Episode 209 Show Notes- The Epic Implosion of the Western World Has Disastrous Consequences
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Episode Description
In the name of “protecting the people,” the Western World has thrown out the basic norms of democracy, and they have become the very thing they used to preach against. We continue to witness the Western world self-destruct from self-inflicted wounds. “Liberal” democracies are no longer liberal or democracies. Instead, they’ve morphed into a ruling class that dictates how people must live their lives. They’ve been aided by a populous who have encouraged these same governments to seize more power at their own expense. Throughout the Western world, resentment is building, and continuing on the current trend is unsustainable. If the West collapses, what comes next will be even worse. However, people have the ability to change the trajectory.
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Show Transcript- The Epic Implosion of the Western World Has Disastrous Consequences
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Welcome everyone to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I hope everyone is doing well. I have another great episode lined up for you, and it’s one that’s critically important.
Afghanistan is still fresh on everyone’s mind, and while the Biden administration would like to turn the page, unfortunately for them, that ain’t happening. But I’ve been thinking over the last couple of weeks, and the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal is simply a microcosm of the failures, not just of America, but the entire Western world. It goes far beyond one policy, and one institution. It encompasses many Western countries and all of their institutions.
And that’s going to be the focus of this episode. The Western world is committing suicide. Death by a thousand cuts, and we need to have this discussion. I’ll point to some of the insane policies. I’ll point to the self-loathing that exists within Western culture.
Before I jump in, make sure to visit The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and follow the podcast so you’ll never miss an episode.
The Fall of the West
Let’s focus on how the West is destroying itself. In the name of “protecting the people,” the Western World has thrown out the basic norms of democracy, and they have become the very thing they used to preach against.
While the coronavirus sped up this trajectory towards authoritarianism, we have to be honest, it’s been moving in this direction for a while. It seems many don’t have any real appreciation for the concepts of liberty and freedom. I’m not just talking about the overlords in power. They never really had regard for these concepts. I’m talking about ordinary people, but perhaps it’s because we haven’t really had to sacrifice for liberty and freedom.
The self-destruction of the Western world comes directly from self-inflicted wounds. All our adversaries have to do, is sit back and watch the implosion. Liberal democracies are no longer liberal or democracies. They have morphed into a ruling class elite dictating how people must live their lives.
They no longer ask for the permission of the people. They don’t even pretend to care about what we think. Instead, they use tactics to pressure and coerce us to force obedience and compliance.
The governments throughout many Western countries have also been aided by a populous who have encouraged the government to seize more power. Little do they realize, as the government gains more power and authority, it’s at their own expense. How they don’t see this is mind-boggling, but there are a lot of things that don’t make any sense lately.
There are others that are complicit through their silence. They know that the government is overreaching. They know that what our governments are doing isn’t normal. Yet, they remain silent. Why? Is it because they fear the backlash they may face if they speak out? Is it because they hope things will just go back to normal on its own?
I don’t know what the answer is, but hopefully, as a people, we all wake up soon because I see the resentment building and many of these same governments are creating a situation they can’t possibly control. They think they can, but they can’t.
Of course, the leftists will accuse me of fanning the flames. They’ll say that my rhetoric, and those with similar beliefs, are the ones who fan the flames, not the government with their dictatorial decrees. They’ll say criticizing the government is what has led to the lack of trust within our institutions. See, to these people, you are not allowed to criticize the powers that be.
If you dare question the government’s actions and policies or go against a certain set of narratives, they’ll say you’re expressing anti-government/anti-authority sentiment. That you’re inciting domestic violent extremism. That you’re a domestic terrorist. See, to them you represent a threat to the ruling authority.
What these morons don’t understand is that we have a sacred obligation to ask questions. We have an obligation to call out the government and the officials that abuse their power. If the system is that weak that it can’t withstand questions, then it doesn’t deserve to stand.
I raise these issues and concerns because I want to prevent the Western world from collapsing. While I may be a conservative, if governments collapse, we all lose. We all suffer. It doesn’t matter what your political ideology is. We all suffer whether your far-left, democrat, republican or conservative.
Because that’s what will happen if we continue with these asinine policies. Our destiny has yet to be written, and as quickly as we got to this point is as quickly as we can turn it around.
What Happens When Countries Collapse?
So, what am I talking about? In April of last year, I released an episode, and the focus of the episode was on the post-coronavirus world order. I warned then about Western governments overreaching with their response. I warned that democratic values were being undermined and completely disregarded.
I warned that governments will continue to artificially manipulate their economies with no end in sight.
