Episode 26 Show Notes- What the Establishment & Elitists Really Think of We the People
Episode Description
This episode explores what the establishment, the advocacy news media, and the bureaucratic elite really think of We the People. The elites, both within the government and the media, have shown disdain for the American people through veiled innuendos. Over the last few years, the disdain has become more pronounced and show open hostility towards the people. They all claim they care and want to protect the American people, yet their own words and actions tell a different story.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Weekly Roundup Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
With the impeachment hearings behind us, it turns out Congressman Adam Schiff, and the leftist’s impeachment push turned out to be an epic fail. Every person that testified was unable to provide any evidence that the President was tying military aid to investigations on the Biden’s and 2016 Ukrainian election interference.
Everything that has happened, we predicted at The PAS Report. From no evidence to the lack of media attention for the 2020 Democrats running for President, has happened. Where the Democrats take this next is anyone’s guess, but if I were Speaker Pelosi, I would try to let this impeachment thing die during the holiday season when most are not paying attention to politics.
Unfortunately for them, they are not that smart. In fact, the biggest story is how the polls have turned against impeachment. In fact, the latest polls show that support for impeachment has dropped. President Trump’s favorability rating has jumped 5-points, and his unfavorable rating has decreased by 3-points and I expect these numbers to change further as more people digest the testimonies. (Emerson)
People have begun to tune the impeachment process out, and as I said when Speaker Pelosi first used the impeachment word, you need to get the public to support it.
The fact is, the strongest witnesses should have gone first. The problem for the Democrats was that no strong witnesses existed. In fact, it was clearly evident that there was no there, there when Schiff decided to conduct everything behind the scenes and selectively leaked information.
Also, Democrats still cannot clearly articulate what the President is impeached for. The issue is complicated, and it doesn’t help when every witness says they don’t believe there was a quid-pro-quo, extortion or bribery. The 2-3 witnesses who tried to validate Schiff’s claim, said it was their belief, and then went on to say, the President told them there are no strings attached to the military aid.
This brings us to the topic of the week. I want to focus on how the establishment, the advocacy news media, and the bureaucratic elite really view the American people.
As always, if you want to see the show notes go to thepasreport.com. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter.
The establishment
First, we start with the establishment. For the last two decades, the establishment politicians have failed the American people. As our infrastructure crumbles, our schools collapse, the border continues to break, social security and Medicare are on the brink, and they consistently overspend bringing us a $23 trillion debt, the establishment continues to thumb their nose at the American people.
For all they spend of your hard-earned tax dollars, are you happy with the return on investment? Can anyone give me one program you are completely satisfied with?
Ask yourself what has been done to fix the problems within our society. While the Democrats and Republicans may differ to some degree, the establishment within the parties are quite satisfied with the status quo. They want to dictate how you should live your life and have little regard for tackling the critical issues.
The irony is that they always say that they are fighting for the people. They are fighting for the middle class. Truth is, they forgot about the common person, and are clueless to the middle class. All of the proposed policies would do more to damage the middle class, from those that are the lower-middle class to those who are considered in the upper-middle class.
I’ll give you a few examples. Immigration is one of the biggest issues for the American people. Poll after poll consistently shows that the American people want a secure border and a streamlined legal immigration system that makes sense for America and not the rest of the world. According to a Gallup poll, 39% view the situation at the Southern border a crisis and 35% view it as a major problem. (Gallup) That’s 74% of the American people!
The establishment and leftists in the Democrat party believe in an open border system. They believe that all Hispanics support the idea of immigration regardless of whether it’s legal or illegal immigration, which thinking like that is bigoted in and of itself. Hispanics are not one-issue voters. In fact, many in the Hispanic community want to see a secure border, especially those that came here legally. But they push this narrative because they see it as a way to get a bunch of new voters.
On the other side of the political spectrum, you have establishment Republicans who failed us as well. Don’t forget, the Republicans controlled the House and had the majority in the Senate, yet they failed to push forward an immigration system that limits or stops illegal immigration and fixes some of the defects in our legal immigration system. These establishment Republicans are fearful of being branded as racists, and they also want cheap labor.
So, if we look at these establishment figures, while they both may not want to solve our immigration crisis for different reasons, both parties hurt the American people. The establishment left hurts the people because the wave of illegal immigrants, and those migrants we are told we have to take because of the conditions in their native countries, settle in their districts, but not the neighborhoods these elitists live in. For the establishment Republicans, their cheap labor lowers wages for blue-collar Americans, and the establishment lives far from the community’s immigration impacts. I would guarantee that if refugees and asylum seekers were sent to the neighborhoods of the elected officials, they would have already found a solution to the immigration crisis.
