Episode 276 Show Notes- The Culture War, Title 42, and the Biden’s Open Border Policies
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Title 42 is about to expire and even moderate Democrats are growing increasingly concerned. Border Patrol officials are warning about an uncontrollable surge that will surpass the record numbers we saw in 2021. Without effective control of our border, officials are surrendering our sovereignty and our country. Professor Giordano also provides an update to last week’s episode about the current culture war.
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Show Transcript- The Culture War, Title 42, and the Biden’s Open Border Policies
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
Is it me or does it feel like this administration is the Titanic? On nearly every issue, this administration only makes the problems we face far worse. It is astonishing.
Whether it’s inflation, gas prices, the surging cost of food, international issues like the withdrawal from Afghanistan, education, or law enforcement. You name it, and it’s we are worse off now, but hey, at least we don’t have to deal with the mean tweets, right?
There’s no way that anyone can say we are better off today than we were just a few years ago. By every objective measure, it’s bad, and if you say that we’re better off today, you know you’re lying to yourself.
And I always love President Biden’s defenders because they don’t defend him at all. You notice that anytime someone criticizes President Biden, their go-to is to say, “but Trump.”
I’m sick of the whole “but Trump.” We are now in our second year of this administration, and if you think that the Biden administration is doing a good job, then say so and provide evidence that backs you up.
Listen, when former President Trump was in office, I openly voiced support for him and his policies, but I also criticized him and Republicans as well. I criticized when he used executive orders to push policies. I explained why I hated these executive orders and how the executive orders weakened checks and balances by bypassing Congress. I criticized the last several administrations for that.
I criticized how President Trump and Republicans were recklessly spending money, especially considering that Republicans constantly preach about fiscal responsibility, yet every time they have the power, they spend just as much as Democrats. I criticized them for not having a health plan ready to go on day one. The fact is Republicans won several election cycles on the slogan of repealing and replacing Obamacare. They had 6-years to get a plan together and they failed to produce anything.
I criticized the growing power and authority of the federal bureaucracy, especially after Congressman Nunes exposed the Russian collusion hoax, yet even knowing how the bureaucracy has become politically weaponized and we learned about the abuses of power, Republicans routinely empowered the government even more even though they constantly preach about small, limited government.
And I criticized President Trump for failing to declassify and release every single document when it came to the Russian collusion scandal to expose the corruption.
That’s the difference between myself and many others. When I see the failures of the Republicans or a President I support, I can still criticize them.
However, there are some Democrats who are at least starting to speak up and speak out. They see the train wreck that this administration is, and I’m hearing more and more Democrats growing concerned about the direction of this country. They see that this administration isn’t prioritizing and is ignoring the real problems that everyday Americans face.
They’re aware a reckoning is coming in November, so they’re starting to speak out.
In this episode, I’m going to provide an update on the culture war, and then I want to talk about the fundamental collapse of our border due to the insane policies of this administration.
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Update on the Culture War
Last week, I released an episode discussing part of the current culture war. I explained how children as young as 4-years-old are being indoctrinated and sexualized. Sadly, you have many schools throughout the country, as well as the entertainment industry including Disney and Nickelodeon, pushing gender theory on our children.
It is disgusting, and many listeners reach out to me, send me disturbing worksheets, and explain what some of their children are learning in schools. This crap has no business in the classroom, and most normal people in society would agree with me.
What I find disturbing though, is that some people say that it’s okay to teach sexuality and gender fluidity to children. They believe there are no issues with it, and this is much ado about nothing. What I find interesting is the younger generations are the most open and tolerant generations to ever exist. Yet, we’re supposed to believe that this generation is the most bigoted to exist. I mean why else would you try to push this on children. See, these people are devoid of reality.
Some of those that took issue with my podcast said that the only reason people are speaking out is that we’re anti-LGBT. Always with the labels. They are such losers. I want to make it clear. This has nothing to do with the LGBT community, and everything to do with parental rights.
As a parent, I get to determine when to introduce these topics to my children, and no one, no teacher, no politician, no Hollywood elitist, no corporation, gets to dictate when my children learn about these topics. Sorry, but I am not going to pretend it’s okay to teach 4 to 9-year-olds about sexuality. I am not going to pretend it’s okay to teach children that they can be any gender they want. I’m not going to pretend it’s okay to encourage children to identify as something they aren’t.
