Episode 519 Show Notes- Unmasking Biden’s Strategy to Divide America for Political Gain
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Episode Description
In this episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast, Professor Nick Giordano exposes President Biden’s strategy to divide Americans for political gain. Over the weekend, President Biden delivered a speech at Morehouse College that sparked controversy, claiming his political opponents don’t see Black Americans “in the future of America” and stating that a “Black man loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back.” As the Biden administration continues its divide-and-conquer approach, Professor Giordano examines the damage to our nation. Tune in to understand the implications of this rhetoric and how it impacts American society.
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Show Notes- Unmasking Biden’s Strategy to Divide America for Political Gain
Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
[Intro Transcript] Welcome, everyone to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. I’m your host, Nick Giordano, and I am glad you could join me today. If you’re not already a subscriber, consider subscribing and following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Also, visit The P.A.S. Report website, and share this episode with others to inform them of the issues impacting our great nation.
Today, we’re diving into a critical and disturbing topic: President Biden’s strategy to divide America for political gain. This isn’t just a matter of partisan politics – it’s a strategy that has deep implications for the future of our nation. In this episode, we’ll uncover how President Biden and his administration are labeling nearly half the country, especially those who dissent from leftist policies, as radical extremists and potential domestic terrorists.
But first, I want to set the stage. Over the weekend, President Biden gave a speech at Morehouse College, addressing Black Americans graduating college after years of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication. It’s supposed to be a joyous occasion, and commencement speeches are supposed to be uplifting.
This is a major accomplishment for these young adults as they embark on their careers. A commencement speech should be filled with hope and promise as these young Americans have so much opportunity and should see the world as their oyster.
However, the President, but let’s be honest, he reads what’s put in front of him, has a different agenda. One that’s aimed at demoralizing people and one that pits Americans against each other.
In his speech, he made some very pointed comments that seemed less about celebrating their achievements and more about stoking division. He claimed that his political opponents don’t see Black Americans ‘in the future of America’ and that a ‘Black man loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back.’ These remarks are part of a broader pattern we’ve seen from this administration – a deliberate effort to break us into groups, and pit Americans against each other based on race, political beliefs, and social values.
But it is much bigger than just his commencement address. In this episode, I’ll play sound clips and point to documents that illustrate this nefarious agenda. We’ll look at specific examples of how dissent is being labeled as extremism and how this impacts ordinary Americans who simply want to exercise their rights to free speech and assembly. We’ll discuss the broader implications for our Republic and what we can do to push back against this divisive strategy.
Stay tuned, because after the break, we’re going to dive deeper into these issues and expose more about how the Biden administration’s tactics are threatening the very fabric of our nation. This comes at a dangerous time. A time when most Americans know little about America – our founding, our values, and the American identity. The point is that you can’t defend what you don’t know, and the Biden administration is using people’s ignorance about America to divide us further.
And when I say divide us further, I am not talking about dividing us on political issues. As I always say, in a free society there is always division on political issues. What I am talking about is dividing us based on a group mentality. Tribalism and making us suspicious of one another.
So don’t go anywhere – this is an episode you won’t want to miss.
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