Are we in The Twilight Zone?
Imagine a time. The year, 2020. The place, America.
Imagine a media and the Big Tech giants serving as the gatekeepers of information determining what the people can and cannot see. Determining what are facts and what’s misleading. Imagine these gatekeepers protecting a presidential candidate by suppressing stories and evidence of massive corruption. Imagine these conglomerates interfering and trying to manipulate a Presidential Election all because they despise the other candidate. Imagine these entities having such little regard for the people, they believe they can hide information. Where the #censorship minions can silence anyone and where they can do what they want without suffering any consequences.
Imagine a time when “Democratic” governments usurp an enormous amount of power with little regard for democratic norms, God-given Liberties, and the essential ability to exercise freedom, all in the name of a virus. A virus that has a 99.82% survival rate for those under 65yrs. Imagine a time where the people are in a perpetual state of lockdowns, rather than quarantining those who are high-risk. Imagine children at school, being socially distanced, and having protective barriers on their desks, still having to wear masks for hours on end. Imagine governments discussing a national mask mandate for both indoors and outdoors, regardless of the number of cases in a given jurisdiction.
Imagine many of the people allow the #government to usurp this authority with little to no pushback. Where lives and livelihoods are destroyed. Where real education grinds to a halt. Where small businesses are put out of business due to the massive restrictions. Where there is no regard for people’s individual economies, mental/physical health outside of this virus, and #science being weaponized for political purposes.
Imagine a time when the governments around the world discuss raiding people’s homes to break up holiday celebrations with family and friends. Imagine government dictating to people who they can see and who they can’t. When people can leave their homes and when they cannot. What businesses are deemed essential and which ones are not. Imagine a government willfully destroying lives by claiming they are saving lives.
Sadly, this is not the Twilight Zone. This is reality. This is the world in 2020.
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