Episode 261 Show Notes- The Lack of Real Political Leadership and Courage When it is Needed Most
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Leadership is essential during times of uncertainty. Unfortunately, America, Western countries, and the world are devoid of leadership. Europe edges closer to conflict, communist China continues to gain power, all the while the western world is intent on destroying itself. Rather than have political leaders who show courage in the face of crisis, we have failed politicians. Some of our officials, both elected and appointed, have forgotten the meaning of public service. They blame the failures on the division in our society. They blame the failures on the people. Never once do they do any self-reflection and realize, the problem is them.
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Show Transcript- The Lack of Real Political Leadership and Courage When it is Needed Most
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
We are living through extraordinary times, and times like these have the potential to change the trajectory of civilization. While I don’t know how this is all going to play out, one thing I know for sure is that historians will look back and study this period with great interest.
You have a number of factors all converging into one making the current period so uncertain and dangerous.
Given that this week is President’s week, we need to recognize that leadership is essential during times of uncertainty, and we have to ask where are the leaders?
The problem is, we don’t have leadership and leaders. Instead, we have politicians and bureaucrats. Some are incompetent. Others seek power. Others want to remake the global community where they want to do away with the idea of sovereignty, where countries are in charge and in control of their own destiny, in favor of the globalist mindset. There are many who want to push Klaus Schwab’s and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
The Great Reset is real, and these people want the chaos. The more chaos, the more they will argue that a reset is necessary. That the nation-state concept has failed. They play off the divisions on both the domestic and the international front.
I’m going to discuss it all today. If this is your first time tuning in, I encourage you to hit the follow button on whatever podcast platform you’re using so you never miss great content. Also, visit The P.A.S. Report website, and don’t forget to sign-up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter.
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We Have Crises, but No Leaders
We have a number of crises here on the domestic front and throughout the international community. All these crises are interrelated to some extent. Europe may be on the brink of war. Communist China continues to gain power and influence. All the while, the Western World is intent on destroying itself.
Inflation is rampant. People are paying a hell of a lot more for everything, especially the everyday expenses like food and gas. People are living paycheck to paycheck. Credit card debt is up. In fact, it’s at an all-time high. (CNBC) Savings accounts are depleted. Supply chain issues continue to plague us.
The border remains wide open allowing an unending flow of migrants and illegal immigrants. It’s gotten so bad that the cartels now contact us to tell us when they are scheduling drop-offs of human beings. I did an episode about this on Monday where Angie Wong explained what she saw on the border. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, you are definitely going to want to check it out because it’s revealing and disgraceful.
We have an education system that has all but collapsed. Students are far behind where they should be. They are not being taught key concepts. They are not being taught how to think critically. Instead, they are being indoctrinated on what to think. Basically, indoctrinate them to become good political activists.
Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions are through the roof. Suicides, self-harm, and self-destructive behavior are increasing, and many of the younger generations say they lack meaning.
Crime is increasing as criminals run wild with impunity all because of policies that have effectively neutered law enforcement and the judicial system.
Where are our leaders? Where are those leaders who show courage during times of uncertainty? Unfortunately, the United States and the western world are devoid of leadership. Instead, we have failed politicians and failed bureaucrats.
Rather than show an ounce of leadership and courage, they blame and deflect. They blame their shortcomings on the divisions within society. They blame their failures on their own people. They blame their failures on the system. They blame their failures on anything, everything, and anyone. You would think at some point there would be some sort of self-reflection, but no. They accept zero responsibility.
So, I’m going to focus on the lack of political leadership and courage. Hopefully, you have officials, both elected and appointed because they can learn a thing or two. I also want to focus on this idea of division because it seems that politicians throughout the world are using that as an excuse to target their citizens. There’s a lot to unpack here.
