Episode 57 Show Notes- Warning: Do Not Grant Government Unlimited Power in Times of Crisis
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Episode Description
This episode focuses on several different topics all intertwining with each other. Is calling the Coronavirus (COVID19) racist and xenophobic? Has the news media been largely irresponsible with their “end of days” headlines? Are your civil liberties being ripped away without you even realizing it? Are some political officials using the crisis to restructure the country to fit their vision? Do they want to remake America into something we wouldn’t recognize? Professor Giordano takes on each of these questions providing analysis and a warning to We the People.
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano and I hope you are having a good week. If you are locked up, I know how difficult this is. It is something that takes some getting used to. We are living during difficult times, but the good news is you can catch up on previous episodes of The P.A.S. Report
This week I want to discuss a few things. I want to take on this notion that we can’t blame China for the virus. I want to explore why there are so many in the media and so many politicians who don’t only ask zero questions about China but have gone out of their way to defend China.
I want to take a look at how horrible American media is by using headlines as clickbait and are making the current situation worse. Our media has been highly irresponsible in their reporting on the Coronavirus, and I hope when all is said and done, that we the people hold them accountable by changing the channel.
I also want to spend my time talking about government power in a crisis. In times of crisis, people are willing to grant government enormous powers, and we should be very careful when ceding power to government. Throughout history, governments have repeatedly abused their power, and so it is incumbent on us to ensure that once the crisis passes, power is returned back to the people.
But before I jump right in, go to thepasreport.com to see the show notes, sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter, and go see the post with Gordon Chang’s interview because he provided great insights.
As I discussed with Gordon on Monday, a new report suggests that had China not silenced their doctors, and had they not tried to cover up the virus from the beginning, the virus would be 95% contained. It would have been localized to Wuhan, and probably would not have spread beyond China’s borders.
Instead, China did try to cover up the virus, and now over 150 countries are being impacted. The global economy has been devastated, and our economy will certainly go into a recession and perhaps depression.
You would think with all we know that political figures, from both sides of the aisle, would be outraged and would be calling out China and the Communist regime. You would think with all we know that the media would show some outrage and begin asking the communist regime some serious questions.
Instead, we are seeing the media go out of their way to defend China. Even some of the political figures of defending China. In fact, the media and political figures show more outrage against anyone that calls it the China Coronavirus or the Wuhan virus. Of course, these idiots will always use their go-to labels… “it’s racist” “it’s xenophobic.”
Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up. These people are seriously demented.
Listen to this report. (Play Audio Clip)
They don’t care that the communist government of China has singlehandedly destroyed our economy. How their lies singlehandedly let thousands of people die. They would rather defend China because to them, President Trump is far worse. Once again, these morons are letting their emotions blind them to what China did.
First of all, calling it the China Coronavirus or the Wuhan virus has nothing to do with race. No one is blaming the people of China. In fact, the people of China suffered and died because of the lies of their own government. When it is called the Chinese Coronavirus, it is to remind everyone of coverup the communist government engaged in. That they are responsible for this crisis. We should be holding China accountable, but our media and those on the left would rather give China a pass.
Imagine how these people would have reacted had the virus started in the United States and the President and his administration hid it from the public. Think about how many investigations we had into Russian collusion, and whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. Prior to the coronavirus, all we have heard about is Russia, Stormy Daniels, tax returns, Russia, Emoluments clause, Ukraine, Russia, and impeachment. Remember, Russia was our mortal enemy because they attempted to influence the 2016 elections by posting fake information on social media platforms.
And after numerous investigations, it turned out that the Trump campaign had nothing to do with Russia. So, we have been told that what Russia did was akin to an “act of war” and a “21st century Pearl Harbor.” That’s their words, not mine. Now, while we should do everything in our power to combat Russian meddling in the election, no one died, it didn’t destroy our economy, and they were unable to change any votes in the 2016 election.
Yet the communist government of China lies, and because of their lies, people have died, and our economy is being destroyed leaving millions of people unemployed. Yet, all I hear is crickets, and when you do go to criticize China, you are labeled as a racist or xenophobic. These people should be ashamed of themselves.
Think about how difficult our lives have become, and how much more difficult they may become, and I’m not supposed to call out the Chinese government for what they did? How dumb is that? We should be holding China accountable. We should force China to contribute to the stimulus package. Why should it be all on the United States and the taxpayers?
News flash: For those of you that dislike the President, you can criticize the president and you can call out China at the same time.
When you defend China, you look like an idiot. Someone I know, actually defended China saying that China took severe measures to contain the virus, and instead we should be blaming President Trump for incompetence. He went on to say that if you call it the China virus or the Wuhan virus, “everybody knows what you are really trying to do and what you really are all about.” This is the stupidity I have to deal with.
