Episode 182 Show Notes- What You Need to Know About the New Scientific and Intellectual Dark Age
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A new dark age has emerged. One where questions are not allowed and groupthink is required. To nurture this Brave New World, the ruling elite mock and demonize anyone who stands up to them in an attempt to marginalize their opponents. Our institutions have been politically weaponized, and it goes far beyond the bureaucracy infecting all aspects of life. This infection has rapidly spread into the field of science, education, business, and the corporate world, as well as all aspects of the media. Escaping this new dark age won’t be easy, but we may be witnessing the remedy as more and more people are standing up and speaking out.
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Show Transcript- What You Need to Know About the New Scientific and Intellectual Dark Age
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I have a great episode lined up because it’s abundantly clear that America, and the world for that matter, has entered a scientific and intellectual dark age. In this Brave New World, we are living in, questions are not allowed, and groupthink is required.
The ruling elite mock and demonize anyone who dares to stand up to them. See, in order to nurture this Brave New World, the ruling class mocks and demonizes anyone who stands up to them, and they do this to marginalize their opponents.
They’ll tell you that any dissent from their narrow-minded points of view is far-right talking points. Even worse, they’re alt-right and a symbol of white supremacy. They make it as if every issue is Democrat vs. Republican. Right vs. Left. But this is a lie. They want to continue to divide us because it’s much easier to usurp power and authority in a divided country. Don’t feed into their BS narratives. Don’t take the bait.
And to know how far we’ve gotten, what we consider standing up and pushing back on today was considered common sense just 20-years ago.
For over a year and a half, we’ve been focused on the coronavirus while ignoring a much more deadly, more lethal virus. As I’ve stated many times before, nearly every single one of our institutions has been politically weaponized, but it goes far beyond the bureaucratic institutions of government. This virus has now infected all aspects of life including science, education, business, and the corporate world, as well as all aspects of the media.
Escaping this new dark age won’t be easy, but it is doable. In fact, we may be witnessing the remedy as more and more people get active and speak out because they reject this Brave New World. They reject the narratives, and they reject the ruling class’s attempt to silence them. In order to cure the virus, the antidote is accountability.
In this episode, I’ll break it all down showing just how these institutions have been weaponized and how their entire set of narratives is based on a lie. I’ll talk about how the rhetoric doesn’t match their policies, and it’s anything but scientific and intellectual. I’ll wrap it up focusing on the antidote in order to restore normalcy and sanity.
Before I jump in, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter, and it’s important to sign up for the newsletter because, in a few weeks, I’m going to be sending out a 4-5 question survey. I want to hear from you the audience, and you will always have a voice here at The P.A.S. Report. It will be a few brief questions to get your thoughts on what topics and issues matter most to you. What are you most concerned about? I care what my audience thinks, and I want to know. The survey will be going out through email so make sure you sign up for the newsletter.
And So It Is
Now, let’s get to the topic at hand. Let’s talk about this new scientific and intellectual dark age that has crept into the United States. Let’s talk about the repeated lies and the deception of the ruling class who prefers to dictate what must be believed.
See, these people have disdain for ordinary Americans. They view ordinary Americans as the peasant class that’s incapable of making good decisions. They believe you’re not capable to do what’s in your, your family’s, or the community’s, best interest.
They believe you shouldn’t have a say. You’re not sophisticated enough to understand the complex issues and challenges we face.
Sure, the ruling elite will say you still have freedom. They’ll say that everything they’re doing is to protect you. That it’s all being done to preserve democracy, but these people have no clue what democracy means. They have a warped view of what freedom is.
Their view of democracy and freedom is that you can vote as long as you vote for the candidate they choose. You have freedom of speech as long as you don’t engage in what the ruling class deems as misinformation or conspiracy theories. You have freedom of thought as long as you blindly accept the narratives that are being fed to you, and don’t think for yourself.
Bow down to the benevolent masters- the experts, the academics, the professionals- and you can have as much freedom as you want.
This movement has been building for quite some time, and it’s become a religion, a cult, and it’s amassed a large following who never look internally and ask questions. They blindly accept this Brave New World. This new religion has its own dialect and introduces a slew of new words, phrases, slogans, and concepts while redefining words and phrases from the language of old.
