Episode 205 Show Notes- While Current Events May Seem Bleak, There Are Signs of Hope
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Episode Description
America and the West are facing crises on multiple fronts, and we are going through a dangerous period where our societies are rife with division on a variety of issues. The issues include coronavirus, inflation, critical race theory, the collapse of Afghanistan and the botched withdrawal, and so many others. Americans are demoralized and disgusted. They feel abandoned by those who have sworn to serve We the People. They feel betrayed by many of the senior bureaucrats who have poisoned our institutions by injecting their political ideology. However, while things may seem bleak, there are signs of hope.
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Show Transcript- While Current Events May Seem Bleak, There Are Signs of Hope
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Welcome everyone to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
There is no sugarcoating the fact that the last two decades have been extremely challenging here in the United States, and also in the Western world.
There are no shortages of crises impacting our everyday lives, and the times and challenges we face may seem dark. The coronavirus has torn our society apart. Many Americans are suffering from inflation and paying much more for everything, especially food and gas. We see the race hustlers pushing critical race theory in schools throughout the United States. The constant images of the botched withdrawal and speedy collapse of Afghanistan. The list goes on and on.
Many Americans are demoralized and disgusted with what’s going on. They are disgusted with politics. They feel abandoned by those who have sworn to serve We the People. They feel betrayed by many of the senior-level bureaucrats who have poisoned our institutions by injecting their political ideology. These feelings aren’t exclusive to one political party over the other. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat.
Most people, regardless of political party, recognize something is broken. That our institutions aren’t functioning properly. That we have broken down as a society somewhere along the way. Unfortunately, while we recognize that something is wrong, many of us have retreated to our factions and only hardened our positions. Others have completely disengaged from the process.
Watching and listening to the news all day long has only increased the factionalization of the United States and it has led us to go mad. I get that it’s depressing. That’s why it’s okay to tune things out every now and then and get a respite to constant negativity that’s being pushed.
That’s why this episode is going to strike a more optimistic tone. It’s why I want to focus on signs of hope, rather than the constant despair being pushed.
Before I get into the details, make sure to visit The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and follow the podcast so you’ll never miss an episode.
Where we stand
While things may seem bleak, there are signs of hope out there. These signs go largely ignored because the natural human condition is to gravitate towards the bad news, rather than the good news.
This holds true with everything, not just politics. Take the local evening news broadcasts. They never start off with the feel-good stories. Instead, the top stories focus on the crime, and the murders, rapes, and robberies. They focus on the crises we face. They focus on the accidents.
Too many of us, and I include myself in that, I’m guilty of this as well, focus more on the negativity because it’s easier to do. It’s right in front of us, and it’s an emotional lightning rod. It’s what draws people in.
It’s because of that, we have become more divided than ever. The media takes the bad and amplifies it as if it’s the norm.
While things certainly aren’t going well, we need to recognize that the media is an industry. They need clicks and viewers to make money, and they recognize the more negative a headline is, the more likely people will click on it. The more negative the broadcast is, the more people will watch and listen.
Another natural human condition is that we always view the past from a nostalgic point of view. We attempt to long for the “simpler times.” Keeping it away from politics for now. If you have children, many of us watch the children grow and think back to how cute they were when they were babies. We think about the first time they smiled. The first time they laughed. Their first words. When they began to walk.
We tend to forget how difficult it was getting up at all hours of the night. We forget about the cries and screams that could go on for hours. We forget about the gross diaper explosions. We seem to forget how difficult of a stage it was.
The same thing holds true with our history. We tend to have this nostalgic view that everything in the past was great. That we never really faced any difficult and dark periods, but the truth is, our past is littered with dark periods dating back to our founding in the American Revolution.
When the Revolution first began, we were losing nearly every battle. Soldiers were deserting, and there was an attempted mutiny against George Washington. Ultimately, General Washington would turn things around, and we would be victorious in the Revolution.
In the mid-1780s, the Articles of Confederation ultimately collapsed, and Shay’s Rebellion began. While the Articles still existed on paper, the system was no longer functioning because the central government was so weak. The situation was dire. The Founders were able to avoid catastrophe when they held the Philadelphia Convention and created the U.S. Constitution.
The War of 1812 was another dark period. States were divided, and some New England states even refused to allow their militias to be federalized to help in the war effort.
The panic of 1837 was another dark period. A financial crisis touched off a major depression and it lasted until the mid-1840s.
Obviously, the Civil War was perhaps the darkest period that nearly ended the great American experiment.
Coming out of the war, Reconstruction efforts, distrust, and Jim Crow would certainly be considered a dark period.
The Panic of 1873 witnessed another major economic depression. Some call this the long depression lasting until 1896.
In the 1930s, we saw the Great Depression.
The 1960s and the 1970s saw a number of crises that created enormous challenges for the United States. The assassination of JFK. The assassination of Martin Luther King. Bloody race riots and racial unrest would persist throughout much of this period. The division over the Vietnam War. Gas lines. Major inflation.
