Episode 105 Show Notes- The Ruling Class, the Peasants, and Political Double Standards
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Who else is tired of the political double standards? Our officials work for us and their most important job is to serve We the People. Unfortunately, many of these political and media elitists have decided to ignore the people and deemed them as part of the peasant class. The ruling class elites openly mock the people they took an oath to serve. They have determined that we have two standards- one for the elites, where they can do what they want, and one for the peons, who must abide by their edicts or face retribution. In this episode, Professor Giordano takes on the ruling class and their double standards. He also calls out the phony and pathetic news media, particularly The Atlantic.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. I hope everyone is doing well.
The school year kicks off and it’s going to be interesting to see how this works. We need to get our kids back into the classroom. The virtual learning crap doesn’t work, especially for those in elementary school, and the lack of social interaction amongst our youth is going to have disastrous long-term impacts. But the powers that be don’t care.
While this episode isn’t going to focus on education, I am going to focus on the powers that be. The ruling class has created two sets of standards. One for us, the peasant class, where we must obey their edicts or suffer the consequences. And one for them, where they get to do what they want because they believe they are more important than We the People.
I’m taking on all of the elites, the politicians, the media, all of them. The activist news media and I will utterly destroy The Atlantic’s hit piece on the President.
I am sick and tired of the double standards that exist, and I will continue to pushback against the BS we are seeing every day.
Before I jump into these topics, be sure to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
The Ruling Class
Getting to today’s topic. Not for nothing, but our officials have forgotten something. And they have forgotten something that’s pretty damn important to the American system. For far too long, the American people have failed to hold our political officials accountable in any meaningful way.
We will constantly reelect the same officials into office over and over again, even when they show a complete lack of regard for, We the People. Even when they cross the line.
This has ultimately led to the political officials thinking they are somehow more important than We the People. They believe that because of the office they hold, they are special and not subject to the same rules as us. They have forgotten that their primary obligation is to serve us, We the People. That’s right. These idiots work for us, they serve us. It’s not the other way around.
We live in a society of individual betterment where the government exists to serve its people, and as people’s lives improve, the country itself ultimately becomes a better place.
However, the political elitists and the ruling class have decided that they no longer serve us. They have decided that we are too dumb, and they know what’s in our best interests. They view us as nothing more than the peasant class, and they have decided that they will not abide by the same rules as the peasant class.
See they think they are better than you and me. They have determined that we have two standards- one for the elites, where they can do what they want, and one for the peons. And We the Peons must abide by their edicts or face retribution. They have come to the conclusion that we exist to serve them.
It’s interesting because when you look at an authoritarian government, they follow a system of state betterment. Where the people exist to serve the state and government. And if the country and the government is strong, then the people will be better off. It usually doesn’t work well in this system, and we have seen time and time again, it is the people that end up suffering.
Even worse, is the ruling class no longer pretends that they care about ordinary folks like you and me. They openly mock and ridicule us. Every day, they show their disdain for us. While they still try to pay lip service to the people, their actions speak volumes.
Throughout this episode, I want you to keep in mind the old saying that actions speak louder than words.
Examples of the Ruling Class
In a bizarre way, if the coronavirus has shown us anything, it’s the true nature of the ruling class and how they have zero regards for you.
This brings me to Speaker Pelosi. In the ultimate display of hypocrisy, double standards, and outright contempt, she was caught getting her hair done at a salon, which in California, salons are closed, and she wasn’t wearing a mask.
So, if you live in California, all salons must remain closed except if Queen Pelosi needs to get a dye, cut, and blowout. See that’s how it works. I am sure there are many Americans who would love to be able to get haircuts for themselves and even their children, but they can’t due to draconian lockdown orders.
In states that have somewhat reopened, and you can get your hair done, you have to wear a mask the entire time. Now, luckily for me, I don’t have an issue. When you go bald, you can buzz your own head.
But the other day, I had to take my kids to get haircuts, and they couldn’t get the Pelosi treatment. They had to wear masks. Now imagine taking the kids, a 9 and 5-year-old, to get a haircut where they must wear a mask the entire time. You’re asking for a disaster. Especially with my 5-year-old. It was really annoying.
The barber was explaining how difficult this is, but he is petrified that the state is going to come in and shut him down. He said the state has warned him that if they come in, and a customer has the mask off at any point, they can take away his license. Essentially threatening to take away his livelihood.