Once a government collapse begins in one Western country, it can spread like a contagion to other Western countries. Just think about the Arab Spring in 2011. It started in Tunisia, spread throughout several parts of Africa to the Middle East.
The idiots in the pundit class and the so-called policy experts cheered the Arab Spring. They applauded the protests and unrest. They said it was going to usher in a period of democracy for a part of the world where it’s been elusive. They said it was going to be transformative.
Well, 10-years later, how did it work out for those countries that saw the unrest? How did it work out for the world? In fact, out of all the countries that saw the Arab Spring, only Tunisia moved towards democracy. All the other countries became more authoritarian. In fact, several countries are still mired in civil and tribal warfare. The people aren’t better off. In fact, I can easily make the argument that people have seen even more pain and suffering.
Even Tunisia is teetering on the brink. The one country, where some form of democracy prevailed, is now sliding back towards authoritarianism. (Wall Street Journal)
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COVID Became the Vehicle
Getting back to the Western world, the coronavirus is the vehicle that governments are using in order to control their people. Essentially, the virus has revealed what the people in power really think of the people they’re supposed to serve. It revealed that they have little trust in ordinary people. They don’t trust them to make the right choices, and therefore, have to be micromanaged.
It’s amazing how they have such disdain for ordinary people believing the people are ignorant and can’t possibly do what’s right. Government officials from around the world have lost their damn minds.
Take Australia for example. It goes far beyond the idea of protecting the Australian people. They have some of the strictest COVID policies in the world. I want you to listen to a sound clip of Daniel Andrews who is the Victorian Premier.
Play Daniel Andrews Sound Clip
According to this wannabe dictator, you cannot drink outside because it is forbidden to take off your mask, nor can you go see a sunset. This decision isn’t based on any sort of science. You have an infinitesimal chance of getting the coronavirus outdoors. What this decision is based on is a fool who is drunk with power.
And he isn’t the only one. Take a listen to this pathetic excuse for a Police Commissioner
Sound Clip New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller
He’s ordering his officers to visit people’s homes, and according to the Gestapo, you are not allowed to take a drive or get some fresh air. That is now unacceptable in certain parts of Australia. And then there’s one of Australia’s Chief health Officers, Kerry Chant. The female version of Fauci. Take a listen to what she had to say.
Sound Clip Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant
You hear that. Don’t act like a normal human being. Don’t talk to neighbors, family or friends if you see them. You should not interact with other human beings for your own protection. Now this is a friggin’ doctor, and she should know that the lack of interaction with other human beings can lead to its own serious health problems. You don’t need to be a doctor to figure that one out. You don’t even need to be too bright.
This is insane. You have Australia imposing martial law in certain parts of the country. And if you think that was bad, local district officials within New South Wales killed a total of 15 rescue dogs. According to reports, the rural Bourke Shire Council ordered the dogs to be shot to death, fearing COVID transmission “to prevent volunteers at an animal shelter from traveling to the pound to collect them and help find new homes for the dogs.” Out of the 15 dogs, 10 were puppies. (USA Today)
You have to be a horrible human being to do something like that. Is this really acceptable in the name of preventing the spread of coronavirus?
It gets more Orwellian. South Australia has developed an app to enforce quarantine rules. Those in quarantine will be forced to download the app. It works by facial recognition and geolocation. The all-powerful State will text those in quarantine at random times, and the people will have 15 minutes to take a picture and the location where they’re supposed to be. If they don’t respond, the local police department will be sent.
The South Australian Premier, Steven Marshall, said, “I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.” (The Atlantic)
How much more are these officials willing to sell their souls?
Democratic principles no longer exist in Australia. They argue that this is being done to protect and preserve life. Australia has a population of over 25-million people. From the way they’re acting, you would think that 2 or 3-million people died of coronavirus. That would make sense if 10-15% of the population died from COVID, but it’s not even remotely close to that.
In fact, as of this recording, 1,039 Australians died of coronavirus. That represents .004% of Australia’s population. To put that in perspective, nearly 6,000 Australians die from alcohol each year.
But I’ll put it in an even greater perspective. About 17% of those who died from the coronavirus were between the ages of 70-79. 40% were between the ages of 80-89, and 31% were over the age of 90. That means, 88% of those who died from coronavirus were over the age of 70. (Statista)
Now, that’s not a consolation to anyone who lost a loved one to the coronavirus, but we need to ask the question, how many of these same people would have died throughout the last year and a half? That may sound cold and callous, but the numbers don’t reflect throwing away democratic values.
And it seems that no one has asked the population most at-risk, the elderly. Do you think that those over the age of 75 really want to spend their last year trapped in their home? Unable to go outside. Unable to associate with anyone who doesn’t live in that household? Is that how you’d want to spend your final years on Earth? A prisoner?
