Episode 124 Show Notes- Who is the Real Bully and the Dictators of America?
Episode Description
The propaganda press and the unholy alliance continue to label President Trump a bully and a dictator. Yet, once again, they have been exposed for the hypocrites they really are. The constant projection, guilty of what they accuse their opponents of, is rather tiresome at this point. As mayors and governors reimpose new coronavirus restrictions, we have to ask who the real dictators are and who is playing politics with the virus? Professor Giordano gives a brief update on the status of the 2020 presidential election and explains President Trump’s potential path forward.
Show Transcript
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
Every day, I grow more and more disgusted with our current state of politics. I’m tired of the lies and distortions. I’m tired of the deception. And I know I’m not alone. I know many of you feel the same way.
For the last four years, I’ve had to listen to the propaganda press and the unholy alliance try to brand and marginalize anyone who provides a dissenting point-of-view. They’ve called ordinary Americans every name in the book because ordinary people express their love and support for the country they live in. A country that has provided so many with so much opportunity.
Anyone who displays any sense of nationalism and patriotism is labeled a xenophobe, a racist, a bigot, and a misogynist. They regularly call President Trump a bully who acts like a dictator. An authoritarian. And that’s what I am going to focus on in this episode.
Before I get started, go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Honesty with my Audience
Alright, before I get into the main topic, I just want to provide you a quick election update and President Trump’s potential path forward.
I want to say, last week I received a lot of feedback from my audience. I hope you keep it coming. I enjoy reading your emails and telling me what you think. For new audience members, you can always email your thoughts to The P.A.S. Report. Just send the email to podcast@pasreport.com.
A lot of people asked with all the election fraud out there, how can I give the President small odds to prevail in the presidential election, and why am I being so negative? Here’s the thing, I will always be honest with my audience, and I’m always going to give you a truthful assessment of what’s going on out there. I’m not here to sugarcoat anything. I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear. I’m not here to simply validate how you feel or to validate your political opinions.
That would be a disservice to me, but more importantly, it would be a disservice to you. The whole reason I do this podcast is to challenge you. It’s to get you to think critically. It’s to teach you about the issues, and American government and politics.
There are times where you are going to like what I say, and there are times you may not be happy. There will be times we agree and times we disagree. But I will never lie or deceive you. I will never tell you what you want to hear. I will always tell you what you need to hear.
Election Update
Understand that the reason I say President Trump has an uphill battle is that I understand what he’s up against. Between the scam of mail-in-voting, the election fraud, and the unholy alliance I discussed in September, remember, these are very powerful forces. They will not accept anything except a Trump defeat.
Now if it was just flipping one state, his odds would be much better, but in order for President Trump to win, he would need to flip about three states. So, one of the pathways forward would have to be through recounts. Now, understand recounts rarely result in a flipped election, and while I think his best chance exists in Georgia, Georgia won’t be enough to win him the election.
The other avenue is for the President’s team to challenge ballots and get them disqualified due to ballots illegally cast, fraud, manipulation, or some type of technicality. Now, I truly believe that if we scrutinized every ballot that was cast in this election, we would find an enormous number of ballots either incorrectly cast or fraudulent cast. Now I don’t have the evidence to prove this because I haven’t taken a look at each ballot, but I suspect if we did, we would be horrified by what we would find. The courts would be essential in this scenario because they would have to determine what constitutes a legal ballot vs. an illegal ballot. Is this pathway possible, yes? But the problem is, its extraordinarily time-consuming. It’s not a process that takes a week or two. Why do you think everyone is rushing to coronate Joe Biden as the President-Elect?
The third pathway may turn out to be the most realistic. There have been a number of questions and concerns about municipalities using Dominion voting systems. These voting systems were used in municipalities in 26 or 28 states. Now we know in Antrim County Michigan, 3,000 votes were placed for President Trump and went to Joe Biden. Now the problem was identified, and the votes were corrected, and it results in a 6,000-vote swing- Biden losing 3,000 and President Trump gaining 3,000.