It is baffling how anyone can defend this crap that’s being peddled on the children. In fact, someone used the magic R-word to describe me. Of course, they bring racism into everything. Now, I’m not sure the mental gymnastics necessary to tie not wanting children to be sexualized and indoctrinated with gender fluidity to racism. I would guarantee that the majority of the Black, Hispanic, and Asian community would agree with my point of view. I would guarantee that the majority of the gay community would agree with me.
Then you have another group that just has their heads buried in the sand. They say this isn’t being pushed on children in the schools or the entertainment industry. These people are in denial and simply don’t want to look at the evidence. The fact is I played clips of teachers in their own words. I played clips of Disney executives discussing how they are pushing an agenda on the children. I played clips of what’s being shown on Nickelodeon.
All the evidence you need is out there, and you can either accept it or reject it. However, you can reject it all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is happening, and there is something terrible going on in our society.
Children Need Parental Consent with Just About Everything
Not for nothing, but it speaks volumes about those who try to defend this stuff. I want you to consider this, children cannot go on a school field trip without parental permission. They can’t be left alone in a car under a certain age. They can’t get cosmetic surgery without their parent’s permission, and we are talking about something as innocuous as a nose job. They can’t get a tattoo under the age of 18 even with parental consent.
But we’re supposed to pretend that it’s okay that schools push gender fluidity and sexuality on young children? We’re supposed to pretend it’s normal for adults to tell children that they get to decide whether they’re a boy or girl. I mean you have some parents that sit there and say that they aren’t prescribing a gender to their child at birth because they believe the child should choose. What is wrong with people? You’re not cool when you do this. You’re not more sophisticated. It’s completely bizarre.
Also, since when are children the ones that get to run a household? I mean you have these crazy people talking about infants having to give consent. Talk about demented.
Worst of all, they want us to pretend it’s okay to give children because that’s what they are, puberty blockers and hormone therapy. This is not normal. It’s not okay, nor should it ever be okay or normalized. In some cases, this is going on without parents even knowing, being informed, or consenting to it. I’m sorry, but if you’re giving children puberty blockers and hormone therapy treatments, especially without parental consent, but even with it, that’s criminal in my opinion.
Does anyone realize the damage that’s being done? In some cases, irreversible damage. And what happens to an 11-year-old child that’s going through a phase and gets these treatments? What happens if they realize it was just a phase, but were on these powerful drugs for years? What kind of damage is being done physically, emotionally, psychologically?
At What Point Would We Consider Going Too Far?
For all those who are trying to defend this, I have a question for you. At what point would you consider something going too far? At what point do you turn around and say that’s crossing a line.
If you say children should be learning this stuff and they get to decide what they want to be, how far does it go?
Take body modifications. Now, I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but there’s a whole group of people who have gone to extreme lengths to modify their bodies. So, an example would be someone who wants to look like a lizard. To do that, they get eye injections to change the colors of their eyeballs and their pupils. They get their tongues split. They get skin implants to have bumps on their head and down their spine. They get extreme piercings. They get their entire body tattooed green. If you want to see what I’m talking about, just Google extreme body modifications. Now, these individuals are all over the age of 18, and they decide how they want to live their lives. If this is what they want to do, that’s their business.
However, my question is for all those who try to justify puberty blockers and hormone therapy for children. What if a child believes they are a lizard? What if a child believes that they belong in the reptilians, and this is their social construct? What if they believe that this will help with their overall mental well-being and self-esteem issues?
Would you be okay with that, or would that finally be a bridge too far? Of course, these loons will scream that it’s completely different, but when you think about it, it’s not that much different. What do you think you’re doing when you’re giving children puberty blockers and hormone therapy? Is this not a form of body modification?
These seem folks constantly talk about wanting to have an honest conversation, but they don’t want to have an honest conversation. They want to usurp parental authority and push their values on our children.
These people think they are so much smarter than everyone else. That they’re more sophisticated. However, when my kids ask me questions about things that are totally inappropriate and they can’t possibly understand no matter how I break it down, I won’t lie. It bothers me.
We already have enough minefields raising our children between the internet, YouTube, iPads, gaming systems, phones, and so many other things. It was hard enough already, and now our job as parents are becoming even more difficult with some of these schools trying to indoctrinate our children.
