Episode 180 Show Notes- The Truth About Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Critical Race Theory
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A lot of attention has been paid to Critical Race Theory, and there has been a lot of talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, DEI, but many fail to understand what exactly the intersectionality of the two are. When examining these concepts, should we use the DEI acronym or should it really be called Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, DIE as it’s referred to by Dr. Gad Saad and Dr. Jordan Peterson? This episode will focus on real truths as so many try to play verbal gymnastics when it comes to these concepts. Professor Giordano will also explain how these concepts tie in with cultural Marxism.
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Show Transcript- The Truth About Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Critical Race Theory
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Over the course of the last few months, there has been a lot of talk about the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT), and what the left commonly refers to as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, also known as DEI.
Now many of the people pushing these concepts will say these are two separate things. However, once again, this is the leftist attempt o play verbal gymnastics. These concepts have infected every aspect of our and serve as nothing but poison to our society. They’re toxic.
It’s why I’m not going to call it diversity, equity, and inclusion. Instead, I’m going to refer to it the way Dr. Gad Saad and Dr. Jordan Peterson do because they are 100% right. They call it diversity, inclusion, and equity. There is a very important reason they change the order of the words. By keeping the original order, the acronym is DEI. By changing the order, the acronym becomes DIE.
As Dr. Saad and Dr. Peterson say, the reason they change the acronym to DIE is that all societies who push this nonsense will ultimately die.
This episode is really important because, in order to push back against this, you need to know exactly what’s going on. You need to know who’s pushing this and why. You need to know what these concepts entail and why they’re flawed. More importantly, you need to know how critical race theory and the concept of diversity, inclusion, and equity tie directly into cultural Marxism.
Only when you have the knowledge about these concepts can you begin to effectively push back.
Before I break it all down, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and make sure to follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Investigation into Wuhan Bio Lab
Before I get into the main topic of today, I want to briefly bring up the controversy that’s been ongoing for the last week and a half. More and more media outlets are now talking about the potential origins of the coronavirus, which may, in fact, have come from the Wuhan Lab.
Now, this is a remarkable turn of events. Consider that a year ago, anyone who even whispered hints that the virus may have come from the Wuhan Lab was quickly demonized as a xenophobic conspiracy theorist. In fact, the propaganda media industrial complex, the so-called experts, big tech, and many politicians worked overtime to discredit this theory.
It made no sense at all, and we have to ask the question, why were they so intent on protecting the communist regime of China. After all, when you have a coronavirus outbreak, and there is a bio lab at the epicenter of the outbreak that works on and manipulates coronavirus samples, you’d think that’s the first place you focus your attention on.
That’s just common sense, especially considering in February of last year, as the virus was running rampant throughout Wuhan, the communist officials held an emergency meeting on biosecurity at laboratories and released a directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.” (NY Post) That’s pretty compelling, and always remember, when it comes to government and politics, there are no coincidences.
But something else happened that didn’t receive much attention, although, to their credit, CNN did report it. Apparently, former President Trump and former Secretary of State Pompeo launched an investigation into the Wuhan Bio Lab, and whether a lab leak was possible. Now, this investigation was in the advanced stages, and those involved stated that serious questions exist.
The investigation was being conducted by the State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control and Verification and Compliance (AVC). (The Hill) You would think this is a pretty important investigation that could have profound impacts. We need to know how this virus originated, where it came from, and what did Chinese communist officials know and when. These are all legitimate questions.
However, a week ago, CNN announced that the Biden administration terminated this investigation. The question is why? There are two excuses being used. The first is that the probe was political in nature and designed to blame China for the pandemic. Now, this is mindboggling. If it’s proven that the coronavirus originated in the Wuhan Lab, why wouldn’t it be China’s fault? In fact, regardless of whether it leaked out of the Lab or not is irrelevant. We know that had the communist officials not lied, that the coronavirus would have been 96% contained to Wuhan. Either way, they need to take responsibility.