But a backlash is growing in Australia. The real question is how long will the Aussies put up with this.
Australia Isn’t Alone
Sadly, Australia isn’t the only country. New Zealand is another country that has thrown away democratic principles in the name of coronavirus. The New Zealand Prime Minister stated that her strategy is based on “zero tolerance of community transmission.” It’s why New Zealand is will have a never-ending nationwide lockdown.
But it’s actually more frightening than that. According to the New Zealand strategy, “All people presenting a positive test are moved immediately to a government-controlled quarantine facility.” (AEI) This is insane. Could you imagine testing positive for a virus, and being ripped from your home to be thrown in a government facility for quarantine?
And when one case is detected, the entire population must isolate at home, and the country goes on lockdown. I want people to really think about this. Coronavirus is never going away. It’s going to be here forever, and it’s something we have to learn to live with. The idea of eradicating coronavirus or having a zero-tolerance” strategy is non-sensical.
New Zealand only has 27 deaths from the coronavirus, which represents .0005% of their total population, but at what cost? You now have New Zealand police officers opposing bail for those who protest the draconian decrees. How many lives are being upended? How long will New Zealanders put up with this?
You’re starting to see an increase in civil unrest in places like France and Italy, both having strict coronavirus rules, and there is major pushback against the idea of vaccine passports. We are seeing thousands upon thousands of people protesting the authoritarian decrees. We are also witnessing protests break out in countries like Germany, Britain, Serbia, Belgium, and the list goes on and on.
People are growing tired of the constant decrees. Many of these countries have had extremely strict rules, and people want their lives back. Restricting human behavior to this extent goes against human nature, and as countries continue to push, a backlash is brewing.
The same holds true for the United States. Just look at where all these restrictions got us. As countries tried to develop policies in an attempt to control the virus, what they don’t understand is that human intervention cannot contain the virus.
The coronavirus epitomizes just how arrogant human beings are that we would attempt to manipulate a virus in a lab through gain of function, and once it escaped the lab, we believe we can control the effects. Arrogance indeed. Just think of all the policies I mentioned in all these different countries, some of which had much stricter rules than we did, and ask yourself, is coronavirus still here? Of course. Have lockdowns worked? Obviously not.
Do you really believe it’s realistic to think coronavirus is magically going away, and the answer is no. Australia and New Zealand are proof. Sure, you can completely shut down society. Force people to have little to no human interaction with the outside world. Isolate people in their homes, and guess what, the second these countries begin to open up, the coronavirus emerges. This is what we are destroying democracy for? Is it really worth it? Maybe it’s time we think about that.
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It’s Not Just About COVID
But the coronavirus isn’t the only thing that’s destroying the Western world. For some bizarre reason, the Western world is afflicted with self-loathing. To the social justice warriors and the public virtue signalers, the West is an evil place built on injustices. This is far from reality. While we are imperfect, and while we have sinned, the idea that Western civilization is built on evil, and remains so, is complete nonsense.
These people are constantly denigrating their own culture, and for what? Why this self-hatred? However, what really makes this phenomenon strange is that we constantly hold ourselves to a different standard than other parts of the world. As they routinely criticize our culture and preach about how they care about human beings and human rights, they don’t dare criticize other cultures or why they hold the West to a higher standard of justice than other parts of the world.
Are they saying that the other parts of the world get a pass on abuses because some of the countries are still developing? Do they believe that other parts of the world are incapable of having appropriate standards of justice? Do they believe these societies haven’t evolved enough, which in and of itself, would be racist?
The leftists say that it’s racist for the Western world to think of themselves as more advanced societies, yet in the same breath, say that other civilizations haven’t advanced enough, and therefore, we cannot hold them to the same standards of justice. This is an obvious mutual contradiction, and when it comes to mutual contradictions, both statements cannot be true.
Notice, how many within America are quick to criticize the United States. They are quick to label America inherently racist. That our system was built for racism, yet these same people rarely, if ever, criticize a country like China, and how Uyghurs are being systematically detained, forced into labor camps, tortured, and killed. Christians are being targeted in China as well, but you won’t hear those truths from the social justice warriors who pretend to care about human rights.
You’ll never hear criticism of Muslim countries for their treatment of women. Or what about how gay people are treated throughout many African, Middle Eastern, and many Asian nations? You don’t hear a peep from them. And obviously, the people from those cultures don’t have this level of self-hatred. It’s only a Western thing.
