a compound republic, partaking both of the national and federal character, the government ought to be founded on a mixture of the principles of proportional and equal representation.” (Federalist 62)
The founding fathers understood the urge people would have to tinker with the system and the makeup of the Senate, especially as time went by. Madison warned, “An increase of population will of necessity increase the proportion of those who will labour under all the hardships of life, & secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings.” (Madison- Term of the Senate)
But they warned against this. They understood that the Senate is about Equality amongst the states, and not representation of the people.
Some want to see the Senate become a more representative institution and say the allocation of two Senators per state is part of systemic racism. Others are calling for the end of the filibuster so that the Senate can operate simply by majority rule.
See the Democrats are so confident that they are going to win in November, they are not even trying to hide how they would radically transform the Senate as an institution. As I stated before, former President Obama railed against the filibuster at John Lewis’s funeral. Minority Leader Schumer, Senator Warren, Senator Chris Coons, and now even Senator Bernie Sanders, a man who once sang its praises, have openly stated that if Democrats win the White House and the Senate, they will look to do away with the filibuster. Take a listen.
Play filibuster clip
You hear that. Once again, I don’t need to put words in their mouths. I am seeing and hearing more and more lies out there. Now all of a sudden, the filibuster is being tagged with racism. That it’s a form of systemic racism built into the institution. It’s not true, but they are saying it because it will be much easier to do away with the filibuster if people believe it’s a tool of racism.
Another myth is that the filibuster was never intended and created by mistake by eliminating a rule back in 1805 or 1806. This is another lie. From the onset of our Constitution, the Senate had a tradition of not cutting off debate. The Senate is the more deliberative body in our legislative branch and always has been.
And just look at what the Democrats were saying in those clips. They weren’t saying that the filibuster should be done away with under the current Senate. They say it should be done away with if Joe Biden wins the White House.
See the filibuster is designed to allow the minority opinion to have their say. It’s designed so that the debate and compromise can take place. Because of the filibuster, the majority party will need some members of the minority party in order to pass legislation. It basically ensures bipartisan support for the most part because a filibuster-proof Senate is extraordinarily rare.
So, what the Democrats are saying is that the filibuster will be done away with under a Biden administration. If Biden wins, the odds are the Democrats win the majority in the Senate and the Republicans become the minority party. Democrats are openly stating that if the Republicans don’t fall in line, obey, and comply with the Democrat agenda, they will do away with the only leverage the minority party has.
You notice how they haven’t called to remove the filibuster immediately while the Senate is controlled by Republicans and President Trump is in the White House. Why do you think that is? It’s because they would be horrified if the Republicans did that. They would be screaming that it’s unjust. They would be calling the President a dictator, even though a President has no control over the filibuster.
Now in order to change the makeup of the Senate and make it a more representative body, one would think that it should be done through a Constitutional Amendment. However, Democrats know that’s a pipedream. So, instead, some are trying to come up with really creative ways around the amending process, whether they are Constitutional remains questionable, and that’s putting it nicely.
One proposal by a far-left professor says that the way around the Constitution is to leave the number of Senators at 100. Every state automatically gets one Senator, and then the rest are apportioned based on population. Basically, 26 states will have one Senator, 12 states would have 2, eight states would have 3 or 4. California will get 12, Texas 9, Florida, and New York get 6. Yeah, good luck with that. To me, this is ridiculous and highly unconstitutional, but remember, these people don’t care about the Constitution.
In fact, they make the argument that “Senate apportionment entrenches white supremacy” and has an “unjustified bias favoring white citizens.” They argue that the Constitution is a 200-year-old document written of white men, by white men, and, at least in large part, for white men.” I kid you not.
I don’t make this stuff up. They are seriously that demented, and these are their own words.
