Episode 138 Show Notes- The Orwellian Empire State Demands Mandatory Detention and Vaccinations
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Straight out of an Orwellian nightmare, the New York State Legislature goes full authoritarian mode by introducing a bill empowering the government to detain and vaccinate anyone in the name of public health. NYS Bill A416 is an Act aimed at amending the NYS Public Health Law and introduces a provision as it “relates to the removal of cases, contacts, and carriers of communicable diseases that are potentially dangerous to public health.” This piece of legislation directly violates the 4th Amendment. As the U.S. Constitution is under continuous assault, this piece of legislation should frighten every American. If this bill passes, how long before other states adopt similar measures?
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Show Transcript- The Orwellian State Demands Mandatory Detainment and Vaccinations
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
What I want to do today, is shine a light on the most threatening piece of legislation I have ever read.
You know, over the last several decades, we have witnessed a continued assault against the Constitution. It amazes me because our Constitution has served us well over the last 233 years, and yet there are so many who want to destroy it. They’ve been infringing on our God-given liberties for years.
What’s really concerning though, is just how bold and brazen they’ve become in their efforts to completely dismantle our Constitution and our way of life. As I’ve said in the past, these elected officials abdicated their responsibility to serve us. They believe they have the right to rule over us. They view themselves as rulers who know what’s in your best interest. They view us as the peasant class, too dumb to make our own decisions and the right decisions.
We are supposed to shut up and obey. Don’t ask questions and continue empowering these bums, who have absolutely no business serving in public office.
We are on dangerous ground and I’m going to break down this piece of legislation and expose it as the threat it really is. If this piece of legislation passes, it’s my fear that it will be something our Constitution will not be able to withstand. While our Constitution would still exist, it would simply be in name only. Nothing more than a piece of paper that no one pays any attention to.
What makes the United States an extraordinary country, an exceptional nation, is that we are the one country that actually believes in our Constitution. Like President Reagan said, our Constitution is the one Constitution in the world where we dictate to the government what it can do. Not the other way around. If this piece of legislation passes, we will be no different than any country out there. Nothing spectacular. Nothing extraordinary. The shining city on the hill would be filled with darkness.
But before I explain this horrible piece of legislation, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Georgia Senate Run-offs and the Electoral College
Like I said on Monday, this is a busy week. We had the Senate races in Georgia, and we still don’t know who will have control of the Senate, and today the Congress is meeting to determine the winner of the Electoral College. While Republicans are going to mount objections, we are going to see if they have any chance of prevailing or if we will see a Joe Biden inauguration on January 20th.
Like I said on Monday, I suspect that the effort fails. There are a lot of weak-kneed republicans out there. There are also a lot of establishment figures that love the gravy train of the swamp and take note of those exposing their true colors.
I’ll talk more about the Georgia Senate results and the certification of the Electoral College vote next week and examine where we go from there.
But one thing I want to bring up is Senator Ted Cruz’s effort. Senator Cruz has announced he will object to the Electoral College votes, and he wants to resurrect an Electoral Commission to conduct an emergency audit of the results.
In Senator Cruz’s statement, he said, “Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.” (Axios)
And this wouldn’t be unprecedented as it was done in the 1876 election and consisted of five members of the House, five members of the Senate, and five Supreme Court Justices.
They call for this audit to be completed within 10-days. Now that’s a relatively quick period of time, but if Democrats were smart, they would agree to this. If Joe Biden prevails in this effort, Republicans and Trump supporters would have no other choice but to recognize Joe Biden as a legitimate President.
The more everyone tries to sweep the fraud under a rug, the more we will face four-years of not my president hashtags, and nearly 50% of the people will not accept the results of the election.
So, as I said, we will see what happens and I will discuss it next week.
NYS Legislation A416
Getting back to this horrendous piece of legislation. A friend of mine, Phil McManus, he heads up the Rockaway Republican Club and is a true patriot. He texted me and asked if I saw a piece of legislation introduced in the NYS legislature. He texted me the link, and I was astonished at what I was reading.
The piece of legislation was introduced in the NYS Assembly under Assembly Bill number A416. The legislation is entitled, “An Act to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts, and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.”
I have a link up at The P.A.S. Report website in the show transcript so be sure to check it out. It’s only four-pages and a quick read. (Click Here to read Assembly Bill A416). I also included the entire bill at the bottom of the show transcript.
I sent it to Tucker Carlson as well. We need to raise awareness about these people, and people need to stand-up and speak-out. I ask that you share this bill with everyone you know that’s how dangerous it is.
Breaking Down A416
Looking at this piece of legislation, it is something out of Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Obviously, the first thing that jumps out at you is the title. “An Act to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts, and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.”
The first red flag is the idea of “potentially dangerous.” What exactly does “potentially dangerous to public health” mean? It’s so vague that it can account that it could account for a lot of things.
