Episode 170 Show Notes- The Great American Crisis is Really One of Willful Ignorance
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While America faces many crises, both on the domestic and international front, the great American Crisis is really one of willful ignorance. Many no longer operate in the realm of reality. Many ignore facts. Many fail to use reason, logic, or common sense. Many have deluded themselves into believing illusions that don’t really exist. Nearly every issue, including coronavirus, immigration, policing, race relations, is driven by emotions. Perception is not reality, and we cannot allow perception to become reality.
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Show Transcript- The Great American Crisis is Really One of Willful Ignorance
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I hope you enjoyed the weekend. I have another awesome episode lined up because we can’t continue on this current trend. While we have many crises going on, the greatest American crisis is really the one of willful ignorance.
We need normal, sensible people to speak out because the lunatics controlling the narrative are out of control. It doesn’t matter where you stand on the ideological political spectrum. Obviously, Republicans and conservatives are against much of what they’re witnessing.
But I also believe your normal everyday democrat feels the same way. Even liberals I know are baffled at what’s going on. Unfortunately, everyone is paralyzed with the fear of speaking out and stating the obvious. They fear the mob. They fear being canceled and their livelihoods destroyed.
But I’m going to say what a whole hell of a lot of people are thinking regardless of where you stand politically. But it’s not enough that just some people speak out and restore sanity. We all need to. Sure, you can continue to deny what’s happening. You can continue to have your head buried in the sand. But here’s the thing. There’s something called the truth. Truth exists in everything whether we want to accept it or not. Truth doesn’t depend upon human acceptance for its binding force of validity.
Unfortunately, the lunatic fringe is devoid of any reality whatsoever and rejects truth. The ruling class and the media are enabling these lunatics and their lies and distortions even though many of them know it’s all a bunch of BS. But the ruling class and the propaganda have their own motives to deceive the people. They are doing it for power. What the morons don’t realize is that sooner or later they cannibalize their own.
Before I start, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and make sure to follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Insanity Reigns Supreme
The reason I decided to do this episode today is that a few things happened last week, and the reactions are so bizarre. It’s as if we are living in a parallel universe where nothing makes sense, and I’m going to get to these incidents in a minute.
We are morphing into a society of willful ignorance and this is the American crisis that will be the thing that culminates in our downfall. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who allow their emotions to drive the debate. There are too many who simply ignore facts and operate on feelings. Many fail to use reason to come to a logical conclusion. Common sense is virtually nonexistent in the 21st century.
There are so many people who have deluded themselves into believing illusions that simply aren’t there. No matter what issue we’re talking about, we see it throughout our society, and there are some who just don’t want to hear the truth. Perception is not reality, and we cannot allow perception to become reality.
For the last several years we’ve been told what a horrible country America is. There are many who constantly bash America. They say it’s a system based on hate, racism, and white supremacy.
Let’s stop pretending America is a horrible country because here’s a truth. We live in the greatest country in the world. America is an exceptional nation. The fact is that if you live in America, you hit the lottery. That’s not diminishing anyone’s own personal problems or injustices they face. The world is a brutal place, and in much of the world, most Americans can’t fathom the everyday struggle people live with. The everyday desperation.
We can say America is the greatest country. It’s okay to say that and we don’t always need to add qualifiers to it. Acknowledging America is a unique and special nation is what we need right now. That’s truth, and if you don’t like it, too bad.
When you say something like this, the pariahs will start to scream, yell, and cackle. They’ll try to shame you. If you’re white, they’ll call you a white supremacist. If you’re black or a minority, they’ll accuse you of being a traitor to your race. They’ll label and denigrate you into silence.
But what they tell is lies. They distort and misconstrue. Many of these willfully ignorant people don’t want to recognize the truth. Many don’t want to see where we started as a nation and how far we’ve come. They reject all the progress and accomplishments we’ve made throughout our 230+ history.
These people have deluded themselves into thinking that America is more racist today than it was during the years of slavery and then segregation. Part of the problem is that they didn’t live through those struggles. They can’t possibly relate to what life was like during these times. Instead, they see only what they want to see.
As human beings, we’re flawed creatures. We’re self-centered, and this gives us a warped perception of how we see reality.
Our society today is filled with a hell of a lot of self-righteous and narcissistic morons who think they know everything.
