Episode 400 Show Notes- The DOJ FBI Cover-up to Protect President Biden and Co.
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Episode Description
As the House Oversight Committee begins the process of holding FBI Director Christopher Wray in Contempt of Congress, there is still a lot that we don’t know about the FBI’s efforts to protect President Biden and the Biden family business. The FBI has been in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and we are now learning that in 2020, the FBI came into information that alleges a $5 million criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national relating to an exchange of money for policy decisions.
Why are these revelations coming to light now, especially when you consider how information leaks like a sieve when it comes to the multiple investigations into former President Trump? Is the FBI and DOJ attempting a cover-up to protect President Biden and the Biden Family Business?
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Show Notes- The DOJ FBI Cover-up to Protect President Biden and Co.
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
I have an important episode lined up for today because again, we witness the double standards and the out-of-control bureaucracy that has been weaponized for political purposes.
I want to do a deep dive into a pressing issue that strikes at the core of our Republic—the alleged protection of politicians by government agencies for ideological purposes. Specifically, I want to focus on the FBI’s actions in safeguarding President Biden and the Biden family business.
As the House Oversight Committee moves forward with holding FBI Director Christopher Wray in Contempt of Congress, disturbing questions continue to arise about the impartiality and integrity of our nation’s once premier law enforcement agency. Concerns continue to grow about selective enforcement and a potential cover-up.
Not for nothing, but throughout the Trump years and the Russian collusion fraud that was fed to the American people, you had endless idiots on throughout the media, the pundit class, screaming that it was worse than Watergate. Yet, it all turned out to be BS. Here you may actually have something that goes far beyond Watergate.
When thinking back to the Founding Fathers and what they fought for- limited government, God-given liberties, and safeguarding the integrity of our institutions- it is important to remind people that what we are witnessing today is everything they feared. They understood the dangers that arise when government agencies stray from their intended purpose.
The founders held deep-rooted beliefs in the principles of limited government. They understood the fundamental importance of checks and balances. They also understood that concentrated power in the hands of a few would lead to corruption and the erosion of individual liberties. Our nation’s founders fought tirelessly to establish a system ensuring accountability, transparency, and equal treatment under the law.
Yet, today we have these self-anointed ‘guardians of democracy’ that believe they can do whatever they want, and that they don’t have to answer for it. They can lie, manipulate, stonewall, and deceive all because there is no accountability.
The alleged protection of politicians, notably President Biden and the Biden family, by agencies like the FBI should raise red flags, and it threatens the very essence of our Republic. While the alleged corruption of President Biden and his family is alarming, the bigger story is the FBI and DOJ’s cover-up operation to protect him.
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