Queen Pelosi suffers from the let them eat cake syndrome I often bring up. She constantly dictates to people that we have to wear masks and she even supports Joe Biden’s mask mandate. (NPR) She dictates to people that we must believe in science and we can’t reopen too soon, even as business owners are suffering and their livelihoods are being destroyed.
However, when Queen Pelosi wants something, the same rules that apply to us, don’t apply to her.
But that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is her response. Take a listen.
Play Clip 1- Pelosi Salon Setup
The nerve of her. Rather than say, I screwed up and apologize, she attacks the salon owner and her stylist for being setup. Rather than take personal responsibility, she attacks anyone who raises any questions. I would have more respect if she was honest and said, “I’m the Speaker of the House, if I want my hair done, I’ll get it done.” At least she would show some honesty.
She also said that she wasn’t aware of the rules. Imagine if you or I used that same excuse when it comes to dealing with government. What do you think would happen to us? I can guarantee we would be facing some harsh penalties, but not Queen Pelosi. What Queen Pelosi wants, she gets, and you the peasant class should just shut up and accept it.
But it won’t matter. She will overwhelmingly win her reelection, and because of California’s election laws, she isn’t even facing a Republican opponent in the general election. It’s pathetic.
But she isn’t the only one. Chicago’s Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, was also busted getting a haircut. Here’s her response.
Play Clip 2- Mayor Lightfoot
You see that. She says she is unable to cut her own hair. Guess what, most people are unable to cut hair. I tried cutting my kids hair during the pandemic and it was an epic disaster.
But listen to her words carefully. She says because she is in the public eye, because she is an elected official, that her hygiene and grooming is more important than your hygiene and personal care. Essentially, she is more important than you.
It’s not just Queen Pelosi or Mayor Lightfoot. Scores of elected officials, the ruling elite, flouted their own decrees. Look at Emperor Cuomo, Empress Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, or just about any other politician. They all were getting their haircuts throughout the pandemic. Even at the height of the pandemic as they were issuing their draconian decrees. See, for them, they didn’t have to abide by it.
It’s not just haircuts. It’s every rule, every law, every order. We’ve had politicians that have banned indoor dining, and then they get caught eating indoors at restaurants. So, if you want to eat indoors at a restaurant, to bad. You can order take-out or eat outside as these idiots get to sit in an air-conditioned restaurant to eat. And not only do these officials have the nerve to eat indoors, they’ve also unleashed an army of health inspectors to make sure that business owners and people are abiding by their decrees.
Even as businesses continue to suffer because they are only doing 10 or 20% of the business they would normally do. I have spoken with restaurant owners, and they are getting crushed. They’re telling me that health inspectors used to come by monthly or every other month if that. Now, they are coming 2-3 days a week and writing citations hurting the businesses even more.
One place by me was closed. The owner was cleaning the place up and cashing out the register. He was alone with the door locked. Someone knocks on the door, and it was an inspector. The inspector issued him a $500 fine for not wearing a mask in his establishment even though the place closed, and the owner was there alone. I don’t know how that inspector doesn’t look in the mirror and see the piece of garbage they are.
I can go on and on. If we travel, we have to abide by quarantine rules, but if they travel, they are exempt from their own quarantines even when the travel isn’t necessary.
They hire their own security forces, at taxpayer expense I might add, as they begin to defund the police departments and leave us more vulnerable. Remember what I always tell you. The elected officials don’t live in the communities they serve if those communities are in vulnerable areas. So, as the most vulnerable communities are seeing a decrease in police presence and responses, these idiots are hiring their own private armed security, and they maintain the police departments in their neighborhoods.
I got an idea. How’s about we dismantle the police forces where they live and funnel those resources to the people and communities that really need it?
If you protest for their vision of social justice, that’s cool. Up until last week, you can protest, riot, loot, commit assault, and vandalize property with impunity. However, if you protest lockdowns, facemasks, or anything else, you are labeled as a racist that’s pushing white supremacist ideology.
See how that works. The ruling class doesn’t care about the people. They don’t care about those they claim to be fighting for. What they want is obedience and compliance. Their hypocrisy and double standards know no boundaries, and they are rarely called out on it.