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Russia, Ukraine, and Europe
I want to start off by talking about the situation between Russia, Ukraine, and Europe. I’m not going to rehash everything I’ve said previously, but this was completely avoidable from the start. The latest update is that Putin is recognizing the independence of two breakaway regions within the Ukraine, Donetsk, and Luhansk. These two regions have been controlled by Russian-backed separatists since 2014. Russian troops have entered these regions as a “peacekeeping” force. However, as of this recording, we still don’t know whether a full-scale invasion is likely. Maybe Putin took President Biden at his word when he gave his press conference a month ago about a minor incursion.
In return, we have sanctioned Russia. As I stated in previous weeks, Russia has already factored in sanctions, and so what effect are they going to have, if any? I don’t know. What I do know is this whole crisis is an example of what happens when you are reactive. Notice, we are constantly reacting, rather than preventing. Had the Biden administration done what I say over a month ago, and began to flood the markets with oil to crash the price, that would have been effective, and it wouldn’t have required us to announce why we were doing that. Had the Biden administration actually released any evidence they had of Russia’s plans, made them public for the world to see, that may have prevented where we are today. If we would have applied pressure on China behind the scenes, maybe we would be having a different conversation today. There are so many things we could have done to prevent this, but instead, we react.
I’ll get to President Biden and his failed leadership in a minute, but he is not the only one responsible for this.
If we look at our Russia policy for the last 30 years, spanning both Republican and Democrat administrations, there is plenty of failures and blame to go around. It never even should have gotten to this level, and we continue to see failure after failure.
But I want to zero in on the last three weeks because we keep on hearing about this imminent invasion of Ukraine. That Putin has made the decision to invade. When asked how the administration knows this, the Biden administration, and President Biden himself, say they have the intelligence.
However, whenever they’re pressed about the evidence, these officials do one of three things. They say they can’t reveal the intelligence because it can compromise sources and methods. I really hate that excuse. They use that all the time to shield themselves from any questions, criticism, or scrutiny.
The other thing they say is that you can trust them and that because they said it, it makes it so. But when really pressed, they use their go-to and accuse the person asking to see the evidence of being a Russian propagandist and a Putin sympathizer. It really is despicable. They just attack, marginalize, and attempt to silence any critics. When you actually think about it, this tactic is not all that different than the tactics Putin, or any other authoritarian regime uses.
All these frauds are blind to the fact that they have much more in common with Putin than they realize.
Of course, I’ll be attacked as a Russian agent for saying that, but I’m used to that by now.
And this weekend I was thinking a lot about what’s happening. I was thinking a lot about the lack of leadership. I was thinking about how the administration keeps pushing the idea that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent, and how they won’t release the evidence. Listen, you don’t want this to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But they keep pushing this.
Think about it this way, if a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent, then why not show the world the evidence and try to isolate Putin in order to prevent this invasion.
And that’s where leadership kicks in. This weekend, I thought back to previous administrations and the crises they faced. The JFK administration came to mind and his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. While I acknowledge today’s situation is not nearly as dire and threatening to the United States as the Cuban Missile Crisis, it is a textbook example of how to diffuse a tense situation and potentially avoid a conflict.
The Biden administration would do wonders if they learned from history. It would also be wise to follow in the footsteps of Kennedy’s U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson. Adlai Stevenson went to the U.N. to provide the world with evidence that the Soviet Union was in fact placing nuclear warheads on the island of Cuba. This was televised throughout the world. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Adlai Stevenson
Then after that, he presented the evidence thoroughly proving that the Soviets were deceiving the world. It was remarkable, and it forced Khrushchev to make a deal with Kennedy and remove the nukes from Cuba.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an Adlai Stevenson. We don’t have leadership. Instead, we have this.
Sound Clip Biden Corn Pop
I admit that was a cheap shot, but it was funny, and is it really that far off base? They need to put the evidence out there, and they need to stop with this Russian sympathizer label BS. When the stakes are this high, show the evidence and box Putin into a corner. They should have done this weeks ago.
Unfortunately, there are so many idiots out there who attack anyone that questions or who may be skeptical of what our intel community is putting out there. They claim that if you question the intel community, you’re doing the bidding of Putin. Ironically, these are the same people who never trusted the intel community until Trump came to office, so it tells you everything you need to know.
