Episode 211 Show Notes- The Dear Leader Imposes New Mandates in Astonishing Speech
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Episode Description
In an astonishing speech, the President strikes a divisive tone announcing new mandates while demonizing those who have legitimate concerns and questions. As the Dear Leader spoke, he sounded more like a tin-pot dictator, rather than a duly elected President representing all Americans. Professor Giordano explains the speech that the Dear Leader should have given. A speech that would have shown leadership and respect for the people he serves.
(You can listen to the entire episode by clicking the play button above or go to any podcast platform)
Show Transcript- The Dear Leader Imposes New Mandates in Astonishing Speech
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Welcome everyone to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I hope everyone is doing well. I have another great episode lined up for you, and it piggybacks off of the episode I did last week, and Monday’s interview with Nick Adams, which if you haven’t yet listened to, I suggest you do.
The march towards authoritarianism continues, and apparently, our President has forgotten, well, he’s forgotten a lot of things, but one of the main things he has forgotten is that he is an elected President of the United States. He is not a ruler. He doesn’t get to rule over us through mandates and decrees. That there is a process in place, and it’s an important process where We the People get to make important decisions over our lives. That we get to do what’s in the best interest of our families and our communities.
Listening to President Biden’s speech was astonishing. He sounded more like a tin-pot dictator rather than the President of the United States. It was clear that he is little regard for ordinary Americans. In fact, it’s abundantly clear that the entire ruling class has a deep-seated disdain for the people.
And that’s what I want to focus on this episode. I want to take the Dear Leader’s speech. I want to take on the mandates. This increasing authoritarianism will come back to haunt us if we don’t end it now. It’s time to remind these people who they really serve.
More importantly, in this episode, I’m going to explain the speech that the Dear Leader should have given. A speech that would have shown leadership and a respect for the people he serves.
This is going to be an interesting episode so buckle up.
Before I jump in, make sure to visit The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and follow the podcast so you’ll never miss an episode.
The Uniter-in-Chief Isn’t Really a Uniter
So, a day after I released an episode talking about how Western nations are essentially committing suicide by doing away with democratic norms and values, our President comes out to talk about a whole slew of new mandates, particularly vaccine mandates.
When I listened to his speech, I was disgusted. I was disgusted with the tone of the speech. I was disgusted with the content of the speech. The whole thing really bothered me.
Obviously, I am not a big fan of this President. I think I’ve made that pretty clear. But putting my bias aside, I cannot believe what I heard.
Not for nothing, President Biden campaigned on the idea of unity. He said he didn’t want to be President for just blue America or red America. He said he wanted to be President of all Americans. Just take a listen.
Sound Clip Dear Leader on Unity
Whenever President Biden would emerge from his basement throughout the campaign, he would constantly talk about unity. When he accepted the Democrat nomination, he pledged unity. When he was inaugurated, he pledged unity.
Understand, like everything else, those were just words. Remember, that’s how we operate in this day and age. People despised the last President because of his words. Because he would send out mean tweets. People supported President Biden because they believed he wouldn’t be as divisive as President Trump.
And the reality is that President Biden isn’t as divisive as President Trump. In fact, he’s more divisive. When he talked about unity, he was full of crap. He didn’t really care about unity. His words are hollow. Whether it’s this speech, or his attempts to constantly invoke Jim crow and segregation as a way to divide our population and instill fear in the black community.
In fact, the entire ruling elite, as a whole, can care less about unity. What they want is submission. Submission to their policy agenda. Submission to their point-of-view. Submission to them.
Consider there are so many within the media and the pundit class, within the political and establishment class, that argue the reason we can’t have unity is that Republicans are obstructionists. That they won’t just sit there and validate the President’s policy agenda, even though that’s the whole point of a minority party.
Consider that many of those who surround the Dear Leader has openly stated that Republicans are domestic enemies. They have used words like purge, deprogram, and reeducate, when they talk about literally half the country. That’s their idea of unity.
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The President’s Speech on Mandates
So, what did the Dear Leader say in his speech when he was introducing mandates? What is getting me so mad? The first thing that annoyed me is that the Dear Leader continues to try to divide us. He wants to pit vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. American vs. American. Take a listen to this part of the speech.