It’s now the post-modern world where everything exists in constructs. They introduce words like intersectionality, LatinX, cisgender, birthing people (always love that one), systemic, binary, adulting, boomer, and so many other new words that it’s impossible to keep track of their ever-expanding lexicon.
They use phrases like follow the science, settled science, white privilege, clap back, dog whistle, anti-fascist, and others all in an effort to silence anyone who disagrees with their narrow-minded point of view.
And they redefined the language and concepts of old. American exceptionalism, where it used to mean that America is a unique and special nation that transformed the world, is now considered racist and taboo because they view America as morally defective.
Nationalism, once seen as vital to the success of a nation and distinguish it from other nations, is now viewed and often compared to Nazism and supremacy. Nationalism is equated to some of the mass genocides in history, most notably Hitler and Nazi Germany. Understand, these people have little concept of actual history. If they understood history, war, and conflict, it’s not nationalism that leads to war and conflict, it’s the thirst for power that plays the biggest role.
The idea of patriotism, love, and devotion to one’s country, is now seen as an immoral practice because according to the academic elitists, how can anyone be loyal to a country built on the construct of racism and slavery where evil is institutionalized.
And God forbid you should say we live in a color-blind society, and that people should be judged based on what they do as opposed to things they have no control over like the color of their skin. If you say color-blind society, they will accuse you of trying to diminish the experiences of people of color. To them, you are defined by the color of your skin, and not by your actions.
And I can go on and on. This new religion is steeped in totalitarianism. It’s about power and control, and what these idiots don’t realize is that they’ve led us to a scientific and intellectual dark age where they are consumed with a groupthink mentality.
The symptoms of groupthink are all there. They rationalize their authoritarian decrees saying it’s for the greater good of society. That they’re doing this to protect us.
Sound Clip Emperor Cuomo/Murphy
They ignore the ethical consequences of their decisions and will lie and manipulate everything because they believe they are morally right and superior. Just take a listen to this gem.
Sound Clip AOC Morally Right
Another symptom of groupthink is the negative stereotypes of anyone who disagrees. These stereotypes are designed to isolate those that dissent.
Sound Clip Racism, Sexism, Nazism Montage
Now I could have played an hourlong clip with those sound bites.
And the consequences of groupthink can be severe and we’re witnessing that.
So, as I said, our bureaucratic institutions have been politically weaponized, but so have all aspects of society including science, education, business, and corporations. The groupthink mentality combined with this weaponization has led us to a new dark age. Let’s take a look at a few examples where basic common sense would go a long way, but it’s virtually nonexistent in this day and age.
I focused on Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, last week so I am not going to rehash what’s going on in the education system in this episode. But if you are a parent, student, teacher, administrator, or even a concerned citizen, you’re going to want to listen to last week’s episode.
Weaponizing Science
I do want to focus on how science has been politically weaponized. When it comes to science, we commonly hear two phrases. The first being “follow the science,” and the second being “settled science.” I’m going to take the latter first. This idea of “settled science,” is not only ridiculous but also nonsensical. Science is never settled, and the whole basis of science relies on questions and hypotheses.
Just think about how many things once thought were true have turned out to be completely false. Just go back nearly 500-years ago when people and the scientific community believed the Earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around the Earth. Copernicus challenged this theory and proved the Earth revolved around the sun. What about Galileo? Did the scientific community immediately accept his theories?
But we don’t even have to go back that far. We are currently witnessing how science isn’t static. It’s dynamic and constantly changing. Even long-held theories that are widely accepted in the scientific community are now being challenged. Take Einstein. He dethroned Isaac Newton’s widely accepted theory on gravity, and Einstein challenged the prevailing wisdom with his General Theory of Relativity.
And 100-years later, physicists are now challenging Einstein’s theories, and it turns out, Einstein may have been wrong.
But they use the whole phrase settled science to end debate. To stop people from asking questions, and to stop scientists from challenging what these tyrants declare as settled.
Given that science and curiosity go hand in hand, and are necessary, why would an entire community reject any challenges to their theories, and you’ll find that there are a couple of reasons involving mostly self-interests and agenda.
First, money. How much money have some of these people been making off their research? How rich have some people gotten? How much money has the government infused and invested into scientists, their research, and their institutions? Well, if the theories are disproven, the money dries up. Do not underestimate the money aspect of this. Science has created very powerful industries that don’t like disruptions.