These people have come to hate the societies they are from. They hate the culture and cannot even muster up common truths about the progress we’ve made throughout our history when it comes to justice and fairness. When a civilization stops believing in itself and is unwilling to defend the values which have led to our greatness, values like liberty, freedom, democracy, and inquiry, how can that society survive?
And the problem has only gotten worse. Now that these people view their own cultures as the problem, they view anyone who defends the culture as an enemy. Think about it logically. If you have a bunch of people that despise their culture because they view it as evil, then anyone who defends the culture is defending what they view as evil. Rather than worry about foreign nations that seek to undermine our culture and values, they view their own fellow citizens as domestic enemies.
But that’s not even the worst of it. Now they want to take their hatred of the culture and indoctrinate children as young as 4-years old. Just think about the toxic nature of what’s being pushed on our children. The idea that America is inherently racist through Critical Race Theory and DIE programs.
The idea is that the color you’re born with determines whether you are an oppressor or oppressed. Whether you are a victim or victimizer. They are being taught that the very basics of biology are wrong, and gender is nothing more than a social construct. Boys are being taught that masculinity is toxic. That manliness is unacceptable.
It goes beyond the schools. Try watching Disney or Nick Jr. Listen to the crap they’re pushing on children.
It’s not only the K-12 systems. This line of thinking has infected the entirety of society from our schools to our government institutions, to our literature, the corporate world, and entertainment.
Ironically, while many of the elitists are ashamed of their societies, many of those who migrate to this country acknowledges its fairness, its openness, and its tolerance. In fact, they show a far greater appreciation for the values because they understand all too well what it’s like to live in authoritarian societies. They understand what it’s like to live within intolerant systems and to be targeted for their beliefs. They know what it’s like to live in hopelessness, poverty, and destitution.
And this is the most important thing of all. For all of us who defend the Western world, Western culture, and American culture, it doesn’t mean we don’t acknowledge our past sins or current shortcomings. The fact is, we can do both, and for that, we become stronger in the process.
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Another problem for the Western world is the continued growth of national debt reaching historic proportions in a number of countries and the continued artificial manipulation of national economies.
When looking at the debt to GDP ratio, 9 out of the top twenty countries with the highest debt-to-GDP ratio are Western countries. (World Population Review)
And the future projections are even worse as countries are continually spending more and more money as the cost of running programs continues to grow. In addition to that, we are beginning to witness the consequences of overspending and artificially manipulating economies by simply printing money, injecting money into the markets, and keeping interest rates low. Sooner or later, the house of cards will come crashing down and it’s going to be devastating.
It won’t be devastating to the wealthy elite. They’ll be able to ride out the economic storm. It will be devastating to the middle class and the lower middle class.
The fiscal irresponsibility of Western governments cannot be understated.
Unfettered Migration
Another way the Western world is ultimately committing suicide is through unfettered migration. It’s one thing to have a heart and want to help those who are less fortunate.
America and Americans are the most welcoming on Earth. Consider that we grant citizenship to approximately 750,000 immigrants a year (USCIS). Consider we grant green cards/legal permanent resident status to over 1 million immigrants each year. (DHS) Consider we grant access to approximately 130,000-150,000 refugees and asylum seekers each year. (DHS) In fact, the United States accounts for 25% of the immigrant population out of 198 countries. (Pew)
However, it’s a whole other story to take care of other people from other countries at the expense of your own people and your own country. It’s reckless and irresponsible.
Immigration policies are now based on emotion, rather than what’s in a country’s own self-interests. Listen, I get it and I am sympathetic to those who want to escape the poverty and destitution, the violence, the oppression that they may face in their native lands. If I live in one of these countries, I would want to leave as well.
However, countries have a responsibility to their citizens first, and then to others. And something that no one wants to say out loud is that the immigration systems in many countries are overwhelmed and need to have immigration controls in place.
This is vital for a number of reasons. First, the assimilation process is essential. Unfortunately, the Western world, in its path to commit suicide, has now said the idea of assimilation is racist. Just think about how many on the Left have declared the concept of the melting pot as a racial microaggression. (University of Minnesota) According to the University of Minnesota, saying America is a melting pot denies a “person’s racial/ethnic experiences” and denies the individual as a racial/cultural being.”
See, it used to be that those seeking to immigrate to a country, had to adapt to the new country and the new culture. Not anymore though. Now, we must adapt to the culture of those coming to our countries as opposed to them adapting to our culture.
Long-term, this will create major issues, particularly when it comes to the concept of loyalty to the nation, and the number of people who have not assimilated into the culture.