The second excuse was provided directly from the Biden administration, and they stated that the probe and the investigative team issued their report. I don’t buy into that though. First off, if the probe has concluded, why not release the report to the public. Given everything the American people have had to endure over the last year and a half, the sacrifices we’ve had to make, we have a right to know what’s in this report.
But the real reason I don’t buy this excuse at all is that the Biden administration has announced that it has ordered a new inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus conducted by the intelligence community. Here’s my problem with that. First, why would a new inquiry be necessary? Does it make sense to sideline those who have already been investigating this and have made headway? The Biden administration would respond that this new inquiry would build upon what the previous investigation found, but why would you sideline those who have the most knowledge? It doesn’t make any sense.
Secondly, and more importantly, a more profound question is raised. The coronavirus has devastated our country. It’s changed our way of life, and the government usurped an enormous amount of authority pushing the boundaries of our Constitutional liberties. The fact that our intelligence community doesn’t have a definitive answer at this point is astonishing. What the hell have they been doing for the last year and a half? This should have been priority number one given how it has ravaged countries throughout the world, and its significant impact on our hegemony.
Sorry, but none of this makes sense, and I will continue to follow this story.
Who’s Pushing CRT and Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Alright, getting to the concept of CRT and DIE. The first thing I want to break down is who’s pushing these toxic theories because understanding the different types of individuals involved is essential to pushing back against this poison.
The first group of people is the feckless officials who are doing it because they believe it will advance their careers either within civil service or public office or both. They believe it’s popular with their base and will strengthen their support. Many of these people are doing it for the sole purpose of power and could care less one way or the other about the actual issue. These people are dangerous and use the divide and conquer strategy in their quest for power. They don’t care how destructive these theories are as long as the ends justify the means.
Those Looking to Enrich Themselves
The next group of people involved is those looking to exploit race in order to get rich. This is a big-money industry, and I always find it shocking how not a single conservative news outlet has actually done investigative journalism looking into where this money is going and who are the ones enriching themselves by pushing this poison. I would love to do the research, but I simply don’t have the time, money, or resources to do such a large-scale investigation. I’m simply a one-man operation here at The P.A.S. Report.
But understand, there is big money in this industry. It’s a billion-dollar industry. More importantly, think about the business model for a second. We’ve made great advances in race since the Civil Rights era, and while racism does exist to a degree, it has been marginalized to a large degree. Where systemic racism used to be prevalent within government and our policies, this has changed dramatically.
Now if these racial hustlers were to admit the enormous gains we’ve made when it comes to race relations and racism within society, they would be out of business. It’s in their interest to push racism, and by saying people are inherently born racist, and that those same people have control over the levers of power, well, guess what? You have a never-ending business model. Over the last several years, these people have exploited race in order to make tons of money. In fact, they’ve exploited it so well that there is a hell of a lot of people today who think racism is a worse problem today than it was 40, 50, 60-years ago. It’s quite genius when you think about it, and if it wasn’t so destructive and toxic, I would actually admire them for their business savviness.
Ordinary People
The next group of people is your genuinely good people who believe they are embarking on a noble endeavor. These people don’t push this crap out of malice or ill-intent. Instead, they push it because they feel certain groups got a raw deal, and it’s up to society to reflect, educate itself, and take corrective action for our past sins. I generally don’t have a problem with these folks. Their heart is in the right place, and they aren’t pushing these theories for destructive purposes or to make a quick buck. I would simply advise them to think about the long-term ramifications of pushing this. They would be better served by incorporating minority contributions to the United States and our founding, rather than tearing it down.
The Virtue Signalers/Moral Holy Warriors
The next group is people I truly despise because they are so pathetic. These are your public virtue signalers and the moral holy warriors. They believe they’re better than everyone else. That they’re enlightened. These are your elitists, and they’re the biggest tools.