In fact, the only reason Queen Pelosi was called out was that she got caught and how blatant her response was showing contempt for anyone who dared question her actions.
Not just the politicians
But it’s not just the political elite. The problem is deeper and more widespread. They have their enablers in the media industrial complex to serve as the shills. The media, like the politicians, are part of the ruling elite, and they also hold no regard for the people whatsoever. Now, I’m going to get to The Atlantic’s hit piece on the president soon, but I want to point to a few other examples first.
The first place I want to look at it is Kenosha and Portland. After the Jacob Blake shooting, the riots began. For 2 or 3 nights, the city was under siege. The mayor of Kenosha, like many other mayors throughout the United States, basically told their officers to stand down.
Now, I want to state clearly that I do not support or condone vigilantism. However, as police stand down, sooner or later people are going to step up and take the law into their own hands. This is a recipe disaster.
In any event, a 17-year-old kid, Kyle Rittenhouse, goes to Kenosha armed with a firearm. According to reports, he stated he went to protect businesses from getting destroyed. A confrontation happens, and two people end up dead. There is some video that does give credence to a self-defense argument, but I need to see what took place from beginning to end in order to formulate a judgment. I won’t speculate about what actually happened. I need to do far more research. That’s why I really haven’t discussed it or put any social media posts out about it. That’s the difference between me and most other outlets.
However, what we do know is that one of the people killed was a convicted pedophile. Convicted of two counts of illegal sexual contact with a minor. The other person killed was convicted of domestic violence, use of a dangerous weapon, strangulation, and suffocation. The other person who was shot in the arm arrested in 2013 and charged with felony burglary, criminal trespass, and disorderly conduct. Am I said that one less pedophile and a domestic abuser are gone from this Earth- No. Does that mean I condone the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, and the answer is no
But getting back to the political double standards, article after article I read about this incident, identifies Kyle Rittenhouse as a far-right militia member. This has been reported through every single media outlet. This story received a lot of coverage, so I’ll ask, what is the name of the militia that Rittenhouse belonged to?
Think about that for a second. The media is constantly pushing that this kid is a far-right fringe militia member, wouldn’t they report the name of the militia to draw attention to it? Yet no militia has been named.
Now let’s travel across the United States to Portland. In Portland, you had a member of Antifa, Michael Reinoehl, who described himself as 100% Antifa and had BLM tattooed on his neck, murder a man.
If you read any of the reports throughout the media, they consistently label Jay Aaron Danielson as a Trump supporter. They also label him as a member of Patriot Prayer and call the group a far-right fringe group. Most of the reporting out there says that the Patriot Prayer group was holding a caravan rally in support of President Trump. They are reporting the caravan was met by protestors.
They didn’t say far-left protestors. They didn’t say Antifa. They simply said protestors. In their reporting, they also make it like the murder occurred at the rally because of clashes. However, a video has emerged where you hear someone yell, “Hey, we got a Trump supporter here,” followed by two gunshots. In the video, you see one person walking and then another person firing the gun. It’s a short clip, but I didn’t see any confrontation. The protests ended and this was nothing but cold-blooded murder.
And that’s where we see the double standards. While the media quickly labeled Kyle Rittenhouse as part of a far-right militia, most outlets did not describe Michael Reinoehl as a far-left member of Antifa. While there was clearly a dispute in the Rittenhouse case between Rittenhouse and the people he killed, there has been no evidence that there was a dispute between Reinoehl and the person he murdered. The press consistently labeled his victim as a far-right Trump supporter, but they rarely used the words far-left to describe the murderer.
Biden in Kenosha
Joe Biden’s trip to Kenosha is another example of the media’s double standard. I ripped Biden two weeks ago when he brought up Charlottesville at the Democratic Convention, and he stated that President Trump never condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Now I played the clip where President Trump explicitly states that he was not talking about white supremacists and neo-Nazi’s and condemns them fully.
Well, in Kenosha, he brings up the same lie. Take a listen.
Play Clip 3- Biden Kenosha Trip
You know the whole premise of the Biden campaign is not about policy. They don’t want you to see his policies and how radical those policies are. Biden and the Democrats have made the campaign about character and integrity. They say that Biden has the moral character and integrity to be the President of the United States.
