Episode 107 Show Notes- Undermining the Integrity of the Election Igniting Chaos, Crisis, and Revolution
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Episode Description
We are currently witnessing an all-out effort to undermine the Presidential Election before Americans go to the polls, cast their votes, and have their ballots counted. This is an organized, well-coordinated, and well-funded campaign to delegitimize the 2020 elections in an effort to usurp power. Not confident in Joe Biden’s ability to win the Presidential Election, an unholy alliance has been formed by the far-left, Democrats, the Bureaucracy and the Never-Trumpers to create election chaos in an attempt to oust President Trump from office.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Last week I told you that I was going to discuss the idea of critical race theory and implicit bias training being forced on people throughout the United States. I was all set to discuss that, but then someone brought something to my attention and so I will discuss that another day.
For this episode, I am going to explain how the presidential election is being undermined. For the last year, many in the media industrial complex have been saying that President Trump won’t accept the results of the election, or that he’s not going to leave the White House. I laughed at these morons thinking to myself how deranged many members of the media are.
However, as the campaign season began to heat up, these calls grew louder, and as time went on several things were said and done that raised my eyebrow.
I started to do some research, and the information I stumbled across is startling, and everything is beginning to make a lot of sense.
We are currently witnessing an all-out effort to undermine the Presidential Election before Americans go to the polls, cast their votes, and have their ballots counted. This is an organized, well-coordinated, and well-funded campaign to delegitimize the 2020 elections in an effort to usurp power.
Ironically, the Democrats, yes, the same Democrats who have been screaming about the importance of the integrity of our elections for the last four years, are not confident in Joe Biden’s abilities. They have decided to undermine the presidential election and destroy any integrity in the election process.
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Undermining the Election
Obviously, Democrats want to see this President out of office. They despise him. They want to defeat the President at any and all costs. But it goes deeper than that. an unholy alliance has been formed by the far-left, Democrats, the Bureaucracy, and the Never-Trumpers to create election chaos in an attempt to oust President Trump from office.
It didn’t start off as an organized and coordinated plan. You had your ramblings of the hardcore ideological pundits questioning whether President Trump would leave office if he loses the race. That started a year ago.
However, since then the coronavirus hit, followed by the civil unrest, the riots, and the raging violence. This created a perfect storm to form this unholy alliance and to move from people just bloviating about President Trump to an active and coordinated effort to oust President Trump from power by destroying the electoral process.
There are several tactics that these nefarious people are employing in an attempt to delegitimize the election. They want to nullify and invalidate the election all because they are worried that Joe Biden cannot possibly win.
Tactic One
The first tactic is two-fold, undermine the Electoral College, and undermine the entire election through mail-in-voting. For the last 4 years, Democrats have been trying to undermine the Electoral College. Hillary was supposed to win. Instead, she lost, and that sent Democrats over the deep end. It ripped off the scab from 2000, and Democrats have made it their mission to figure out a way to abolish the Electoral College.
See they have little respect for anyone or any state outside the coasts. They constantly mock and ridicule middle America. It goes to what I spoke about last week, where the ruling class has deemed us the peasant class who shouldn’t have influence within our system.
They have deemed the Electoral College old and archaic. Since those arguments didn’t go anywhere, they now deem the Electoral College as part of the system built on racism and that the Electoral College is a form of white supremacy. I keep telling you these people are insane.
However, it’s the mail-in-voting that really is going to be a major problem. The ruling class keeps saying that voter fraud doesn’t exist. That it’s a myth. I pointed out that this was a lie in previous episodes. I’m not going to rehash it so if you want the details check out the episode: The 2020 Election, Mail-in-Voting, Ballot Harvesting and Voter ID.
In that episode, I illustrate how the media and the academics try to get cute. They say voter fraud is extremely low, and they’re right. Voter fraud doesn’t happen to often. What they don’t tell you is that election fraud is a much bigger and more widespread problem. This is where you have political operatives behind the scenes with the potential to manipulate thousands of ballots in any given election.
The coronavirus created a perfect opportunity for this unholy alliance to manipulate the election. They are making a big push for universal mail-in-voting. As I stated in Episode 97, you are asking for a disaster by changing the way people vote two months before the election. People constantly point to Oregon, Washington, and Utah. What they don’t tell you is those states have had decades to work out the kinks. Do we really expect it to go off without a hitch in states that have never done a vote-by-mail system?
