Episode 139 Show Notes- The State of Emergency in the American Political System
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Episode Description
It’s time to declare a State of Emergency when it comes to American politics as we are witnessing a toxic political environment that’s unsustainable. In one of the most important P.A.S. Report, Professor Giordano discusses last week’s events at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Listen as he explains how we got to this point and where we go from here. Fear, anger, and emotion are driving our current state of politics. Too many people retreat to their ideological dens and fall victim by only seeking information that tells us what we want to hear, rather than what we need to hear. Extremism is born in this type of environment and the current path will only lead to radicalization. We will face much darker times ahead if we do not change course.
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Show Transcript- 🚨 The State of Emergency in the American Political System 🚨
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Today I was going to release an interview I did with former CIA Officer Mike Baker. That was before the events of last week. There is no other way to put it. Last week was a shit show.
But I feel the truth in a time of lies, false information, and deception, are essential. Truth is more important now than ever before.
So, I am moving the Mike Baker interview episode to Wednesday because I feel it is vital to address what happened last week. There is a lot of misinformation going on, and there is a lot of people using last week’s events for political purposes, but this is not the time for the routine politics we see on a regular basis.
There is something much deeper going on, and I want to break it down for you. It’s vital that you understand how we got to this point, but it’s more important to understand where we go from here because the current path is unsustainable, and we are currently in a State of Emergency.
So, here is how this episode will flow. First, I’m going to discuss the events at the Capitol Building and in Washington, D.C. last week. Then I’ll shift to how we got to this point, and trust me, you are going to want to hear what I have to say because I give it to you straight. I’ll also offer perspective to last week’s events. Finally, I’ll wrap up by focusing on where we go from here, one path towards the direction of normalcy and the other towards radicalization, chaos, and dark times.
This is perhaps the most important episode I’ve done, and I think I may piss off just about everyone in this episode, but it’s an episode everyone needs to hear, particularly our elected officials so I encourage you to send it to them.
Before I break this all down, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Capitol Building
Last Wednesday was a complete and utter disaster. It started off fine. However, once people marched over to the Capitol Building things headed south pretty quickly, and that happens in volatile situations. Now, right off the bat, I’m shocked at the lack of security that we witnessed. What would have happened if you had well-trained paramilitary agents that embedded themselves. It could have been a disaster but getting back to my point.
From my estimates, you had about 50-75 individuals who decided to break windows and enter the Capitol Building. From there, property was damaged, some police officers were assaulted, and a young lady, a 14-year veteran of the military was shot dead, Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by Capitol Police.
We also saw tear gas being used, and there were scuffles with police officers throughout the day. Anyone who engaged in any of this activity. Anyone caught damaging property, assaulting people and police officers, violating laws, should be held accountable. There are no excuses for this behavior. You had hundreds of thousands of patriots down there who were protesting peacefully. They’re the ones that should be the angriest because the entire movement has been tarnished because of 100 clowns. 100 radicals.
Engaging in Antifa like tactics gets us nowhere. In fact, it just sets us back and these tactics overshadow the legitimate grievances of the other people who were down there protesting.
Understand that those who chose to engage in these types of activities are adults and they made a decision. They are responsible for their own actions. They are the ones who need to be held accountable, and they are not reflective of the millions that supported President Trump and the other people down there protesting.
Personal responsibility is an important component of the American identity, and those engaged in this activity, need to be prosecuted and punished. No excuses. These were not patriots, they were anarchists.
Sadly, there are some that want to condone or make excuses for what took place, and I am going to put what happened in perspective because the coverage is way over the top, but there are no excuses. And excusing this type of behavior only emboldens and enables others. There are some that are saying Antifa instigated it, and I don’t doubt that, but it doesn’t absolve the Trump supporters who engaged in that activity.
In fact, given the left’s control on the narrative, it’s doubly important we conduct ourselves and hold ourselves to a higher standard because when someone on the fringe right does something, the media, and others, will attempt to smear every single Republican and Conservative with a broad brush.
Not for nothing, but in 2020 we witnessed protests for months on end. We witnessed many of those protests devolve into riots. We watched and criticized as monuments were being destroyed, stores were being looted. Buildings were being set on fire, including police departments and police cars. We witnessed people being brutally assaulted. We witnessed people being murdered.
I did several episodes on it where I covered race relations. Where I clearly stated I support the idea of Black Lives Matter, and I explained why I reject the Black Lives Matter organization. I called out the media and the Democrat enablers who were silent on the violence we were witnessing, and knowingly presenting a false narrative.