In full disclosure, there are some Democrats that are sane, and they recognize the complexities of transforming the Senate into a representative body. That’s why they seek to shift the balance of power through granting statehood to Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. In fact, the majority of the Democrat presidential candidates supported statehood for DC and Puerto Rico while they were in the race. In fact, Democrats just passed a bill in the House granting D.C. statehood, although it has no chance in the current Senate.
You also have a number of activist media outlets pushing Democrats to prioritize statehood for DC and Puerto Rico.
Introducing new states should not be based on political ideology and a party gaining more power. Rather, it should be based on how that new state would contribute and benefit both the States and the United States as a whole. Democrats see it as a way to put the House of Representatives securely in the Democrat’s hands. More importantly, they view these potential new states as critical to solidifying a Democrat majority in the Senate as both, Washington DC and Puerto Rico will likely vote Democrat. In fact, Hillary Clinton won 91% of the vote compared to Donald Trump’s 4% in Washington DC. Do you really see any chance of DC going Republican?
Electoral College
And the granting of Statehood to DC and Puerto Rico wouldn’t just impact the balance of power in the House and Senate. It would also tip the scales of the Electoral College. Contrary to what Democrats want you to believe, the Democrats already start out with an advantage in the Electoral College due to the populous states in the Northeast and California.
When you analyze the Electoral College, you will find that Democrats start off with about 217 votes based on safe Democrat states, where Republicans have 191 safe electoral votes based on Republican states. If DC were to become a state, they would have 3 electoral votes and Puerto Rico would have 7 electoral votes. Democrats would only need 43 more electoral votes in order to secure the presidency.
It’s ironic that Democrats would despise the Electoral College when they have a clear advantage, but I get it. They were burned twice in 16 years where Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won the popular votes but lost the Electoral College vote. I would feel the same way if I were them, and I am sure Republicans would hate the EC if it happened to them and Democrats would be singing the praises of the EC.
But Democrats want to see the Electoral College go, and they have made it one of their top priorities. Take a listen.
Play EC Clip
Now the last person speaking was the genius known as Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. I wonder if she received a call from MENSA yet. She was essentially mocking the Electoral College as she was driving through, I believe it was the Midwest. She didn’t see any houses on the highway, and she was mocking the people that live in flyover country as if they don’t matter and they shouldn’t have a voice.
I want you to guess what the new attack on the Electoral College is. Think about it. Of course, it’s got to be racist. Yes, the new attack is that the Electoral College is that it’s racist, and the system was created as a result of the 3/5ths compromise. They say it was a vestige of slavery.
Now if they ever studied the Constitutional Convention, they would now that’s a bunch of BS. But of course, they don’t care. They never read about the debates that occurred. Most probably never even read the federalist papers. In fact, when it came time for the delegates to vote on whether to adopt the Electoral College as the method for selecting an executive, three states voted against it- North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. So, if the Electoral College was supposedly created to help slave states, why would the three most ardently proslavery states vote against it?
When we look at the numbers, we would find the EC works perfectly. When examining the numbers, you would find that out of 58 Presidential elections, 53 were won by the candidate who won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. That’s 91 percent. There were only 4 elections where the person who won the electoral college vote, lost the popular vote.
- 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden
- 1888 Benjamin Harrison vs. Grover Cleveland
- 2000 George W. Bush vs. Al Gore
- 2016 Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton
Someone will ask what about the 1824 presidential race between John Q. Adams vs. Andrew Jackson. I don’t include that race because no one won the majority of the EC vote or the popular vote. While Andrew Jackson had more popular votes and more electoral college votes than the other candidates, the Constitution explicitly states that if no majority exists, the House of Representatives selects the President.
While I recognize the defects, the benefits far outweigh any of the drawbacks. The EC is a system that ensures every State has a say on who becomes President, and that the larger more populous states don’t dominate the political scene. It forces candidates to campaign in states they wouldn’t otherwise waste their time in.