This is fact and can’t be disputed because the Michigan Department of State said that the error happened due to a software glitch, and the problem was corrected when the software was updated. (Detroit Free Press)
Now, if this happened in one jurisdiction, it raises a fair question, did this happen elsewhere throughout Michigan or anywhere else? That is a fair question, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And in full-disclosure, the Michigan Department of State said the error initially happened due to a software glitch. Now they are saying it was a user-error. Let’s be honest, that’s laughable. (Michigan Office of Secretary of State)
Getting to the point, if the Trump campaign can prove there was enough votes switch that calls into question the outcome in a few states, it is disputed whether those electors would be able to be seated. If they can’t be seated, then neither President Trump nor Joe Biden would have the necessary 270 electoral votes.
If the Electoral College cannot figure out who the President is, we have a remedy for that, and it’s laid out clearly in the Constitution. The House of Representatives would determine who the President is. And while Democrats may have a majority of the members in the House, the Republicans control the majority of the state Congressional delegations, and so the 117th Congress would, in all likelihood, vote for President Trump. This wouldn’t be unprecedented and has happened before in our history. I actually think this would be the most realistic pathway.
However, we have to be realistic about the chances. Any of these pathways are difficult to achieve, and if it was any other President, I would say the chance is zero percent. But given that it’s President Trump, and how he knows how to fight, this may be possible although rather difficult.
Also, no matter what happens, we have to continue to highlight every accusation of election fraud where there’s evidence. I’m working on an episode about accountability, and we have to start holding people accountable. We can’t have this two-tier justice system anymore.
The Press Lies Again
Alright, now it’s time to call out the propaganda press and the unholy alliance for their continued attacks on President Trump. They repeatedly call President Trump a bully and a dictator. But I will continue to expose their corrupt lies as their only intention is to deceive you. Once again, I don’t expect or want President Trump to receive favorable coverage. I expect the press to hold all people in positions of power accountable. I want tough questions.
However, the press has actively gone out of their way to try and destroy the Trump presidency by undermining every little thing and creating false narratives designed to manipulate their audience.
Coronavirus Vaccine
Take the coronavirus vaccine. At the beginning of August, President Trump stated there would be a potential coronavirus vaccine by or shortly following election day. (Reuters) The President was routinely savaged by the press and his opponents. They said he was lying. That science doesn’t move that fast. That the government would never be able to make that happen.
Play Clip of Pressing Trump on Vaccine Date
Regardless of what you think about the vaccine, it certainly was doable. See, I understand government and I know how slow government operates. Take government construction projects. It seems like they go on forever. Take the same construction project, same materials, and labor, and apply it to the private sector, it will be done much quicker. A job that takes the government a year, would take the private sector 6 months. Why? Because there is no one lighting to hurry the project up.
The same holds true here. President Trump is not your typical bureaucrat. He doesn’t just accept the timeframes that bureaucrats give. He understands that by cutting regulatory red tape, and by applying pressure, things could get done much sooner. So, when everyone said it wouldn’t happen, when they mocked and ridiculed the President that he doesn’t understand science, it’s because they have the government mentality.
Pfizer Announcement
Fast-forward to this week. 6-days after Election Day and two days after the AP coronated Joe Biden as the President-Elect, Pfizer made an announcement on November 9th that their coronavirus vaccine has proven to be 90% effective, and they would be ready to distribute emergency doses by the end of November. (AP News)
I want you to understand how important these dates are and show you the dishonesty and corruption that plague our entire system. Do you really think that it was an accident that Pfizer made the announcement 6 days after the election and two days following Biden being designated as the President-Elect by the media? Do you think the officials at Pfizer didn’t know the vaccine’s effective rate a week earlier?
It’s no secret that Big Pharma despises the President. The President has been attacking Big Pharma since he came into office, and on September 13th, of this year, the President signed Executive Order 13948 Lowering Drug Prices by Putting America First. (Federal Register) It’s no secret that the drug companies offer the same prescription medications in other countries at a much lower price, and this Executive Order would allow Medicare recipients to pay the same price for certain prescription drugs that other countries pay.
Also, following Pfizer’s announcement, the propaganda press hailed the development of the vaccine. Never once did they retract their reports about calling the President a liar for saying a vaccine would be developed by November. Instead, some in the press were splitting hairs and argued that the President said a vaccine would be developed by Election Day. Others said that while a vaccine may be developed, full-scale distribution wouldn’t happen until 2021.