These self-righteous morons go on social media proudly pronouncing their privilege and white entitlement. They’ll accuse anyone who dissents as racist. They scream from their ivory towers how they stand in solidarity with the oppressed. And for every social media post they put out exclaiming they’re on the side of justice or every protest they show up at, they pat themselves on the back. See, it’s all about them, not the disadvantaged. They are narcissists who lack something within themselves and feel that they have to be validated.
Understand, they really could care less about the disadvantaged communities. These are the same people that would walk in a different direction and avoid eye contact at all costs if they encountered normal people, and they would be the first ones to call the cops if they see a suspicious person in their neighborhood just because of that person’s skin color.
Like I’ve stated on previous occasions if you really believe that you are privileged because of the color of your skin. If you really believe that your success is dependent on “white entitlement culture,” then shut your mouth, and give 50% of what you own and 50% of your paycheck each week to those who have been oppressed. Of course, none of these virtue signalers ever take me up on this challenge.
At the very least, become a big brother or a big sister. Go into these neighborhoods and mentor those in disadvantaged communities. Instead of constantly tweeting how you get it because you acknowledge your privilege, then do something to help those you feel you oppressed. If you couldn’t tell, I really can’t stand these people. They make it all about themselves and are extreme narcissists.
The Cultural Marxists
But the last group is the most dangerous of all. These are the Cultural Marxists. In order to understand cultural Marxism, you need to understand Marxism. Marxism is the theory that capitalism is exploitative, corrupt, and morally bankrupt. All societal problems stem from the class struggle, and this struggle infects all aspects of society including social relations, political institutions, legal institutions, and more.
In order to have a more just and equitable society, it is necessary for the working class, who produce the goods and services, to revolt against the minority who own the means of production. Once this occurs, the class struggle is eliminated thereby eliminating the struggles within all institutions through a system of Communism. To Marxists, only communism can manifest a just and equitable society.
Now the push for communism has always failed in the United States. The reason it failed is fairly simple. It’s because we are a society built on the idea of self-reliance and personal responsibility. That we are in charge of our own destinies, and we have the right to pursue happiness. Through meritocracy and a little luck, we can move up within society. Hard work equals raises and promotions. Raises and promotions equal being better able to take care of our families. It’s why, here in America, every generation usually lives a better life than the previous generation. It’s also why we’ve roundly rejected communism.
Since the worker revolt never happened, many evolved their tactics. If they can’t usher in communism through a worker revolt, how else may they be able to achieve their goals of a communist society, and that’s where cultural Marxism is created. Understand, that Karl Marx never really focused on race. It was a class struggle.
Given that class warfare hasn’t been successful in the United States, you have to find something else to divide society on, and so they use racial divisions as a means to an end.
Interestingly enough, when you do an internet search on what is cultural Marxism, you won’t get any type of explanation unless you really dig deep. In fact, most websites will say that cultural Marxism is a far-right conspiracy theory. They say there is no basis in fact, and it’s part of a white supremacist ideology. Remember, the episode I did last week and how the leftists use the phrase conspiracy theory to shape narratives and discredit those they disagree with.
Cultural Marxism is real, and it has nothing to do with antisemitism, bankers, and the Illuminati. The left tries to throw that in to discredit and silence any talk of cultural Marxism.
Cultural Marxists also believe that capitalism and Western society is exploitative, corrupt, and morally bankrupt, and to remedy these flaws, communism is necessary. Where they differ is the tactics. Original Marxists tried to usher in communism through the class struggle and the working-class revolt.
Cultural Marxists have realized these efforts failed and so they need to evolve their tactics. Rather than the class struggle, they use the racial struggle in an effort to divide and destroy Western society. They use race as a weapon to bludgeon opponents and seek to divide society repeatedly attacking all Western institutions as a construct. They target concepts like the nuclear family, law and order, patriotism, religion, and even the concept of sovereignty.