The reason I bring all this up is to illustrate that the past has seen challenges and struggles. That we even faced bleaker times like the Civil War, and in every case, we were able to overcome those challenges. We emerged from dark periods. Another reason I bring this all up is to show you that it’s cyclical. It seems every 20-40 years really difficult periods envelopes the nation.
When I look at the present day, I think the best comparison would be the 1970’s given everything we’re witnessing. The massive division. The inflation. A feckless foreign policy. The debacles in Afghanistan. In fact, a lot of people are even comparing the Biden administration to the Carter administration.
The only difference is that President Carter at least had all his faculties intact. We cannot say the same for President Biden, that’s for sure.
The two periods are strikingly similar. The only reason it’s so hard to predict how this all plays out is that they didn’t have social media or 24/7 propaganda media outlets then. Social media and the 24/7 news outlets have certainly exacerbated the divisions within our society.
But there are signs of hope.
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People Getting Fed-up
One of those signs is that more people are getting actively engaged in the political process than ever before. Not just at the federal level, but all levels of society, particularly the local level which is so important.
Just look at school board meetings over the course of the last few months. Prior to this year, most American parents took a completely hands-off approach to education. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of parents haven’t truly engaged in their children’s education for a few decades.
At school board meetings, if 10-15 parents showed up, that would be a lot, and consider that some districts have thousands of students. Today school board meetings are packed with parents concerned about what their children are learning.
If there is one positive effect of the coronavirus, and I hate to say it that way, but it’s the truth, it may be that parents finally reengaged with what their children are learning in schools. Many are thoroughly disgusted, especially when it comes to things like CRT and DIE.
These frameworks have ignited a fire within parents. See, it’s one thing when you put in policies that affect adults. It’s a whole other thing when you have policies that impact and poison a child’s mind. When you begin to target children, parents do not sit idly by.
We have seen people from all colors, all races, all ethnicities, all communities, coming together and expressing their outrage towards those who want to introduce the toxic CRT curriculums within our schools.
I want to play a clip of three fathers who take on the idea of CRT being taught to their children. To me, this clip epitomizes how the majority of American parents fell. It’s about a four-minute clip and I want to play it in its entirety because it’s powerful. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Parents take on CRT
Those were powerful words spoken at those board meetings, and it’s apparent that the vast majority of parents in attendance supported what those men were saying. I particularly love the part where the first parent talks about his children being victims of ignorance, laziness, and their own poor decisions. I immediately thought of my kids.
But more importantly, he said what I’ve been saying for some time. That there are those who want to keep racism alive. He talked about people and institutions keeping racism on life support, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. Remember, this is a big industry worth billions of dollars. The race hustlers of the world are keenly aware that if we talk about the racial progress we’ve made, they’re out of business.
The Majority of Americans are with those parents, and the more people learn about CRT, the more they realize just how toxic it really is.
And it’s seeing this level of engagement that gives me hope.
Reckoning in the Education System
And we aren’t just witnessing the parent level at the K-12 level. We are also witnessing it throughout higher education. As many of the 4-year colleges and universities moved towards leftists’ indoctrination, millions of parents are reassessing the need to send their children to these indoctrination institutes.
See, many parents don’t want to pay tens of thousands of dollars, and sometimes hundreds of dollars, to have their child indoctrinated and not learn any useful life skills that ultimately lands them a career when they graduate. Students are now looking at the return on investments when it comes to student loans and realizing the cost of a degree may not be worth getting into that much debt.
The writing on the walls has been in clear view for a while now. For the last several years, I’m seeing more and more articles questioning the value of universities. There are some estimates that 25-50% of colleges may go out of business and close their doors. This is partly due to fiscal mismanagement, emerging alternatives, and the increasing cost of tuition. It’s also due to another factor. It’s projected that by 2026, the pool of college-age students will begin meaning that many seats will go empty. Hmm, I wonder why colleges are so interested in letting in millions of people into America. Could it be that they’re hoping to reverse this trend?
But the collapse may actually happen sooner than previously thought. Interestingly enough, if Biden’s second “infrastructure” bill, which isn’t a real infrastructure bill and is a social welfare bill, if that bill passes, then students won’t have to pay for community college. Essentially, the bill creates a universal community college program funding by the taxpayers. How many people will spend their first two years going to a 2-year school rather than going straight to a 4-year university? See, the geniuses in Congress don’t understand the unintended consequences of their policies, and the Democrats will essentially kill off their allies in the 4-year university systems even quicker.
Election Boards
Another area where there’s hope is the election boards. Now, I am constantly hearing people say that the election system is rigged and so there is no point in going to vote. That has to be the dumbest logic I’ve ever heard. If you stay home and don’t vote, then you have no right to complain if the current power structure remains. I encourage everyone to vote.
But what’s really interesting, and getting very little attention, is the surge of ordinary Americans filing to become poll workers and precinct captains. For years, the left was far more active when it came to becoming poll workers, but after seeing what happened in the 2020 elections, you have a whole cadre of Republicans and Conservatives realizing how necessary it is to get involved.