As I stated previously:
In NYC, over 80,000 mail-in ballots were voided which translates into 21% of the votes not counting. (NY Post)
In Michigan, more than 10k ballots were rejected. (ABC 7)
In Florida, over 18k of ballots were not counted. (CBS 12)
In Wisconsin, over 23k of ballots were thrown out. (Urban Milwaukee)
And now in Georgia, it’s been announced that about 1,000 people are currently under investigation for voting twice in the Georgia primaries. (NY Times)
It’s clear that mail-in-voting is ripe for abuse, and at least 7 states are automatically mailing ballots to every registered voter even if those voters didn’t request a ballot.
This is the worst possible election to be testing out new voting methods. This is an election where you want a clear-cut winner. You don’t want either side to be able to claim any type of fraud and abuse, but that’s exactly the environment they want to create.
Democrats war on the Electoral College is clear, and there are many Democrats who have stated that they will not accept the results if Biden wins the popular vote and President trump wins the Electoral College vote.
One of the concerns is how many ballots will be manipulated, and another concern is how long it will take to count all the ballots, but it’s deeper than that.
What happens if the election is really close in some of the swing states? Let’s say it’s only a few thousand votes to 15,000 votes. What happens if 40,000 ballots were received to late and invalidated? Biden’s campaign will surely fight that in court. The unholy alliance would be screaming that every vote should be counted.
But it’s even deeper than that. Both campaigns are going to have limited resources and they can’t possibly contest every ballot in every state. In all likelihood, most of the focus is going to be on the swing states. Places like California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and other blue states will be ignored. There solidly Democrat state, and no one anticipates President Trump will win these states. But if massive fraud occurs in these states, it will boost Joe Biden’s popular vote number, and in a scenario where the President loses the popular vote but wins the Electoral College vote, this will matter because Democrats will be screaming, “See, it’s happening again.”
Republicans won’t have the resources to investigate election fraud in these states because they will be to focus on the swing states.
If Democrat’s didn’t believe they would benefit from mail-in-voting, they wouldn’t be pushing for it so hard. They know that a lot of questionable things are going to happen, but they don’t care. The more chaos, the more likely they can capitalize and take advantage.
Also, most experts say on election night, President Trump will win begin, but his lead will quickly evaporate once mail-in-ballots start to get counted. My concern is they are essentially providing the Biden team with the numbers they would need to reach in order to defeat President Trump. Don’t be surprised when they say we found a few thousand ballots here and a few thousand there.
This undermines the integrity of the elections, and that’s the point. They want a controversial election.
Tactic Two
The next tactic is to simply delegitimize the President. This is something they have been doing for the last four years so it’s not like it’s new and I won’t waste too much time on it. He didn’t really win in 2016. He lost the popular vote. He colluded with the Russian’s. He’s not my President. Blah, blah, blah.
However, over the last couple of months, these same people that would regurgitate the same nonsense started to change their language and are choosing words much more carefully. It happened so suddenly, but it was easy to miss. No longer were they using the word collusion as much. And when I say they, I am referring to Democrats, the far-left, their media enablers, and the never-trumpers.
Instead, they began to say the President cheated and stole the election. It was a very subtle shift. While some on the real fringe would use these words over the last four years, many in the media and many mainstream Democrats would carefully avoid using these words.
But it’s deeper than that. They are planting the seeds that if President Trump cheated the first time around, and stole the election, what makes you think he won’t do it again. See, they are using this line of attack for a specific reason. They want to normalize the idea that the president cheated and stole the election. And if they need to use this line of attack in November, it seems more plausible.
It’s not like the media has pushed back at all on claims that the President cheated or stole the election.
Tactic Three
The third tactic is one that has been employed for the last year and something I brought up before, and it’s that President Trump won’t leave the White House. Just do a quick Google search on the president not leaving the White House and see how many articles pop up from just the last three weeks. This is designed to create the illusion that the President is going to seize power even if he loses. That’s why he is an existential threat to the system.
As I said last week, journalism is dead. The media is constantly pushing this narrative. They have absolutely zero-evidence that makes this claim credible, yet they continue to speculate. But that’s by design. They understand that this is going to be an election like no other. We probably won’t have a clear winner on election night. I will guarantee that if Joe Biden is slightly ahead, but not all of the ballots are fully counted, they will ask endless questions about why the President is not conceding the election, and they will try to validate that the President is trying to seize power.
Tactic Four
The fourth tactic is far more dangerous. A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton stated that Joe Biden should not concede the election under any circumstance. Take a listen.