The goal is simple, abolish national identity, pit one group against another, and when the situation becomes so unbearable, people will naturally grant the government more and more power increasing their dependency on the state. In the end, the state reigns supreme through communism.
While the goal is fairly simple to understand, the means to get there is much more complex. And I want to make it clear, that the overwhelming number of people that subscribe to ideology have no idea that they’re engaging in cultural Marxism. I subdivide this group of people into two groups. One is the academics who operate in a world of theory and don’t have a clue about reality. These are the types that have been in academia their whole lives never venturing out of their own little bubbles, and unable to recognize that many times, theory doesn’t work in the real world.
The second group is much larger. These are people who if you asked them if they support communism, they would say no. In fact, most of them don’t even know what communism really is. It’s not as if every person pushing communism has a weekly conference call discussing ways to advance the communist agenda. Instead, they just regurgitate the things they hear, and they are nothing more than lemmings. The useful idiots promoting an agenda that will ultimately destroy them in the end.
Critical Race Theory
This brings me to Critical Race Theory. Now, I’m going to give you the cliff notes because I already did in-depth episodes on what CRT is. In a nutshell, critical race theory is the idea that if you are born a minority, you are born oppressed and a victim, and no matter what you do or how hard you work, you’ll always be oppressed by your victimizers because you have to live in a social construct created by white people.
If you’re born white, you are born inherently racist and remain an oppressor by allowing the social construct of whiteness to permeate throughout society even if unknowingly. Essentially, they argue that the color of one’s skin defines the very essence of a person and is the defining characteristic.
I think everyone listening would agree that racism is evil and should have no place in society. It’s why so many have fought so hard against it. It’s why we try to marginalize the racists within society.
So, if we all agree that racism is evil, think about the theory they’re pushing. If you’re born inherently racist, wouldn’t that mean you’re born inherently evil? And what are you supposed to do to evil? Isn’t evil something that has to be destroyed?
That’s why this is so toxic and dangerous, yet it’s now being pushed on kids as young as four who can’t separate theory from reality. It will only lead down a path of bitterness and resentment.
What type of effect do you think that will have on the individual? I’ll tell you what effect it will have. Shame, resentment, bitterness, and guilt.
What happens when everyone is ashamed of their color. If your white, you may feel shame because your guilty of a whole host of things that you didn’t do. You just happened to be born white. Sure, it’s not your fault, but you’re still evil.
But if you’re a minority, you’ll also feel shame. Again, not for anything that you’ve done, but simply because you were born the wrong color, and hence, the victim status. And the scary part is that kids are impressionable. Did these morons ever think for a second that maybe, just maybe, minority kids will begin to internalize this crap and feel as if they are inferior in some way, which is far from true, but they may believe this nonsense as it’s drilled into them?
Bitterness and resentment will also be felt. If you’re white, you may grow bitter and resentful to your parents. Maybe your grandparents. As well as the system as a whole. You have this scarlet letter for the things they may have done, and now you’re the one being punished for it. Or maybe it will have the opposite effect. Maybe the kid will grow bitter and resentful towards minorities because they are being blamed for things that are out of their control, most notably, skin color.
And minorities will grow bitter and resentful as well. They will grow bitter, resentful, and more despondent to a system that constantly keeps them down. Constantly enforces the victimhood status. They may grow bitter and resentful towards white people.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
So, what is the relationship between critical race theory and diversity, inclusion, and equity? The DIE model. There are many on the left who attempt to separate diversity, inclusion, and equity from critical race theory, and to a certain degree, they’re right. These are two separate theories.
However, to say the two have no commonality or don’t work in concert with each other would be a lie. They want to separate them out because some on the left have realized how toxic CRT has become. Not necessarily toxic to society. They don’t really care about that. They see how it’s become toxic to their cause, and how it has sparked a wildfire of opposition throughout the United States.