What does it say about Joe Biden when he continues to lie about this even though he and his people are aware that it inflames the situation? And remember, this isn’t the first time Joe Biden has engaged in racial politics based on fear, hate, and division. Remember in 2012 when Joe Biden was speaking to a black audience and told the audience that Mitt Romney wants to put “y’all back in chains.”
How does engaging in the racial politics of fear and hate show any moral character and integrity? Now you can argue that it’s part of politics. Politics is a blood sport and you have to play dirty to win. And part of that is true. But when you base your campaign on integrity and moral character, then don’t engage in these practices.
And I love liberal logic. I put out a social media post about this and I finished the post by saying that if you respond by bringing up President Trump, you essentially lost the debate and proved my point. I’m tired of every response being “but Trump did this or Trump did that.”
Sure enough, I got a lot of responses saying but Trump and they would go on to list things President Trump has done. They didn’t see the trap laid for them. They never once defended Joe Biden. They never once said that I was lying or mischaracterizing what Joe Biden said or did. They never once tried to argue that Biden misspoke. Instead, they readily acknowledged that Biden plays the race card. They acknowledged that this is the politics of fear and division.
Leftist logic didn’t catch that, and they don’t understand that by pointing to President Trump and saying Joe Biden is playing Trump’s own game, they are then acknowledging that Biden is just as bad as they claim the President is. That Biden will engage in the same bad behavior they accuse the President of. It destroys the entire Biden campaign narrative that he has the moral character and integrity to hold the office of the Presidency.
Of course, I don’t expect the mainstream press outlets to point that out, but that’s what actual analysis consists of.
Biden’s not alone
And Biden is not alone. Just two weeks ago Queen Pelosi called Congressional Republicans domestic enemies. Think about that rhetoric.
President Trump retweeted a tweet that said, “Democrats are the true enemy of America,” and the President was savaged for that. Now, I don’t like that rhetoric. I think it increases the divide and fosters more hate.
While the President was savaged, the Queen got a pass. There was no universal outrage or condemnation. It’s interesting that whenever President Trump says something stupid, every Republican is asked if they agree with the President, and they are asked to condemn the President’s rhetoric.
Yet when a Democrat and Queen Pelosi say something that’s dumb, no one asks Democrats if they agree with her, and no one asks Democrats to condemn the Speaker.
And it’s not just her. Remember when former President Obama compared Republicans in Congress to the hardline mullahs of Iran. Not one mainstream press outlet picked that up or criticized the press in any way.
If these people had any sense of decency, they would hold everyone to the same standards, but they won’t because the elite always protects the elite. They are part of the ruling class, and therefore they are going to protect their members.
The Atlantic
This brings me to The Atlantic story. Remember, journalism is officially dead in the United States. It’s no longer based on investigative journalism where reporters dig up evidence and verify sourcing. Now, it’s about pushing a political ideology and helping one side over the other.
This is abundantly clear when you read The Atlantic’s story where they said the president called those who died in uniform, paying the ultimate sacrifice for the country, losers and suckers.
This piece, which I won’t even link from my website, is nothing more than a hit job designed to hurt the President amongst part of his base. It’s nothing more than a hit piece, and I will layout why the entire report is BS.
Apparently, this event dates back to 2018 when the President canceled a visit to an American cemetery in France. This cemetery is home to Americans who died in battle. According to the report, President Trump canceled the visit because it was raining. According to the article, they wrote that the President said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers?” The report said that President Trump referred to those that die as suckers.
First of all, the date of the event is the first red flag. It occurred in 2018 so why are we hearing about this now. Everything in this White house leaks out especially in 2017 and 2018. I mean everything. Right off the bat, that makes me suspicious. I can’t imagine no one leaking this to the Press at that time.
Also, the report is based on three sources. These sources requested to remain anonymous. That’s the second red flag. Who are these sources, why do they wish to remain anonymous, and were they present when the President supposedly made these disparaging remarks?
Now in two parts of the article, it refers to sources with “knowledge of these events.” Well, what does that mean knowledge of these events? The article didn’t say any of these sources witnessed this firsthand. They are saying the 4 sources have knowledge of what the President said. What the hell does that even mean?
Secondly, are these current administration officials or former administration officials and why did they request to be anonymous? If they are current administration officials, why would they still work for a Commander-in-Chief who they claim has no regard for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. What does that say about them?