If we go by a popular vote, essentially a candidate can become President simply by dominating the urban areas. Especially since it is much easier to coordinate get out the vote efforts in urban areas. Do we really want a system that’s controlled by the urban centers? Rural communities will largely go ignored and suburban communities won’t be that important. In a popular vote system, a candidate would not need to win a single majority vote in a State.
In order to win a majority of electoral college votes, a candidate must win the majority of States thereby creating the United States. As I said earlier, if we go by popular vote, we can no longer call ourselves the United States because the minority of States would have the control.
The EC is a system reinforcing stability and a peaceful transition of power. Amazingly those calling for a switch to a popular vote don’t realize that a popular vote can and will lead to an authoritarian ruler and an authoritarian mob. We created a system that prevents our politicians from being beholden to the mob. Our system is created to make sure that the demands of the people are tempered and restrained by the practice of statesmanship and the EC is one of several safeguards.
Furthermore, our founding fathers feared the Tyranny of the Majority, and that majorities can be wrong. We see this in our own history when it comes to things like slavery and segregation. Just because a majority of people supported these issues, doesn’t make it right.
But to many Democrats, none of that matters. It’s all about power and control. They understand that if they can manipulate the electoral process, they will be able to seize the advantage. That’s why they want to try and add new states, create a national popular vote movement, lower the voting age to 16, and allow felons currently in prison to vote. Some on the extreme far-left would even go so far as to allow those illegally here to vote. Why do you think that is?
They claim they do it to give people a voice, but ask yourself, would they be calling for this “justice” if they knew it would benefit Republicans? We all know the answer to that, and even my Democrat friends would admit it. Never publicly of course, but they know that there is no institution they aren’t willing to overturn, change, modify, or manipulate in their pursuit of power.
The Judiciary
Take the judiciary. Democrats have been apoplectic ever since President Trump was able to get Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the bench. Since then, they have constantly criticized the high court even though with Roberts, Democrats should consider themselves lucky.
Just to see how radical they are. Take a listen.
Play SC Sound Clip
Once again this is their own words. This is another institution that they want to change. Not because they are deep Constitutional thinkers, but because of power. The calls for term limits is just dumb. The whole point of the Separation of Powers is that each branch of government fulfills different philosophical purposes, represents different constituencies, and serves different terms. The lifetime appointment for Justices is so that they aren’t beholden to any political leader or legislative body.
However, the real danger lies in the calls to increase the number of seats on the Supreme Court and these calls have been growing louder and louder. Unsatisfied with the current leanings of the court, some are calling to pack the court with liberal justices.
Now the Constitution clearly states that Congress can determine the number of Justices on the Supreme Court, so it is a Constitutional right that Congress has.
However, it is not like the Democrat intentions are pure. Packing the court for ideological purposes sets a dangerous precedent going forward.
See, these people believe in judicial activism and they want the Supreme Court not to interpret the Constitution, but to make laws.
The Supreme Court’s purpose is not to legislate from the bench. Judicial activism should not be tolerated. Its purpose is not to push an ideological vision regardless if the vision is liberal or conservative. The Supreme Court’s role is to strictly interpret the Constitution, ensure government adheres to the guiding principles set forth by the founding fathers, and to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States.
Attack on the 1st Amendment
The attacks aren’t limited to our institutions, the Democrats would also look to modify the 1st Amendment, and I am talking about all aspects of the First Amendment.
Freedom of Speech
We will start with their assault on Freedom of Speech. While most Democrats would never publicly admit they want to curtail Freedom of Speech, their actions speak volumes. First, look at how they define speech. Many in the Democrat party want to introduce European style hate laws here in the United States. They try to use the logic that while the 1st Amendment protects hate speech, it should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another. See, in Europe, you do not have Freedom of Speech.
In fact, whatever the government deems as hate can get you arrested for incitement. And that’s the problem. When is something deemed hateful or offensive? In fact, Congresswomen Cortez chided Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg last week. She asked, “So you won’t take down lies or you will take down lies? I think that is just a pretty simple yes or no.”