Understand that this bill is designed to give the government extraordinary powers to detain and remove individuals and groups of people from their homes. It doesn’t matter what the age of the person is or whether they have preexisting conditions. So, if you are a parent, just know that this bill would essentially empower the government to remove your kids from your house, or anyone for that matter, if the government suspects that a person “may endanger others.”
Once again, we don’t really see how they define “may endanger others,” which would trigger the government to remove and detain someone, and this could include a lot of things when we talk about public health.
As we continue on page 1 of the bill, if you look at lines 11-17, it states, “in the opinion of the governor, after consultation with the commissioner, may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health resulting in severe morbidity or high mortality, the governor or his or her delegee, including, but not limited to the commissioner or the heads of local health departments, may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of such persons by issuing a single order.”
The “opinion of the governor” jumps right out to me. It’s a power that can easily be abused, and there are no concrete criteria for the governor to have to follow when it comes to detainment. It simply goes by his opinion. Sure, the governor would have to consult their health commissioner, but so what? Just keep in mind all the things our authoritarian governors and mayors have done since March, and you tell me if you are comfortable with this language.
But it doesn’t empower just the governor. It empowers a lot of bureaucrats, including heads of local health departments. Now we didn’t elect these people. They are appointed, yet we will give them the authority to detain American citizens based on an opinion. Get the hell out of here.
But the most striking part is on line 17 where it states that people and groups can be removed and detained by issuing a single order. Not a warrant. Not a court-order. Not by an Act through the legislative branch, but by a single order based on an opinion. If that doesn’t make you uncomfortable, I don’t know what will.
I’m also concerned when it says groups of persons. What does that mean? Are we saying that the government can detain entire groups of people? Gee, I can’t see that getting abused. When people were protesting the authoritarian lockdowns, is that what they mean by groups of people?
And I want you to keep in mind. This is coming from the same political party that wants to defund ICE and make it illegal to detain illegal immigrants, but it’s okay to detain American citizens. Think about that for a second.
Moving along, on page 2, lines 7-10, it states, “A suspected case or suspected carrier who is detained pursuant to subdivision two of this section shall not continue to be detained after the department determines…that such person is not infected with or has not been exposed to such a disease, or if infected with or exposed to such a disease, no longer is or will become contagious.”
This section is perhaps one of the most concerning. It talks about when a detainment of an American citizen can end. I want to draw your attention to line 10, that once the government determines “a person is not infected or has not been exposed to such a disease” they can be released from detainment. But listen to what I just said, once it’s determined a person is not infected or has not been exposed to such a disease. Now that is frightening because what this provision is saying is that the government can remove anyone from their home and detain them even if they haven’t tested positive for a communicable disease.
The government doesn’t need any evidence whatsoever, as long as they suspect that you may have been exposed to a disease, they can remove and detain you. Talk about dangerous. Once they detain you, suppressing all your Constitutional rights, then they will do the investigation to determine if the detainment is merited.
Even worse is that the burden to be released from detainment falls to the individual. That the individual being detained has to request release. We see that gem on page 3, line 23.
If we keep scrolling through this bill, according to this order, the government can detain you for three days, but they can get extensions to detain you beyond three days as long as they can get a court order. And sorry, but I’m a little suspicious of friendly courts who make rulings, not based on the Constitution, but based on politics.
But if we look at page 3, lines 43-47, it states, “the governor or his or her delegee must obtain a court order authorizing detention within sixty days following the commencement of detention and thereafter must further seek court review of the detention within ninety days of such court order and within ninety days of each subsequent court review.”
Once again, you have to look deep into the language, the text of the bill. This provision states that the government has to get a court order authorizing detention within sixty days following the commencement of detention. Did you hear that? Following the commencement of detention. They only need to get a court order once detainment begins, not prior, and they have up to sixty days to get that court order. And for detainment that goes beyond that, the court must review the order every ninety days. So, while it says that detainments should be between 3-5 days, this provision makes clear it can go on far beyond 3-5 days. In fact, from reading the text, it appears detainment can be indefinitely as long as the court approves it every ninety days. I mean, my goodness. That’s scary.
At the bottom of page 3, line 55, and the top of page 4, line 1, it states that a person being detained must not conduct themselves in a disorderly manner. Meaning that you have to shut up and obey. Compliance is essential and questions will not be tolerated.
Also, on page 4, it discusses how you no longer have a say in your healthcare or the healthcare of your family. That the government will determine what healthcare should be provided. Your thoughts are irrelevant.
We find this gem on page 4, lines 23-27, as the bill states, “to require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination, including directly observed therapy to treat the disease and follow infection control provisions for the disease…”
Again, you have no say. The government will deem what medical treatment you receive. You cannot object and you must obey. And it says right in this order that the government has the power to force any vaccination they want on you.