I stated my support of peaceful protests. However, I harshly criticized those engaged in these activities. I criticized the protest organizers and explained that it is incumbent on the protest organizers to make sure the people stay in line. To make sure the protestors don’t engage in violent activities. That once violent activities begin, the protests end.
So, it really gets me aggravated when I hear some try to make excuses for what took place. Be consistent. If it was wrong then, it’s wrong now. Again, no excuses. If you criticized the protests over the summer, be consistent. Consistency matters.
And for the media, the political class, and the virtue signalers out there. The ones who ignored the violence over the summer. The ones who justified it and some even encouraged it. The ones who raised money and donated to bail people out. The ones who ignored the deaths of people like David Dorn. You don’t get to say a damn thing now. You don’t get to preach to anyone. You have abdicated your right to criticize anyone, and you are just making the situation worse.
I hear people are complaining it’s not fair. That there are double standards. That there’s hypocrisy. Guess what? Life isn’t fair. I’ve been pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy for the last ten years, and just wait because I’m going to destroy the media and the politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, in a few minutes.
But do you think any of that matters? Do you think it makes this situation any better or justifies it in any way?
What I saw was disgusting. It was not representative of America, especially Republicans and Conservatives. We don’t act like that. We are better than that. I am sick of hearing well the left does it. So, what!
If your kid does something wrong, and tells you, “Well Timmy did it first.” Children constantly use the excuse that others were engaged in the same behavior, and as parents, it’s our job to discipline the child. We don’t accept bad behavior just because others engage in it. Once again, just use logic.
Five people are dead, including 30-something-year-old military veteran, Ashli Babbitt, and Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. And for what? What was gained?
You know something, on last Monday’s episode, I ended the show by asking the question, “what would have been accomplished,” and so I ask it again. What has been accomplished? The answer is pretty simple. Nothing. In fact, all this did was set us back, and now you have the political vultures trying to use this to take advantage, and I’m going to get to those folks.
With all that being said, it is important to put things in perspective. This was not a planned and coordinated all-out assault on our government. There were no sustained attacks day after day. They didn’t burn down or blow up the Capitol Building.
It was a bunch of radicals that committed criminal acts and need to be prosecuted. It’s not an insurrection like the media is trying to portray it as. This was one incident over the course of an hour. It’s concerning, but we need to stop with the 9/11 comparisons. We need to stop with Pearl Harbor comparisons. We need to stop making this incident bigger than it really is.
If it was a coordinated sustained attack, it would be different, but it’s not. The reaction has been way over the top and just adds fuel to the fire. And I’m going to provide a stark warning about radicalization and terrorism because if you created a playbook on why terrorist organizations form and how to radicalize people, you would follow these exact steps.
Blaming President Trump for all this is too simplistic and doesn’t meet the reality. Sure, it’s the easy thing to do, but we are ignoring over 20 years of what got us to this point. And thinking by just erasing the President from all platforms, that all this goes away is naïve and dangerous.
A fire is burning, and this is not a moment when politicians, pundits, and the media class should be using this crisis to advance a political agenda. This is going to end badly if we continue down this path.
I wish we would see this level of anger directed towards the communist regime of China that’s stolen hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate espionage, and because of their lies, they’ve allowed the coronavirus to spread around the world ravaging our economy, upending our lives and our livelihoods. Wouldn’t that be nice?
How We Got Here
With that being said, we need to examine how we got here because if we want to prevent it from getting worse, we have to understand how we got to this point. Now the problem really goes back a couple of decades ago, but I’m going to scratch the surface.
Before I get to the media and the politicians, I’m going to start with my personal experiences and observations.
Beware of the Lies & Don’t Only Seek Out Information that Supports Your Political Beliefs
But we need to face reality. We need to stop lying to ourselves, and this isn’t mutually exclusive to any one political party or ideology. Part of the reason we are in this position today is that we exist in echo chambers. We only seek out information that validates our political beliefs. We would rather people tell us what we want to hear, instead of what we need to hear.
Social media has only exacerbated this problem, and I think they are a big part of the problem (more on that later as well). But I am constantly warning my student’s not to fall for this. Well, it’s beyond the breaking point. The second we hear something that we don’t like or agree with, we immediately cut the connection. I’ve witnessed this firsthand.