I hate to break it to you, and I know I’m not the first to say this, but just because you got a piece of paper from some school doesn’t mean you’re actually smart. Intelligence doesn’t come from a piece of paper. The fact that so many think they know it all, actually illustrates how ignorant they are.
I’ve been teaching American government and world politics for over 15-years, and there’s still a lot I have to learn. While my students don’t know it, one of the most fulfilling aspects is they constantly teach me. They open my eyes to a variety of arguments that I may have never considered. I learn from them as much as they learn from me.
Knowledge is special, and knowledge and wisdom don’t just come from reading a few chapters in a textbook. Knowledge and wisdom come from reading and questioning those things you read. Trying to understand all aspects of what an author is trying to convey. Knowledge and wisdom come from failures. Where you try to understand why you’ve failed, and then make adjustments to overcome those failures. Knowledge and wisdom come from making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. Being able to recognize one’s own flaws.
Unfortunately, we’ve deluded many people into thinking they’re smart, and they know more than everyone else. It’s why so many can’t see what’s right in front of them. It’s why so many are blind to truth.
Let’s get to the issues of exactly what I’m talking about. The American crisis of willful ignorance where the truth and how people perceive things has diverged fostering a great American crisis.
Derek Chauvin Trial
Last week we had the verdict in the Derek Chauvin case. Now, I don’t care where anyone stands. The prosecution put on a compelling case, and the nearly 9-minute video is compelling. Derek Chauvin was afforded his rights. He was afforded the right to a defense, and he was tried by a jury of his peers. They came back with a guilty verdict, and the system has spoken.
What really got me annoyed though is that rather than say that the jury has spoken, everyone there are many who undermined the jury process. There are those who said that the only reason the jury came back with a guilty verdict is that they feared what would happen if they voted not guilty.
There were others who said that this changes nothing. That even though they got the guilty verdict, the system is still unjust.
But the worst offender was President Biden. Literally, right after the judge scolded Congresswoman Maxine Waters for her asinine comments, and right as the jury was beginning deliberations, President Biden comes out and said, he’s “praying for the right verdict.”
Even worse was what he said after the Chauvin trial. Take a listen.
Play Sound Clip 1- President Biden on the Chauvin Verdict
I want to remind everyone. This is a person who said he would bring unity to the United States. This is a person who said it’s not about red America or Blue America, it’s about the United States of America. This is the person who said it’s not about Black America or White America, but about all Americans.
But that was all a bunch of BS. He doesn’t care about unity. He doesn’t care about bringing American’s together. He continually seeks to denigrate the United States every chance he gets. He continually bashes the United States as a country founded on hate and racism.
It could have been a leadership moment, but he didn’t provide leadership. A real leader would have said that today justice was served, and the American system works. That the defendant was given a fair trial, and a jury of his peers convicted him. He could have talked about how far we have come when it comes to race, and the accomplishments we have had over the years. All the while, he could have acknowledged that we still have work to do.
Instead, he did the opposite. Understand, by the President going out there and pushing the idea that the United States is systemically racist, what he is really saying is that American is rotten to its core. And do you ever notice that we constantly hear the words systemic racism, yet they never provide actual examples of the racist policies that are built into the system?
The idea of systemic racism is a phantom that doesn’t really exist. It used to exist, and it wasn’t complicated to point out systemically racist policies- slavery, segregation, the Rockefeller laws, how crack cocaine was judged much harsher than powdered cocaine, the Biden crime bill. See, it’s not hard to point out systemically racist policies when they actually exist.
And no matter how loud they scream that the United States is systemically racist, it doesn’t make it true. Understand, that while things aren’t perfect, while racism does exist because there’s always going to be some demented people within a society, it has been marginalized to a degree, and we need to recognize that we are now the most open and tolerant generation to ever exist within the United States, at least when it comes to race. Not so much on ideological tolerance out there.
Ohio Police Officer Saves Young Girl’s Life
But in order to understand, and in a weird way, appreciate how bizarre the times are, I want to look at the reaction of what happened in Ohio.
By now most of you have probably already seen the video of Ma’Khia Bryant being shot as she was going to stab another girl. Now in any normal person’s mind, the shooting was justified. The officer literally had to make a split-second decision. Ma’Khia Bryant had a girl pinned up against the car, with her armed cocked all the way back, and beginning to move in the forward motion to plunge the knife in the other girl’s body or neck.