Think about who these people are defending. They are defending a government that has reeducation camps where they send Uyghur’s. These people at the reeducation camps are routinely tortured until they renounce their Muslim faith and pledge all loyalties to the communist government, and many will die. This is a country, where if you speak out against the communist regime, you can disappear in the middle of the night and be subjected to torture and death. This is a country that has an underground market where people in prisons will have their organs removed and sold on the black market. This is a country that repeatedly engages in animal cruelty. This is a country that has one of the worst human rights records in the entire world and espouses racism daily.
This is a country that routinely steals our technologies and our innovations costing the United States $500 billion dollars a year. This is a country that forces our companies to sign a partnership agreement in order to do business in China. This is a country that has threatened to withhold pharmaceuticals if we dare to criticize them. This is a country that routinely steals personal identifying information from ordinary American citizens. This is a country that has infiltrated college campuses nationwide to conduct espionage activities. This is a country that has bought off many of our elected officials, both democrats and republicans.
So, I will continue to criticize China, and no I am not a racist. I am not xenophobic. I have no fear or dislike of Chinese people. When I say country, I am talking about the Chinese government. Enough with the BS wordplay. In fact, I feel for those Chinese people that have to live under this horrible regime. Perhaps if the media and our political officials spoke out more, China would face some accountability. To all those that dare to defend China, you have no business calling anyone a racist or a xenophobe. You have no right to judge anyone.
You turn a blind eye to the abuses committed by China all because you hate President Trump. You have no credibility and should be ashamed of yourselves. You are pompous, arrogant, and blinded by hate. If that’s the regime you want to defend, that’s your right, but take a minute and think about what you’re defending.
The American news media just keeps getting worse
Just when you think the media couldn’t stoop any lower. Just when I believed my opinion of these jerks couldn’t sink to new lows, they always find a way. The headlines pertaining to the coronavirus have been nothing short of being extremely irresponsible. They are trying to sensationalize the virus, damage those they disagree with politically, and create headlines as clickbait to get you to read the articles. These people have done enormous damage to the country.
So, I just wanted to take a look at some of these headlines.
Washington Post– “U.S. reports:100 coronavirus deaths in a single day” You never see a headline say 171 deaths from drug overdoses in a single day or a headline like 1,315 smoking-related deaths in a single day.
MSN– “Coronavirus Traces Lingered in Vacated Cruise Cabins for 17 Days”
NY Post– “Coronavirus pandemic could last up to 9 months”
Daily Mail– “America’s hospitals will be overrun with coronavirus”
DNYUZ– “A Bank in Midtown Is Cleaned Out of $100 Bills”
The Guardian– “UK coronavirus crisis ‘to last until spring 2021 and could see 7.9m hospitalized”
MSN– “Coronavirus will change how we shop, travel and work for years”
NY Post– “Coronavirus doctor says lung scans for young patients were ‘nothing short of terrifying”
Info Wars– “COVID-19 Tracking Bracelets & Invisible Tattoos To Monitor Americans”
Axios– “Dire new report forces U.S. and U.K. to change course on coronavirus strategy” The article begins by saying how up to 2.2 million Americans and 510,000 Britons could die.
NYT– “Could Coronavirus Cause as Many Deaths as Cancer in the U.S.?”
Greenwich Times– “Hello from Italy. Your future is grimmer than you think”
Wall Street Journal– “Truckers Facing Coronavirus Hurdles in Keeping Supply Chains Moving”
MSN– “U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages”
DNYUZ– “Chilling Plans: Who Gets Care When Washington State Hospitals Reach Their Max”
Vanity Fair– “All Hell Is About to Break Loose: Could Wall Street’s Coronavirus Tsunami Get Worse”
Newsweek– “Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government”
Stamford Advocate– “Italy’s coronavirus death toll feeds fear of what lies ahead in Europe and the U.S.”
AP News– “Taking stock of strange days: The week that America changed”
The Eagle– “UW researchers look at how coronavirus turns body against itself and kills”
NY Post– “British teen dies one day after testing positive for coronavirus” While I feel for this teen and their family, if you read the article, it clearly states that the teen had significant underlying health issues. So when you read the headline, you think younger people are dying in much larger numbers.
And that’s what all these headlines do. I was reading a NY Times article where one epidemiologist said that the worst-case scenario is 2.2 million people dead and the best-case scenario is 1.1 million deaths in the United States. This is highly irresponsible just like all the other headlines. The media is trying to sensationalize as if this is the end of days- and it’s not. We are told we can’t question the experts, yet this epidemiologist provided no evidence. It’s like he just threw a dart at a bunch of numbers on the board.
When reading these articles, well this person says this may happen, and that person says this will happen, and simply because they have a Dr. at the front of their name or a Ph.D. At the end of their name, we take these people seriously. But you do realize that most are just providing speculation.
