Episode 89 Show Notes- When Will Republicans Stand-up and Show Courage
Episode Description
When will the Republicans finally stand-up and show some courage? For far too long, the Republican Party has shown their unwillingness to speak out against the leftists out of fear they will be labeled and marginalized by a corrupt activist news media. At the same time, the Republican party has surrendered urban areas throughout the country to the Democrats for the last half-century. The leftist’s mobs rampaging in cities throughout the country are a direct result of this silence and surrender. In this episode, we explore a number of topics all directly tied to the ineptitude and fecklessness of the current Republican leadership.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
Okay, before I even start to talk about what this episode is about, I have to give out the award for possibly the dumbest Congressperson in office. At least for this week. And the award goes to…
AOC Clip
You cannot make this stuff up. Major violent crime is increasing because people are hungry and need bread. Because people may not have gotten their stimulus check yet. Sorry, I can’t stand Adam Schiff, but even he is not this stupid. This is embarrassing. You had a one-year-old getting shot and killed over the weekend.
I don’t think the surge in violent crimes has anything to do with people going hungry. I would chalk it up to police being told to stand down, and the culture that the leftists are creating where people are now viewing the police as the enemy.
Imagine if President Trump had said this. I mean the President was getting blowback because he was touting hydroxychloroquine, and someone died from ingesting fish tank cleaner with a similar agreement. The activist media all but accused the President of murder. Interestingly enough, turns out hydroxychloroquine does have benefits, and the spouse of the man that died from ingesting fish tank cleaner is now under investigation for potential homicide.
But of course, AOC gets a pass and will continue to asinine comments like facts don’t matter if you are morally right.
Alright, now that I got that off my chest, go to The P.A.S. Report website check out previous episodes and sign up for the newsletter.
Catching up on The P.A.S. Report
Before I jump into this week’s episode, I want to bring everyone up to speed and quickly rehash what I’ve been discussing over the last few weeks, what started out as universal agreement and condemnation over George Floyd and the talk about police reform has morphed into an all-out assault on American values, American principles, and America, herself.
Organizations have usurped the death of George Floyd to push a socialist agenda intent on destroying the fabric of our country.
Over the last several weeks, I have laid out what’s really going on. I explained the groups involved and point to their own charters to illustrate that these are nothing more than socialist and Marxist organizations that want to destroy the United States. I explained the coordinated and targeted effort of the mobs against corporations, products, and American symbols and the leftist attempt to socially engineer our society.
I then discussed how we have to start dismantling the socialist agenda. That we have to start changing the narrative to expose the real racists in society, and that’s the leftists. That we need to call out the social and political elite supporting this effort. And how we have to challenge the left. I explained how we need to expose the negligent mayors in the urban areas where crime is skyrocketing, and how the Democrats have been in charge of these areas for nearly a half-century, yet these areas are in worse shape today than ever before. This is something that Barbara and I spoke about on Monday. If you haven’t listened to the episode with Barbara from Harlem yet, I suggest you do it. It was probably one of my favorite interviews I ever did, and she speaks her mind and doesn’t hold back. She’s awesome, and the establishment in the republican party can learn a thing or two from her.
I called out those who try to push this white fragility crap and say we are a nation based on white supremacy. I explained how the Social Justice industry is a money-making scam. Raking in hundreds of millions to billions of dollars a year by dividing us based on race. They need racism to exist in order to enrich themselves. And ironically, it’s mostly white liberals making money off this industry. These horrible individuals want to keep people down so that they can continue making money.
For this episode, I am going to turn my fire to the Republican leadership throughout the country. Both the national Republican leadership and state Republican leadership. It’s time we call out the Republican party and hold them accountable too.
They have been silent for far too long, and it’s time for them to either clean up their act and their party or render themselves completely and utterly useless. If Republicans don’t start standing up, the party itself will be rendered to oblivion.
News, news, news
Getting into this week’s topic, it’s truly amazing how many stories can break within a given week under President Trump’s administration. I don’t think I ever witnessed news cycles move so quickly. Unfortunately, we have a corrupt activist news media that doesn’t provide any perspective whatsoever and simply does the bidding of the Democrat National Committee.
But all of the stories I discuss have a common thread and the pathetic responses from the Republicans who show how out of touch they are.