The second goes straight to human nature. As human beings, we all have egos, and no one likes to be told they’re wrong, especially academics, some of whom are the most narcissistic people around. But seriously, no one likes when they’re wrong. I’ve been wrong plenty, and it sucks when you have to admit you’re wrong. It’s a blow to our egos.
Now imagine, everything that you’ve been working on for the last 10, 15, 20-years, your entire life’s work, is discredited. It sucks to be wrong, but it’s even worse when everything you’ve worked on for decades vanishes before your eyes.
So how do you prevent that from happening? Simple, just say it’s settled science, and discredit anyone that tries to challenge you. This is exactly what’s happening.
Fauci the Fraud
They love to use the phrase settled science, but since the start of the coronavirus, a new phrase emerged, “follow the science.” At this point, it should be abundantly clear that it was never about following the science. Some of us have known this since the beginning, others are coming around to it.
What follow the science really means is that you have to accept what the “experts,” who let’s be honest are not experts, and we need to reevaluate the use of the word expert going forward. But what follow the science really means is that you accept the ruling class’s narrative of what the science says. If you don’t accept a particular, narrow-minded point of view, you will be branded with the Scarlett Letter and ostracized as a science denier. Once labeled a science denier, no one will take you seriously.
This is an Alinsky tactic to marginalize anyone who disagrees. They say, “I’m smart. I follow the science.” No. You’re a friggin’ moron that could care less about science. Everything we’ve been told by the so-called experts has been wrong. Take social distancing. First, it was 6-feet, then 3-feet, then it really doesn’t matter how far apart you are. But it was even worse than that. If you’re on a plane, you can sit shoulder to shoulder for hours at a time, but if you’re a child playing outside during recess, then you have to stay 6-feet apart and masked. How the hell does that even make sense? To all the idiots out there, please show me the science that supports that.
Take the whole idea that the coronavirus sits on surfaces for long periods of time. Again, they were wrong. Turns out, that was all BS. Yet, people were dousing their homes with bleach, wiping their mail and money, constant cleaning of spaces, and it all turned out to be wrong because the science never showed that.
Symptomatic spread vs. asymptomatic spread. You name it, the experts were wrong. But there are two areas where this is the most egregious. Of course, whenever you bring this up to them, they’ll argue that their positions evolved because the science evolved, but that’s a lie, and all you have to do is look at masks because the Fauci emails reveal the lie.
In an email, Fauci the Fraud responds to someone asking about masks. Fauci said, “Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading the infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection. The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out the virus, which is small enough to pass through the material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you. I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low-risk location.” (Newsweek)
I talked about masks enough in previous episodes. I pointed to studies showing their lack of effectiveness. Now some are going to push back on me and say that the email was at the start of the pandemic in February of 2020, and science has evolved. Yeah, so have the particle size of COVID droplets changed? Obviously, the answer is no. Then what’s the science behind this change? Easy, there is none. The lies and deception continue because they have to keep the charade going.
Scientists Go Gangster
Another area where we witnessed the follow the science crap was on the origination of the coronavirus, and those who tried to thoroughly discredit anyone who brought up the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the likely origins of the coronavirus. Yet, now it’s looking more and more likely that this is exactly where it originated, but I already harped on that in the last episode, and I focused mostly on the politicians and the media.
While it’s bad when politicians and the media push false narratives because it goes against their political ideology, I’m used to that by now. What I find really alarming is how the scientific community has become so ideological. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that when former CDC Director Robert Redfield said this, he was viciously attacked.
Keep in mind, this is a guy that the media elevated. It’s someone who certainly had no love for President Trump. He was a shill or a lackey. Yet, when he brought up the Wuhan Lab theory, he started to get death threats. The death threats were coming from those within the scientific community. From other scientists. (Mediaite) That tells you everything, and it shows how follow the science is nothing more than an ideological tool. I mean, when did the scientific community get so gangster.
Instead of actually following the science, we are supposed to ignore the science that doesn’t fit neatly into a particular political narrative. That’s what the dark ages were all about. It’s like when the church went after Galileo. Remember, to these people, their political ideology is their religion.
Protests Threaten Public Health Unless They’re BLM Protests
We also witnessed this ideological groupthink last spring when you had millions of Americans protesting the authoritarian lockdown orders. The so-called public health sector was outraged at the thought that the peasant class would use their First Amendment right to assemble to protest these authoritarian decrees. I mean God forbid we live within the framework of the Declaration of Independence where the government is held accountable and answers to the people.