In fact, I can guarantee you some people have already stopped listening to this episode because they are upset that I’m criticizing them for trying to make excuses for what took place last Wednesday. I’m sure they unfollowed me too. And that’s fine. If you can’t take criticism, then don’t listen, but I will never compromise my belief system in order to be well-liked. It’s a thing called character. A trait called integrity.
I’m always going to be honest with my thoughts, observations, and opinions, and I’m not going to say or do something that runs counter to my beliefs just to get more listeners, likes, or clicks. I can give a shit about that. But I’m going to provide you with specific examples of what I mean.
On November 11th, I had to give a speech providing analysis on the election. Now, I have given a speech to this organization many, many times, and most of the audience is receptive, and they still were. But there were a few audience members who were hostile and began to shout me down. It was interesting because the people that were shouting me down are the same where we agree on most of the issues, and what direction we want to see this country headed in.
So why would they shout me down? Well, apparently, they weren’t happy with the analysis I was providing. They didn’t like how I gave President Trump low chances of overturning election results. They didn’t like that I was being honest. They expected me to come out and say the President will overcome the odds and remain in office. I think I gave the President a 10 or 20% chance of succeeding. A few of the people there were saying that I was being too negative, or I was wrong.
Another example was how some were unhappy with last Monday’s episode. They weren’t happy when I said the objections won’t work. They weren’t happy when I said the Vice President isn’t going to simply ignore the electoral college votes from the controversial states. They weren’t happy when I said the Vice President doesn’t have the Constitutional power to singlehandedly determine who the President is. They weren’t happy with facing the fact that Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President of the United States.
But the reality is, I brought you the truth. I’ve been honest this whole time. For the last several months, in fact, since I started this podcast, I always told you that this country is bigger than one person and one office. During the election, I said the election is bigger than President Trump and Joe Biden. And it still is. I don’t know why people don’t see that.
If we only seek out information that tells us what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear, this problem will only get worse and be prepared for a lifetime of disappointment.
There were so many people who lied to you. Who gave you a false sense of hope? They told you Vice President Pence wasn’t going to count electoral votes. They told you the objections would succeed because it goes by state delegation vote rather than by a majority of members vote. They told you that all this evidence is going to come out exposing everything and that people are going to go to jail.
Now you all know where I stand on this election. I’ve called out the media for suppressing information. I called out big tech for censoring information. I called out mail-in-voting. I called out the fraud, but I was always careful to say we won’t know the extent of the fraud until an investigation, a real investigation, is done.
When all the election fraud claims were coming out, I called on Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, and others to release the evidence they have. I said you have to win in the courts and the court of public opinion. Many pushed back and said you don’t reveal the evidence to the public. Many said that the evidence needs to be released in a court of law. That you don’t want to show your cards prior to the court hearings. Now I disagreed with that, and I stated so. You need to win the legal route, but you also need to win over public opinion.
Well, nearly every case has been thrown out so why hasn’t the evidence been released? Please, answer that for me. The second their cases were rejected by the courts, why didn’t they just throw it online especially given how overwhelming they said the evidence was? I’m not talking about the affidavits. Many of those can be found online. I’m talking about the hard-physical evidence that shows fraud and manipulation.
Now, some of you are going to say, they did release some of the evidence. That the evidence is overwhelming. You may point to Dominion Systems, you may talk about servers in Germany, Italian companies being involved, China, and other things. But understand, these things have never been confirmed. We’ve been told it, but we haven’t seen any official emails, documents, video, or audio recordings.
What makes this any different than when Democrats and the bureaucracy were screaming Russia, Russia, Russia? Basically, a bunch of people in the Democrat party, the media, and millions of ordinary Americans believed the bullshit of Russian collusion. They said it was true because that’s what they were told by the FBI, by intel officials, by members of Congress, as if these people wouldn’t lie. They said there’s tons of evidence, but when you would nail them down and ask what specific evidence exists, they couldn’t provide it. They had nothing.
Even if I feel something is true, I still need the evidence to back it up.
And we’re still seeing this today. It was just the other day Lin Wood put out a tweet about how he has concrete video and audio evidence of a global scheme where intelligence communities from around the globe are forcing politicians to engage in sex acts with kids, recording it, and then blackmailing those politicians. He talked about having an encryption key, and should anything happen to him, there are several people who will release the information.
Well, why doesn’t he just release the information now? If he really has proof of this. If he has audio and video, it’s something the media cannot ignore no matter how biased the press is. I mean come on now. I keep hearing there’s a grand plan. Good luck with that.
