Episode 129 Show Notes- What You Need to Know About The Great Reset
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Over the last few months, many have heard about a new normal and The Great Reset. However, most are unaware of what The Great Reset entails. In this episode, Professor Giordano explains The Great Reset, who is behind this push and why. There are many that seek to redefine the nation-state concept, and The Great Resent does just that by surrendering sovereignty and socially engineering society.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
Today, I have an important topic I want to discuss. Over the last several months, some of you may have heard the phrase The Great Reset. You certainly heard the phrase, the new normal.
But what is this new normal, and what do they mean by The Great Reset. And who are they? I’m here to break it all down for you. I’m going to define The Great Reset, who’s behind this push, and explain why. I’m going to provide examples of what they seek to do.
Most importantly, I’m going to highlight why it’s such a threat to our way of life. Essentially, these forces want us to surrender our sovereignty. They seek to weaken the nation-state concept in an effort to advance an international agenda.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report website check out the show notes because I’m going to have links included, and while you’re there, sign up for The P.A.S. Report newsletter.
Origins of The Great Reset
Alright. Here we go. The Great Reset was an idea introduced in May of this year by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The brainchild of The Great Reset is Klaus Schwab who serves as the current director of the WEF. Now when you actually read through The Great Reset Initiative, you will find it is nothing more than a rehash of failed ideas of the past.
It’s an agenda designed to weaken the concept of the nation-state concept. When I say nation-state, I am talking about individual countries. And when I say weaken the concept of the nation-state, I am talking about taking the sovereignty away from the people within these countries, and their ability to control their country’s destiny. Essentially, it eliminates the idea of self-determination, destroying our right to determine our own political destiny.
The Great Reset is actually not a new idea. For decades, there have been those who have wanted to destroy the nation-state concept. We can actually trace its origins back to World War II. After the death and destruction of World War II, there were many in academic circles that believed the Great Power system was directly to blame. They viewed the power imbalances and the way power is distributed within the international system as a key flaw in the nation-state concept.
This theory began to gain even more traction as the United States emerged as the sole superpower following the collapse of the Soviet Union. This eliminated any semblance of the balance of power as no nation would be able to challenge our dominance and influence throughout the world.
So, while many believe The Great Reset is new, it is nothing more than recycled ideas from the past billed under a catchy phrase and there were four key events that lead us to this moment with the coronavirus giving these ideas, through The Great Reset, renewed life.
And they don’t hide the fact that the coronavirus provides a great opportunity for them to restructure the international order. According to the World Economic Forum, “The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic, and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies, and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods, and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium- and long-term uncertainties.” (WEC)
4 Key Events in the 21st Century
Understanding that, there were four events in the 21st century that pushed us towards this Great Reset.
The first was 9/11, and the ensuing War on Terrorism. This event allowed governments throughout the world to usurp an enormous amount of authority from their people, especially in countries with democratic principles. While global cooperation would be critical in the War on Terror, many people in free societies willingly gave up some of their freedoms in order to have more security.
The Great Recession
The second event was the financial crisis of 2007/2008. As the housing market sector collapsed in our country, it cascaded throughout all sectors of our economy, and throughout the international community. The same people who rallied against large multinational corporations and corporate interests were now pushing the mantra of too big to fail. Throughout the world, governments artificially manipulated economies and determined who and what industries would be the winners and which ones would be the losers.
Due to the Great Recession, the major banks in the financial sector got even bigger and stronger despite their mismanagement, and this was the second major power grab by governments around the world. If the financial sector is dependent on government for its survival, it is natural they would become more and more compliant with the governing authority. What I mean is rather than free-market forces driving economies, it would now be governing authorities that drive economies, weakening and undermining free-market mechanisms.
The problem is that when governing authorities begin manipulating economies, they also infuse ideology as well. Do you think it’s a coincidence that corporations began getting involved in social issues shortly after the Great Recession?
BREXIT and The Election of President Trump
The third event pushing us closer to the idea of The Great Reset was BREXIT and the election of President Donald Trump. The BREXIT referendum and President Trump’s election sent political shockwaves throughout the world and highlighted just how out of touch the ruling class was with ordinary people.
In 2016, the people woke up. The popular demands of the people were ignored for decades. When industries closed and jobs were shipped overseas, the people were told to get over it. They were told to learn a new skill as if it’s that simple. When you’ve been working in the same industry for 20, 30, 40-years, it’s not easy to learn new skills. Hence, the saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. In a lot of cases, the ruling class didn’t hide their disdain and mocked that those who had their jobs shipped overseas should learn to code.