Why Some May Want to See Conflict in Europe
Also, there are some who may want to see conflict in Europe. I know that’s controversial to say, but understand, everything these people do is very calculated. If Russia invades Ukraine, you’ll have a number of people, the Klaus Schwab’s of the world, say that it’s evidence the nation-state structure is an old and outdated model. That it leads to war, death, and destruction.
They’ll argue the need to build out a global framework where countries will relinquish their sovereignty to IGOs. They’ll argue that this global framework will be designed to blunt authoritarianism, but in reality, the Great Reset is authoritarian.
Those that argue in favor of the Great Reset say that if this framework isn’t adopted, the world will be more fragile. Schwab argues for the need to swiftly revamp “all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions…every industry from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a Great Reset of capitalism.” (WEF)
As I said earlier, they want the chaos to justify the need for a reset. If everything is going well domestically and internationally, change is difficult, but if there’s chaos, more would support the idea of a reset that brings stability into the system.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste, and they use crises to transfer more power and authority to the state apparatus. Just look at the coronavirus, and just how far some of the so-called liberal democracies have taken it.
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Empowering the WHO
However, it goes much deeper than that. Something that has received very little attention is the idea of a pandemic treaty. Make no mistake about it, this pandemic treaty falls right in line with the idea of The Great Reset.
Most are completely unaware of what’s going on. They say this pandemic agreement is designed to strengthen pandemic prevention and responses. The text of the treaty has yet to be written, but it’s expected to be ready for signatures in May of 2024, whether or not it will be legally binding remains to be seen. We know that the European Union is pushing to make it legally binding, and after some hesitancy by the United States, it looks like this administration has relented.
Article 19 of the WHO charter gives the WHO the authority to adopt international binding treaties, and this treaty is designed to empower the WHO over a country’s ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from a pandemic.
While the treaty hasn’t been written yet, a resolution has been approved to set up the negotiation of the treaty. I have the link up on the website so check it out. (WHO) This document explains the need to develop, implement, and strengthen international health regulations. If you look at Section A74/9, Addendum 1 of the International Health Regulations you begin to get an idea of what they have in mind for this treaty. (WHO/IHR)
Basically, the framework being developed would allow the WHO to takeover emergency response in a pandemic, including determining travel restrictions, vaccine development and distribution, medical supply distribution, lockdowns, masking, and who knows what else. It’s clear that under the guise of global health security, they want the WHO to be much more in control over decision-making processes. In the IHR document, they explain how the coronavirus illustrates the shortcomings of the nation-state response, and how a more centralized approach would be better.
According to the WHO, the only way to achieve this would be through a global architecture “involving countries, institutions, and networks coordinated by WHO,” that would allow for a “stronger implementation of public health measures.” (WHO/IHR)
Intergovernmental organizations play an important role within the international system, but retaining sovereignty is far more important. Leadership is essential to push back against The great Reset. If we relinquish our power to these IGOs under The Great Reset, will these IGOs do what’s in the best interest of the United States, or would they do what they perceive is in the best interest of the global community?
Consolidating Power Throughout the Pandemic
Imagine governments throughout the world consolidating power throughout the pandemic, and those advocating turning over that power to IGOs.
The coronavirus created the perfect vehicle and exposed how governments used the coronavirus to exert an enormous amount of control over our lives. This whole thing has been political from the start, and if we want to look at the lack of leadership, just look at the CDC.
The CDC has refused to release all the data about hospitalizations, deaths, and vaccination status. (NY Times), what data are they leaving out? The CDC does release data in regard to these things, but what makes this so interesting is that they have left out the numbers for those aged between 18-49. Now, why wouldn’t the CDC release these numbers? What purpose does it serve? Surely, they have these numbers.
According to the CDC, they say the breakdown within this age demographic isn’t ready yet. Another reason the CDC hasn’t released this breakdown is that they fear “the potential misuse or misinterpretation of the data.” Numbers are numbers, and we have to ask what are they so afraid of? What are they trying to hide? Why don’t they trust the public to know what the numbers are? And where the hell are all the government watchdog groups who constantly claim they care about transparency?