Another example of the establishment is right here in New York. The Democrats overwhelmingly control the New York Assembly and the New York Senate. They recently just passed a law doing away with the bail process except for the most heinous of crimes.
Think of the logic of these geniuses. Bail is used in making sure those who have committed a crime show up to their court date. Given that many of these people already committed crimes, there is no longer an incentive for them to show up to court. Even worse, we are releasing these criminal offenders right back into the communities they victimized so they can victimize those communities again. It shows what little regard the elected officials have for these communities that they don’t want to protect them.
Also, again we see where the elected officials don’t have to deal with the ramifications of their laws. These elected officials do not live in these troubled neighborhoods. Rather they live in the more affluent sections that have relatively low crime rates.
Do you really believe these politicians care about you or your well-being? And when you begin to question their policies, they call you racist, misogynist, bigoted, and every other invective they can think of.
The media
The media is another institution that has shown its disdain for the people. They believe that people are too dumb to come to their own conclusions, and so they force-feed you their opinion to force you to come to a particular conclusion. That’s one of the reasons I started The PAS Report. I feel the American people are smart enough to make their own decisions, and I feel that analysis should be conducted rather than 4-minute segments. Let’s face it, the issues are complex, and many times they need to be explored in depth with historical and current analysis.
Unfortunately, the media bubbles exist in New York, Washington, DC, and California. These people are so out of touch with reality, it’s scary. While I always recognized the media bias, they turned into the advocacy news media the night of the 2016 election. Once it was clear that Donald Trump was going to win the Presidency, it was like I was watching a funeral. The fact that some in the media cried is pathetic. Grow up. Presidents last 4-8 years. So what that the person you didn’t support won?
The media could not understand how they got it so wrong. Giving Hillary a 94% chance of winning, they were at a loss of how Donald Trump defied all odds. In fact, the NY Times recognized their failures, and the day after the election, they wrote an article on how the media needs to self-reflect. (NY Times) Unfortunately, this self-reflection lasted a total of one day, and the media went back to their old ways.
See the media cannot escape the bubble of groupthink that they come from. They cannot fathom that people out there disagree with their point of view. They look down on the American people as unevolved, uneducated Neanderthals. They don’t know why people would drive pick-up trucks and not Prius’.
I realized what the media really thinks about people when they were mocking Donald Trump because he likes to eat fast food. They spent endless amounts of time making fun of this wealthy billionaire who likes McDonald’s, KFC, and pizza. They made fun of him calling him fat, unhealthy, unsophisticated, and a heart attack waiting to happen.
This is what the media doesn’t get, and why blue-collar, middle-class people gravitate towards President Trump. I want you to think about this a minute. In 2012, you had Mitt Romney going against President Obama. The media and the democrats were able to type-cast Romney as an out of touch elitist. Someone who drives with a dog on the roof of his car has an elevator in his home and has binders full of women. He was the corporate raider, and they successfully portrayed him as a Mr. Burnes type figure. Estimates have Romney’s net worth at $250 million.
Compare that with President Trump, who has a net worth ten times Romney’s. If we go by Forbes, his net worth is about $3.7 billion. If we go by President Trump, it’s closer to $10 billion. I’ll go with the Forbes number, but once you have over a billion dollars, I’m not sure it really matters.
So here is a guy, with over ten times the amount of money, who got blue-collar and middle-class Americans to say, “he understands me and my problems.” It is really remarkable when you think about it.
Rather than the media try to understand how this President could do pull off that nearly impossible feat, they mock and ridicule him and his supporters. So getting back to the fast-food thing. The media makes fun of him because he eats fast food. How many Americans, both those that support President Trump and those that do not, east fast food once a month, once a week, and maybe more.
I consider myself to be well-educated. I have a bachelor’s degree in English Education. I have two master’s degrees- one in Homeland Security and one in Political Science. I have extensive knowledge in government and politics, as well as several other industries, and guess what, I enjoy Taco Bell every now and then.
How many Americans were sitting home watching these types of segments thinking to themselves, “Hey, I eat fast food so is that what you think about me?” Sadly, that’s how they do view the American people. They can’t understand why more people don’t east a cranberry walnut arugula salad.