Now you would think that the headlines would read Officer saves young girl’s life, but no. We have so many people that want to make it about race when it actually has nothing to do with race.
Our press is so dishonest and manipulative. They’ve become full-blown activists pushing propaganda to achieve political goals.
Here are a few of the headlines, and these articles are from after the incident where the press had full knowledge of what exactly happened.
NBC News- “Ohio police fatally shoot teen girl after call about knife attack” Really? No mention the teen girl was the one holding the knife trying to stab another girl.
Reuters (which is supposed to be a nonideological press outfit)- “Ohio police kill black teenage girl seen threatening others with a knife,” No. She wasn’t threatening others. A threat would be if I’m holding a knife and telling you that I’m going to stab you. That’s a threat. She was engaged in the process of stabbing someone.
CNN- “Ma’Khia Bryant’s death on the day Chauvin was found guilty is a reminder that we have a long way to go.”
Yahoo- “Ma’Khia Bryant Was a 16-Year-Old Girl and She Should Still Be Here.”
And then you have some of the propaganda networks editing things out like we’ve seen them do a few times recently. Let me ask a question, particularly to my Democrat friends that listen to this show and may have more faith in the media than I do. Why wouldn’t the media play an entire 20-second clip? If they weren’t trying to deceive their audience, why would they edit such a short clip?
The frightening part is that’s not even the worst of it. Take a listen to what some of these morons had to say.
Play Sound Clip 2- Jason Johnson MSNBC
Now I know I’m not black, but I can pretty much guarantee that any black parent would want the police to do whatever it took if someone had their kid against the car and was about to plunge a knife into them.
Here’s another gem. This time from Cornell William Brooks a Civil Rights Attorney appearing on CNN, and keep in mind that the officer didn’t have minutes to assess the situation. He had seconds and had he hesitated for a second, the other girl may be dead today.
Play Sound Clip 3- Cornell William Brooks CNN
The next clip is from the homophobic Joy Reid of MSNBC, who grew up pretty affluent, and I could say with confidence has probably never seen a stabbing growing up as a kid.
Play Sound Clip 4- Joy Reid MSNBC
This next gem is from the idiots on the view. I love how Joy Behar thinks she knows how to police better than the cops do.
Play Sound Clip 5- The View
First of Behar is an idiot. The cop has to neutralize the threat immediately. Whether it be a taser or trying to shoot the person in the leg, Ma’Khia Bryant would have plunged the knife into the other girl by the time she went down. This isn’t the movies of the wild west where a cop can just shoot the knife out of someone’s hands.
And then you had Sunny Hostin who said that we shouldn’t be living in a country where it’s acceptable for a 16-year old to be shot by police as the 16-year old is about to stab another person. How’s about we shouldn’t be living in a country where it’s acceptable for a 16-year old to think she has the right to stab and kill another person. How’s about we talk about that.
And you know it’s really nuts when Don Lemon is the voice of reason. I know it’s shocking, but he was, and even though I can’t stand him, I’m honest enough to give credit when it’s deserved. Lemon said, “When I look at this video, I see police responding to a dangerous incident where someone is armed with a knife. Police have walked upon a situation they need to figure out what’s happening. Other lives are in danger. If we’re going to discuss this case, we need to be honest and use our common sense. We cannot have a double standard. We have to acknowledge that police have jobs to do.”
But worse than that was all the tweets that make it like stabbing people is just completely normal and it happens all the time. Including Valerie Jarrett who was President Obama’s senior advisor. That everyone has been to a knife fight before. Listen, I’ve seen my share of fights growing up, and I don’t recall knives being the norm. First of all, this wasn’t a knife fight. A knife fight would mean that both of the girls had knives. Secondly, this is not normal so just stop being an idiot and normalizing something that shouldn’t be normalized.
These people are seriously demented.
The Truth About What’s Going On
So, let’s get to some facts. Let’s focus on the truth. Some of you will agree, some may be offended, but as Ben Shapiro says, facts don’t care about feelings. I’m not here to validate anyone’s opinions or to make anyone feel like their right. I provide information, analysis, and opinion. My opinions are based on reality. See, unlike the far-left and the woke morons out there, I actually believe in science and data. I believe in facts.