It’s getting frustrating because you have these people with enormous platforms, tons of followers, putting out some really salacious allegations. If they have the goods, put it out there. If not, then just be quiet because you are only making the situation worse.
I’ve seen the affidavit by an official in Italy alleging massive election fraud. The affidavit states that military-grade encryption was used to switch vote totals and change the election. The affidavit further states that the information is “secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched upon instruction to provide as evidence at court in this matter.”
Really, we are going to wait for the same courts, that rejected just about every single election challenge, we are going to wait until those courts take the case to present and release this evidence. And what happens when the court rejects hearing the case? Then we won’t hear about this evidence anymore. This brings me back to the speech I gave where I got shouted down. I stated then, while affidavits are important, you need physical evidence to back up the allegations. Affidavits don’t serve as a sole basis for evidence.
The Lack of Accountability
Another thing that got us to this point is the lack of accountability over the last 5 years and this has fueled so much of the anger and frustration. Just think about all the bureaucratic abuses that have taken place. I’m not going to rehash the Hillary Clinton email saga. But if you’re honest, you know that if anyone else had built a private email server to handle government work, and then deleted emails circumventing all archiving laws, you know damn well that any normal person would have been charged and prosecuted, and if you say that’s not true, you are only lying to yourself.
Also, think about how the bureaucracy tried to take down a duly elected President based on a false Russian collusion narrative. For 3-years, the country had to endure story after story, and in the end, it turned out there was no evidence of Russian collusion. We know policies and procedures were violated. We know the bureaucrats violated laws, yet who’s been held accountable? And one side completely accepts these abuses because it was against President Trump.
We heard accusation after accusation that Russia is blackmailing the President. President Trump is doing Russia and Putin’s bidding. President Trump committed treason because he criticized the intelligence community. Then we find out that one of the biggest Russian collusion hoaxers, Representative Eric Swalwell, was compromised and had a several year relationship with a Chinese agent. This is a fact, and what’s happened with Representative Swalwell? Well, nothing. He still is a member of the House. At last check, he still sits on the intelligence committee. He refuses to answer any questions, but it doesn’t really matter because the press won’t even ask questions.
We know that there were multiple criminal leaks in this administration from the very beginning. Whether it’s conversations with foreign leaders, internal White House deliberations, unmasking and leaking General Flynn’s name, and some of the President’s tax returns. Who’s been arrested? Who’s been charged or prosecuted?
We have witnessed the complete weaponization of our bureaucracy for political purposes, and that’s a disaster.
Let’s imagine people were held accountable. Do you think what happened last Wednesday would have occurred? The answer is most likely not. If people were held accountable, people would have faith in the system. They would trust the process.
Take the Coronavirus. People have had their lives upended. Many have spent months on lockdowns. The government has determined who’s essential and who’s not. And when anyone questions the lockdowns, the economic devastation, the negative impact, they are told to shut up. They are shamed that it’s all about saving lives. Well, if you are still getting a paycheck. If you’re still able to put food on the table. If you come from a trouble-free household. It’s easy to tell people to shut up, obey, and it’s all about saving lives.
But the coronavirus really epitomizes how we got to this point and is reflective of a much bigger problem. While the politicians dictate to use what we can and cannot do. When they push unconstitutional decrees limiting our ability to exercise our God-given liberties, and then these same jackasses repeatedly violate their own decrees. The politicians have grown out of touch with the people they have sworn to serve.
Being Ignored & Marginalized
And this is one of the biggest parts of the problem. We don’t acknowledge or understand each other. We marginalize each other, and the media and the political class completely ignore entire segments of society and the legitimate grievances they have. They dictate to us what we should do, and they do the exact opposite.
And the more that democrats and republicans ignore the constituents they swore to serve, the greater the chance a political reckoning is coming.
When the Black Lives Matter protests started with the death of George Floyd, I discussed how it’s important to listen to the black communities. I stated up front that I don’t support the Black Lives Matter organization. That they are a communist/Marxist organization, but I also stated I had no problem with saying Black Lives Matter and we need to listen to the ordinary Americans and understand how and why they feel the way they do.
I had conversations with Black community leaders and ordinary Black Americans. I listened. I didn’t dictate or tell them how to feel. I obviously criticized the violence that broke out, and I warned that the violence would marginalize the movement as we always paint broad brushes like we are currently witnessing.