These people are so out of touch with the mainstream and operate solely by groupthink. Every day they prove the little regard they have for We the People, by distorting facts, injecting opinion, and attempting to come to a conclusion for you. They need to decide whether they want to be political pundits or journalists. If they continue to push opinions, they should no longer call themselves journalists.
Like the elected officials, if any one dissents from their point-of-view, they are labeled as racists, bigots, and misogynists. See how that works, it’s like they are one and the same. Oh wait, they actually are. Just look at how many so-called journalists come from previous administrations both Republican and Democrat.
The Bureaucracy
While the establishment and the media show no regard for the American people, there is something more dangerous occurring. At least with elected officials, we can vote them out of office. At least with the media, we can change the channel.
The scariest of all is a bureaucracy that shows disdain for the American people. Everyone has heard of the Strzok and Page texts. These were the two talking about how they could smell the Trump support at a Walmart and how Hillary Clinton will win 100 million votes to 0.
Well with the expected release of the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now have two more FBI employees who show their disdain for the people. Here is part of their direct text exchange:
“All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out. Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle-class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.”
Really, this is what you think of the 63 million people who voted for President Trump? These morons need to get out of their bubble. Maybe people supported President trump because he was the first President that spoke directly to those who have been impacted by globalization and lost their jobs. Unlike other Presidents, and candidates, he didn’t tell these people that they lost their livelihoods and to get over it. He didn’t tell them to find a new trade or learn to code.
The text goes on to say, “I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent for 4-years. We have to fight this again. Also, Pence is stupid.”
So a lot to breakdown here. First, should an FBI lawyer and an FBI employee talk about policy on their FBI phones? Outside of work, they are entitled to their opinions, but while working and using official government devices, they shouldn’t be conversing about the Affordable Care Act or immigration policy. Also, elections have consequences. Donald Trump essentially won on two issues- immigration and the economy. Elections have consequences.
Secondly, they say this is the tea party on steroids. This is interesting because if we think back, remember, the IRS directly targeted Tea Party groups. I now have to wonder if the FBI assisted the IRS in any way. The Tea Party was a legitimate movement across the United States, mostly based on government spending and taxes. This shows their obvious biases.
Finally, do you think it’s appropriate for FBI officials to talk about fighting against President Trump again in four years? Should FBI officials really be discussing taking on a sitting President?
The media is already trying to downplay the text exchange and say that these were not high-level FBI employees, but once again, they are lying. At least one of these individuals was working on the FISA application, and reports have it a criminal investigation has been opened into him for manipulating the FISA application. Low-level employees are not working on FISA applications.
Also, the media is attempting to say political bias did not exist at the FBI. Do these people really believe we are that dumb? If you have that much invective towards the president and the president’s supporters, how can you possibly put your biases aside? These people are blinded by their hatred, and don’t give me that crap that they are professionals that can separate out their personal feelings.
If they were able to put bias aside, they would know these texts were inappropriate and would never have sent them in the first place.
As I said in previous episodes, you have this whole resistance movement within the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is supposed to implement policy. Not just Democrat policies and not just Republican policies. Not just policies they ideologically agree with. They are supposed to implement policies passed through Congress or directed by the duly elected President.
The bureaucrats have forgotten who is in charge of the system, and they need to be reminded that they are civil servants. They exist to serve the people. We didn’t elect them, and we didn’t appoint them. This should not be tolerated. Unfortunately, Congress is supposed to be holding the bureaucracy and the bureaucrats accountable, but they have proven their ineptitude time and time again.
I can provide far more examples of the little regard the bureaucracy has for We the People. As I continually say, we have to hold these people accountable. We need to reevaluate whether we need all these mid to senior-level political appointments. Why not start putting the rank and file in charge of the departments and agencies.
As we head into this Thanksgiving, we need to be thankful that we live in the greatest country in the world. We have strayed off the path, but the beauty of the United States is that we can always make a course correction.
While times may seem challenging now, imagine what they were like during the American Revolution or the Civil War. While we may appear to be very divided today, think about what it was like in the 1970s.
While we have some defects, they can be remedied, but it is up to us to get more involved in the political process. It is up to us to hold the elite political class, the advocacy news media, and the ideological bureaucracy accountable.
I am grateful that we have a smart and engaged audience, and I wish you and your families all the best this Thanksgiving.
As always if there is a topic or issue you would like me to focus on, send an email to podcast@pasreport.com.
Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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