First, up is policing. Policing in the last several years has become more and more difficult. There is this lack of respect for authority, not just police. We see it in all aspects of our society including teachers where students can disrespect, and even assault a teacher, and there is no repercussions.
We hear that this is an epidemic. However, just how many unarmed Black people are killed each year by the cops? According to a Columbia study, there’s an average of nearly 1,000 police killings a year out of nearly 2,000,000 police interactions per year. Black people make up about 24% of these deaths. (Statista) Now, of these 1,000 deaths a year, most are justified where the person that died posed an imminent threat to police officers or other members of the community.
The amount of unarmed Black men dying by the police each year ranges, and it was hard to narrow down the number. From a variety of sources, both left and right, it ranged between 10-20 unarmed Black men dying each year. Now, I fully recognize these are human beings and it’s not that their lives don’t matter, but this is hardly an epidemic when we are talking about a population of nearly 20 million black males in the United States. That’s no consolation to families of George Floyd or Duante Wright, and I will readily admit that they should have never died. However, we have to stop looking at things from an overly simplistic viewpoint.
Whenever you make that argument, the left will say that the number of killings is disproportionate. Blacks make up 13% of the population, yet they account for 24% of police killings, whereas White people make up 63% of the population and they account for about 42% of police killings. So, in essence, their argument is that Blacks are twice as likely to be killed by police than whites are, but is it really that simple?
The obvious answer is no. The overwhelming number of crimes committed are in urban centers and about 80-90% of all crimes committed are usually those between the ages of 16-24. According to Pew Research, the median age of White people in the United States is 58. The median age of Black people is about 27. (Pew Research)
People like to try and make comparisons without taking many variables into account, but it doesn’t work like that. As White people get older in the United States, they are invariably going to have fewer interactions with police officers than those who are younger. That’s fact.
Another factor that no one takes into account is urban areas vs. rural areas. In rural areas, there is far less criminal activity than in urban centers because things are much more spread out. There is also far less police interaction obviously. Whites make up about 78.2% of the rural area compared to the Black population which makes up 7.8% of the rural community. If we look at the Urban areas, whites make up about 57.3%, whereas blacks make up about 13.1%. (USDA)
If we account for the age and the rural factor, we would probably see a more balanced picture across all demographics.
The Myth of the Epidemic
But I want to jump back to the idea that this is an epidemic, and the police are slaughtering Black men, or at the very least targeting the Black community. If this was an epidemic. If there was some silent war on Black people by police, then why aren’t more Black men being killed by police?
But there’s a more important question than that. What’s the common link behind all these police tragedies? You notice how no one ever asks that question, but it’s an important question. It doesn’t mean that the victims deserved to die. They most certainly didn’t deserve that tragic faith. I grew up during the whole Abner Louima incident where he was basically tortured, and the Amadou Diallo killing where he was getting his wallet, but police thought it was a gun.
In fact, in nearly every case, not all, but the overwhelming majority, it’s the same story. It’s someone who has a criminal record. Someone who may be in the process of committing a crime. Someone who has warrants out for their arrest. Most come from broken homes and have absent parents. And in many cases, they don’t comply with the officer’s commands and attempt to resist arrest. Once again, to all the liberal snowflakes out there, I’m not saying they deserved to die. It’s called finding the commonality between the cases. Until we’re allowed to openly and honestly talk about the common link, we are not going to solve this problem.
Now if this was a shadow war against the Black community, when was the last time you heard a Black Doctor getting killed by police? When was the last time you heard a Black Lawyer being killed by police? Or a Black Teacher or a Black Cop? It’s not to say that Black professionals never get killed by cops, and it’s not to say that Black professionals never faced racism or discrimination, but if you look through the cases, you’ll be hard-pressed to find these examples.
Let’s look at the facts. Let’s look at the truth, nearly every case is not as clean as the media and the woke mobs want you to think. Too many of these cases are a result of some type of confrontation with police officers, whether it’s resisting arrest or trying to flee from police. Now the social justice warriors will tell you that if someone resists arrest and flees police, the officer should stop the pursuit. Yeah, because that’s a great idea.