But here at The P.A.S. Report, I attempt to connect the dots, and in my opinion, this is one more example of the government trying to control the narrative. Remember in the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism that I’ve often spoken about on this podcast. Some of you may be asking how I can possibly connect the CDC’s refusal to release information to the National Strategy.
The answer is rather simple. Don’t forget the Department of Health and Human Services played a role in developing this document. I pointed this out in an episode last July. If you look at page 10 of the National Strategy, it talks about those who perceive government overreach, and one example used is “conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” which have the potential to incitement and may be classified as domestic terrorists.
On page 19, it talks about “reducing both supply and demand of recruitment materials by limiting widespread availability online.” On page 20 of the document, it talks about public health-focused violence prevention, and the strategy talks about strengthening user resilience to disinformation and misinformation online.
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“Liberal Democracies” Flex Their Authoritarian Muscle
I talk about this document a lot because I don’t think people realize the magnitude of this document and its strategy. Many of our officials, both elected and appointed, view anyone who disagrees with them as a threat to their power, and in a way they’re right. This problem isn’t just within the United States, just take a look at our neighbors to the North. Another place lacking real leadership.
Look at the petty tyrant, Trudeau, a pathetic excuse for a leader. He epitomizes what I’m talking about. He has now declared all authority to target those who were protesting the mandates. Who dared to speak out against authoritarianism? These executive powers are far-reaching.
The truckers were engaged in civil disobedience. This is a time-honored tradition practiced in free countries. In fact, I did an entire episode on civil disobedience, explaining what it is and why it’s used. In that episode, I said civil disobedience is a powerful tool. I also explained how when you engage in civil disobedience, you accept the consequences because you are knowingly violating laws.
Now, when people engage in civil disobedience, they are usually arrested and given a citation to appear in court where they will normally pay a fine or have the case thrown out.
However, the Trudeau regime has gone far beyond that. They are conducting mass arrests, and who knows if that will lead to indefinite detention. Trudeau has ordered all financial accounts of those protesting to be frozen. Assets to be seized. Insurance gets suspended. Licenses get revoked. Essentially, this tyrant wants to destroy the livelihoods of any person who dares to question and criticize Trudeau’s authoritarianism.
And if you think it’s just about the truckers, think again. There are some who left the protests as the arrests started. The government has now warned those who voluntarily left that they will still face the full force of the Canadian authorities.
Anyone who provided any support to the protests is now being targeted. So, if you made a contribution to the group, you face the same penalties. Frozen bank accounts, getting your insurance suspended, and possible arrest.
Here’s the thing, you have all these Western governments constantly criticizing Putin’s authoritarian tactics. How is Trudeau any different than Putin. He’s engaging in the same type of activities. Trudeau doesn’t look at these people as protestors. He doesn’t acknowledge they are engaged in peaceful protest and civil disobedience. Instead, he views them as domestic enemies and they have been declared enemies of the state.
Using Division as an Excuse
Notice how the leftists continue to punish speech and thought. The officials have a harsher opinion of the people they serve than they do the real tyrants of the world. You have the officials constantly talking about the division within society. They talk about unity, but their version of unity is to obey, comply, and follow the narrative. It’s unity through submission.
That those who express a different point of view, those that have different ideas about government, politics, and policies, are the ones creating division. See, they continually blame the people, and that it’s the people that are divisive, and if everyone just thinks the same way, then we wouldn’t see the division. It’s called totalitarianism.
Ask yourself, when were we ever unified? In government and politics, there is always division. People will naturally think differently about the issues and the policy solutions to those issues. People will think differently as to what the government should or should not do when it comes to an issue.
Every country around the world, and throughout history, had divisions. The United States is not an exception to the rule. In fact, when we look at America, we were divided from the start, but the difference is that we had strong leadership. There were many who wanted to work things out with the British through diplomacy. Others wanted to fight the Revolution.