Sound Clip Dear Leader Frustrated with the Unvaccinated
Did you hear that? Who the hell do you think you are? See, you had it all wrong. The President was being a nice guy by not imposing mandates, but you, the unvaccinated have forced our Dear Leader’s hand. You thought that the vaccines were voluntary. You thought you had a choice.
What you didn’t realize is that when they said we “recommend” you get the vaccine and we “advise” you to get vaccinated, they really meant it was mandatory.
The Dear Leader has had enough with your insubordination. He’s starting to look bad and it’s your fault. The Dear Leader’s entire campaign was that he’s going to manage the pandemic more effectively than the Trump administration did. But it’s clear he failed at that. It’s clear he can’t manage anything effectively just look at COVID, Afghanistan, the border, education. You name it and he’s failed.
But when it comes to COVID, it’s worse because they’re not blaming other politicians. They are blaming you. It shows how little regard they have.
The crazy part is that it wasn’t that long ago all these same officials said they didn’t have the power to do a mandate like this. Take a listen.
Sound Clip No Vaccine Mandates Coming
So, what changed? Was it that some new scientific breakthrough occurred? Of course not. Nothing really changed except that the officials want complete control even though they are some of the most incompetent morons in power.
Take the fraud, Fauci. Here’s what he said this weekend about natural immunity.
Sound Clip Fauci on Natural Immunity vs. Vaccine
I mean seriously. How is this guy still around? He is nothing but a fraud. I want people to seriously think about this. Since January, people have been told to get vaccinated regardless of whether they already had COVID or not. They pushed this message, and then they encouraged state and local governments to issue vaccine mandates. They encouraged large corporations and private businesses to have vaccine mandates. They emphasized that natural immunity shouldn’t be allowed for a vaccine exemption.
And four days before this clip, the Dear Leader issued his own mandates with no exemption for those with natural immunity. Now Dr. Fauci says that they need to look into this question? Does that make any sense?
I don’t agree with mandates at all, and I’ll get into why in a minute, but if you are going to mandate something this intrusive in people’s lives. If you are going to take away people’s medical rights, don’t you think the officials should have already looked into this before mandating it? It’s the same thing with masks. They haven’t done any research on masks, and the studies that were done show that cloth masks are completely useless.
Here the Dear Leader and his administration are, pushing mandates, yet they have no clue what the consequences of their decrees are. It is truly stunning, and this is why so many don’t trust anything coming from these idiots’ mouths.
Before you issue mandates, make sure you know what the damn consequences are, good or bad.
Oh Wait, You Thought You Had Freedom?
But the Dear Leader doesn’t care. As I have said many times before, these people view the Constitution as an obstacle. An inconvenience. You thought you had something called liberty. You thought you had the freedom to exercise that liberty. Well, according to the Dear Leader, this isn’t about your freedom. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Dear Leader This is Not About Freedom
According to the ruling class, you don’t want to get vaccinated because you want to defy the system. Because you’re anti-authority and anti-government.
They don’t view your questions or concerns as legitimate. They hate questions, and they viciously attack people that try to ask simple questions like if you had COVID, shouldn’t natural immunity be a legitimate exemption, and does getting the vaccine to have any adverse effects if you already had natural immunity? That’s a legitimate question, and you have every right to ask that question, but you weren’t allowed to utter that question for the last 9-months.
Then you have the question of children and vaccines. While children can get coronavirus, there are legitimate concerns parents have, but once again, you are not allowed to express those concerns. Let’s take the most obvious and look at dosage. Dr. Marty Makary asked a great question the other day. Why does a 12-year-old 80lb. boy get the same dosage as a 300lb 45-year-old man?
It really doesn’t make any sense. You can’t give children the same dose of Tylenol as you give adults, but we’re going to say that they should receive the same dose of the vaccine? That doesn’t make too much sense to me.
Again, you can’t ask that question though. If you do, you’ll be attacked and labeled.
The Dear Leader is Running Out of Patience w/the Peasant Class
There was another part of the speech that really aggravated me. Listen, I make no secret that I don’t support this President’s policies. I made it clear, I am not a fan of his. I have openly stated that I believe that there is no doubt that the President is in cognitive decline. And while I have mocked the President, I do respect the office of the Presidency.