They’re aware that CRT has become the catalyst for finally waking people up. So, they say that if people tell you that critical race theory is in every state, they’re lying. Here’s where they’re semi-right but extremely misleading. If you look at the New York State education curriculum, you’ll never see the words critical race theory being used. However, you’ll see that New York has adopted a curriculum based on the DIE framework. (NYS Education Department)
They say the purpose of such a framework is to develop policies that advance diversity, inclusion, and equity. But what does that actually mean?
According to the Board of Regents the DIE framework will be designed to address our “long history of racism and bigotry, and the corrosive impact they have had.” In order to advance diversity, inclusion, and equity, they highlight the following:
- the dangers in teaching courses of study through only one perspective;
- the impact of systemic racism on students and society;
- the importance of looking beyond the data to discover and address the root causes of societal issues; (but aren’t we supposed to believe in data?)
- the myriad benefits that accrue from providing students with school environments that are diverse, equitable, and inclusive;
- the role of the Board of Regents, the Department, and local schools and districts in promoting greater diversity, equity, and inclusion; and
- the suggested elements of a district’s diversity, equity, and inclusion policy.
Now I get it. Even after reading that, you’re probably still wondering what DIE is, and that’s the point. They put out these vague generalities so that people don’t know exactly what it is. It’s also important to recognize that their concept of diversity, inclusion, and equity, is not just implemented in schools. It’s designed for the entirety of society. Government departments and agencies, the private sector, community groups, etc.
To keep it simple before I break them down one by one and show you the flawed logic, at its core, they say these policies and programs encourage representation and participation of diverse groups of people, but I’m going to break it down one by one.
They define diversity as the “presence of differences that may include race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, (dis)ability, age, religious commitment, or political perspective. Populations that have been-and remain- underrepresented among practitioners in the field and marginalized in the broader society.”
Here’s the problem. As human beings, we are all different and will always be different. We all have different talents and abilities. Different desires and passions. Different characteristics. Why just limit to the things they list. What about fat people vs. skinny people? What about people with hair vs. bald people like myself? What about tall vs. short or right-handed vs. left-handed?
Realistically, there is no end to the things that can differentiate us. But notice how the focus encompasses populations that they deem as marginalized and underrepresented. Essentially, their own words are discriminatory and attempt to elevate one population over the other.
Many could argue that this is a clear violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (U.S. EEOC)
But always look beyond the surface level issue and take the idea of diversity. As I’ve stated several times over the last month, the United States is a unique and special nation. What differentiates us from all other civilizations is that there is nothing that really links us together. We don’t have 5,000 years of a shared history. We don’t have a shared culture.
So, when we look at something like immigration, we need to understand that what links us together is the Tenets of the American Creed. The American Political Philosophy. When people come to the United States, they’re supposed to enter a giant melting pot, shed some of their cultures, and accept the American political philosophy which gives us our national identity and solidifies the concept of nationhood. However, this concept is now taboo in society.
Their interpretation of diversity is completely misguided and leads to increased division.
Assimilation is an important part of the process here in the United States, and our country cannot succeed without it. We need assimilation to continue to link us together, but that’s not what they want to do.
The left claims that assimilation is nothing more than a racist code word. They say assimilation is contingent upon accepting whiteness and the social construct created by whites.
They believe that people should be taught things through a variety of cultural perspectives. Now I have no problems with that. I believe that knowledge is essential and that we should examine all the complex layers of everything through different perspectives including culture. However, we should not be doing this at the expense of the United States.
What I mean is that they have perverted what diversity actually means. The idea of diversity shouldn’t be used to undermine our culture. The American culture. The idea of diversity shouldn’t be used to pit one group against another. The idea of diversity isn’t forcing people to accept another person’s way of life or lifestyle. That’s actually conformity.
Real diversity is that all citizens, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or anything else, will be afforded equal opportunities. Real diversity means treating people with dignity and respect, regardless of all those things that I mentioned before.
