Episode 497 Show Notes- TikTok, $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill, and Misplaced Priorities
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Episode Description
In this episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast, Professor Nick Giordano explores how our government and the American people have misplaced priorities as demonstrated by the debate over TikTok and the massive $1.2 trillion spending package. Unfortunately, these misplaced priorities have led to the erosion of core American values. Our education system has failed to instill these all-important values, and there is no longer an appreciation for the principles of limited government and our God-given liberties.
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Show Notes- TikTok, $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill, and Misplaced Priorities
Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
[Intro Transcript] Welcome everyone to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. I’m your host, Nick Giordano, and I am glad you could join me today. If you’re not already a subscriber, consider subscribing and following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Also, visit The P.A.S. Report website, and share this episode with others to inform them of the issues impacting our great nation.
Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s been weighing heavily on my mind lately: the misplaced priorities and forgotten values that seem to be plaguing our nation. As Americans, we pride ourselves on certain core principles – limited government, liberty, and freedom – but it’s becoming increasingly clear that we’ve lost sight of what those principles truly mean, and more importantly, why they’re so important. Sure, we may say the words. We may fool ourselves into thinking we believe in these principles, but do we really have a grasp on how important these principles are?
Today, we’re going to explore how and why these values have fallen by the wayside, and what we can do to reclaim them. We’ll take a hard look at the state of our government, the erosion of individual liberties, and the ever-encroaching specter of government overreach. But before we dive into all that, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves what these values actually mean.
Limited government. It’s a concept that’s as old as the nation itself, enshrined in the Constitution as a safeguard against tyranny. But somewhere along the line, we seem to have forgotten that the purpose of government is not to micromanage every aspect of our lives but rather to protect our rights and freedoms. Yet, in recent years, we’ve seen an alarming expansion of government power, with bureaucrats and politicians alike seeking to insert themselves into every facet of our existence.
And then there’s liberty – the bedrock upon which our nation was founded. It’s a word that’s been bandied about so much that it’s almost lost its meaning, but at its core, liberty is about the freedom to live our lives as we see fit, without undue interference from the state. In its purest form, it’s the natural condition of human beings where we get to exercise our free will responsibly in accord with the dictates of right reason and natural law. But all too often, we find our liberties under assault, whether it’s through burdensome regulations, intrusive surveillance, or outright censorship. And worst of all, it is usually at the invitation of the people as they consistently demand more government intervention throughout society to solve problems that either the government itself created or problems that the government doesn’t have the ability to solve.
Finally, there’s freedom—the principle that underpins everything else. It’s what allows us to pursue our own happiness, to speak our minds, and to chart our own course in life. It’s the ability to exercise our liberties without the interference of an all-powerful, abusive government. But as our society becomes increasingly polarized and authoritarian, we find ourselves hemmed in on all sides, with our freedoms curtailed in the name of safety, security, or the amorphous idea of social justice.
So where do we go from here? How do we reclaim these values that are so integral to the American identity? I decided to do this topic because it has become increasingly clear that we are lost. We deviated far from the original intent of the system, and nowhere is this more evident than the raging debate over TikTok and the $1.2 trillion spending package that was pushed through.
I will explain it all, but first, we need to take a quick break. When we come back, I will dive right in. So don’t go anywhere. We’ll be right back after this.
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Click here to read Professor Giordano’s latest piece at Campus Reform
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