Wage growth, or lack thereof, was another problem the ruling class long ignored. While the costs of all goods and services were increasing, most people’s wages were stagnant, and in several sectors, wages dropped substantially. When the costs of goods and services are increasing, yet your wages either stay the same or actually go down, it places enormous stresses on the family unit. In fact, financial problems are one of the top reasons for divorce, most of the time placing it as the top reason or the second reason behind infidelity. (Ramsey)
And economics wasn’t the only thing that created this backlash. Unfettered immigration also led to BREXIT and the election of President Trump. In fact, you can successfully argue that the biggest reason President Trump won in 2016 was that he was the only one talking about immigration and the idea of putting the American people first. See, it’s not that Americans are against immigration. In fact, most Americans have no problems with legal immigration. What they do have a problem with is when politicians put immigrants ahead of the people these politicians swore to serve. As people’s lives have grown more difficult, people expect their officials to respond to their needs before the needs of those who aren’t citizens.
As people began to feel slighted by their governments, they spoke up through the power of the polls. President Trump’s America First message resonated with those who have been long ignored by the ruling class.
However, the BREXIT referendum and the election of President Trump pushed the ruling class over the deep end. They were disgusted that ordinary people would go to the polls in droves and buck the intellectual ruling class. How dare the people go against all the warnings. How dare the people go against the establishment. How dare the people defy the powers that be. This sent the ruling class into a panic as it was clear they were losing their grip on power. This was perhaps the defining moment where the establishment would openly show their hostility for ordinary people. It was also the moment where the establishment lost all its faith in believing that ordinary people would listen to them and make the right decisions. In fact, it validated the preconceived biases of the ruling class and their belief that ordinary people are generally dumb and unsophisticated. To them, ordinary people could no longer be trusted, all the gains over the last 10-15-years were now destroyed, and The Great Reset was more important than ever.
The coronavirus pandemic was the fourth event. This crisis would further empower governments around the world-destroying a couple of hundred years of democratic norms and principles. The American political philosophy, our ideals, and values of the concept of freedom and God-given liberties, would now be challenged to its core.
Governments would usurp an enormous amount of authority in the name of saving lives. And anyone who dares to defy the government’s decrees would further reinforce the ruling class’s stereotypes of ordinary people. These same people would also see the coronavirus as the single greatest vehicle to usher in The Great Reset as the rumblings began of a new normal.
Due to the economic devastation facing us in a post-coronavirus world, these people understand that as people become more and more desperate economically, they will be more compliant when it comes to massive change. As I always warn, people are willing to give up a lot for safety and security, even if this idea of safety and security is simply an illusion which it is.
The New Normal
See, the new normal is designed to work within the country. It’s designed to make ordinary people more obedient and compliant to government orders. It’s a major transfer of power from the people to the ruling elite. Don’t ask questions. Don’t pushback. Just obey and comply. It’s a form of conditioning people during a crisis.
Those touting this idea of the new normal will say that life has changed as we know it. That we can never go back to the way it was prior to the coronavirus. It’s similar to the pre-9/11 world, and I tell my students that they will never know what it was like to live in a pre-9/11 world. It’s hard to explain, but anyone who was a teenager or adult prior to 9/11 knows exactly what I’m talking about. America was different prior to 9/11. There was a different mindset, and everything changed in the post 9/11 world.
Now the question is why does there have to be a new normal? Think about it logically. Human beings have faced pandemics before. In fact, we faced a few pandemics in the 20th century. Pandemics are rare and we get through them so why would we change our entire way of life for such a rare event? Why would we compromise the American values of liberty and freedom for a rare event?
When you think about it, it doesn’t make too much sense now does it? Listen, you and I both know that many of these decrees by the wannabe tyrants out there make little to no sense, but it doesn’t matter if they make sense. What matters is that people follow these decrees in the name of a crisis, and anyone who provides any dissent will be publicly shamed. Understand, this is social conditioning to get people to obey and comply during a crisis.
The problem is that no one is talking about what happens when we are in a perpetual state of crisis, and the dangers when the governing authorities continue to usurp more and more power, and then use that power to fulfill a global agenda.
Now, there are some who believe that the coronavirus was released intentionally by the powers that be so they could usher in The Great Reset. This is completely false, and if you believe that, you give these people far too much credit. Believe me, they aren’t that smart. Once again, just think logically. The virus originated in China and spread rapidly throughout the world because the Chinese government tried to cover it up.