So, on the July 1st episode, I briefly discussed the bombshell story that Russia was paying bounties to the Taliban if they killed U.S. soldiers. Some have now coined it Bountygate. Of course, when the story broke, Democrats, Republicans, and the media feigned outrage at the Trump administration and their lack of response.
I excoriated Republicans. Republicans were so quick to jump on this story and criticize the administration almost immediately without knowing any of the facts. Literally, as soon as the NY Times dropped the story, Republicans pounced like the lemmings they are. Yet, still not a peep from these same Republicans about the mobs destroying everything with impunity. Still not a peep of criticism of the Black Lives Matter organizations and other groups pushing this destruction to achieve their socialist agenda.
With the exception of people like Congressman Crenshaw, Congressman Jordan, Senator Cruz, and a few others, how many Republicans have come out and criticized Speaker Pelosi, Mayor DiBlasio, or any other Democrat official that gave their blessings to the mobs?
And here we are, two weeks later, how much reporting have you heard about bounty gate? How many segments have you seen since then on bounty gate? If this were, true, you would have seen segment after segment on this. You would have heard about endless Congressional hearings with the possibility of impeachment.
I warned that I was suspicious of the story and would reserve judgment until I had more information. I explained that I was skeptical if the NY Times report. I told you I would not jump on this story, and it had all the hallmarks of a BS bombshell just like many of the other so-called bombshells about Russia that we have heard for the last 4-years where nearly every one of these reports had to be walked back. I said then that I place this story into the dustbin of fake news.
Well, it turns out that this was raw intelligence that wasn’t verified. In fact, there was so little evidence that the intelligence wasn’t even provided to the Secretary of the Department of Defense. The NSA strongly disagreed that Russia was actually doing this. In fact, the intelligence came from the Afghan government. No offense to the Afghani government, but I’m not really going to trust their intelligence capabilities.
So, it all turns out to be a nothing burger, yet Republicans how to run out, before having any information, and start criticizing. When are they going to learn that the activist media is not their friends? When are they going to learn to wait until they have more information? More importantly, why, when they appear on all these networks, don’t they call out the reporters that push this false narrative?
These weak-kneed Republicans fall for it every time. Some still give the media the benefit of the doubt. I’m not sure when they will realize this isn’t the media from 50-60 years. It’s not even the media from the ’90s. It’s a whole new animal out there.
Roger Stone’s Commutation
Another story that shows how weak the Republicans are, and how unwilling they are to pushback against the activist media and the leftist narrative, is the President’s commutation of Roger Stone.
Roger Stone was set to go to prison this week, but President Trump commuted his sentence. A commutation is different than a pardon. I pardon wipes away someone’s record as if it never happened. A commutation still shows that Roger Stone is convicted of the crime, but the President feels that conviction is punishment enough and so he won’t do prison time.
Now here is the imbecile Adam Schiff, appearing on ABC’s This Week, on the President commuting Roger Stone’s prison sentence. Take a listen.
Play Schiff Clip
Can you believe this idiot? Talk about the nerve. Now, here’s the thing, I don’t necessarily agree with the commutation. However, there is no doubt that the judge was biased. After Roger Stone was convicted by a jury of his peers, it turns out the jury foreperson was a Democrat activist who made social media posts against both President Trump and Roger Stone. She should have never been selected as a juror, and she obviously lied when being asked to serve on the jury because on the jury questionnaire, I am sure Stone’s lawyers asked questions about ties to political party and how politically active potential jurors were. If they didn’t ask those questions, that’s just flat out incompetence on his lawyers’ part and that’s on them. But there is no doubt that Roger Stone should have received a new trial.
But’s it’s laughable when the Weasel Adam Schiff talks about “anyone who cares about the rule of law.” Adam Schiff talking about the rule of law is like Michael Moore talking about eating salads. They are both full of you know what.
For all of you out there complaining about the President commuting Roger Stone’s sentence, I’ll take your criticism seriously when you call for the prosecution of John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and so many others including Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills. All these people either lied to Congress or to investigators. In some cases, both.
And for those that are going to say they did nothing wrong, they committed the same exact offenses as Stone, Papadopoulos, and others. In fact, Mueller emphatically stated that even the appearance of false testimony is felonious behavior.