Since then, more and more Democrats and the media have also questioned whether Biden should concede at all. The longer it drags out, the more chaos it creates. The messaging of Biden not conceding is designed to do two things.
First, it’s designed to plant the seeds in people’s minds that there is no way President Trump can win. Even if President Trump has a slight victory, he cheated and is trying to steal the election. If you notice, all these tactics go hand-in-hand in order to create a specific narrative.
The second thing it’s designed to do is to drag out the election as long as possible. It’s not that they care about Biden, but they may attempt to run out the clock. What happens if the electors can’t meet because states haven’t certified election results? What if no clear winner emerges? Will it get kicked to the House of Representatives? Will the courts get involved?
This chaos plays into the hands of Democrats.
Election Simulation
Democrats, their allies in the media, and the Bureaucracy (part of the Deep State bunch), have all but said that they will not accept the results of the election unless Biden wins. Once again, the irony is amazing. The same crew that constantly accuses the President of not accepting the results of the election, issues reports showing they won’t accept the results of a Trump victory. Not only that, but they have also created a roadmap of what they plan to do.
There’s something called the Transition Integrity Project. Now, the Transition Integrity Project is being billed as a group of bipartisan experts that have served at some of the highest levels of government, consists of both Republican and Democrats, and it includes academics.
I’m here to tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that the group consists of people who despise the President and have been calling for his removal for the last three years. I’ll get into the makeup of the organization in a little, but first I want to look at the election simulations they ran.
They ran four election simulations. (Transition Integrity Project)
In one scenario, Joe Biden wins overwhelmingly both in the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Because of his margin of victory, it leaves President Trump with no option but to concede the election. We have a peaceful transition, and Biden becomes the next President of the United States. A catastrophe has been avoided.
In another scenario, Joe Biden wins by a narrow margin. In this scenario, President Trump refuses to concede the election. President Trump blames voter fraud. Peaceful protests begin as pro-Biden supporters take to the streets calling on the President to concede the election. President Trump calls on his supporters to take to the streets and violence ensues, “particularly since President Trump has repeatedly encouraged his supporters to take up arms.” President Trump is ultimately escorted out of the White House by Secret Service, “but only after pardoning himself and his family and burning incriminating documents.” These people are so dumb.
In another scenario, President Trump wins the Electoral College vote but loses the popular vote again. This scenario is really interesting because in this scenario credible claims of voter suppression and foreign interference emerge. Peaceful protests break out all over the United States. Democrats encourage the idea of secessionist movements in California, Washington, and Oregon unless congressional Republicans agree to a series of reforms including statehood for Washington DC and Puerto Rico.
In another scenario, no clear winner emerges similar to the 2000 election. Both the Trump campaign and the Biden campaign bring lawsuits challenging the election. Supporters both take to the streets, and the Trump supporters quickly turn violent. The courts refuse to hear the case. And it ends with the possibility of the military intervening.
This is what these geniuses came up with. This group of “bipartisan” experts basically say that out of 3 of the 4 scenarios, Biden should be President. The only scenario with President Trump winning, he still loses the popular vote, and the Democrats don’t accept the results of the election.
In all scenarios where the margins are close violence erupts, and it’s the Trump supporters that start and engage in the violence. Of course, it’s because the left never engages in violence. They only engage in fiery but peaceful protests. It’s not like we haven’t had four months of cities being destroyed by far-left activists or anything.
So, the only scenario where there is no violence or civil unrest is when Biden wins both the electoral college vote and the popular vote by healthy margins.
Now, many in the media have been reporting on the Transition Integrity Project’s simulations. How they can do that with a straight face is beyond me. However, it’s more nefarious than you think. Sure, these are a group of political hacks, and sure they all hate President Trump, but they are sending a message to the American people.
The message is clear. If you don’t want to see the United States destroyed, you have to vote for Biden or else. Essentially, they are threatening massive unrest regardless of the outcome of the elections.
Tactic Four
This brings us to the fourth tactic and that’s these groups mobilizing behind the scenes in order to shape the outcome and the future of the United States. These groups are organized, and they are well-funded. Let’s take the Transition Integrity Project first since I already started talking about them.
Transition Integrity Project
This organization is led by Rosa Brooks, fmr. Senior Pentagon Official & current law Professor at Georgetown University.
As far as Rosa Brooks goes, served in the Obama administration as the Counselor to Under Secretary of Defense. She was also a Senior Advisor to the State Department under the Clinton Administration. Even more interesting, she served as Special Counsel to the President of the Open Society Institute and now serves on the advisory board of the foundation. So again, we see direct ties to Soros and the Soros minions.