Does AOC care about lies? Absolutely not. Remember, she’s the one who said facts don’t matter if you are morally right. These people don’t care about hate speech. They don’t care about offensive speech. And they certainly don’t care about lies because if they did, they would call for all the Russian collusion claims to be taken down now that we know it’s a fraud. I won’t hold my breath for that.
What they care about is dissenting opinions and that’s what they want to eliminate. They want to be the moral arbiters of right and wrong. The ruling class wants to determine what’s hateful and what’s offensive. And I am not exaggerating.
Consider that the city council of San Francisco recently declared the National Rifle Association (NRA) a terrorist organization and that any business working with the San Francisco government cannot do business with the NRA or else they will lose their contracts. San Francisco also banned official business with several other states because those states fail to “reflect our values” on issues like abortion and LGBTQ.
Freedom of Speech is under an unprecedented attack by the leftist mobs. Anything you say or do that goes against their narrative is deemed as hateful, offensive, and racist. They try to destroy lives and livelihoods. They threaten corporations with bully tactics. You have states demanding donor lists from conservative organizations.
The attack on speech is nefarious and dangerous. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
If Democrats have a unified government, it will only be a matter of time before we begin to see speech codes. Think about it. These are some of the most intolerant people that could possibly exist. Freedom of Speech is essential to liberty, and they know that. You can’t have an obedient and compliant society if you allow people to speak out and pushback.
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Religion is also under assault. Just look at the lockdowns where the government has the right to shut down church services, no matter what faith you practice, but it’s allowed casinos to open. That it can dictate liquor stores remain open but drive-thru church services are banned.
There are some on the far-left that have no regard for religion. In fact, just like most socialist and communist societies, religion is a threat to the system. Remember, in Socialism, communism, and Marxism, the state is the highest entity and people exist to serve the state. You need people to be loyal, obedient, and compliant. The state comes first. However, if you tell someone that there’s a higher power. Something that’s bigger than the State, well then, loyalty will shift, and the higher power will come first. When you believe in God, it proves to be a threat to socialist regimes. That’s why many ban organized religion and religious groups have to go underground to practice their faith.
Factor in the forcing of religious institutions to perform services that may go against their religion, and you can see the threat to freedom of religion.
A Free Press
The Democrats also have no tolerance for a free press. Consider that the press is overwhelmingly left-wing. Nearly every news channel on the television with the exception of Fox News, Newsmax, and America One News Network, is far to the left. Nearly all the major print papers are far to the left.
In fact, the left controls about 90% of the news media, yet it’s not enough for them. They routinely attack outlets that go against the leftist narrative. Just Google Democrats attack Fox News, and you will see article after article of attacks.
Even though they control 90% of the media outlets, they can’t stand the idea of dissenting news reports. Now, in full disclosure, I have not heard one Democratic elected official call for the restriction of the press.
However, if these people ever get into power, it would not surprise me at all if they begin to restrict the press.
The Democratic Socialists of America, of which several Democrats are members to this organization, have stated, “Individual civil and political rights (freedom of speech, assembly, the right to vote, etc.), which are currently routinely violated, would be strengthened, and public resources would be devoted to the development of a genuinely free press and a democratically administered mass media.” (Medium)
This should send shivers down every American’s spine. Public resources, meaning government, would be the ones to determine what a free press is. Government would administer a “democratic” mass media. Meaning that government is the one controlling the messaging and what it deems acceptable and unacceptable.
Attack on the 2nd Amendment
I really don’t need to spend too much time on what the Democrats will do to the 2nd Amendment once they’re in power. In fact, why not just listen to them in their own words. Take a listen.
Play Gun Control Sound Clip
That’s them in their own words. My God, you have Joe Biden saying using a double-barrel shotgun. He obviously doesn’t have a clue. First, you really don’t want to use a double-barrel shotgun on a perpetrator entering your home because you will definitely have a nasty cleanup job and you will need to remodel that room.