But the biggest problem is when these individuals speak about diversity, you’ll see it’s not about diversity at all. They talk about making America a country for everyone, but really, it’s about tribalism. Tribalism, where within society, each group cares about their own tribe and develops societal norms and their own laws. This was no better illustrated than when Senator Warren said exactly that.
Play Senator Warren Sound Clip
I’m not sure she even realizes the irony that she’s calling on a bunch of old white people in Congress to pass race-conscious laws. But what the hell are race-conscious laws anyway? Does anyone really think our society can be successful if all these diverse groups get to make their own laws that govern their own communities? And since everything is a construct, well what happens when I identify as part of the Black, Asian, Hispanic, nonbinary trans community that sometimes identifies from the cisgender community? How exactly would that work?
Understand, their idea of diversity completely undermines civil society and makes the assumption that all groups are monolithic in their ideological beliefs.
When it comes to things like history and civics, I’m all for revamping curriculums and including minority contributions to our founding and our country. However, that’s not what they seek to do. They seek to advance some groups at the expense of other groups when the true goal should be to advance our society as one nation.
Now let’s turn our attention to what they consider to be inclusion. To them, inclusion is an outcome to ensure those that are diverse actually feel and/or are welcome. Inclusion outcomes are met when we, our institutions, and our programs are truly inviting to all. To the degree to which diverse individuals are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes and development opportunities within an organization or group.
Right off the bat, you can clearly see this is not very inclusive. Just look at the words, “those that are diverse,” and “to the degree to which diverse individuals are able to participate.” Essentially, inclusiveness is only for those who are labeled part of the diverse classes of people that they mentioned above. If you’re not from a diverse category, then inclusiveness is optional.
Of course, they’ll argue that if you’re not part of a diverse category, you’re already included in everything because you control everything, but that’s nonsense.
Let’s take a look at their inclusiveness. Just this past month, we’ve witnessed several colleges, including Columbia University, hold graduation ceremonies demarcated by race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. How’s that for inclusion. This is not only divisive but also a step back in time when segregation was encouraged. That’s how dumb these lunatics are.
After overcoming a dark period of our history, and making strides to real inclusion, these idiots are now encouraging segregation. Yet, they don’t see it that way. Truly remarkable.
If we look at the private sector, they’ll constantly point out gender inequality, and they’ll say those gender disparities prove women aren’t valued as much as men in society. Never will it cross their mind that men gravitate to some occupations and women gravitate towards others. Once again, they’ll argue that what I just said is because of the social construct that we created.
Unfortunately, for them, the truth does exist. There are biological differences between men and women. There are some fields that men will gravitate to over women like steam fitting. Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule, but the reality is that just because there may be a lack of women in a particular field, it doesn’t mean these industries aren’t inclusive.
And of course, inclusiveness is what they deem it to be. Many argue inclusiveness allows everyone in the community to have a meaningful opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. Regardless of color, do you really think everyone should contribute to the decision-making process?
Should my students be able to make decisions in how I run my class? They’re free to provide feedback, and I will hear them out, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to adopt their suggestions. If you own a company, it’s important to listen to your employees, at the same time, should all the employees have a say on every issue?
The last topic is equity, and this is the worst of all. They say equity is promoting justice, impartiality, and fairness within the procedures, processes, and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. Tackling equity issues requires an understanding of the root causes of outcome disparities within our society and correcting those disparities.
Now, I have no problems with promoting justice and impartiality. However, I do have a problem with the idea of fairness, which is ill-defined, and I do have a problem with the idea of outcome disparities and correcting those disparities.
Pardon my language, but the theory of equity is a bullshit theory because equity is impossible. How do you ensure equitable outcomes?
Human beings have liberty. We have free will where we make our own choices. We are also all different. As I’ve stated before, we have different talents and abilities. Different desires and outcomes. Different circumstances. Different ways of thinking. Therefore, the idea of equitable outcomes is an insane notion.