But I called for Republicans to go into the communities they long ignored. I explained that they should be asking what the black communities’ biggest concerns are, and I explained that they need to listen, not dictate what republicans or democrats think is in their best interests. People are smart enough to know what’s in their interest.
The same holds true for the 75-million Americans who supported President Trump. You know, never once did I hear anyone in the liberal media establishments, the left, or the establishment republicans and democrats, ask the question, why do Americans support this man?
They never ask that. They never try to understand. Instead, they call it a cult, which illustrates exactly what I’m talking about. It’s easy to label Trump supporters and marginalize them as cult-like, rather than reflect inwards and realize that the media and the political parties are what created President Trump.
The MAGA or American First movement, whatever you want to call it, consists of a wide array of philosophies from all different political spectrums. That’s the exact opposite of the cult. Some like the way the President is brash and in your face. They enjoy the combative style of someone they believe is fighting for them. They like the personality. Then there are others that despise the personality but like the policies. They like an American First agenda. They are tired of endless wars. They are tired of jobs being shipped overseas. They are tired of the elected officials putting everyone else’s interest before the interests of the people they swore to serve. Then you have others that supported him simply because he wasn’t a politician. They aren’t really political, but they are sick and tired of the ways of Washington.
So, it’s far from a cult. The common link between all these people is they feel the two parties have abandoned them. That the corruption in Washington is so deep. The swamp is so toxic that we needed a change. The reason people gravitated to President Trump is that they were tired of being ignored. They were tired of losing jobs to foreign countries, and then being told to learn to code, and their jobs are never coming back.
They were tired of the condescension of the elite political and media class that looks down on the American people.
Once again, it’s not about Democrats or Republicans. Most of the politicians are one and the same regardless of political party. When you ignore the concerns of the people for so long, it’s natural they gravitate towards someone who shakes things up.
In normal election years, someone like President Trump wouldn’t have made it through the first set of primary states. Yet, in 2016, President Trump won the Republican nomination and the Presidency. The people had had enough, and it was a giant F you to the political class.
Yet, we still see the condescension. Like when Anderson Cooper mocked all the protesters in Washington, DC, and assumed they all eat at the Olive Garden and stay at Holiday Inn’s. he revealed what all these elites really think. It’s a class system. Understand when you hear references to the Olive Garden or smelly Walmart people, it’s a class thing.
It’s amazing because most of these politicians, both republicans and democrats, can’t stand the people that elected them, yet we keep reelecting them. Try and figure that one out.
The people have grown tired and resentful of the political class because the political class ignores them. Dismisses ordinary American’s concerns. When you actually think about it, there is not much difference in the treatment of those who peacefully protested over the summer and those who peacefully protested in Washington, D.C. They feel ignored. They feel slighted. They feel marginalized, and they are tired of it.
They are tired of being told to shut up and obey. They are tired of being told to fall in line. They are tired of how the politicians and the elite continually dismiss their concerns and their grievances. Where the elite downplays their importance. People are tired of it.
Do you think Wednesday would have happened if the political class came out and said we understand the frustration? We hear you. Instead, our political leaders continue to ignore us.
The Political Class
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. President Trump doesn’t have a way with words and he’s not articulate. There are some that appreciate his raw approach and telling you exactly what’s on his mind. But the way he speaks can leave a lot open to interpretation. Now as a New Yorker, I understand exactly what he means.
However, while many love the President’s approach, it’s also the reason that many despise him. It also gives plenty of opportunities for his opponents to attack and criticize him. Sometimes, the President can be his own worst enemy.
And the President’s speech prior to the march to the Capitol is an example. The President never told the protestors to march to the Capitol Building, storm it, and engage in violent behavior. He was at a rally, amped up his supporters, and told them to march to the Capitol Building and “We’re going to have to fight much harder. We are going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, congressmen and women, and we are probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you will never take back our country with weakness.”
Now that’s what the media is keying in on, and that rhetoric is certainly meant to amp up supporters. But we have to be honest, and there’s something the media and the Mitt Romney’s of the world haven’t told you. And it’s when the President also explicitly stated, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” They don’t tell you that part.
But there have been plenty of statements that he’s made over the years that can be considered controversial.