As I said last week, talk to your children. Find out what they are being taught. Look at their homework and worksheets, and if you find something that concerns you, talk to the other parents and inform them what’s going on. Confront the school officials and confront the school board. Always do it respectfully, but you have a voice. Let other people hear it and speak up.
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Biden Administration Pushes Racial Agenda
Now when it comes to political leaders, there are none in this administration. They don’t dare to stand up to the far-left loons. They don’t have the courage to say this has no business in our schools and peddling this stuff to little children.
Rather than stand up to the loons, the Secretary of the Department of Education, Secretary Cardona, is now reviewing the new law in Florida and may bring a suit against the state. As our education system collapsed. As student proficiency rates are at all-time lows. As we continue to fall in the worldwide PISA rankings, the incompetent Education Secretary has chosen to target the Florida law that bans sexuality and gender fluidity lessons for 4–9-year-olds.
He’s not the only one. Our Department of Justice is also reviewing the law to see if they can bring a federal civil rights suit against the state of Florida. I want you to think about the time, money, and resources, that are being used to push a radical agenda on our children.
See, they want to use this as another example of how ordinary people are domestic terrorists. How if we reject their radical agenda, we are the biggest threat to the system. We are the crazy conspiracy theorists.
White Supremacy Is the Biggest Threat
Then you have Secretary Mayorkas. Another winner. This incompetent fool goes to speak at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and listen, I’m still surprised. I remember fat Al Sharpton. He was more fun. But if you go back to the 90s or 90s, no one would have believed that this is the so-called self-appointed leader of the civil rights movement. You would have been laughed out of the room. No one took him seriously, and here we are.
But getting back to the incompetent secretary of Homeland Security. He was giving a speech before Al Sharpton’s organization, and he was talking about the greatest threat to our homeland. Here is what he had to say.
Sound Clip- Secretary Mayorkas Threats
Now the speech was centered around the idea of equity. In another part of the speech, he said equity was a founding principle for the United States which shows how little he knows. Equality yes. Equity no.
But listen to what he said. He says that we are living through a time of increasing hate. Never once do these people give credit to what a great nation we are. As I said earlier, we now live in a period of the most open and tolerant generation to ever exist. Hate isn’t increasing among those that are different. Now, if he was talking about hate for political opinions, maybe he’d have a point. The left can be very hateful towards those that don’t agree.
He said that this threat is from domestic violent extremism and individuals being drawn to violence because of ideologies of hate or false narratives propagated on social media.
Now he’s not talking about false narratives like the Russian Collusion hoax. He’s not talking about false narratives like bountygate. He’s not talking about the false narratives of the over 50-former intelligence officials who declared Hunter Biden’s laptop to be Russian disinformation. Of course, he’s not talking about those false narratives.
The false narratives he’s talking about are those that have the audacity to say that they don’t want CRT and DEI programs pushed on our children. Those that dare have the nerve to criticize gender fluidity and sexuality being pushed on 4-9-year-olds. He’s talking about those who have the nerve to criticize the government’s authoritarian push during the coronavirus. Those that dare to ask questions about the 2020 elections. See, those are the narratives he doesn’t like, and those are the narratives that he says are fostering hate.
God forbid you ask questions, and you risk being deemed a domestic violent extremist. A domestic terrorist.
But listen at the end of the clip, he says the most prominent threat we face is the threat of white supremacy.
Here’s the thing. Let’s say I take him at his word. Let’s say white supremacy is the biggest domestic terror threat we face. And I’m talking about real white supremacy. Not the left’s version of white supremacy where the second you disagree with them, they throw out the racist label.
So, let’s say the threat is real. Then what are they doing about it? I mean they’ve been driving this message for the last 7 or 8 years. How come we haven’t seen any big white supremacist organizations being busted up and the members being perp-walked?
Think about this logically. If they are saying that the most prominent threat is from white supremacist organizations, then they have to have some actionable intelligence that they intend to attack. If they have actionable intelligence, they have evidence. If they have evidence of threats, that’s a crime and can be prosecuted so why haven’t they moved to take down the KKK, neo-Nazi organizations, or other white supremacist groups?