However, the demigods within the public health sector decided that if you question their guidance, you are nothing more than a white supremacist. However, when it came to the BLM protests, the Public Health sector granted their approval because to them, police officers killing unarmed black men was a bigger health threat than coronavirus.
Over 1,200 so-called public health professionals signed a petition stating this. They wrote, “As public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating the safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders. Those actions not only oppose public health interventions but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives. Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported.”
Apparently, if you protest the overreach of the public health sector and the government, that runs contrary to respect for black lives. And these are the people in our public health sector? Are you kidding me?
Academic Journals Become Political Op-Eds
And the once-respected academic journals, have also cheapened themselves by allowing their political ideology to push a specific agenda that has nothing to do with science and everything to do with politics.
Since their inception, many well-respected medical journals stayed above politics. They didn’t allow partisan politics to infect their work. Then-President Trump came along, and the brave editors of the New England Journal of Medicine had to take a stand. President Trump represented an existential threat to public health. Not fentanyl. Not alcoholism. Not fast food.
While our response wasn’t perfect, the geniuses at the New England Journal of Medicine were basically advocating for a complete disregard for the Constitution and the system of federalism. They said we should have had much stricter lockdowns and quarantines. And of course, they didn’t miss an opportunity to bash America as a systemically racist country. (New England Journal of Medicine.
Remember, “follow the science!” While we dictate our political ideology because we know what’s best for you. To be fair, the New England Journal of Medicine wasn’t the only one. There were others including Scientific American.
Again, it goes further than that. Over the last few years, several papers have been retracted because they dared to conclude that there may be differences between men and women. I know concepts within basic biology can be controversial. And the funniest part is when these articles are retracted, the editorial team will say the reason for retraction is due to faulty data, but remember, before these pieces get published, they’re peer-reviewed by the so-called experts. What does that tell you?
I want to provide one more example in order to really drive this home. The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association recently published a piece entitled, On Having Whiteness. Now, this journal is part of Sage which is a major publisher in academia.
So, what’s the article about you ask? Well, I’m so glad you asked. It’s about how whiteness is a “malignant, parasitic-like condition,” and shockingly white people are the most susceptible to this parasitic disease called whiteness. (Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association) Once infected with this parasite, they begin to target others, particularly nonwhite people.
Unfortunately, and this will be bad news to many, according to this article, the parasite is “nearly impossible to eliminate,” and there is not yet a “permanent cure” for whiteness. Well of course they have a permanent cure. Sure, they’ll never say it out loud, but history is replete with examples, and it normally ends in genocide.
This is the trash that’s being published. The primary objective of these journals is no longer scientific inquiry. Now it’s about promoting a political agenda.
Communist China
Now that I think I proved my point about science, I want to turn to Communist China because heaven forbid, we ask questions. If you do, be prepared to be peppered with accusations of xenophobia.
The same people who constantly throw the United States under the bus, have no problems bowing to their communist masters, and for what? To make money? These people have sold us out. That includes the political class, the media, the entertainment world, and corporate America.
You have a lot of these morons going out of their way to defend the communist regime. So when we talk about the intellectual dark ages, we are here. Just take a listen to the fraud.
Sound Clip Fauci China
Now I agree with Fauci that I don’t believe the communist regime intentionally released the coronavirus. However, Fauci saying the communist regime wouldn’t kill their own people shows he’s not the intellectual he claims to be. Understand, that when it comes to the communist regime of China, they’re notorious for killing their own people, and they are essentially responsible for the biggest mass killing of their own people. Estimates are that potentially over 100 million of its own citizens have been killed by the communist regime. So, to say that it’s far-fetched to think China would kill its own people shows his ignorance.
But it’s actually worse than that. See, we are supposed to listen to the so-called intellectuals. The experts in the field. Yet, as all these idiots talk about communist China, what they never talk about is how China gobbles up debt throughout the globe, including here in the United States. We have a nearly $30-trillion debt, of which we pay about $ 400 billion a year just on the interest to service the debt. That’s over half of our defense spending just so you’re aware.