But we have to recognize that we’ve heard the same type of rhetoric from all sides. Speaker Pelosi is the second most powerful person in the United States. So, if we are going to say President Trump’s rhetoric is a problem, what about her calling the Republicans domestic enemies and enemies of the people. Why is that acceptable? What about Representative Maxine Waters telling crowds not to let Trump supporters rest, get in their faces, yell and scream. What about Cory Booker calling those who supported the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as complicit in evil. Or what about Governor Cuomo saying conservatives aren’t welcome in New York?
I mean, you want to talk about division, Joe Biden’s statement following the Capitol Building incident was extraordinarily divisive. Immediately playing the race card when race had nothing to do with it, and labeling Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. He said, “They weren’t protesters. Don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple,” He didn’t acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of people who were there protesting peacefully.
What happened to I’m not going to be a President for Red America or Blue America. I’m going to be a President for all Americans regardless of our differences? So much for that unity thing, I guess.
How is President-Elect Biden any different than President Trump? He could have had a real moment here. If he would have distinguished between the anarchists and all of the peaceful protestors. If he would have said that he understands, he hears them, and that they want to be heard, that would have done a world of good. If he acknowledged that the President’s supporters had some legitimate grievances, it could have made the world of difference.
And If we are going to create a political standard for rhetoric, then everyone has to be held to the same standard. You can’t just call out President Trump and then ignore what comes from the other side and vice versa. Personally, I don’t want a polished politician. We’ve had those for the last several decades and look at where it’s gotten us. I would rather the politician that tells me what they really believe rather than blow smoke and be a complete phony.
And now they are harping on the word insurrection. They keep throwing that out there. That’s not going to help the situation. As I said before, this is far from an insurrection. But if they keep harping on that, we just may see that. Sooner or later perception becomes the reality.
Demonizing Each Other
But it’s not just the political figures engaging in this type of rhetoric. We have to look internally as well. We have seen a complete breakdown in civility. We quickly resort to name-calling, and we demonize anyone who disagrees with us. We only seek out information that validates our opinions and political biases. We seek information that tells us what we want to hear, rather than what we need to hear.
Our system is a unique one and diversity of thought is essential. The more we retreat to our ideological dens, the more we are imprisoned and unable to relate to our fellow citizens. When we can’t do that, we turn vicious. We no longer see each other as human beings with different opinions. We begin cutting connections. We block them. We begin to dehumanize our opponents, and we begin to identify those with different political beliefs as evil.
And once again, this is not mutually exclusive to one party. People of all ideological orientations are doing this. But there’s a problem with that. When we all begin to identify each other as evil, there’s really nothing to debate. Because you can’t debate with evil. You don’t compromise with evil and just take some evil principles. You are supposed to destroy evil.
So we look at fellow citizens, who disagree on political issues, as enemies. Social media has amplified this and made the situation so much worse.
This is perhaps one of the biggest reasons we are in this position today. You know, I don’t mind when people call the media or politicians names. I constantly call them names. I constantly call them morons and idiots because they are. But I never attack ordinary people who disagree with me on political issues. They have every right to have their own opinions and political beliefs. You will never see me use the word DemonRats or evil to talk about democrats.
I don’t do this because it doesn’t do any good. It’s not going to win me the political argument. It’s not going to be helpful in any way, and it has the exact opposite effect. I also recognize that you can’t lump everyone into one group. There are progressive democrats, moderate democrats, blue dog democrats, just like republicans.
On Friday night we witnessed the Friday Night Digital Massacre, as companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter went on a censorship rampage completely disregarding the idea of free speech. So, this problem will only get worse. I have seen boatloads of people leave these platforms to go to alternative platforms where they will exist in echo chambers, only further validating their opinions, perceptions, and biases.
And while I believe we would be so much better off as a society if social media just went away, I like engaging with those that disagree with me. I know I am never going to persuade or change the mind of a hardcore leftist, but I do like engaging with moderate and blue dog democrats where we can find common ground, or where they would at least understand my point-of-view. I do like to engage with people who aren’t really that political and may just be seeking information.
Unfortunately, we encourage people to be closed-minded and not to associate with anyone that deviates from a particular narrative. This is doomed to fail and fuels an entire society to have a groupthink like mentality.
This leads me to labeling, and this is mostly coming from the left. You can’t deem speech you disagree with as hate speech no matter how hard you try. This is America. People are entitled to their opinions, and you are free to disagree with their opinions. Unfortunately, over the last several years we have seen labels being lobbed around, not because they are true, but because they are used to silence and marginalize political opponents.