If you listen to this podcast, I’ll make fun of plenty of the politicians. I’ll come them dumb. I’ll call them morons and imbeciles. But if you notice, I constantly use their titles. When referring to Biden, I say President Biden. I say, President Obama. Even pathetic weasels like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, I refer to as Congressmen. When talking about Pelosi, I usually refer to her as Speaker Pelosi. A lot of the times I’ll throw in Queen Pelosi as a joke, but I usually refer to these people with their titles out of respect for the system.
However, I am disgusted by the Dear Leader. This part of the speech really got my blood boiling. Take a listen.
Sound Clip The Dear Leader is Losing His Patience
With all due respect, who is he to say something like that? Seriously, it’s even worse that he’s the President, and the fact that he would even say that he’s losing his patience towards other Americans simply because they have legitimate concerns is absolutely unacceptable. It’s not like they’re destroying cities, attacking first responders, looting, committing arson, and assault. Those are things he didn’t lose patience over, but because you want to exercise medical choice, that’s unacceptable.
And who is “Our”? He said, “our patience is wearing thin.” Well, I want to know who the “our” refers to.
Here’s the thing, our patience is wearing thin, but we’re not allowed to say that out loud. See, the president can say it, and he’ll get some criticism from Republican and Conservative news outlets, but the rest of the press will defend him and express the exact same sentiments. I can play sound clips, but we’d be here all day.
But he gets to say that with no consequences. But when we say something like that, they want to label us domestic terrorists. They say we are expressing anti-government and anti-authority sentiment. That saying something this has the potential to lead to incitement. See how that works.
And he’s blaming anyone who disagrees with him and his administration. It’s not about controlling the virus. It’s about controlling us.
Consider that when Trump was President, any increase in COVID cases was his fault. Not the governors. Not the states. Not the people.
Now that Biden is President, the increase in COVID cases is the fault of governors, the states, but more importantly, it’s your fault. The People’s fault.
See how that works? When it’s someone they don’t like as President, it’s their fault. When it’s part of the ruling class, it’s your fault. It reminds me of when Senator Cruz caused a government shutdown under President Obama, and Republicans were blamed for the shutdown. Yet, when Speak Pelosi and then-Minority Leader Schumer shut down the government under President Trump, it was Republican’s fault.
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But There Are Exemptions
With that being said, I have good news for you and bad news for you. The good news is that there are exemptions. The bad news is that you won’t qualify for these exemptions. When I tell you who does qualify, it’s going to really annoy you.
The United States Postal Service will not be required to get the mandatory shot like other federal employees. They will have a choice to either get the shot or to get tested once a week. (NY Post)
Remember it was a couple of executive orders. One for federal employees, and the other for employers with more than 100 employees. Federal employees are required to get the jab, while employees in large businesses either have to get the jab or get tested once a week. Either one is ridiculous, but the federal employees don’t have a choice.
So, a member of the military. Someone who put his or her life on the line in order to protect and defend the country. Someone that most likely was deployed in combat witnessing the horrors of war. They don’t have a choice. They have to get the shot, but postal workers can have a choice of getting the shot or getting tested weekly.
Another group of people that will not be required to get the jab is members of Congress and their staff. Isn’t that a kick in you know what? Now, Constitutionally, the President cannot mandate things on Congress. It is a violation of the separation of powers and checks and balances. Think about it logically, if the executive branch can impose its will on the legislative branch, it renders the legislative branch impotent.
However, people should be demanding that leaders of Congress mandate the vaccine for themselves and their staff. Congress is controlled by Democrats, and they applauded the Dear Leader’s executive actions so they should practice what they preach and make it mandatory for their institution. But they probably won’t. Congress has routinely exempted themselves and their institution from following the same rules that apply to us, ordinary folks. It really is pathetic.
Executive orders also cannot apply to the Judicial Branch as well.
Wait, there’s more. There are real questions as to whether those who are part of the federal workforce and are in a union, have to comply with the new rules. The answer is that they do not unless the federal government negotiates with the union, and they can come to a collective bargaining agreement. So, if you are part of a federal union like the American Federation of Government Employees, you are exempt from this order, at least for now.