An Inspector General report stated Andrew McCabe lied to investigators on at least four occasions. The Boy Scout Jim Comey lied a few times as well. He told Congress that he wrote the Hillary Clinton email report after interviewing Hillary Clinton, yet it turns out the report, that vindicated Clinton, was written prior to interviewing her. He also leaked classified information to the press. And either him or Loretta Lynch lied to Congress. Comey stated in front of a Congressional committee that then-Attorney General Lynch stated to refer to the Clinton email scandal as a matter. Former Attorney General Lynch stated to the same committee that she had not and would not ever do that. So, someone is lying.
Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin both told FBI investigators that they didn’t have any knowledge about Hillary’s home-brewed email server. Meanwhile, there were several email chains where they were openly discussing Hillary’s server.
I can go on and on. Some of you out there will be like, “Oh, but that’s different.” You’ll try and justify it in some way. But there is no justification. You either hold everyone to the same standards or not. So, yes, I would take your Stone criticism more seriously had you called out everyone and held them to the same standard. I’m not a hypocrite.
These are just a few examples. When Adam Schiff talks about the rule of law, it’s a joke to me because he has no problem with anyone breaking the law as long as they are on his side. He knew three years ago that there was no basis for an investigation into Russian collusion. All the testimony he was receiving behind closed doors said exactly that. I went through it on previous episodes, so I won’t rehash it here.
But what really gets my blood boiling is the Republicans. Republicans like Mitt Romney that do the Democrats bidding. Senator Mittens called the Roger Stone commutation “Unprecedented, historic corruption.”
Now here is why I can’t stand Republicans like Romney. He kissed President Trump’s butt because he wanted his endorsement in 2012 when he was running for President. Then when President Trump ran for office, Mittens wasn’t satisfied with Trump’s behavior and routinely criticized President Trump’s character.
As soon as President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, Mittens was again sucking up to Trump because he wanted to be the Secretary of State, and later the Senator from Utah. Romney is a fraud and a phony, and if there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s phonies. Trump is Trump. He has always been crude and crass. He’s always had an ego and embellished in everything he’s done. But this has been the President’s personality for the last 40 years. You know what you’re getting with the President and he hasn’t changed.
Yet, Republicans like Romney are nothing but opportunists who go whatever the way the wind blows. If they feel someone can advance their agenda, they use them. Once they get what they want, they are willing to throw the person under the bus. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that?
The fact is that every American, regardless of political party, should be outraged when it comes to everything that transpired for the last four years when it comes to Russian collusion. We were routinely lied to, and appointed officials within the bureaucracy abused their power to the extreme. So much so that they were almost able to take down a sitting duly elected President.
You may not like the President’s personality, but Republicans should be going out there day-in and day-out pointing out the fact that the bureaucracy abused its power far more than any commutation of Roger Stone’s sentence. The whole Russia investigation was poisoned by the bureaucratic and democrat elite, and now they care about the rule of law. Give me a break, and people like Romney should be called out because all he is doing is putting forward the leftist talking points, and the moron doesn’t realize how he is being used by the media.
Now I really don’t care if they criticize President Trump. No person should be beholden to a party or a political leader. We don’t pledge allegiance to a political party or leader. We pledge allegiance to our Flag and the United States, and this country is much bigger than a party or a person.
What bothers me is how weak these Republicans are and never fight back with the exception of the few. Instead, they go out in front of a camera and feign outrage over the president’s Twitter feed, yet with the exception of a few, they say hardly anything about the abuses of the bureaucracy. What do you think is a bigger threat- the President’s Twitter feed and the commutation of Roger Stone or the fact that courts were lied to, evidence was illegally manipulated, officials lying to Congress and other investigators?
At least Roger Stone was arrested, tried, and convicted. Whether you agree with it or not, at least he was held to some account. What about all these other people I mentioned that have yet to be punished for the crimes they committed. And I’m talking about the crimes we know, not all the stuff Durham may be working on. Yet, Republicans and moderate/blue dog Democrats remain silent. remain silent.
Goya O’Boya
Now the cancel culture has taken on a whole new level. The CEO of Goya, Robert Unanue (I apologize if I just butchered his last name), was invited to the White House to celebrate a new White House Initiative called the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative. This initiative is designed to promote expanding job and educational opportunities for the Hispanic community.
At the event, the Goya CEO had the nerve to say that “We are truly blessed to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder.” What audacity. Now there is a huge movement to boycott Goya products.