Not everything is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, or any other label you can think of. If I’m talking about Islamic terrorism, I am not impugning Islam or Muslims. I am talking about terrorism that is steeped in a specific ideology. If I call for stricter immigration laws, that’s not being racist. It’s recognizing that as a nation-state we have the right to determine who comes into our country through a legal process.
What do you think happens when you constantly declare everyone racist, xenophobic, or misogynist? By isolating and instilling fear due to these labels, anger, resentment, and frustration continue to build. You can’t use labels to bludgeon your political opponents because once again it leads to hate and resentment.
This problem has grown far worse over the years and has now morphed into a cancel culture. It’s not enough to label someone, now you want to destroy their lives and livelihoods. You harass them. You try to get them fired. You assassinate their character. Again, what do you think is going to happen? Do you think that really ends well? And do you want to live in a society where you watch everything you say or do because of the fear that you’ll be destroyed?
To those who engage in the labels and cancel culture, while you may think it’s a good idea today, what happens when they come for you? Do you really believe your safe? Don’t be delusional telling yourself it would never happen to you because you’re on the right side of the issues. Believe me, issues change, politics change, and power shifts. One day you’ll find yourself on the receiving end all because you justified and engaged in these activities.
The Media
The media is also one of the biggest problems we have. Rather than be purveyors of the news where we can trust the information they are providing; they have become political organizations pushing an agenda. And I’m not talking about the Rachel Maddow’s or the Tucker Carlson’s. They clearly state they are opinion shows that talk about news and are based on opinion and entertainment. They are straightforward. It’s the hard news people that present themselves as honest brokers but are nothing more than political hacks. People like Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, people like Jim Acosta in the White House press corp., and others who claim their straight news.
This has led to the growing hate we see. Day after day, night after night, most of these idiots don’t report based on fact. They report based on opinion with little to no facts peppered in. They determine how to advance an agenda rather than bring us information to make us an informed citizenry.
Once again, just do a little research to see how many stories have had to been retracted or corrected over the last 4 years, and you will find that it’s more than the last 20 years combined. Even the other day someone from CNN said while the press has been hard on President Trump when it comes to Russia, and that while the President said nice things about Putin, this administration has implemented some of the harshest policies on Russia in the last 30-years. Well, wouldn’t it have been nice if they incorporated that into their reporting over the last four years as they were accusing the President of being a Russian agent?
The media is a big reason for where we are today. They are highly irresponsible. Even worse is that they don’t even realize it. They are out of touch with reality, like most of Washington, and exist within the elite social circles and the New York, Los Angeles, and Washington DC bubbles.
Where We Go From Here- Two Paths
I get the anger and frustration out there. I understand it. I feel it myself. And I warned about the growing anger and resentment months ago. So, where do we go from here? Realistically there are only two paths.
We can either recognize the fire that’s burning. The State of Emergency we are currently in, and we can work together to extinguish that fire. The option is to continue to go down this dark path that got us to this point in the first place. We can continue doing what we’re doing, and I will guarantee that in the end, we all lose regardless of political ideology.
The Current Response is Not Working & Fosters Extremism
And I want to focus on the dark path we’re headed down because it appears that’s what the elites want. It’s what the media wants, and it’s what the political class, many from the democrat and republican establishment, want.
So what do I mean by that? Well, look at what happened last Wednesday at the Capitol Building, and look at the response since then. The elites have savaged President Trump, but more importantly, they have savaged his supporters. Never once did they acknowledge the hundreds of thousands that were there peacefully protesting. President-Elect Joe Biden used the term domestic enemies, and since then others have followed suit.
They have called for cleansing in our society. A purge of the America First ideology. They are moving with lightning speed to redefine what dissent is and classify anyone who dissents as domestic enemies.
Instead, they have decided to erase the President. They want to invoke the 25th Amendment. They want to impeach the President. They banned him from social media like Twitter and Facebook. There’s talk about prosecuting him when he leaves office. See, these idiots don’t realize that what they’re doing it’s going to have the opposite effect. These idiots believe that if they make it as if President Trump doesn’t exist if they erase him from the spotlight, they believe that 75-million Americans will just disappear, and everything will be normal.
But they are playing a dangerous game and they are too dumb to see what’s right in front of them. They need to just stop immediately because we will face a dark future, only that future isn’t that far ahead. It’s right around the corner.