Understand, when they say assault weapons ban, they are really talking about any semi-automatic firearm and that pretty much encapsulates most guns with the exception of some shotguns and a few revolvers.
That’s why they never define what an assault weapon is. It’s because they have no clue and they want to ban nearly all types of firearms. But when you do begin to try and pin them down, they mostly say it’s a gun that looks militaristic. These are people who never fired a firearm in their life. When they say weapons of war, remember, they are lying. Weapons of war are illegal for the most part. And the only people that can purchase automatic weapons, are heavily regulated by the 1934 Firearms Act. In order to obtain these weapons, you have to undergo an intense background check and the Attorney General has to approve the transaction.
In addition, since 1986, a law, the Firearms Owner Protection Act, banned the production of any new automatic weapons. Meaning that if you want to own an automatic weapon, the gun must have been manufactured prior to 1986. There is a limited amount of these guns in circulation so if you do ultimately want one, and you do manage to get the AG’s approval, the gun will set you back tens of thousands of dollars. In some cases, it can be over $30,000 making it extremely prohibitive.
But if they get into power, they may start off with voluntary buybacks of semi-automatic weapons, but how long until those voluntary buybacks become mandatory gun buybacks are coming. And they will become mandatory that I can guarantee. Joe Biden has made his intentions clear in nearly all sound clips, and he has stated that Beto O’Rourke, one of the dumbest people in the country, will be his gun czar and point person on gun policy.
So, I just systematically went through all the ways the Constitution is currently under assault by the far-left. And I didn’t even begin to examine Joe Biden’s platform which I will do in the coming weeks especially once he announces his vice-presidential pick. I suspect that this will be a far-left ideologue who will ultimately be the President if Biden is elected.
As I stated, the Senate would also go Democrat, and you will have a unified Democrat government that is looking to do away with the filibuster and end several safeguards that have been institutionalized within our system. This will allow them to change the Constitution at will.
Now, there are some who will say that Biden is a moderate and that Democrats really don’t believe in what they have been preaching. His platform is anything but moderate, and rhetoric from the party is anything but moderate. So, am I really supposed to believe that this is a façade and they don’t really mean exactly what they saying? I used their own words in many cases, and the fact that they have such little regard for our Constitution and our institutions is clear.
It is clear that the election isn’t just about President Trump vs. Joe Biden. It is clear the election has moved beyond the idea of socialism vs. capitalism, although that is part of it. But it is mostly clear, that the election has become a referendum on the Constitution and whether we are willing to undo everything our founders fought for, and everything that generation after generation fought to preserve.
The radical left, and their allies in the media and amongst the political elite, are gambling that if they make the election about the President’s personality, people will overlook the rhetoric and what the radical left seeks to do.
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Each and every one of you out there have to decide. Do you believe the country needs a radical transformation to meet the 21st-century demands? Do you believe the system is so broken that it needs to be destroyed and rebuilt? Do you believe the system was created based on hate, racism, and slavery, and so the system needs to be purged?
Or do you believe the system isn’t the problem, and the problem is the politicians, the ruling class? That the Constitution still serves a purpose and has served us well over for 232-year history propelling us to become the greatest nation the world has ever seen?
This election is about preserving a system that has served us well in 232 years. A system, not without sin, but has continually strived to advance as a nation and correct past sins. There is a lot at stake in this election and there is no way to really be able to predict how this plays out.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be doing an in-depth examination of the actual policy platform of Joe Biden.
It’s important that everyone recognizes what is at stake in this election and our future is in the hands of We the People. I’m not ready to believe that America has changed so radically that the majority of people support what’s happening in the United States. However, if we choose the wrong path, don’t blame the politicians. Don’t blame the activist media. Don’t blame the radical left. If we are willing to squander everything, we fought so hard to preserve and protest, we will only have ourselves to blame.
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As always, thank you for joining us, stay safe and I’ll be back on Monday.
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