Wouldn’t that send a message? Remember throughout the 80s, the 90s, and the early 2000s. They would do these big mob busts where they would perp walk 10, 15, 20, 30 guys at a time. They would get members to turn on each other leading to more arrests and busts. They did that as a deterrent and to weaken the influence, and obviously, they were successful.
But it wasn’t just the mob, it was also street gangs too. I mean what was it? About two years ago we saw nearly a hundred MS-13 members arrested. Here on Long Island, we saw a big bust a few months ago with a couple of dozen members.
Now, if you do a web search, you’ll see members of what they deem white supremacist organizations arrested. We’ve seen arrests in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Georgia, Florida, and several other states. But when you go through the charges, it’s mostly drug dealing, theft, sex trafficking, and possession of firearms by convicted felons.
Not a single person has been charged with anything related to domestic terrorism, threats of domestic terrorism, explosives, or anything of that nature. In fact, when you read through the indictments, they sound like any other gang that exists. Now maybe they are racist and hate anyone that’s nonwhite but are they really a white supremacist organization looking to commit acts of terror or are they like any other street gang. I mean MS-13, the Latin Kings, and other gangs where the primary membership consists of Hispanics aren’t called Hispanic supremacy organizations. The Bloods and the Crips aren’t called Black supremacist organizations.
So, what am I missing? I’m glad DHS and law enforcement are taking down these white supremacist gangs, but I don’t understand how this is the biggest threat we face, and with all the resources they have dedicated to the growing threat of white supremacy, how haven’t we seen a single charge related to domestic terrorism? Maybe Mayorkas is the white supremacist and he’s providing cover for them.
Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving in Our Woke Dystopia
TITLE 42 and Biden’s Open Borders
I’m glad they are providing all those resources to combat domestic violent extremists. It’s a good thing we don’t have any problems on our southern border. Oh, wait. That’s the amazing thing. Our border is a disaster. Essentially, we don’t have a southern border under this administration. You have a Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security who is in charge of the border, yet we have a border crisis that we have never witnessed before and it will only get worse when title 42 expires. I’ll explain what Title 42 is in a minute, but before I get to Title 42, I want to highlight this administration’s incompetence.
Well, it’s not really incompetence because it’s intentional. See, no one in the Biden administration wants to take on the far-left and state the obvious. They don’t want to state that we are a sovereign country that has the right to determine who comes into the country and who doesn’t. They don’t want to be branded as racist or bigots or xenophobic. They also think that if they pander to the Hispanic community when it comes to illegal immigration that it will get them a larger share of the Hispanic vote. They also believe that sooner or later, all those who came illegally will be legalized and will automatically vote Democrat.
But I find this administration’s stance, and by extension the Democrat party, I find interesting, and I’ll explain before I get to Title 42. The first thing I find interesting is how racist it is to assume that Hispanics are some monolithic groups, and their sole issue is immigration. Hispanics actually want to see stricter immigration policies- both legal and illegal.
When you look at the poll numbers and I’ll use a progressive poll, so you know it’s even worse than what they’re reporting, you’ll find that there are many Hispanics who are further to the right when it comes to immigration policies than a lot of Republicans in Congress are. (Equis Research)
They are also looking at the border crisis too, and they worry about what’s about to happen once Title 42 expires. See, while Democrats like to micro-target and put everyone into identity politics boxes, it turns out that Hispanics are just like every voter in the United States, and they vote based on their economies.
The Border Was Already a Disaster Even With Title 42
Let’s get to Title 42. Title 42 allows Border Patrol to turn migrants away before they can file for asylum. It’s a public health law that allows us to reject migrants on the basis that a communicable disease can pose a danger to the United States, and therefore, in the interest of public health, we don’t have to allow these people to apply for asylum.
Now the kicker is that there are so many who are warning against lifting Title 42, including several Democrats who are calling it largely irresponsible, but the Biden administration doesn’t care. I mean how many times has the Border Czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, actually visited the border?
What’s frightening though is how the Biden administration’s open border policies were a disaster with Title 42 in place. One can only imagine what it will be like once Title 42 expires in May.
Consider that last year, 2021, we had a record-breaking number of border encounters with migrants crossing the southern border. According to Customs and Border Patrol, from January 2021 to December 2021, we had 2,035,617 encounters. (CBP) This is Customs and Border Patrol numbers, and I have everything sourced in the show notes.