According to current estimates, China holds about $1.1-trillion of our debt. (Investopedia) The question needs to be asked, how much are we paying China in interest each year. If we take our debt and look at what we pay in interest, it equates to roughly $70-billion each year. This isn’t the best way to calculate how much we’re paying China in interests because there are a variety of factors involved, including the type of bond purchased, when it matures, and other factors as well.
For our purposes, I won’t even go as high as $70-billion per year. Let’s say it’s $50-billion. I want you to think about that for a second. That means we would be paying our greatest adversary $50-billion a year. China states they spend $250-billion on their military each year. It’s probably closer to $400-billion. If we use the $250-billion number, it would mean that we cover 20% of China’s military budget. Even if it is closer to $400-billion, that’s still 12.5% of their military budget.
Who are the schmuks again? And guess what? This doesn’t even include how the United States provides grant funding to China. Our hard-earned taxpayer money is going to China for grants on top of the interest payments. Basically, we are funding China’s research and development, as well as their growth. Talk about stupidity.
Yet, no one talks about this. Truly astounding, and it shows how we lack the ability to think critically.
Who Really Controls the Corporations
Surely, politics can’t be weaponized in the business world right. Corporations are greedy, and they want their minions to produce to make the corporate masters rich. At least that’s what we’ve been told. We’ve also been told that the corporations, big business, own the Republican party, but is that really true?
Of course not. In fact, former President Obama came out last week basically green lighting corporations to punish any state that is passing voting laws. See, former President Obama says that Republicans are rigging the game. Take a listen.
Sound Clip President Obama, Voting and Corporations
Here is a former President talking about basic rules that we all agreed to. I’d really like to know when we all agreed for widespread mail-in-balloting with no real verification methods? I don’t recall when that was a basic rule, we all agreed to. But I digress.
What President Obama was really talking about was Georgia’s election law which has been maligned and lied about over and over again, but the truth doesn’t really matter. In fact, it doesn’t matter that Georgia has less restrictive voting laws than blue states, including New York, Delaware, Colorado, and other states.
But that’s not the point. The point is President Obama’s solution. In the same interview, he said, “I think the corporate community has a responsibility to at least call folks out on that because this transcends policy.”
He’s essentially giving corporate America the green light to do their political bidding, and we saw how corporations can punish states. We’ve witnessed corporate threats time and time again when states make policies that the ruling class doesn’t like. No one elected these morons to develop social policy. Yet, these corporations think that they can do and say whatever they want without consequence.
If a state legislative body passes a law that goes against the ruling class narrative, then the corporations will seek to economically harm that state until the state changes its policies. Corporations don’t get to usurp the authority of a state legislative body, and they for damn sure don’t get to usurp the people’s authority.
Corporations have decided that they would rather be political activists than run their companies.
As I said at the beginning of this episode, the real virus is the continued abuse of power by the government and the political weaponization of every facet of life. This weaponization has reached critical mass and is leading us to a scientific and intellectual dark age.
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However, I’m not ready to just accept this Brave New World. I’m not ready to accept the idea that we can’t ask questions. I’m not ready to just simply obey and comply with the totalitarianism of this ideological infection. I’ve never been one to conform to groupthink.
And there is good news. I believe these loons have overstepped their bounds and have taken too far. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what your political ideology is. Most Americans aren’t hardcore political partisans. While the media and the ruling class want to continue to divide us, while they want to make it about Republican vs. Democrat, right vs. left, I can guarantee that most Americans don’t buy into this.
I can guarantee that most of you, regardless of party, are horrified by some of the examples I gave. And here’s how I know we’re winning. Over the last several weeks, I’ve received an enormous amount of emails, not from conservatives, but from people who identify themselves as liberals. I’m not talking about the progressives. I’m not talking about the leftists. I’m talking about old-school liberals. The ones who used to fight against government abuses. The ones who valued and cherished liberty and concepts like freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression.
A weird alliance is brewing, and more people are standing up and speaking out. It’s now up to us to keep the fight going. To restore the proper balance to our society. To ensure that government is responsible to us, We the People. If we want to rid ourselves of this virus that has infected all aspects of our lives, it starts with us. It starts now.
We are the remedy, but it doesn’t begin and end by simply showing up to the polls and voting. It doesn’t end with showing up to one rally or one school board meeting. We have to continue to be active. We have to keep showing up. We have to keep being active, and as the official Loud Majority would say, we have to stay loud.
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