You are basically telling people to resist arrest and maybe you have a chance of getting away. Resisting arrest is dangerous and has resulted in the death of police officers. So, by telling people to basically resist arrest, do you think more people will die or less? My bet is on more people dying, both suspects and police officers. Remember, these are the same clowns who claim they care about Black lives.
These Are Not Civil Rights Icons
Another truth is these victims are not civil rights icons, and they should not be elevated to that status. It’s so bizarre that people are trying to make martyrs of the George Floyd’s of the world. I mean George Floyd certainly didn’t deserve to die and watching the nearly 9-minute video of his life being taken from him should sicken any human being. But just because he was unjustly murdered, it doesn’t absolve some of the really bad things he was involved in. He didn’t get murdered for fighting to promote civil rights. He got murdered because of police brutality.
It’s an insult to the civil rights icons like Medgar Evers, Dr. Martin Luther King, Rev. George Lee, Emmett Till, Jimmie Lee Jackson, and others.
Defund vs. Retrain/Racism vs. Police Brutality
So, what’s the point of all this. The point is while the left and the Democrats want to make everything about race, the truth is it’s much more complicated than that. Not every interaction is about race, and not every death of a black person is about race, yet that’s the knee-jerk card they play. The reality is mistakes are made and some tragically lose their lives. Some of it can be chalked up to poor training, some to incompetence.
We also have to acknowledge there are some overzealous cops that engage in police brutality. We need to identify cops that would engage in this behavior and get rid of them. If a cop is racist and expresses the racist sentiment, we need to get them off the force, but these cases are a fraction of 1%. If a Black person is killed by the cops, we can’t automatically go to the race card and say it was because of the color of their skin. It’s dangerous and making the situation far worse.
In some of these neighborhoods, you actually have people that believe they have a better chance of getting killed by a cop than by a criminal. That’s insane. It’s completely false and goes against the facts.
Listen, I don’t want to see anyone die, and the idea of defunding the police doesn’t make much sense because we already have the data, and it doesn’t look good. In nearly every urban area where police have been defunded, violent crimes have risen, and it’s not that they’ve risen by 3 or 4%. Violent crimes have risen by 300 to 400%.
Homicides are up 30-40% in all major blue cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Just look at Chicago. In 2020 there were 145 homicides. So far in 2021, they already have 177 homicides. (Chicago Tribune)
Los Angeles now has 51 homicides. That’s 29 more than the same time last year. (ABC) Portland is seeing the highest homicide rate in the last 27 years. Similar numbers in Seattle. If you look at the Baltimore homicide chart, the number of homicides is skyrocketing. (Baltimore Sun)
So, at the same time, we are witnessing the defunding of police, we are witnessing the rise in violent crimes. Gee, what a shocker. Do you think there’s a direct correlation there?
But when you think about it, you have far more people killed, and will continue to be killed, by defunding the police, far more.
Defunding the police doesn’t make any sense. Now if you want to talk about modifying training, that’s cool. We should talk about ways we can improve and provide more effective training. If you want to talk about policing methods and the use of potential nonlethal weapons, that’s fine too. It’s conversations we need to have.
But you are being lied to that policing is the epidemic leading to the death of young Black men, and it’s a slander of the thousands of good officers, the 99.9%, who do their jobs with integrity and professionalism each and every day.
And once again, we have to be honest, there is no police officer out there that wakes up and says they want to kill someone, including Black people. They don’t wake up wanting to destroy their lives and careers.
The conversation everyone avoids is about parenting and personal responsibility. When we look at parenting, it has changed dramatically over the years. More than 1 in four, 19.7 million, children live without a father. (Fatherhood) As men, we have a responsibility and obligation to our children, and studies show that an absent father leads to more behavioral issues in the child. In some of the tougher neighborhoods, the numbers are even worse, and it’s affecting every demographic regardless of color.
More kids today are growing up in single-parent households as well. In 1960, the number of two-parent households was 88%. Over the last 5 decades, we have seen a steady decline in the two-person household. Today, 69% of Americans live in two-parent households. That’s a 20-percentage point drop, and the alarm bells should be going off because it’s only getting worse. Raising a child is one of the most difficult of life’s tasks, and it’s difficult when you have both parents. When there is only one parent around, the job is even more difficult. (U.S. Census)
But even in two-parent households, the job of parenting has become more difficult. We live in a day and age where it is really expensive to live, and many households require both parents to work. Many are distant from what’s happening in their children’s lives, and then you have those who would rather be their kid’s friend than a parent and actually encourage bad behavior. When you have less parental guidance, it leaves the child more vulnerable.