Now, this 2+-million number doesn’t take into account the visa overstays. Those that came here legally on a visa, and never left like they were supposed to. They simply disappeared. Hundreds of thousands of people overstay their visas each year. In 2017, that number was over 700,000. (DHS) In 2018, the number was 666,582. (DHS) In 2019, the number was 676,422. (DHS) In 2020, the number was 684,499. (DHS) So if we factor those numbers in, that brings us to 2.7-million for 2021, and that doesn’t even account for all the people we don’t know about. Those that came in illegally and never had an encounter with Border Patrol.
Let’s compare that to 2020. In 2020, it was a little over 400,000, but Biden defenders will say that’s not fair. The world was in the grips of the pandemic. So, let’s look at 2019, where it was a little over 800,000, and that’s when we had far-left organizations organizing the migrant caravans. (American Immigration Council) It’s what propelled the very successful Stay in Mexico policy. When you look at the border under the Trump administration, things were trending in the right direction. While 800,000 is still high, it was trending in the rights direction.
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What Happens When Title 42 Expires?
Our Border Patrol was already overwhelmed, and our immigration system has already collapsed, but if you talk about it, you’re a white supremacist. The fact is our government is now responsible for the largest organized and coordinated human trafficking operation in the entire world where they are transporting people throughout the entire country in the dark of night.
The fact is if we couldn’t handle the surge we were already seeing, estimates are that it’s about to get a hell of a lot worse. We couldn’t handle a daily average of 5,577 border encounters a day. Now that Title 42 is expiring, it’s estimated that we will shatter records set last year. Some estimate that number is going to shoot up to a daily average of 8,000 a day, and we may see a temporary surge of 16,000 a day once Title 42 expires.
This is insane, and even some Democrats are recognizing that. Senator Joe Manchin, Senator John Tester of Montana, Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, and Senator Krysten Sinema of Arizona have all spoken out. You also have a bunch of Democrats in the House speaking out against allowing Title 42 to expire.
The Biden administration has abdicated its responsibility to protect the border, by extension protecting the country and We the People, long before the expiration of Title 42.
And there is something that simply boggles my mind, and maybe one of my listeners can help me out here because The P.A.S. Report Podcast has the best and brightest audience.
In June of 2015, someone road down the escalator announcing his presidency, and ending illegal immigration would be a big part of his campaign. At first, he was mocked and ridiculed, and many of the ruling class elites didn’t take his candidacy seriously. They laughed at his Build a Wall campaign slogan.
And then that candidate defeated the two most powerful political dynasties in America- the Bushs and the Clintons. The Democrats, the establishment, the liberal Republicans, and the ruling elite despised the idea of President Trump winning and being in office. They deemed him to crass, not worthy of the office of the presidency, and they attempted to destroy him. They still are.
You would think that they would realize that a big reason President Trump won in 2016 was his border policies. He was the one candidate laser-focused on the illegal immigration issue.
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After the 2020 elections, you would think that these people would have said to themselves, “Hey, we don’t want to see Trump in office again so maybe we should try to secure the border. We don’t want to give him an issue he can exploit again in 2024.” Instead, they did the exact opposite, they did the exact opposite because they are not smart people. They had to do the opposite of everything President Trump did, so instead of keeping the sensible border policies, they did away with them all, and opened the border wide open.
Now the problem is worse than ever, and this incompetent administration has no clue how to handle it. They keep on doubling down on the failed policies to appeal to the far-left base. All they are doing is creating an opening for Republicans in the 2022 midterms, and they are rolling out a red carpet for Trump to return in 2024 if he decides to run.
Don’t think that the open assault on the border isn’t related to the culture war that I discussed earlier. Everything is tied together, but again, the ruling elite isn’t that smart. They have made it clear that they want to change the culture in the United States. That they want to do away with the concept and ideals of America.
Our country was always based on individualism. That if you work hard, and have grit and determination, you can achieve whatever you want. You can be a success. You are free, and that’s what it means to truly be independent.
That’s what they don’t like. They don’t want a country built on self-sufficiency and independence. They want a country based on dependency. They want you to be dependent on the State apparatus. They want you to be dependent on them. It’s why they want to control all aspects of our lives, and why they disregard issues, our grievances, our needs.
I will continue to talk about these issues, and next week I may do an episode on some of the myths when it comes to both legal and illegal immigration, and how we reform the system.
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