Also, I am getting a little sick and tired of people saying you must not question science. That you can’t question the “experts.” When did science become a sacred religion? Science is built on the idea of asking questions. If we never ask questions, science would never advance.
Sorry, but Dr. Fauci is a smart guy, he’s definitely has a higher IQ than me and knows more about viruses and medicine, but I can raise questions as to what he thinks the effective response should be. As a healthcare professional, he has an obligation to try and limit the spread and save lives. He doesn’t have to concern himself about other areas including economics, foreign policy, trade, household income, etc. He comes at this crisis from a public health standpoint.
If we are now going to introduce a new standard where no one can question the “experts,” then let’s apply this to everything. So, if you are an Environmental Science Professor, then don’t talk about the 2nd Amendment, gun violence, or gun control. Don’t talk about topics of war and peace. If you’re a sports reporter, then don’t talk about topics of war and peace or geopolitics.
I can’t stand these pompous, arrogant morons. They believe they know what’s better for everyone else, and they want to silence anyone that deviates from their narrow point of view. I make no secret of how I feel. I believe that we are overreacting. Other measures could have been taken to slow down the spread. I don’t think we needed a complete economic collapse.
When I said that, I had this one idiot tell me that I didn’t care about human beings or their health, and I don’t care if people die. Talk about passing judgment. Now when you are dealing with an ideologue, you know that it doesn’t matter what you say, they only hear what they want to hear. However, I wonder how many people are going to be stuck in their homes 2, 3, 4 weeks, eating junk food and not doing any exercise. How is that beneficial for public health? How many are aware that emergency rooms are already seeing increases in severe child abuse cases? I bet not many.
I can’t stand these people. I am here to tell you to always ask questions. It is your God-given right to ask questions, and the minute you stop asking questions is when we lose our inquisitiveness. When we stop asking questions is when tyranny creeps it’s ugly head in.
Government increasing power
Which brings me to the final discussion, and that’s government usurping an enormous amount of power in times of crisis, and we are the ones letting them. It is no secret that in times of crisis, people are willing to grant government more power because they feel vulnerable. They are unsure, and they don’t feel safe. They want the government to fix the problem. People will trade some liberties for safety and security.
This is where I am warning every single American. The more power you give to government, the more unstable the system becomes. As I have said before, granting government more power only gives you the illusion of safety and security until the next crisis where government will ask for more power. Sooner or later you turn around, and you realize your liberty is gone, and you no longer had the freedom you thought. By then it is too late to realize the damage that has been done, and it is nearly impossible to take the power back. Just look at things like FDR’s New Deal. At the time, it seemed like a good idea, however, because of poor government mismanagement these programs have become a burden. It is impossible to reform social security or Medicare to make it more efficient and give people more control over their money, and so the problems continue.
Take a look at the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Since Obamacare was enacted, Americans hated the program. Republicans won the house and the Senate campaigning on the idea of repeal and replace. It may have propelled President Trump to win the election. Yet, when there was an actual chance of the program being repealed, the poll numbers flipped, and Americans wanted to keep the program.
Take a look at 9/11 and the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act passed in record time. Most bills never see the light of day, and those that do get passed usually take years especially the more controversial bills. The Patriot Act passed in 2 weeks. This single piece of legislation usurped an enormous amount of power from the people, and we allowed it to happen in the name of safety and security. Now, 20 years later, we see the abuses that have occurred. We see what has happened and how innocent Americans have been targeted, and yet it continues to get renewed with little reform.
What about a 2010 Justice Department memo that allows the President to use Armed Predator Drones on U.S. citizens? This memo states that the President has the authority if a person poses “an imminent threat of violent attack against the U.S.,” and “capture is not feasible.” Well, what is an imminent threat? Who defines that?
Which leads us to today, where many of us are on lockdown. Make no mistake about it, our Constitutional rights are being violated. Now most Americans will accept that for a short period of time, but we already see restrictions being placed on the First Amendment. We are hearing whispers of banning gun sales, and in New York, gun stores are not deemed essential. Think about this for a minute. A gun store, where you can buy a firearm for personal protection is not deemed essential, but a liquor store is deemed essential and can stay open. It’s okay to get drunk and potentially be a danger to others, but if you want to buy a firearm for protection of you and your family, you are not allowed.
There’s talk about working with tech companies so that public health officials can track people in the name of public health and trying to flatten the curve. They are forcing people, who haven’t been deemed essential, to stay home. They say work from home. But most jobs don’t have an ability to telecommute, and many of these people may become unemployed and potentially lose their homes and their way of life.
There is talk about the government determining what corporations survive and which ones don’t. There is talk about nationalizing companies.