I’ve studied terrorism extensively. I’ve given dozens of lectures on terrorism. And if you wanted to write a playbook on how terrorism forms, what creates extremists, and how to radicalize people, you would do exactly what’s being done now. That’s the scary part. These morons are creating the next Timothy McVeigh and they don’t even see it, and when something happens, they’ll say they’re shocked. They can’t believe it. They will take no personal responsibility in leading us to this moment.
It’s ironic that the person they despise so much. The person they blame for everything. Well, they are no different and no better. In fact, they go far beyond what the President even does. Consider that the President has been called a dictator for the last four years, yet in an instant, he was banned from platforms and isolated from everything. That’s a pretty powerless dictator.
But we are currently witnessing a perfect storm to see an explosion of violence we haven’t witnessed in quite some time and it will be perilous.
Stop Calling for Civil War and Revolution
And we also have to tone it down. I’m seeing a lot of talk about a civil war, a new revolution. It’s not just coming from the right. It’s coming from the left as well. To everyone out there, what do you think is going to happen if we engage in Civil War.
Most of these people speaking this crap have never seen the battlefield. They don’t know the horrors of war. They may be soldiers in their own mind, but once on a battlefield, it isn’t pretty.
And how is this so-called civil war going to work? It’s not like there’s a north-south divide. It doesn’t matter if you’re from a red state or a blue state. Every community, every block is filled with republicans and democrats, conservatives, and progressives. So, are we going to engage in urban warfare on every block going house to house? Are we really going to war with our neighbors who we’ve spoken to, shared a beer with, raised families together, socialized with, and became friends?
Have you really thought about how all this works? Are you prepared for civil society to collapse? Are you prepared for every day being like the 4th of July, only it’s not fireworks, its mortars dropping on our homes, our buildings, our businesses?
This is not something that would be a two-week engagement and then everything returns to normal. Do you realize that if civil war erupts, it’s a war that will last for years? A war where we will live in absolute and utter chaos and destruction. Are you prepared for that?
It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior and call for a revolution. It’s much different to be a warrior in the trenches serving on the frontlines.
So be careful what you are wishing for because I can guarantee we will regret it. I can guarantee, there will be no winners. We all lose regardless of political ideology.
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It’s because I’m a student of history. It’s because I understand government, politics, and human nature. It’s because I’m aware of how quickly we can destroy ourselves, that I’m going to go for the path that extinguishes the current fire.
We need to recognize that whether we like it or not, we are all in this together. We have to coexist with each other. That it’s not like we can just get a simple divorce and go live our lives. It’s much more complex than that.
All sides need to tone down their rhetoric. The first thing we need to do is recognize we are all in this together. The second thing we need to do is to understand the proper role of government and politics. Our political leaders should start acting like leaders. I know Democrats don’t believe massive fraud occurred in the election, and they don’t believe the bureaucracy abused its power.
Well one of the things that could go a long way to ease tensions is if two independent commissions are put together to examine the questions of electoral fraud and ways to strengthen the electoral process. And another commission to do a top to bottom review of the abuses of power within the bureaucracy and reforms to strengthen and prevent abuses going forward. This would be a step in the right direction, and when Congress mandates these commissions, it should expressly state that when the commission is done, Congress will take a vote on each and every one of the recommendations.
All sides need to realize that an all-consuming, all-powerful government has the seeds of destruction sewn into it. Sooner or later it destroys and devastates societies regardless of political ideology. Limiting the power of government is necessary to preserve the future of the Republic.
Another thing we can do to fix the problems we are currently witnessing is to introduce term limits for politicians. This would dramatically reduce partisanship and corruption, and I think that most ordinary Americans, no matter what side of the political aisle, would agree. I believe support for this would be huge. We need to push our members of Congress to introduce and support this legislation immediately. And if they don’t, we should immediately begin the process of a Convention of States for the sole purpose of introducing term-limits.
See, let’s start with things we can agree on before tackling the more controversial issues. If we can work on the areas we agree on and have common ground, it would go a long way in building trust between rational people.
More importantly, by doing the two things I just mentioned, the commissions and the term limits, it will begin to restore faith and credibility into the system.
There are more steps we can take, but I think I took enough of your time today. We are in dangerous times, and it’s important we don’t choose the wrong path or we will all be screwed, and we will quickly regret it.
I have faith in the American system. I have faith in the Constitution. And while I don’t have faith in the media, among the elites, and the political class, I do have faith in the American people. Understand that the politicians aren’t going to be the ones to choose our destiny. That job is ours. We faced challenging times before, and we were able to overcome them. Let’s show we can overcome this as well.
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