Understand that China doesn’t want a Great Reset. They don’t want to be part of an international agenda or an international system that weakens the concept of the nation-state. China seeks to become the dominant world power and wants to maintain its sovereignty.
While these people aren’t smart enough to be this nefarious, what they do know how to do well is exploit a crisis. And that’s exactly what’s going on here.
What is The Great Reset?
So, what is actually being proposed through The Great Reset? The Great Reset seeks to do several things, but at its core, it seeks to take power away from individual sovereign countries and empower intergovernmental organizations. It’s a series of proposals that undermine the sovereignty of nations, challenge countries’ territorial integrity, reshapes economies while weakening a country’s internal political structure, and most importantly, it ignores the will and the needs of a country’s population in favor of a globalist approach. Take a listen.
Play Main Goal Global Power Sound Clip
They are pushing The Great Reset as an opportunity to reshape the global community and provide for a morally just and ethically sound world. They use keywords and phrases like sustainability, priorities of society, new social contract, the dignity of all human beings. They see themselves as the moral holy warriors of the 21st century.
Again, according to the WEC, “As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.” (WEC)
While they talk about the dignity of every human being, understand that these people have absolutely no regard for ordinary people. In fact, they view ordinary people as one of the roots of the problem. According to these moral holy warriors, ordinary people like you and I are to primitive. We are not cultured. We lack sophistication and enlightenment. We are not all that different than our oldest ancestors, the Neanderthals. Sure, we’ve made some advancements, but we are still driven by our animal instincts.
Now, they would never say this out loud, but it’s clear this is how they believe. All you have to do is carefully listen to them and watch how they treat ordinary people. Listen to this clip.
Play Empower Government Sound Clip
See, we are too dumb to make our own decisions. Governments must be the main vehicles to achieve The Great Reset, and as governments from around the world sign on to these international agreements, they surrender the sovereignty of the people.
How it’s a threat
But this idea of a Great Reset is a threat. In an article published by the author of The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, he calls for the swift revamping “of all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions…every industry from oil and gas to tech must be transformed. In short, we need a Great Reset of capitalism.” And there you have it. We must transform capitalism, and usher in a new era of socialism, where people become fully dependent on government. Basically, at its simplest form, The Great Reset is all about power. (WEF)
Schwab argues that if we do not accept The Great Reset, the world will be less sustainable, less equitable, and more fragile, and he explains how there are three components to The Great Reset.
Component 1- Do away with free-market principles in favor of an economic system driven by equity. In order to radically transform capitalism, national economies will be further globalized, and every country’s internal economics will be fully intertwined and reliant on the international system much more than they already are. Essentially, this would destroy the sovereignty of nations, particularly first world countries, as they would be forced to transfer their capital to developing nations in order to meet “more equitable outcomes. Take a listen.
Play Priority 1 Sound Clip
Component 2- Is to force investments to become ideologically driven whether they be in the private or the public sector. What do I mean by this? Well, basically they seek to destroy industries and pick winners and losers based on investments. A great example, and one that started several years ago, is by using the investment funds of pensions. Basically, they want government investments like pension funds to divest in the gas and oil industry and move those investments to the green energy industry. This is a way to socially engineer society and is the quiet destruction of industry. Rather than governments outright destroying an industry and potentially create a backlash, siphon all investments away from those industries and let them die a slow death. The second component also calls for large government spending programs to ensure equity of outcomes within societies. Take a listen.
Play Priority 2 Sound Clip
Component 3- The third component calls for major social engineering under the guise of innovation. It calls for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the “public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges.” This is where corporations are empowered to drive social issues and force social conditioning based on ideological grounds. To me, it sounds like they want to control all aspects of life, and they will do it in the name of health and social well-being. Take a listen.
Play Priority 3 Sound Clip
Basically, The Great Reset is being pushed under the illusion of creating a “healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” (WEF)
In reality, it’s about pushing an ideological agenda to acquire power and control. It’s taking the power out of the hands of ordinary citizens to make their own choices. It removes the free market mechanisms that drive economic growth. All power is transferred to those who have control over the system.
Who is Pushing The Global Reset?
So, who are those behind the global reset? Well, it goes back to the unholy alliance I’ve discussed in previous episodes. While they all have different ideas and interests, they are united in their desire for power and control. You have leftists, the Democrats, establishment Republicans, Never-Trumpers, the media, big tech, the military-industrial complex, and corporate giants, all pushing this crap.