But I don’t think its current administration officials because of the high turnover of the administration. Many of the people on that trip no longer work for the administration. So, if they are former officials, why didn’t they quit in protest when the President made these remarks. Some are speculating that General John Kelly is one of the sources. I don’t think that’s true. I would think that General Kelly has more integrity than that especially given that his kid died in the theater of war.
But more importantly, if these are former officials, why did they request to be anonymous? They don’t have to worry about retribution from the administration. It’s not like they could be fired. In fact, the Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg, stated the reason the sources refused to go on the record was that “They don’t want to be inundated with angry tweets and all the rest.”
The Atlantic allows these sources because the sources don’t want to face angry tweets? Get the hell out of here. Then turn off Twitter or set your account to private. Angry tweets are not a justification to remain anonymous. That’s such a joke.
If this is the new standard in journalism, I can claim that 3 or 4 sources who worked on the Biden campaign contacted me and told me that Biden makes disparaging remarks about minorities and repeatedly used the N-word. That’s it. I don’t have to provide any other evidence to support that claim. If you believe The Atlantic report, then why is my report any less credible. Joe Biden has a history of making disparaging remarks about minorities including using the term racial jungle and saying that to work in 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts you have to have a slight Indian accent.
So, the anonymous thing is a joke, and when using anonymous sources, you need to have documents to back up and verify the claims and what the sources are saying. This brings me to the third red flag. No documents, emails, or recordings were provided to The Atlantic to support the source’s claims. Now you would think that if the president really said this that someone there would have sent an email or a text message at the time this occurred saying you won’t believe what the President just said about American soldiers who died in war.
Now, some are saying, but Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin has verified what these sources said and that proves the legitimacy of The Atlantic’s reporting and corroborates the other sources. Well, actually it doesn’t. Jennifer Griffin reported 2 former Sr. Trump administration officials confirm the reporting. Of course, they did so anonymously. Once again, if they are former officials, why are they requesting to remain anonymous? Also, are these the same sources that The Atlantic used? See, it actually verifies nothing.
In fact, Glen Greenwald of The Intercept just wrote a lengthy article describing how media outlets use the same sources and scam the readers. (The Intercept) He argues that journalism now includes what is believable or seems like it could be true is the new standard. Gone are the days of facts and evidence, and here are the days of unproven assertions and innuendo.
And what’s truly stunning from the activist news media is how quickly they ran with the story. It’s not like they didn’t see the holes that I saw in the story. Another amazing part is how so far over a dozen current and former officials all came out and refuted the details of the story.
And they didn’t request anonymity. They put their names on record. Even John Bolton, who everyone knows is not a fan of the President, said this didn’t happen. He explained that the President didn’t make the trip because of the weather and that if they traveled by using “The Beast,” which is the presidential limo, it would have been two hours there and two hours back on small roadways leaving virtually no way to quickly extract the President if something were to happen.
So, on the advice of the NSA, Secret Service, and other agencies, the President didn’t make the trip.
Common sense dictates that we listen to the over one dozen current and former administration officials over the 4 sources that want to remain anonymous. But again, there is more. Not only did these officials refute The Atlantic’s main premise, but documented evidence was also provided which showed that the trip was canceled because of weather concerns.
But see, documents and evidence don’t matter to these people. They don’t care. Their hatred for the President is what drives them to chase these shiny objects that quickly fall apart. In fact, The Atlantic is already walking back some of the story.
Understand, that more stories have had to be corrected or completely retracted under this administration than the previous three administrations combined.
Actions speak louder than words
But the real nail in the coffin is that actions speak louder than words like I told you earlier. President Trump’s actions and his own policies illustrate his respect for the military. Consider this, under the Obama administration, the military would have to go to junkyards and military museums in order to get spare parts to repair current military equipment.
Think about that. We defunded the military to the point where they couldn’t even fix their own equipment that they would be using in the theaters of war, even though at the time we were increasing the burdens on the military and engaging in far more war.
Under President Trump, the military saw significant funding increases where we don’t have this problem anymore.
Under this President, he fought for pay raises across the board for our service members who fight to protect this country. Consider under the Obama administration from 2010-2017, the pay raise averaged about 1.9% for our service members, and some of the higher-ranking service members had their pay frozen at 2014 levels in 2015 and 2016. Under President Trump, the pay raises have averaged 2.55%.