Now, I am not a so-called “anti-vaxxer.” My kids have all their vaccinations, and I have mine as well. The only vaccine I don’t get is the flu vaccine, and that’s because I believe it’s largely ineffective. It seems every year they say they got it wrong.
As far as the current controversy regarding the coronavirus vaccine, if I was in a high-risk category, I would have no problem taking the vaccine. I don’t subscribe to the idea that they are implanting chips in us or any of that stuff. However, given that I am relatively young, getting older, but still young in my mind, and given that I don’t have any preexisting conditions, I don’t see the need for a vaccine. I’d rather take my chances with the coronavirus that has a 99.98% survival rate for my demographic. And I really see zero need for my children to get the COVID vaccine.
However, if this bill ever passes, I would no longer be able to make my own healthcare decisions and my parental rights would be usurped by the government. Isn’t it amazing how the party that claims “my body, my choice” is now saying that you have zero choices when it comes to your body and your healthcare? These people wouldn’t recognize irony if it slapped them in the face.
4th Amendment
One thing is clear. This bill clearly violates our 4th Amendment right to privacy. The 4th Amendment states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
This bill would authorize the government to remove people from their homes and detain them on the basis of opinions and assumptions without any realistic due process. Our Constitution has been under assault for quite some time, but this bill would eviscerate the Constitution.
Now according to the Supremacy Clause, Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, states cannot make laws that conflict with the Constitution and that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, it is my take that this bill would be highly unconstitutional.
However, given how the courts have continually validated government power over the last few decades, I have little faith that the courts would right the wrong and deem this piece of legislation unconstitutional.
I don’t want to have to take that chance, and that’s why it’s essential this bill never sees the light of day where it even has to be challenged. That’s why I’m sounding the alarm bells about this piece of legislation.
But the Bill Won’t Pass
Now I posted this bill all over social media on Saturday, and there are some who pushed back. They claim this is an old bill that never received any attention. They claim the bill was first introduced during the Ebola outbreak 5-6 years ago. They claim this bill has zero chance of passing.
Now I looked at this bill and it is different from the bill that was introduced during the ebola outbreak.
More importantly, if this bill was introduced 4-5 years ago, they would be right. I wouldn’t think this bill had any chance of passing. I wouldn’t even have wasted my time focusing on this bill.
But a lot has happened in the last 4-years that have me concerned. There are a lot of things that I said would never happen, but they have.
I would have never thought the bureaucracy would have been weaponized politically to take down a duly elected President, but that’s exactly what happened with the BS Russian collusion hoax. I never thought that if abuses like that were uncovered that those involved wouldn’t be held accountable in any meaningful way.
I never thought bail reform would have passed either. The idea of removing the bail requirement for repeat violent offenders seemed insane to me. Yet, here we are where criminals are arrested 3, 4, 5 times and then released right back into the public only to victimize their communities again.
I never thought the government would determine what businesses are essential and what businesses are nonessential, destroying millions of livelihoods around the country.
I never thought the government would determine what protests are legitimate like social justice, and which protests are illegitimate like protesting lockdowns and authoritarian decrees.
I never thought that the government would stop us from gathering in churches or all religious institutions so that we can practice our faith, yet here we are.
I never thought the government would dictate who we are allowed to have in our homes, and who cannot come into our homes.
I never thought the government would shut down education and use children as pawns even though we know community spread isn’t happening in schools.
I never thought our elected officials would let our cities get destroyed, and tell law enforcement to stand down, as rioters, looters, and arsonists pillage city centers.
I never thought we would elevate criminals to hero status and demonize our law enforcement to the point where they are viewed as criminals.
I never thought I would see our government encourage people, and even reward them, to rat out their fellow citizens for not wearing a mask or for having people in their home.
I never thought I would see a time where the people are so willing to give up their God-given liberties for the illusion of security.
So, when someone tells me that this bill has no chance of passing, I’m a little more skeptical than I used to be, and I remind them of all the things we didn’t think would happen over the last few years, has happened.
Those that regularly listen to this podcast know that I am constantly warning about empowering government. I warn how dangerous an all-powerful government can be.
You have to be willfully blind not to realize what’s really happening. I have to hand it to the Democrats. They have been able to successfully exploit a virus with a 99.98% survival rate in anyone younger than 60, and a 96.5% survival rate on anyone over the age of 60.
They’ve been successfully able to scare our society into compliance, and even more frightening, they have scared the population so much that they finally agree with draconian laws like this. Of course, they will say it’s for our own good and for the good of society.
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They got it. They figured out that using a virus makes it easy to control a population. That’s what it really comes down to. And many Americans played right into this.
How much are you willing to give up your rights and liberties? How much are you willing to empower the government?
Unfortunately, there are way too many people out there completely unaware of the consequences, and there are some who could care less how authoritarian we become as long as their side is in power.
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