And some of the other pathetic human beings argued that the vaccine was developed sooner than thought despite the President, not because of the President. And once again they are knowingly lying to their audience. They keep saying that Pfizer’s vaccine has nothing to do with the President’s Operation Warp Speed initiative. They say the government played no role in Pfizer’s vaccine. Even Pfizer itself stated they developed this vaccine on their own without help from the U.S. Government. Here’s a clip of the President announcing the Pfizer partnership in July.
Play Trump Pfizer Sound Clip
See, all these people think you are so dumb that they lie right to your face. They think you don’t know how to do any type of research. Here’s the problem with their own lies, according to the AP article I mentioned before, it states, “Pfizer initially opted not to join the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, which helped fund a half-dozen vaccine makers’ research and manufacturing scale-up. Pfizer instead said it has invested $2 billion of its own money in testing and expanding manufacturing capacity. But in July, Pfizer signed a contract to supply the U.S. with 100 million doses for $1.95 billion, assuming the vaccine is cleared by the FDA.” (AP News)
And according to a Pfizer press release on July 22nd, Pfizer “announced the execution of an agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense to meet the U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed program goal to begin delivering 300 million doses of a vaccine for COVID-19 in 2021.” This is on Pfizer’s own website, and I have a link to the press release on the P.A.S. Report website in the show notes. (Pfizer)
Imagine that. As always, I provide you with the information. I don’t manipulate it and I don’t put words in their mouth. These people were and continue to lie to you. This is why fact-checkers are completely useless and it illustrates their deception. They keep stating the President is lying about Pfizer’s involvement, yet I just read to you Pfizer’s own statement and the AP report.
But it gets worse. On Friday, President Trump held a coronavirus press conference. At the press conference, you heard from the President, the doctor leading vaccine development for Operation Warp Speed, and the General that’s tasked with distributed the vaccine. Take a listen.
Play Doctor & General Sound Clip
So, 20-30-million vaccines will be ready by next month, and once ready, they will be distributed within 24-hours. Now you would think that’s something that should be hailed, but no. Instead, what does the media take away from the press conference? They say the President threatened not to deliver the vaccine to New York. They call the President a bully. Emperor Cuomo called the President a bully. Take a listen to what the Emperor said.
Play Cuomo Trump Bully Sound Clip
Now in order to understand how deceitful the media is, take a listen to what the Emperor said just three weeks ago.
Play Cuomo NY Won’t Accept Vaccine Sound Clip
Now there are so many things wrong with what the Emperor said. First, we don’t need 330 million doses. First, people should not be forced to take this vaccine. It’s there right. Also, I am young and fairly healthy. I’ll take my chances with coronavirus considering my demographic has a survival rate of 99.98%. For those that are young and healthy, and if they aren’t around individuals that are high risk, why force them to take the vaccine.
Secondly, the Emperor said there is no mobilization of vaccine distribution. Well, that’s a flat out lie. The general stated that once the vaccine is available, distribution will begin within 24 hours.
President Trump is accused of politicizing the virus and not listening to the science. Yet, the only people who made this political and weaponized science are the Democrats and the media.
Now in that sound clip, the Emperor clearly said he wasn’t accepting the vaccine solely because it was developed under the Trump administration, and until his own people can give the green light, and when Biden is in office, only then will he allow the vaccine to be distributed to New Yorkers.
Yet, the media and the Emperor are saying that President Trump is the bully. Here is what President Trump said at the press conference and you tell me if he is bullying the Emperor.
Play Trump Explaining Why NY Won’t get Vaccine Sound Clip
You tell me if he’s threatening the Emperor or calling the Emperor out for making the vaccine political. The only ones who cast doubt on the vaccine have been the Democrats and the media. It’s time we call these hacks out for what they are.
New COVID Restrictions
And speaking of politicizing the coronavirus, consider this. Coronavirus cases were increasing throughout October, and yet, the wannabe dictators- the governors and the mayors, in these blue states all announced they are implementing new coronavirus restrictions. Again, pay attention to the dates. Cases rising throughout October, Election Day on November 3rd, and new restrictions announced a week and a half after Election Day.
What do you think would have happened if they announced the restrictions prior to Election Day? Do you think there may have been a different outcome? The fact is they purposely waited until after election day to announce these restrictions out of fear that Americans wouldn’t stomach another lockdown and would then vote for President Trump. You tell me who politicized the virus.