Also, Rosa Brooks wrote an article on January 30, 2017, titled, “3 Ways to get rid of President Trump Before 2020.” (Foreign Policy) One thing that jumps out at you when you read the article is when she says, “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Now, this was one week into President Trump’s administration, and it illustrates that they have no regard for the election or Constitution. Their mission is simple, get rid of President Trump at any and all costs.
Bill themselves as a bipartisan group, but a closer look reveals a much different story. You’ll notice the people with close ties to Hillary Clinton like John Podesta and Donna Brazile. You will also notice that the “Republicans” are really the never-trumpers. These are your neocons Bill Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, and other losers.
Another interesting thing that has gotten virtually no attention was when Ret col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who is on the Transition Integrity Project, said at a roundtable discussion with WBUR, “Let me just say some of the things that we’re putting out there. Among those things, one that is very important is the media, particularly the mainstream media. They cannot act as they usually act with regard to elections. They have to play a coup on election night.”
He went on to say, “Lastly, let me say this to all my military friends out there, as we used to say in the chairman’s office. The military needs to stay in barracks. Simply stated, that means the military has no business taking any side in either part of this election.” (wbur)
The most interesting thing is you can’t really find out any information about this group. I tried looking at who is funding this group, and I can’t find a single thing. But with the names mentioned, you can bet there is big money behind it and you can bet given her connection to Open Society, Soros is right there.
National Task Force on Election Crises
When I was researching the Transition Integrity Project and came across Col. Wilkerson, he’s also part of another group called the National Task Force on Election Crises. According to their About Us page, the group was set up “to ensure a free and fair 2020 presidential election by recommending responses to a range of election crises.” (National Task Force on Election Crises)
When you check out their member’s page, you will see some familiar names, but the name that really jumped out at me was Jim Baker. Jim Baker probably rings a bell to you. He was the former FBI General Council and is currently under investigation because of his role in Operation Crossfire Hurricane. This was the plot to take down President Trump with the phony Russian Collusion hoax.
The group says that it’s nonpartisan, but it’s the same hacks we see all over the place.
Once again, trying to find out who funds this organization is difficult, but make no mistake about it, they don’t care about the integrity of the election. They care about getting rid of President Trump.
Col. Wilkerson says that there are several dozen members of this organization and they have been in various leadership positions within the government at one point or another. These are your bureaucrats. The ones I have referred to in the past that believe they are the ones in charge of the system. They believe President Trump doesn’t deserve to hold the office, and since the American people were too dumb by voting for him, it’s up to the bureaucratic elite to right Americans wrongs.
These aren’t your far-left individuals, but they have aligned themselves with the far-left because they believe that President Trump is the greater threat, and they believe they can control the far-left. It shows you how out of touch these people are because the Democrats have lost all control over the far-left. They just haven’t realized it yet.
Choose Democracy
Another group is Choose Democracy. One of my listeners brought this group to my attention. This is why I decided to do this episode because when I started researching this group, it led me down the rabbit hole to a bunch of other groups and what I found was startling.
I went to its webpage and there was very little information. This organization has a four-part pledge, and a few parts jumped right out at me.
They say they will refuse to accept election results until all the votes are counted. They will take to the streets if a coup is attempted, and “if we need to, we will shut down this country to protect the integrity of the democratic process.”
They promote the idea that President Trump will lose and stage a coup to retain power. “We have reason to worry that this fall we may see an undemocratic power grab — a coup…Nonviolent mass protests have stopped coups in other places, and we may have to do the same in this country…When the public refuses to accept the coup as legitimate, coups fall apart. Refusal looks like millions of people using nonviolent tools to delegitimize the coup by demonstrating, resisting orders, and shutting down the country until democracy prevails.”
Besides that, they link to The Transition Integrity Project report, which I will get to in a few minutes.
And then there is a Coming Soon tab that says, “a handbook on how to stop a coup, plus materials on how to spot a coup and more.”
Now, I tried figuring out who is behind this organization and it hasn’t been easy. The domain is registered to someone named Nick Jehlen. From doing a quick internet search, Mr. Jehlen certainly appears to be a far-left activist and is a big proponent of voting-by-mail and fervently anti-Trump. He has contributed to many far-left organizations and encourages his customers to donate to far-left groups including Planned Parenthood and the Black Lives Matter organization.