Now I never agree with boycotts. I don’t like boycotts. The reason is that I actually care about people, not like the leftists that want to pay lip service. I understand that a boycott only hurts workers. If Goya is selling fewer products do you think the workers are going t be the first to get laid off or the CEO? Just use a little common sense.
But this goes far beyond Goya, and it’s part of the cancel culture that we have been witnessing where the leftists will target anyone and everyone they disagree with.
If you say or post something that the mob doesn’t like, they target you, your family, and your employer. They want to get you fired and destroy your livelihood. And unfortunately, we have been allowing the left to use this bullying tactic for far too long.
I was reading a story about a man being fired for a racist tweet his 14-year-old daughter put out. Another man was fired because someone posted a picture of him making the okay symbol. They posted it on Twitter and called him a white supremacist. Meanwhile, the guy was 75% Latino. A soccer player was fired for something his wife posted.
Sadly, there are countless stories like this over the last few weeks. Incidents like these don’t do anything for justice. They don’t do anything to promote racial harmony. These are innocent lives being destroyed so that a company doesn’t have to go through a PR nightmare and be destroyed by the mob.
Now in a weird way, I understand where the companies are coming from. It’s much easier for them to get rid of an employee than to face constant backlash. But these companies are dumb too because it won’t just end with the termination of the employee. It ends with extortion. These companies are pressured to donate to some nefarious organizations.
These companies are moral cowards. They should show loyalty towards their employees and be willing to back their employees. And all the employees at the company should back their peers as well. If a company is willing to get rid of a coworker because of a baseless Twitter accusation, how much job security do you really think you have?
But we now need leaders to step up, protect, and defend ordinary Americans. I don’t expect the leftists within the Democrat party to do it because it’s mostly Republicans and Conservatives being targeted, but Republicans can take the lead and woo the moderate and blue dog Democrats to craft a bill that protects employees.
Political speech should be protected speech. You shouldn’t be fired because you may take conservative or liberal political positions. You shouldn’t be fired because you support a particular candidate. You shouldn’t be fired because someone makes a baseless accusation on some social media platform.
Republicans should be calling out these companies and shaming them for their lack of loyalty to their employees. For their surrender to the mobs. No American should ever fear that if they post some innocuous political thought that they can lose their job.
Republican Failures
Republicans have helped create this environment because of their failure to follow through on commitments. They also lack clear messaging and provide little to no pushback against the activist media and the mobs. I know I’m generalizing, but while there are some Republicans that do speak out, many don’t. Many want to return to the days of the status quo. So, I am going to go one by one illustrating Republican failures.
No follow through on Commitments
Throughout the Obama administration, American voters turned to the Republican party giving them the majority in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. This was a direct result of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, debacle. For literally 8 years, Republicans campaigned on the idea of repeal and replace. While they never provided specifics, they said that there were a variety of free-market mechanisms that would be included in their new plan.
However, Republicans did not have any plan, and that is the problem. They had eight freakin’ years to develop a comprehensive plan. They had eight years to have experts look at the plan and work out any disagreements within the different Republican factions, yet none of this was done. Once President Trump won, the Republicans in the 116th Congress should have been able to introduce a comprehensive Obamacare replacement bill, pass it and get it to the President’s desk.
It was pathetic. They had nothing except the regurgitated campaign slogan repeal and replace. The Republicans then decided they would repeal Obamacare first, and once repealed they would develop a substitute. First, that’s not the way it works, particularly when it comes to healthcare. Americans want some semblance of stability. While they hated Obamacare, they were not willing to do away with it unless a viable alternative was presented. This was a failure of epic proportions. While Obamacare has been weakened, it remains and Republicans still haven’t unveiled any realistic alternatives.
Another failure was on immigration. Once again in the 115th Congress, Republicans controlled the house, the Senate, and the White House. In large part, President Trump won the election because of his message about illegal immigration and border security. Again, for 10 years, Republicans campaigned on immigration reform and border security. The majority of Americans, both Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, want solutions to curb illegal immigration and reform the overall system.
The Republican majority had a golden opportunity to fix a broken immigration system, something that has eluded Congress and Presidents for decades. Had the Republican majority passed a comprehensive immigration package, I would guarantee they would still be in the majority today.
There are essentially two competing factions in the Republican caucus- the hardliners that want to see a border wall/security and nothing else, and those that are deathly afraid that if they support strict border control, they will lose the Hispanic vote. Unfortunately, neither faction took a common-sense approach, nor did they put the Democrats on the defensive. To get an immigration bill through, it would have required 60-votes, and the Republicans would have needed several Democrats to cross the aisle.