The more ordinary people get involved, the cleaner the election system will be.
Republican/Conservative Grassroots Movements
We are also witnessing the rise of Republican and Conservative grassroots movements who are getting more actively engaged. For decades, the left has been really good when it comes to activism. They know how to get people involved. They know how to get people mobilized, and they know how to get people to speak up. This is partly why the system has shifted to the left.
Finally, Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians have woken up, but not the establishment types. Those people are still blind and only care about keeping their gravy trains coming.
This push is coming from ordinary Americans starting grassroots organizations who are tired of the increasing authoritarianism of the left. They are tired of the increasing socialist and Marxist push we are witnessing.
You have organizations like the Loud Majority taking the lead and filling the void left by feckless elected officials who have long abandoned the people they have sworn to serve. The Loud Majority was founded by Shawn Farash, Kevin Smith, and Heather, who are friends of the show. They have done an amazing job of getting people active.
Another organization is Giant Slayers founded by a friend of the show Politick Rick, where Rick has organized hundreds of people to fight back against corrupt public officials from both sides of the political aisle and to fight back against the socialist and Marxist agenda, all starting at the local level. From filling precinct captain positions to going into communities long ignored by the Republican party, they are mobilizing to change the dynamics of politics and weaken the leftist stranglehold in these areas.
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Shifting Ideologies
Another area where we see hope, and perhaps a major shift in party politics, is that more Gay people, Blacks, and Hispanics are changing party affiliations. Some are moving to the Republican party, while others are becoming more independent. While it will take time to see how this trend plays out, one thing is clear, the days of Democrat dominance within these communities are coming to an end.
Many within these communities are sick and tired of being political pawns. They are sick and tired of being lied to. They are sick and tired of seeing their communities continue to get worse.
Now we all know how incompetent the Republican party is. The only way to continue this trend is for Republicans to reach out to the communities they’ve surrendered to the Democrats. They have to go into the communities they’ve long ignored. They need to shake hands. They need to talk to people in these communities and ask them what their concerns are. They need to develop solutions to the challenges these communities face, all the while adhering to conservative principles of limited government.
Elected Officials
Another area of hope is how people are finally waking up and recognizing that there are a whole lot of politicians that have seem to forget who they’ve sworn to serve. The American people feel abandoned.
It’s not necessarily about electing Democrats or Republicans. It’s about finding candidates who actually have respect for We the People. It’s about electing candidates who understand the people they swore to serve. It’s about candidates who put the needs of their constituents, the American people, above others. It’s about candidates who respect the United States and our history. It’s about the candidates who have an appreciation of the core American concepts of liberty and freedom.
For too long, elected officials, from both political parties, have turned their backs on the American people. They’ve been in positions of power for 30, 40, 50 years, and it’s time for that to come to an end.
America wasn’t designed to be an aristocracy, but for too long, the American people would go to the polls and either vote by political party affiliation or by name recognition, and that’s exactly what we’ve become. An aristocracy where those in power are institutionalized by the system believing they have a right to power based on who they are, not what they’ve accomplished.
This is on clear display every day. As the aristocracy issues authoritarian decrees, constantly warning the peasant class to abide by their edicts or face their wrath. See the same rules don’t apply to the ruling elite, and they want you to know that.
Just think, you had former President Obama’s party where they got to live like normal human beings. Only the servants had to wear masks because unlike the servants and people like you and me, the guests are from the sophisticated class.
Then this weekend, Queen Pelosi held a major fundraiser where, again, not a single guest was wearing a mask. Only the servants had to mask up as the wealthy elite sat shoulder to shoulder chumming it up.
The Arrogant aristocracy thumbs their nose at the ordinary people they’re supposed to be serving. You would think this would be enough to wake everyone up to the bullshit these arrogant fools are peddling. However, sooner or later, people are going to wake up and we may witness a huge backlash.
These politicians are so dumb that they don’t see the resentment that is building all because of their ‘let them eat cake’ attitude.
The good news is that you have some really interesting candidates running in this election cycle. From Blake Masters, Arizona Senate candidate that I interviewed on Monday so check it out, to Robby Starbuck running for the 5th Congressional District in Tennessee to Ohio Senate candidate JD Vance, and so many more.
It’s going to be interesting to see if a backlash is brewing. We’re going to witness one of the first tests with the Gavin Newsom recall in California. How that plays out, may set the stage for what comes next.
But the signs are there that ordinary Americans have woken up from their slumber. That they’re sick and tired of being taken advantage of. They recognize the incompetence of the officials, and they see that something is broken within our system and our institutions.
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While current events may be depressing. While many Americans may feel demoralized. While many are disgusted by everything that’s going on. While some have disengaged from the process, there are signs of hope out there.
We are seeing progress on a number of fronts. It just doesn’t get the coverage it deserves. Like all the other dark periods in our history, I do believe we will overcome this period as well. I believe that more Americans are reacquainting themselves with the principles that made this the greatest nation on Earth. And I’m hopeful that a major course correction is in the works.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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