This whole thing is not to say that people never encounter racism or face discrimination. They certainly do. But we can’t take individual examples and make them as if they are emblematic of the entire society.
But it’s not just with issues of race where we reject truth, it’s all aspects of life, and I think the coronavirus is a great example. Look at the absolute fear some people have when it comes to the virus. I saw several articles this week about should we be wearing masks outdoors. We are over a year into this thing. The actual science has been clear for quite some time. The chances of you getting COVID outdoors is minute. This shouldn’t even be a debate, yet here we are.
Just last Friday, President Biden was attending a virtual climate conference with other world leaders. Now mind you that President Biden has been vaccinated, everyone who comes into contact with him has been vaccinated, and the conference was virtual. Yet, there he was wearing his mask. C’mon man.
We don’t operate on science. We pretend we do, and it’s where the perception doesn’t meet reality. It’s all a show. Take the fraud Fauci who wore two masks even though he’s been fully vaccinated. C’mon man. Where’s the science to back that up? The truth is there is none.
Fauci himself readily admits that if you’ve had COVID or got the vaccine, the chances of infecting someone else are extremely low. So why the charade then? The fraud Fauci argues that you still have to wear the mask because even though the chances are extremely low, the chance still exists. Sorry, but in life, there are risks in everything we do from the minute we wake up. If we go by Fauci’s logic, then why don’t we shut down every road. We know that people die in traffic accidents each and every day. So, if the idea is to try and prevent every death, why do we take the risk to drive on roadways?
We are constantly seeing the government make mutual contradictions. A mutual contradiction is where you have two statements that are the opposite, and both cannot be true. There are only two reasons for these contradictions. Either our officials are knowingly lying and misleading us, or they are utterly incompetent. Those are the only choices and either way, it’s bad.
This is how illogical the debate has become. According to Gallup, 41% of Democrats believe that if you get COVID, you have over a 50% chance of being hospitalized. Another 28% of Democrats believe the chances of being hospitalized are between 20-49%. In reality, the actual chances of being hospitalized because of COVID are between less than 1% to 5% depending on age. That’s fact.
Another fact is that children’s transmission to adults is extraordinarily low, yet there are still many schools out there still doing the virtual BS model, and even if they are attending school, they have to mask up. Why? No science justifies that, but here we are.
Simple question why did states and countries, that had strict mask mandates and lockdowns, faring far worse than places like Florida, which have the most high-risk elderly population, or places like Texas. The all-knowing Fauci will say it’s an anomaly and he’s not really sure why that’s happening. This is the man that so many have placed their faith in. Talk about misguided.
Listen, you all know my take when it comes to masks. The science that we continually ignore shows they have very little impact, and when you factor in how most don’t wear the masks correctly, they have virtually no impact. Yet, we continue to pretend we’re doing something even though the truth tells us the opposite. Listen, if someone wants to wear a mask, go ahead, I don’t really care except when I see someone driving alone in the car wearing one. For some reason that really bothers me.
But seriously, people can make their own damn choices, and whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the truth is out there. We can continue the American crisis of willful ignorance or we can wake up and accept the truth whether we like it or not.
The willful ignorance is now causing real damage throughout our society, and there is no doubt that America is entering its decline. I now can understand how the Romans felt as Rome was declining.
But we’re witnessing it in all aspects of life where we reject reality and make decisions based on emotions rather than sound reason and logic. We used to have a thing called personal responsibility. In fact, that is a big component of American culture, but now we try to justify all bad behavior making it as if the individual is a victim. We blame all these other factors instead of the individual. We need to understand that actions cause reactions.
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We and we alone are responsible for our own behavior. We are responsible for the choices we make, and the consequences of those choices. That is truth, But many on the left want to live in a collective society where the burden is shifted from the individual to society, to government, to total strangers.
Now some of you may agree with my assessment, others may not, but that doesn’t change the fact that the truth exists. It doesn’t change the fact that we have an American crisis of willful ignorance.
And whether you accept the truth or not, it doesn’t change the fact that if our system collapses, all of us suffer regardless of political ideology.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back on Wednesday with another great episode.
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