Some individuals will choose to make good life choices. Look at students. Some students will make good decisions, and others won’t. Some will choose to study for an exam, and others won’t. Why should those who made the choice not to study have the same equitable outcome as those who did study?
Take the workplace, some will choose to work harder than others. They have goals in mind and want to be promoted and recognized for their hard work. Others may choose to slack off. Not really put in the effort. So how do we get equitable outcomes? Is the company supposed to have a policy that motivates the slacker to work as hard as the other person? Or are we simply supposed to give equitable outcomes on the basis of pay, and how does that differ from communism?
Take the family life. Some parents choose to be responsible and save money for their child’s college tuition so that their child doesn’t graduate with a debt burden. They did the responsible thing, saved their money, and made sacrifices along the way. Other parents may have chosen a different course. They may have spent money going on vacations or purchasing the things they wanted throughout life. When it comes time for little Johnny to go to college, Johnny has to take out student loans and graduate with an enormous debt burden. Do we just eliminate the loan because it’s deemed unfair by the powers that be? And what about those who chose to take the responsible road? Why should they be punished?
And as far as fairness goes, I hate to break it to these people, but life’s not fair. Some people are born wealthy, and others are born in poverty. Some people come from two-parent households, and others come from single-parent households. Some people are naturally talented in athletics, others are talented in academics.
Also, just look at the policies that they call equitable. Universal healthcare, universal college, universal basic income, universal childcare, and the list goes on and on. Funny how all things considered equitable are directly aligned with the leftwing positions on the issues.
Equitable outcomes are a fantasy that ignores all the different variables that exist.
Then again, it’s not really an equitable outcome they’re looking for. The real end is not equity, it’s communism. Always pay attention to the keywords. Consciousness, class conflict, collectivism, equity, fairness, and more. You’ll find that their literature is peppered with these key phrases.
They can deny it all they want. They can say it’s a conspiracy theory all they want, but what we are witnessing is the largest social engineering program ever conducted.
With the exception of the ordinary individuals that I defined at the beginning, who I believe, their hearts in the right place, and they are generally good people. With the exception of them, the others are far more nefarious.
Form the public officials, to those enriching themselves by seeking to divide us, to the public virtue signalers and moral holy warriors, to the cultural Marxists, whether they know it or not. Those that support these destructive theories have successfully been able to stop any criticism by simply accusing any who dare raise objections of being racist.
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Sadly, that tactic has worked. It has silenced tons of individuals who have legitimate concerns. Even worse, it has rendered elected officials, from both sides of the political aisle, silent even though they are well-aware of how poisonous critical race theory and diversity, inclusion, and equity programs are.
However, those of us who recognize the danger must remain undeterred. They’ll use their go-to rhetorical bombs to try and savage us. They’ll criticize this episode and chalk it up as white supremacist ideology, but the truth prevails, and I know that there are a whole bunch of people, crossing all racial lines, all genders, sexual orientation, religions, that agree with me.
Those pushing this crap are obviously the ones who make every decision in life based on race. They are the racists by assuming everyone exists in monolithic groups. The concept of the nuclear family, hard work, respecting authority, being on time, planning for the future, are not white constructs. These are things that cross all boundaries, regardless of race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. To say otherwise epitomizes racism and ignorance.
Reject their proposals. Ignore their proclamations and deny the language they use to divide us.
It’s time we dedicate our time and resources to push back against this dangerous ideology. This cancer that metastasizing and infecting every aspect of our society. Unfortunately, we have the attention spans of gnats. We pay attention to things for about five minutes. We show up to a meeting, feign outrage, and we move on with our lives.
And that’s the problem. They know that while we’re outraged, for now, that outrage will be short-lived, and they will be able to continue with their destructive policies. We need to keep it up. It’s not enough to show up to one community meeting. We have to keep showing up until these policies are dead. We have to be relentless, and if we are, I can guarantee you that we will be successful.
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