Once we defeated Britain, there were many divisions on what type of government we should have. When the Articles of Confederation collapsed, there was massive division on how to fix the Articles, leading to the federalists vs. the anti-federalists. We saw divisions in the late 1790s/early 1800s between the John Adams and the federalist camp vs. the Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republican camp. What about the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, which resulted in Hamilton being shot and killed by Burr?
What about the War of 1812 when England once again invaded, and many in the New England states actually supported this invasion? We saw massive division throughout the 1824 presidential campaign, and following the election, between the John Q. Adams camp and the Andrew Jackson camp.
What about when Senator Charles Sumner, a Republican, was almost beaten to death in the Senate Chamber by Senator Preston Brooks, a Democrat, because Senator Sumner harshly criticized slavery.
Obviously, the division in the lead-up to, and during, the Civil War is self-evident.
Between the late 1800s/early 1900s, America witnessed massive political divisions and political violence. Fast forward to the 1960s/1970s where there were tons of division when it came to things like race, segregation, and the Vietnam War. We witnessed the assassination of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, etc. We saw race riots. Divisions over the Vietnam War tore families and society apart.
Throughout the 1980s/1990s, things calmed down a bit, but there were still flare-ups.
The point I’m making is that we have always been a divided society, and people have taken the idea of unity out of context. There are many who wrongly believe that our past was filled with unity.
Many wrongly believe that our officials of the past were much more dignified and had more integrity. That they were somehow more moral. Many wrongly believe that our politics just recently has gotten ugly because of Trump and Biden.
The same holds true for the media coverage. Many believe our media is more partisan today than it ever has been. However, most are unaware of just how partisan our media was from the outset.
Officials owned their own media outlets and would routinely target their political opponents. In fact, the media always encourages division because it draws in readers. Just go look at the papers from the 1824 presidential election. Take a look at the paper of record, the esteemed NY Times. In the 1890s, the largest mass lynching took place against Italians. The New Orleans Police Chief, David Hennessy, was murdered and many blamed the Italians. Hundreds of Italians were arrested, and when nine were found not guilty, residents stormed the jail and slaughtered eleven men ripping apart their bodies. The largest mass lynching in our history. The New York Times called those slaughtered, “desperate ruffians and murderers. These sneaking and cowardly Sicilians, the descendants of bandits and assassins…are to us a pest without mitigations.” (Library of Congress)
Don’t get me wrong, we still have some good journalists, but to say the press has always been a bastion of objectivity, and it’s only recently changed in the last few decades, is false. The reality is with the exception of a short period of time, much of what the media does feeds the division.
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When we examine the idea of unity, the only thing that unified us was the founding of the country, the core American philosophies of liberty and freedom, and how far we’ve come as a nation.
That’s the unity that made us a great nation. An exceptional nation. It’s what linked us all together.
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So when you want to look at how it all went wrong, look at the leadership over the last several years. Look at all those officials who constantly downplay our history. Denigrate our founding. Push the idea that the nation was born for the sole purpose of slavery and racism. Look at all those who constantly bash the United States.
See, the division is okay if you have a greater appreciation for the things that made us great. The division is okay when we are unified around the concepts set forth by the founding fathers. The American political philosophy of liberty and freedom.
During these times of uncertainty, leadership is essential, but we don’t have leaders, just petty tyrants. We have politicians and bureaucrats that have no clue what leadership is or means.
It’s because of that void that we have to take The Great Reset even more seriously. Do you think the globalists don’t see the lack of leadership? Do you think they won’t take advantage of this lack of leadership?
With that being said, maybe some officials are listening. Maybe some of them will show the leadership we need right now. Maybe they’ll grow a pair, stand up and fight for the American people. More importantly, fight for the American identity.
Don’t lose hope. Throughout history, we have seen that during crisis and uncertainty these can be the times where giants among men can emerge.
With that being said, share this episode with others, and don’t forget to leave The P.A.S. Report a 5-star rating, and take 30-seconds to write a review. I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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