President Trump was able to push through Veteran’s reform and a complete overhaul of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. No longer would soldiers have to wait for 30, 60, 90, even 180 days before they were seen. In fact, because of these reforms, wait times are actually less in the VA than they are in the private sector. Today, the wait time to get seen by a doctor at the VA is about 10-12 days. In the private sector, it can be as much as 20 days. And if a Veteran is in need of care right away, that Veteran can now go outside of the VA and see a different doctor. Patient satisfaction among veterans has increased dramatically over the last few years.
You now have Gold Star Families who met the President at their worst possible moment, usually on the tarmac of Dover Air Force base as their loved one was being unloaded from an airplane in a flag-draped coffin and are now defending the President saying that The Atlantic’s story does not represent the president they know.
Gold Star widow, Brittany Jacobs, who lost her husband Marine Sgt. Christopher Jacobs, said, “That is not the character that I have seen in the president. He’s been so sincere, he has been caring. When he talked to my son at Arlington, he was just so focused on Christian and he was so engaged and caring.” (Fox News)
Former Army Officer, Joe Kent, another Gold Star widow, lost his wife, Sr. Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent, in Syria when her unit was attacked by a suicide bomber. He said, “It was clear to me that President Trump truly cared — not just that Shannon and three others had been killed in Syria, but about who Shannon and the three others were as people.” (NBC News)
Why the elitist really hate the President
But when we say actions speak louder than words, we have to understand one of the major reasons the ruling elite really hates this President, and that’s because this President is willing to call out endless wars. See the one thing from The Atlantic article that is believable, is when they quote the President saying what was it worth.
We have had feckless leaders in both parties and throughout the military hierarchy that no longer fights wars to win. They want us engaged in endless conflict. It’s something Lt. Col. Shaffer and I discussed on last week’s podcast episode.
Think about all of the endless engagements we have had over the last 20 years, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Nigeria, and other places.
There were no realistic or attainable military goals. No real plans and no way to really define victory.
President Trump understands that when you need to use force, you have to project strength and destroy the enemy. If you’re not willing to do that, then don’t put the troops in harm’s way. Unfortunately, the ruling elite doesn’t necessarily care about the troops. To them, it’s just another statistic. To them, it’s more important for the ruling elite to maintain their power, and what better way to do that than by providing ever-growing, multi-billion-dollar contracts to the military-industrial complex.
To this President, you use decisive force only when absolutely necessary. Hopefully, the era of endless wars costing thousands of lives and trillions of dollars is ending.
But getting back to the point. The Atlantic story illustrates the utter contempt they have for this President. Understand that even though Donald Trump is President of the United States, and even though he’s a billionaire, he was never really accepted by the ruling elite. Maybe he wasn’t viewed as part of the peasant class, but they certainly look at him as if he is from the island of the misfits, and that’s what they hate.
President Trump should never have been elected to the presidency. He’s a misfit, and you the peasant class put him there. It reminds me of when the press was openly mocking the President for eating fast food. Here’s a billionaire who enjoys Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and KFC. They went on segment after segment making fun of him and his health.
What the idiots couldn’t and didn’t realize because they are trapped in their elitist bubbles, is that not everyone eats walnut, cranberry arugula salads. Most Americans eat fast food at least once a month and sometimes more. So, when they are mocking the President for eating fast food, they think they are just making fun of the President, but who are they really mocking?
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You can not dispute the double standards that exist. You cannot dispute that there are two sets of rules- one for the ruling class where they can do what they want when they want. And another set of rules for us where we must obey and comply with the decrees of the ruling elite.
It’s time to pushback and remind the elected officials that they serve us, not the other way around. They work for us, and we are the ones with power. It’s time to remind the media industrial complex that if we change the channel, they are finished as well.
We need to call these people out. Most importantly, we need to hold them accountable. We need to vote them out of office. Everyone talks about term limits, how’s about we do that through the power of voting. If the powers that be abuse their power, it is incumbent upon us to stand up.
That’s enough ranting for now.
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As always, thank you for joining me. I have a great guest coming in next week and I may take on this idea of critical race theory next week so make sure you tune in. Believe me, it’s going to be fun. Until then, stay safe and I’ll be back next week.
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