However, what really caught my eye was that the website has a sign up for a workshop. The workshop is titled, How to beat an election-related power grab by Donald Trump. They state, “this training will offer knowledge and practice to be ready for a coup.” One of the people facilitating these workshops is George Lakey.
Lakey is a retired professor, but his work is far to the left, and he writes often about nonviolent revolution to foster radical change. Mr. Lakey sits on the American Friends Service Committee which has received money from the Open Society Foundation, a George Soros organization, in the past.
Lakey is also the Founder of Training for Change, a social justice organization.
I’m going to keep digging into this organization to see what’s going on, and who’s really behind it. See if I can sit in one of these workshops to get an idea of what they are looking to do.
Democracy PAC
Now while researching Choose Democracy, I stumbled across Democracy PAC. This organization was set up by George Soros in 2019 for the purpose of influencing the 2020 presidential election.
If you look at their funding, the Fund for Policy Reform contributed $46 million 01/2020-06/2020 (Does not include what they spent in the 3rd quarter because the 3rd quarter doesn’t end until September 30th)- George Soros is the founder and chairman of this fund. The President of this fund is Patrick Gaspard. Gaspard served as Executive Director of the DNC from 2011-2013. He was the Director of the White House Office of Political Affairs for President Obama’s administration from 2009-2011. He was the Associate Personnel Director of President Obama’s transition team, and he was the Political Director of Barack Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign. (Influence Watch: Fund for Policy Reform)
George Soros also gave $5.63 million 02/2020-06/2020 (Does not include what they spent in 3rd quarter because 3rd quarter doesn’t end until September 30th)
The law firm filing the paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on behalf of Democracy PAC is none other than Perkins Coie. The same law firm that the DNC and Clinton campaign hired to funnel money to Michael Steele for the fake Russian dossier.
Fight Back Table
And there are plenty of other groups undermining the election and refusing to accept any outcome except for a Joe Biden victory.
Fight Back Table is an umbrella of groups including MoveOn, Color of Change, the American Federation of Teachers, Demos, and over 50 other left-wing groups. Many of these groups have the same ties to the same people. They are holding zoom meetings for what they envision as the “post-Election Day political apocalypse scenario.”
They’ve created something called the “Democracy Nerve Center,” and have stated that their goal is to stand up a multi-state communications arm to fight disinformation. Develop a training program for nonviolent civil disobedience, and to create “mass public unrest.”
“It is very obvious that Trump is laying the groundwork for claiming victory no matter what,” said Rahna Epting, executive director of MoveOn.
They are talking about the likelihood of violence on the street.
There are sirens sounding off all over the place about what is going to happen, yet no one is talking about it out loud. This will be a disaster.
Remember, they will not accept anything except a Biden victory. They could care less about the integrity of the elections. They’ve been undermining the electoral process since President Trump won.
They are making veiled threats in order to instill fear about civil unrest following election day. Americans are tired of the unrest. They are tired of their cities being destroyed. This unholy alliance is hoping that Americans will pull the lever of Biden because they want to avoid more destruction, more chaos, and more division.
What they don’t realize is that they are playing with fire. If President Trump wins, but the margins are razor-thin, or President Trump wins the electoral college vote but loses the popular vote, and they refuse to accept the results, trying to force President Trump out, how do they think the American people would react?
And if Biden wins by a razor-thin margin, that’s also asking for a disaster, especially when we are going to be experimenting with so many mail-in-ballots, where the system is ripe for abuses or people’s votes being disqualified. This is the worst election to test new methods of voting, and it will end in disaster.
These people have no intention of accepting the results of the election if President Trump wins. The only way they will have no choice is if President Trump wins overwhelmingly in both the popular vote and the electoral college vote.
Anything less than that, they will cause massive civil unrest in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected president. Understand that the ruling class is pissed. They bureaucracy was unable to oust President Trump following the phony Russia Collusion hoax. They were unable to impeach him following the Ukraine phone call.
They are putting all their eggs on the election, and they will not lose gracefully. Because of their lack of faith in the Biden campaign, they have enabled the radical leftists in an attempt to destroy the President. What they don’t realize is that their continued obsession and hatred for the President will ultimately destroy the United States and everything America stands for.
They would rather burn down the system if it means getting rid of President Trump than to have President Trump remain in office for another four years. In the back of these people’s minds, they think that they can control the radical left and that sooner or later everything will return to normal once President Trump is gone. What they don’t realize is that they’ve already lost control.
I’m going to keep an eye on these organizations, and I’ll let you know what I uncover.
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