Outside of that, another group who is essentially exempt from the mandates are all those migrating to the United States. Consider that one for a second. If you are a migrant or an illegal immigrant, you will not be required to get the shot as you cross the border. In fact, the Dear Leader’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked that exact thing. Here is what she said.
Sound Clip Psaki
It really was a stunning slap in the face, and her smugness really annoyed me. The way she was smirking when she said, “That’s correct,” and moved on to the next reporter. You would think the next reporter would have followed up and pressed Psaki, but of course not. No biggie. If you are an American citizen, you must abide by the decrees from the Dear Leader. If you are a migrant, you’re exempt. Since we all get to create our own social constructs, can we file for an exemption and say we identify as migrants?
Where are the Legislative Bodies
One of the things that continually has bothered me throughout the pandemic is how Congress and State legislative bodies have abdicated their responsibilities. They have let the chief executives do whatever they damn please, and they have rendered themselves utterly useless.
I always warn about Federalist 47 written by James Madison where he stated that all powers- legislative, judicial, and executive- concentrated in the same hands is the very definition of tyranny.
Why aren’t the legislative bodies doing their jobs, debating the issues, and passing laws? It’s one thing for the chief executives of states and the President to have emergency powers when it comes to short-term disasters, whether it be a natural disaster or a manmade one. However, when we face a prolonged crisis, the emergency powers should be rescinded, and it should be up to the legislature to decide these things.
Why does the Mayor of New York City, Comrade DeBlasio, perhaps the dumbest mayor in the country? Actually, not one of, he is the dumbest. Why does he get to order restaurants to serve as the vaccine police?
We have coequal branches of government for a reason, and everything we are witnessing is not normal. It is highly unconstitutional, and it shouldn’t stand. If the legislative body wants to pass a law, then have the debate and do it through normal order.
Chief executives don’t have absolute power. At least they’re not supposed to, but because legislative members, both in Congress and at the state legislators, are such cowards, they don’t want to tackle any controversial issues that can ruin their chance at getting reelected.
And many of these cowards say nothing because their governors and the Dear Leader are from the same political party. That’s how stupid they are. They don’t realize that Democrats won’t hold power forever, and the more executive authority expands, the more they’ll scream when Republicans control the levers of power. Then they won’t like it, but they won’t be able to do a damn thing about it because they set the precedent. Unfortunately, we all get screwed in the process.
I don’t care who it is in office. I don’t like ruling by decree because I know what it leads to, and that’s exactly what these mandates are. Ruling by decree.
Leaders Lead
Here’s the thing, Leaders lead, and the Dear Leader is not a leader at all. The fact is that President Biden didn’t change a single mind with his speech. He sounded cranky, arrogant, mad, and authoritarian. He sounded like a tin-pot dictator. If you just read the transcript and didn’t know who was speaking, you would have thought it was a speech given by Xi Jinping of China, Nick Maduro of Venezuela, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, or any other authoritarian out there.
Demonizing those who oppose vaccine and mask mandates is not a successful strategy. Dismissing the legitimate questions and concerns ordinary Americans have will not make people less hesitant to get the vaccine. Whoever advised the President and wrote this speech should be fired immediately.
The Speech President Biden Should Have Gave
Listen, it’s not like I thought President Biden was going to do a 180 on the idea of vaccines. It’s not like I thought President Biden was going to say take off your mask.
However, this is what a real leader would have said, and the speech President Biden should have given.
“I know there are some people who are hesitant to get vaccinated, and I understand. I get it. You have genuine concerns. You have legitimate questions, and it is incumbent on my administration to answer those questions. As Americans, we are all in this together, and I am not going to dismiss the concerns of tens of millions of Americans who are hesitant to get the vaccine. Whether you voted for me or not, it’s my job to protect to ensure the safety of all of you. It’s for this reason I ordered my staff to go compile a list of the most asked questions of those who don’t want to get the vaccine.