We have seen this game get played before and it usually doesn’t end well. People are at their most vulnerable when a crisis emerges. People will respect the government and comply, but only to a point. You can only keep people isolated for so long. Two-three weeks max. After that, people are going to start getting antsy. Cabin fever sets in and people will want to return to normal routines. In order to have self-worth, people need to work. As my grandma used to say, “idle hands are the devil’s playground.”
If this goes on longer than a 2-3 week period, you will see people begin to defy the government, and then the government will react by usurping more power and authority in the name of a public health emergency and the idea of law and order.
This is no exaggeration. Just look at the stimulus bill that failed to pass in the Senate twice. Now, I’m not crazy about the stimulus package as it’s been presented. I’m on record saying that it lacks creativity and is just a regurgitation of past failed ideas. I put out a podcast episode last week, where I brought up a few ideas. These ideas are designed to keep people on payrolls, especially small businesses. I don’t believe we should just be giving Americans checks. I can guarantee if Americans have a choice between $1-3k or keep their job and paycheck, the overwhelming majority would side with me.
I don’t believe that we should be giving corporate bailouts to fiscally irresponsible companies. They all should have to pay the money back especially those that have tons of tax loopholes. Many of these companies have been making enormous profits over the last 10 years, and they should be able to weather turbulent economic times. The fact that they have to run to the government immediately is disturbing. And those Republicans that wanted to remove the part where corporations that receive bailout money must keep their employees and not lay them off, you are part of the problem in this society, and the American people should hold you accountable. They also need to ban companies, that receive bailout money, from buying back their own stock.
But what most don’t realize is how there are others, with more nefarious intent, that want to take advantage. They want to push an agenda. That’s where you lose your freedom and you aren’t aware. That’s where socialism can rear its ugly head and gain a foothold. And that’s exactly what Democrats were trying to do with this stimulus package.
There are those that will accuse me of lying or misrepresenting the truth, but if you are someone who is worried about losing your job, or maybe you lost your job. If you are worried about paying the bills, I want you to understand that the reason this package did not pass is that it was not a clean bill pertaining to coronavirus. In fact, democrats put in a bunch of provisions that would remake our society.
And I will use their own words to prove it. Congressman James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip, stated, and I quote, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” So, what did Democrats want in the bill, here are just some of the things:
- Canceling all the debt the United States Postal Service owes to the Department of Treasury
- Student loan forgiveness
- Airlines would be required to give stats on greenhouse gas emissions and be required to find/pay for carbon offsets
- Tax credits for wind and solar companies
- Corporate pay stats based on diversity and gender on corporate board
- Racial and gender equity
- Usurp election powers by the States by imposing requirements for early voting, voting by mail online voter registration, same-day registration. For a party that talks about election integrity, I’m not sure voting by mail or online is the securest method. Just sayin.
- 2020 census reforms
- Increased fuel emission standards
- $9.5 billion to colleges and universities where many of the universities have bigger endowments than some countries
- $100 million for juvenile justice programs
- Suspends aspects of immigration laws, and enforcement of those laws
These are just some of the things the Democrats put in their bill. If you about to lose your job or miss a payment on a bill, do you care about any of these issues? Do any of these issues have to do with the current pandemic? These people should be voted out of office. It is clear they have no regard for you the people. They constantly talk about how they care for ordinary Americans. Well, if they really cared, why would they put this garbage in the bill.
But when you examine these things further, it is easy to realize they are trying to remake America to fit their vision. And as the government is granted more and more power, we must stand up and demand the power is restored to the people.
As James Madison said, “We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments of God.”
Power is easily abused, and our founding fathers feared a strong central government. That’s why we have a system of Federalism and before that the Confederal system. We rejected the idea of a unitary system because we did not want a central government with enormous power and the totality of governing authority. We have a system based on the Three Principles of Old Republicanism. Where governments are naturally flawed because they are created by human beings. Where liberty is supposed to be best protected in the states. And where the government that governs the best, governs least.
Our rights are derived from God, and liberty is the natural condition of human beings. While government does not grant us our liberties, they can suppress these liberties. We must hold government accountable, and we must be wary of their argument for more power.
Americans are largely responsible, caring and compassionate people. However, we have lost our way. We need to realize how quickly a government can change from a Republic to socialism to tyranny in a very short period of time. It only took Venezuela several years for the people to lose power.
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I wish only the best for each and every one of you, even if you disagree with my point of view. I hope you stay safe during these dangerous times. Remember, as Americans, we have been able to overcome most obstacles and threats. This will be no different. Understand that our government exists to serve us. Not by giving us stuff, but by protecting and promoting the idea of liberty. Let’s be sure to use reason and act rationally.
As always if there is a topic or issue you would like me to focus on, send an email to podcast@pasreport.com.
Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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