The Real Bullies/Dictators
Once again, we witness the projection. Everything they accuse this President of, they themselves are guilty of. They constantly call the President a bully and says he wants to be a dictator, yet these little Mussolini wannabes are the ones that constantly talk about mask mandates and lockdowns. They constantly disregard our God-given liberties and disregard the Constitution by suppressing our ability to exercise our freedom.
Here are what real bullies and dictators sound like. Take a listen.
Play the Real Bullies/Dictators Sound Clip
Who sounds like the real bullies and dictators? The President that understands the Constitution, and the concept of federalism? The President who doesn’t issue decree after decree. Or these governors and mayors threatening to close religious institutions, bars, and restaurants, and telling you to cancel your Thanksgiving plans because they will determine who can and cannot come to your home.
When it really comes down to it, it’s clear they despise the President, but it’s not the only thing going on. The President is one man in a moment of time. There’s something they despise more than President Trump, and that’s you. They hate the people who put President Trump in office in the first place, and therefore, you are the ones that need to be punished.
They loathe the fact that the peasant class decided to give all these so-called smart people the finger and elect President Trump in 2016. They despise those who display any sense of nationalism and patriotism. It’s why they label you in an attempt to marginalize you. That’s why they call anyone who talks about the greatness of America or expresses any semblance of nationalism, you’re labeled a xenophobe, a racist, a bigot, a misogynist. They find it disgusting how you preach concepts of American ideals like liberty and freedom. They can’t stand the fact that for all of America’s sins, you still believe America is an exceptional nation. Even worse, they can’t stand how the peasant class defied the powers that be in 2016 and want to make sure you didn’t repeat the same mistake in 2020.
Nationalism is not about loyalty to one person or one office. It’s not about loyalty to skin color. It’s about loyalty to the country. The unholy alliance wants to destroy the concept of nationalism and we are allowing them to redefine important political concepts so that they can usurp power and control.
Nationalism is the concept of traditional political orientation that makes people feel patriotic and loyal. As a nation-state, we differentiate ourselves from other countries.
There are those who say we shouldn’t use the word nationalism, that we should use patriotism instead, but once they are successful in redefining nationalism, how long before they begin calling patriotism racist and bigoted? How long before they start saying patriotism leads to xenophobia and ethnocentrism?
It’s because of nationalism that we become sentimentally attached to America, and we gain a sense of identity and self-esteem through our national identity. It discourages blind loyalty to a leader because the country is bigger than one person. It eliminates tribalism and promotes the idea that political power resides with the people.
Most importantly, it motivates us to help our country and help our fellow citizens in times of need.
We should not be confusing nationalism with ethnocentrism, the belief in the superiority of others, or xenophobia, the irrational fear or dislike of others. We should celebrate nationalism. In fact, one of the biggest problems in this country is that there are so many who constantly denigrate this country. They despise it and believe America is a horrible place, despite the fact that America is the justest and fair nation on the planet and redefined how people and governments interact.
Prior to America, people existed to serve the government. Our founding fathers changed the status quo. They rejected the idea that people are simply tools of their governments, and there is existence is to serve the state. Instead, governments would now exist to serve their people, and as Ronald Reagan said, we have a Constitution where we tell the government what it can do. Not the other way around. Despite our sins, we have redefined humanity for the better.
Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan also warned that freedom is one generation from extinction. The more we don’t hold the politicians and the corrupt media accountable, the more likely Ronald Reagan’s premonition will come true.
The more we allow the ruling class and the propaganda press to lie, deceive and manipulate us, sooner or later we will pass a point of no return. Some believe we are already there. I don’t believe that. I believe there are still golden days ahead of us. I believe more and more Americans will wake up to what’s really happening and will once again value the idea of liberty.
The fight is still on, and it’s incumbent on us to demand accountability. I’m going to be talking about this more this week or next because without accountability we fail.
Enough with the double standards. Enough with the lies and the projection. It’s time to reclaim our government to their rightful heirs, and that’s We the People.
I have some really important episodes coming up so be sure to listen and share The P.A.S. Report podcast with others. Post it on all your social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and wherever else. And if you are listening on an Apple device, be sure to rate the podcast, and take 30-seconds to write a good review. Reviews always help us in the rankings, and just so you are aware, this podcast has grown over 2,300% since I started it in June of last year, and I only have you the audience to thank for that.
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