One of the top concerns is about potential long-term side effects of the vaccine, and that’s understandable. You have every right to ask that question, and in all honesty, it’s a question that should have been answered a long time ago. Vaccine side effects are almost always seen within six to eight weeks of vaccination, and we do not believe these vaccines will be any different. We believe the chances of long-term effects are minimal, and while we can’t say with absolute certainty, rest assured that some of the smartest people in the country and the world have been working on this for quite some time.
We also know the short-term risks of the current vaccines, and it’s important for people to talk to their doctors about these risks. But we also have to acknowledge that the risk of short-term side effects from the current vaccines is much lower than the risk of a serious case of COVID itself if you are in one of the high-risk categories. The risk of COVID is real.
Another concern that people have is the technology used to produce these vaccines. People are worried about the mRNA vaccine. Again, that’s a legitimate concern, but while mRNA vaccines may seem new, these vaccines are a result of over 30-years of research. The mRNA vaccines are effective, and it prepares your immune system to fight the actual virus if you encounter it. After 30-years of research, we are confident that these vaccines are safe and effective.
There are also a lot of parents who are concerned about vaccinating their children. As you should be. Your children are the most important part of your lives, especially when they’re young. I would be asking the same questions you are. As parents, it is our job to protect our children. This is why, I asked my administration and the scientific community to study why a 12-year-old, 70lb boy gets the same vaccine dosage as a 300lb, 50-year-old.
We are also concerned about the reports of myocarditis, and while myocarditis is rare, it’s your child and so you may be thinking that you don’t want to take that risk. We know myocarditis is usually short-lived and rarely fatal. What we don’t know are the long-term effects when children are infected with COVID, particularly long COVID.
It appears that most of the side effects of vaccinated children occur after the second shot. This is why I am ordering my public health team to look into the possibility that children may only need the first shot. In order to protect our children, I’m suspending the requirement that they receive two doses until we have a definitive answer on whether one vaccination will provide the needed protection against the coronavirus.
Finally, let’s talk about natural immunity. Science shows that those who have natural immunity are protected against the coronavirus. How long this protection lasts? Honestly, we’re not really sure, and everyone’s body is different. This is why for those who have natural immunity and a certain level of antibodies, we are shifting our policy. We believe that you should be exempted from taking the vaccine, and you shouldn’t be required to get it. I want the scientific community to really examine this question because before we advise people to get the vaccine, we want to make sure that it’s the right decision.
We will be coming out with further guidance in regard to this question, and one of the things we may consider is that we may recommend that those with natural immunity get their antibody levels checked every four months. This will help us in knowing how long natural immunity may last and it may definitively be able to tell us whether natural immunity provides stronger protection than the vaccines or whether the vaccines provide stronger protection.
As I said earlier, I’m the President of all Americans and I hear your concerns. We take these concerns seriously, and I will do everything in my power to answer those questions. There was a lot we didn’t know when this virus first emerged, but we know a lot now. However, it is important to acknowledge that we don’t know everything, and we don’t have all the answers. However, if we work together, we can get those answers and we will get through this together.”
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This speech would have been well received by most Americans, including those who don’t particularly support the President. They would have appreciated that the President acknowledged their concerns. While some would still refuse to get the vaccine, which is their right, and others would still be hesitant, they would be more at ease. The President even would have persuaded a decent amount of those who are hesitant to get the vaccine. More importantly, it would have restored some of the trust in our institutions where trust has been decimated.
For a President who campaigned on being the President for all Americans. For someone who campaigned to be an uniter-in-chief, he clearly has little regard for anyone who opposes his policies, and the speech the President gave only divided us more. He didn’t change a single mind and only reinforced why people are hesitant or suspicious of the vaccine. Telling Americans that “our patience is wearing thin,” and dismissing the core American philosophy by stating “this is not about freedom,” is not a winning message. Leaders lead, and this speech makes it clear that the United States is devoid of leadership right now.
Continuing with this next week, I have a great interview lined up for Monday, and a great episode planned for Wednesday. I want to discuss whether it’s time we reevaluate the tools we granted to the government following the attacks on September 11th. I want to analyze whether those who advocated for these powers have any regrets, and what happens when these powers are used against ordinary Americans. It should be a fascinating episode, so you won’t want to miss it.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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