If those coming here don’t get an appreciation of American customs and values, how do we expect them to be loyal to the United States? If those going to other Western societies don’t appreciate the cultures of their new country, how will they adapt to those societies? Rather than put country above culture, we are sending the message that culture is above country. Identity politics is the key to constantly dividing people. You’re ensuring the destruction of the concept of the nation-state and creating a national identity. Continuing down this path will only lead to tribalism.
Throughout history, tribalism has failed. Just take a look at Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and so many other nations. It hasn’t worked well for them, and it won’t work well for us.
Also, when we look at the numbers, the amount of illegal immigration in the United States is staggering. But our officials don’t care. In fact, they knowingly lie and misled the American people. Consider how many of them say that there are 11 to 12-million illegal immigrants in the United States. They’ve been using that number since 2005 as if no one has come to the United States in the last 16-years. But we know this number is a lie because Yale/MIT did a comprehensive analysis, and they released a study that found the likely number of illegal immigrants is between 20-22 million. Now, this is MIT, not your hardcore conservative institution by any stretch. (MIT)
And consider that the current administration is allowing nearly 200,000 people into the United States, not per year, but per month. It’s out of control and overwhelming the system. If those numbers hold, that’s 2.4-million people in a year. It ensures that assimilation is not going to happen, and it also ensures that the most vulnerable communities and the most vulnerable Americans will be worse off.
It’s not like we take these immigrants and place them in the wealthy communities that could actually sustain these immigrants. That have the resources to take care of these people. Instead, they’ll be placed in communities where the infrastructure is already collapsing. Where the education system has already failed. Where the resources are already spread too thin.
And that’s why our officials don’t care because they don’t live in these communities. It’s easy to virtue signal when it doesn’t affect your life, your family’s lives, or your communities.
Then you had this administration clamoring to bring in as many Afghan refugees as they can. Over 100,000. And it’s not the Afghans that actually provided help for the Americans. We have no idea who many of these people are. We also know that some of the refugees we took out of Afghanistan are on terror watch lists. So not only did we not help the Afghans that helped us, but we also abandoned hundreds of Americans who remain in Afghanistan and want to get out.
The scary part is, how many of these refugees may not be on a terror watchlist, and may slip in. This is how dumb we are. Only Western societies would do something this dumb. It’s amazing.
Citizenship is an important concept. In order to have a functioning society, it’s not a good idea to have 20-million people illegally in the United States living in the shadows. You cannot have this endless flow of migrants without any type of assimilation process in place.
And it always astonishes me that when you press these people when you ask what’s the number. How many people can the United States possibly bring in each year? A million, 2-million, 5-million. And they never answer the question. Instead, they just call you a racist.
It’s similar to the questions I asked last week. I asked what the government can’t do in a crisis? What government policy would they consider going too far or crossing the line? Of course, not one of these people actually answered my question. Not a single one.
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Now, I’m not saying that Western civilization is going to collapse. As quickly as we got to this point, is as quickly as we can turn it around as I said earlier. But there is no denying that if we continue on the current trend, Western civilization and the Western world will be committing suicide.
The problem is that we don’t have a lot of smart people in office. We don’t have a lot of smart people developing the policies. Instead, we have ideologues that lack any common sense. I cannot figure out what the end game is of these incompetent morons.
We know they’re doing it for power. That’s obvious, and they may get that. What doesn’t make sense to me is that what do they want power over? Think about it for a second. If the system collapses, what will they have power over? A failed nation-state? Crap? And that’s what doesn’t make sense to me.
All these so-called leaders are doing is shunning their people, their societies, their national identity. Resentment is building, but there is still time for the policymakers to open their eyes to the destructive policies they put in place.
If they continue down this road, I can guarantee the resentment will continue to build feeding the powder keg where one little spark can lead to revolution.
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If they keep on ignoring the people they’re supposed to be serving. If they keep denigrating their culture and their countries. If they keep dismissing the concerns of the people and treating them as ignorant peasants, sooner or later they are going to create the exact monster they say they are trying to prevent, and it’s not a road we want to go down because we will all suffer regardless of political ideology.
Over the next year, we are going to find out if this country has moved radically to the left where we continue on the current course trajectory or if the loudest voices were a fringe minority and America remains the center-right country it was not too long ago. Perhaps, those who have taken disengaged from the political process have woken up, or are waking up, and will show that we represent the majority, thereby, bringing normalcy to the system.
I tend to believe that’s the case as I am seeing more and more people stand up and speak out. I’m seeing more and more people opposed to the radicalism of the left. I’m seeing more and more people who don’t want to see this radical ideology continue to infect the United States or the Western world.
Let’s hope I’m right.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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