In order to get something through, Republicans would have had to compromise to some degree. The majority of Americans would support a border wall, and the majority of Americans support a path to legalization for the DACA recipients. Most people recognize and understand that we are not, and cannot, deport every illegal immigrant in the country, especially those who came here when they were 6-months old and are now young adults. Are we really going to deport people that have never really set foot in their native countries and may not speak their native language? It would be like deporting them to a foreign country.
And I get it wouldn’t be exactly what Republicans want and maybe unpopular in some circles, the reality is that you could have gotten the entire funding for the border wall and put an end to illegal immigration going forward.
Providing the Dreamers with a pathway to legal status is not amnesty and offers no promise of citizenship, but the immigration hardliners balked at this idea. And the republican immigration doves watered down the bill so much, that it wasn’t even worth passing because it didn’t solve anything- border security or immigration reform including chain migration and the visa lottery program.
The Republican leadership failed spectacularly when it came to immigration reform and border security. Democrats have been screaming how DACA should be permanent. It would have put Democrats in a position to either support the idea of a border wall or vote against the DACA community. It could have been a win-win for Republicans. If the bill passed, we would have border security for decades to come. Our immigration system could have been modernized and one based on merit. Republicans could have campaigned in the Hispanic communities that they, not the Democrats, figured out a viable path for DACA recipients and create stability in their lives.
If the bill failed, especially on a party-line vote where all or most Democrats didn’t support it, Republicans could have proven that Democrats don’t really care about DACA recipients, immigrants, or the Hispanic community. They could have exposed Democrats to scorn and ridicule amongst the DACA kids.
In both these scenarios, President Trump also took a backseat in the legislative process, basically telling Republicans that if they pass something, he will sign it. President Trump, and his administration, should have taken a leadership role and pushed Republicans to get what I said done. Had he done that, perhaps he would have had two monumental accomplishments that went down in the annals of history? Couple that with his tax reform bill, and the economy (until coronavirus destroyed it), he would be heading to a Reagan like reelection victory.
Another area where Republican leadership has failed is reigning in federal spending, the budget, and the bureaucracy. Republicans are supposed to be the party of limited government and fiscally conservative government. Yet, spending under Republican leadership constantly grows. The bureaucracy constantly gets larger and more cumbersome.
They campaign on fiscal responsibility, yet when they are in charge, spending also increases. And the excuse is always that we have to spend more now, and then we will take a look at the budget and spending cuts. This is just another giant failure. The reality is that we have to get our fiscal house in order, and we cannot sustain the debt and current spending levels. Now, obviously I’ll make an exception for the explosion of spending in response to the Coronavirus.
However, even before then, spending was going up as fast under Republican leadership as when the Democrats were in charge.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the policy-making process, Republicans play checkers. They don’t know how to box Democrats in, and they don’t know how to think three steps ahead. They always operate from a defensive position rather than go on the offense. Take government shutdowns. When President Obama was in office and there was a Republican Congress, Republicans got blamed for the shutdown. When President Trump was in office and had a Democrat House, Republicans got blamed for the shutdown.
Rather than fight back against the activist media narrative, Republicans have rolled over and accepted the idea that if ever there is a shutdown, it’s Republicans fault.
Lack of unity
Republicans also lack unity and are quick to criticize their own. While I don’t really mind the criticism when it’s warranted, Republicans are notorious for not sticking together. On the other hand, Democrats always stick together and walk-in lockstep, even when the loons are running the party.
You have moderate and blue dog Democrats that don’t believe in one-tenth of what the party puts out there, yet they will still vote with the party no matter what. Take Senator Joe Manchin who is described as a blue dog Democrat. If you listen to him speak, you would find him very reasonable. He seems like a common-sense guy. But when you take a look at his voting record, he never deviates from what the party elders want.
Lack of expanding the party
As if the lack of unity wasn’t enough, Republicans have virtually no plan to expand the party. As I said before, if you look at the many Republicans in the House and Senate, they have been there forever. They care more about the status quo and retaining their seats. They are never bold and avoid constituencies that make them uncomfortable. They have written off large segments of the population including the black and Hispanic communities.