And if you don’t see it, maybe you should read General Jim Mattis’s op-ed piece he wrote for Foreign Affairs Magazine. In the op-ed, General Mattis is urging Joe Biden to do away with President Trump’s America First foreign policy approach. (Foreign Affairs) Now here is a man who served at the highest ranks of our military. Was the Secretary of Defense in the Trump Administration, and he is saying that America’s foreign policy should not put America or Americans first. That our foreign policy should not be based on what’s in America’s interest or our interest. Rather, it should be based on what’s in the interest of our allies and the international community.
While Mattis states that he believes America First means America Alone, I completely disagree. I recognize that we must work closely with our allies in order to achieve our strategic interests. However, I also believe that we need to hold our allies accountable and call them out when they are knowingly undermining the United States. I believe we need to call our allies out when they are taking advantage of the United States. For decades, our allies have completely undermined the United States, and it is glaringly evident to those who pay attention.
For years, our European allies weren’t meeting their NATO obligations on military spending. Both Democrat and Republican administrations tried to push the Europeans, yet the Europeans continued to stick their thumb in our eyes.
For years, European countries have sided with our adversaries over us. Just look at former Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schroder or the former President of France Jacques Chirac.
As German Chancellor Angela Merkel was pushing the United States to get more involved with Ukraine and put pressure on Russia, yet at the same time, 50-70% of Germany’s natural gas is imported from Russia transferring billions of dollars a year to strengthen Russia. Why wouldn’t Germany purchase natural gas from their ally in the United States rather than get it from an adversary?
Our allies are quick to criticize U.S. military engagements around the world unless it suits them. Nowhere is this clearer than Libya. We had no interests in Libya. Our economy didn’t rely on anything from Libya. Europe’s economy did enormous business with Libya, and it was the Europeans that pressured the Obama administration to oust Qaddafi, and so we did. Great allies making us do their own dirty work, right?
As we continue to see this push for The Great Reset, understand that it’s nothing more than those who seek to hold more power, and fulfill an ideological vision. Whether it’s through the left and the pushing of socialist ideas or through establishment Republicans and Democrats who want to return to a status quo where they enrich themselves.
Or what about the never-Trumpers who seek a state of perpetual war and never-ending U.S. military engagements enriching the defense industrial complex and themselves. Understand, most of these people have been wrong about every major foreign policy issue over the last 35-years. Most of these so-called experts don’t live in a world of reality. They operate through theory.
Or what about big tech that seeks to control all information flow determining what people can and cannot read. What they can and cannot see. All designed to push an agenda. You see, the tech companies don’t care about this major push because they would be the big beneficiaries. They would get contract after contract from the government because they would serve as the eyes and ears of a massive surveillance state. They would also begin to take over other industries like the education sector which I warned about over the summer.
And then we have the corporate giants. It would seem antithetical that corporate leadership would ally themselves with government. But again, don’t just look at the surface level things. These are not the same corporate leaders of 50 years ago. These are the new woke corporate leaders with woke employees who grew up in the vacuum and subscribe to the groupthink mentality. They allow ideology to drive their every move.
50-years ago, corporations didn’t get involved in social issues. Instead, they reinvested in the communities they served like building a youth facility. However, these corporate giants realize the power they yield. They know that having the right politics can be a huge benefit. You always hear Republicans are controlled by big business yet look at how powerful big business became during the Obama administration where the Obama administration chose winners and losers, and the small businesses suffered. Look at who’s benefiting from the coronavirus restrictions. As small businesses, mom and pop shops, are going out of business, the corporate giants have become far more powerful. Do you think just maybe this may be the reason all the big corporations contributed heavily to Biden and the Democrats for the last several election cycles?
So be suspicious of all these giants pushing this idea of The Great Reset. Be wary of those pushing this crap. You already have the media pushing the idea that The Great Reset is nothing more than a conspiracy theory being pushed by conservatives to frighten and scare people. Yet, I used the World Economic Forum’s own words. Once again, it wasn’t me putting words in their mouth.
And I challenge you. If you don’t believe me, just go look at the World Economic Forum and look through the information they provide on their own website. Don’t just take my word for it. Just look at the number of articles from the WEF infused with Joe Biden’s campaign slogan of Build Back Better, and you tell me what’s really going on. This is nothing more than social engineering on the grandest of scales. See, they view ordinary people as an inconvenience. We stand in their way and screw things up because we live in a free society.
These people genuinely believe they are doing what’s in our best interests, and the best interests of the world, but we are too dumb to realize that. This is what makes them so dangerous and why it’s essential we pay attention.
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