They wrote these communities off, not because they are racist, but because they feel they can’t win in these communities and that the Democrats staunchly control these communities. This is nonsense. Republicans need to speak to the communities that make them uncomfortable, and they have a winning message if they would just take the chance. Crafting a message isn’t really that hard and it starts with Democrats have been in control of these neighborhoods for a half-century. Is your community in better shape or worse shape.
As Barbara and I discussed, inroads can be made, and you can chip away at the Democrat stranglehold on these communities. Will Republicans get the majority vote in these communities in one or two election cycles, and the answer is probably not. Can Republicans begin to get 20, 30, even 40% of support in these communities within one or two election cycles, and the answer is yes. Also, some support is better than no support. If you don’t go into these communities, you aren’t going to get any support.
Leftists have controlled the narrative for quite some time. They always try to label Republicans as racists. The Republican response is simple. They say, ‘Hey, that’s unfair. We are not racists.’ It is bland responses like that, which allows the leftists to keep pushing this false narrative and push the false narrative that white supremacist organizations are part of the Republicans. Republicans need to change that narrative and illustrate how leftists are the real racists looking to keep these communities down. They need to forcefully pushback and explain how the principles within the Republican Party go directly against the white supremacist organizations. Especially considering the fact that Republicans and Conservatives despise social engineering, and they believe in limited government. White supremacy epitomizes social engineering and they believe that government should have all power to rid non-whites from this country, basically tyranny.
Let me ask who else believes in social engineering and granting government tyrannical reign? It certainly isn’t the Republicans. It’s leftists. You will find that the radical left has more in common with white supremacist organizations than anyone on the right does. Now I don’t believe that leftists support white supremacist organizations. They certainly don’t. But the leftists are racist and they do want to socially engineer society.
Now I know I’m going hard on the Republicans, but the State Republican parties can be even worse, particularly in a state like New York. I firmly believe that New York is a winnable state for Republicans. Now some think I’m crazy for saying that, but if you speak to any normal New Yorker, regardless of political party, and you ask them if they are happy with New York State, an overwhelming number of people will say no. They’ve had it and they are fed up.
We are the highest tax state, and you get nothing in return. Our roads are crumbling. Traffic all over the downstate areas. Our schools aren’t performing anywhere near par even in the so-called good districts. We pay the highest energy bills. It’s nearly impossible to open a business. There are a host of fines and fees for every little thing. And out taxes continually increase.
Factor in taxpayer-funded abortions up until the ninth month. Factor in the benefits that go to illegal immigrants over New York residents and American citizens. Factor in bail reform and releasing criminals onto the same streets where they terrorize the same community over and over again. Factor in the defunding of the police, and the hostility towards law enforcement. Factor in the skyrocketing crime wave we are currently witnessing. When you factor all that in with the amount it costs to live here, how can any normal person say they are satisfied with the state?
Then you have an incompetent State Republican Party apparatus that will actually support and run Democrats in their races as opposed to a real Republican or Conservative. I am not kidding. The State will recruit Democrats to run for office as a Republican because they don’t think a real Republican or Conservative can win. Well maybe, just maybe, if you provided some level of support to actual Republicans, and invested time, money, and effort in these communities, you would actually win races in these areas.
If Republicans want to win, they need to start fighting back. They need to fight back against the activist media. They need to fight back against the mobs. They need to fight back against the push for socialism and communism. They need to fight back against ineffective state and local leaders who have allowed lawlessness to prevail in urban centers throughout the country. And they need to fight back against their own. Those who want to maintain the status quo.
They need to show some fire and give us a reason to vote for them. They need to keep their word on the promises they make. The Republicans need to start being bold.
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The message and support is there if Republicans choose. However, up until now, they have shown themselves to be inept and cowardly with the exception of a few. Republicans better start to seize the opportunity because if they don’t, they face a bleak and uncertain future.
If Republicans maintain their current posture, the party will begin their descent into oblivion. The far-left, with their radical agenda, will seize control, and the damage will be irreparable.
Time is limited, and while every election seems like the most important election, this election is different. There is far more at stake than ever before. Every Republican leader needs to hear this. So share this episode on your social media accounts and tag as many Republican leaders as possible. If they don’t get their act together, we will all suffer.
Also, don’t forget to recommend The P.A.S. Report podcast to your family and friends.
As always, thank you for joining us and stay safe and I’ll be back on Monday with another great guest coming on so be sure to listen.
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