Episode 38 Show Notes- Why the Leftists Fear the People, Conservatism, & American Values
Episode Description
The political elitists and the advocacy news media have not hidden their utter disregard for the people, conservatives, & those who hold traditional values. In fact, they illustrate this daily and this week was no different. Before the Virginia Gun Rally, many of political elite and advocacy news media warned about white supremacy, neo-Nazis, and militia groups. They feigned outrage and promoted propaganda that the protests would be violent because most gun owners are white, angry males. It turns out that the protests were diverse, and the protesters taught everyone a lesson in civic engagement. Visit The P.A.S. Report website, and be sure to sign up for The P.A.S. Report newsletter.
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Welcome to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
In this week’s episode, I’ll give a quick impeachment update, but the majority of the episode will focus on why the political elitists and the advocacy news media have nothing but contempt for the average American. I want to explore why they continually try to label Conservatives, and I want to give everyone a lesson on what Conservatism stands for. In politics, many associate Conservatives with the Republican party, but Conservatism is not beholden to a political party. In fact, many of you will be surprised at what Conservatism means, and how adopting Conservatism in our lives can fix some of the cultural problems we see by promoting traditional beliefs and values.
As always, if you want to see the show notes go to thepasreport.com. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter.
Impeachment Update
This week kicks off the impeachment trial of President Trump. I have made my feelings clear that this is nothing more than a political impeachment fueled by nothing more than partisanship and hatred for the President. We began to hear the opening arguments, but I am not going to discuss the impeachment trial in this episode. If something newsworthy or historic happens, then I will release an episode. I think I’ve beaten impeachment to death. However, I do want to say two things briefly.
First, as I have stated before, we all know how this will end. The President will not be removed from office. I don’t care what happens in this trial. There is no way 20 Republicans side with the Democrats to vote to convict and remove the President, and that’s assuming that all Democrats in the Senate will vote to convict, which I don’t believe will happen.
Secondly, Brit Hume brought up a great point on Monday night. He said that Congressman Schiff, Congressman Nadler, and pretty much the rest of the House Democrats stated that the evidence is compelling and overwhelming. I’m not going to play the clips, but if you Google Schiff and Nadler, you will find dozens of video clips of them saying this.
So, the House Democrats say the evidence is clear and damning. That’s the reason they did the impeachment at lightning speed because the President poses this grave threat to the Republic. However, now many Democrats are calling for a long drawn out trial. They want the Senate to investigate and call witnesses. Hume made the point that if House Democrats felt the case is clear, compelling, and overwhelming, then this should be a relatively short trial, and there is no need to investigate further as that was the House’s responsibility. He brings up an excellent point and one that you will not see the advocacy news media pose to House and Senate Democrats.
As for me, if you listen to my previous episodes, you’ll know I want to see witnesses. I want everyone to testify. I want this turned into a circus. I want to hear from Bolton and Pompeo, but I also want to hear from the Biden’s, the so-called whistleblower, the imbecile Adam Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey, even Hillary. But when I bring those names up, I get criticized. The left says they are irrelevant and I’m just trying to distract by calling these people. But really, what are they so afraid of? If all these individuals did nothing wrong, why can’t we call these people? Every single one of them knows the Ukraine situation, and what transpired in the 2016 election. We might as well air out all the dirty laundry.
VA Gun Rally
Before I get into Conservatism, I want to explore the media coverage of the Virginia Gun Rally because it dovetails this week’s topic. I explained last week how the Virginian government is proposing a whole slew of laws designed to take away guns from law-abiding Americans exercising their Constitutional Rights. This is nothing more than the biggest gun grab in U.S. history and is the antithesis to what the founders believed about gun rights. This is were Conservatism, with traditional beliefs and values come into play.
Before the protest, the advocacy news media and the political elite were warning that the protests will be used to spew white supremacist beliefs. That this will be an all-white protest pushing a white power narrative. They were sowing the seeds of fear that the protests will spiral out of control, and violence will erupt, potentially even leading to death.
The VA Governor, Governor Black Face, declared a State of Emergency out of fear that these angry, white men were going to show up and engage in violence. The headlines were stark and dramatic leading their audience to wonder if a second civil war was about to emerge. Here are just some of the headlines:
NBC News: As gun rights rally looms in Virginia, Richmond residents fear another Charlottesville.
Axios: As Richmond braces for hate, Americans say race relations are getting worse.
The Associated Press: State officials and U.S. hate-monitoring groups are warning about the potential for violence ahead of a gun-rights rally in Virginia that’s expected to draw a mix of militias, firearms advocates and white supremacists to Richmond.
MSNBC: With Virginia on edge over gun rally, Trump says the wrong thing.
CBS: Credible threats of violence as pro-gun rally is held in Richmond
NBC News: Virginia declares emergency as tensions escalate over gun-rights rally
Vox: The Virginia gun rights rally raising fears of violence
Reuters: Warning of ‘serious threats’ Virginia governor bans weapons at gun-rights rally
CNN: Virginia pro-gun rally reveals extremist tactics
That’s enough headlines but listen to some of these morons providing commentary.
A Reporter, although I use that term loosely,” Ben Collins. I believe he works for NBC. He tweeted out, “Reporters covering tomorrow’s white nationalist rally in Virginia, I’m absolutely begging you: Verify information before you send it out tomorrow, even if it’s a very sensational rumor you heard from a cop. Don’t become a hero in neo-Nazi propaganda circles with made-up stuff.”
And take a listen to some of these other losers who call themselves journalists, yet they have no journalistic integrity. Play Sound Clip 1
Now there are plenty of videos out there, and I want to ask you, the political elite and the media were saying how this protest was going to be attended by angry, white males who feel they are being shunned in society, and that these people hate minorities and want to return to the days of slavery and segregation. The estimates are that 22,000 people showed up. I want to know how many people did you see wearing Klan hats? How many had Swastikas? How many people were disparaged by racial epithets? How many held signs spewing racist vitriol? The answer is none. While I’m sure some racist rejects attended, they were marginalized as the fringe minority they are. The people attending were law-abiding citizens who love the founding principles of our country.
Here’s the dirty little secret that these so-called journalists didn’t tell you. Martin Luther King Jr. day is also known as lobby day. Where thousands gather to protest issues they care about. It’s what we Political Scientists and normal people call civic engagement. Every year this gun rally takes place.
Now since there is an assault on the 2nd Amendment, the gun-rights protest was much larger than in years past. But get this, not one person was injured, no one was killed, one person, a female, was arrested, which is pretty astonishing when you think of it, especially considering that this was an angry, all-white male protest. She was arrested for not removing a facemask when ordered to do so. They should try enforcing that at Antifa rallies.
The 22,000 people that attended the rally came from all different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, and political parties. When the protests ended, these individuals cleaned up their mess and went home. They were there to defend their 2nd Amendment rights by using their God-given protected rights under the 1st Amendment.
Do you think the political elite and the advocacy news media covered how peaceful the protests were after all the hype? Some actually did, but they had the nerve to take credit for the peaceful protests.
This brings us to the idea of Conservatism. Over the last few decades, the far-left has tried to redefine the idea of conservatism and being conservative as one of racism, bigots, misogyny, homophobia, and ethnocentrism. They brand the conservatives as xenophobic. Remember what former Vice President Joe Biden and President Obama said:
Play Biden/Obama Sound Clip
You have the media and even academia that try to associate the idea of conservatism with fascism. They promote the idea that if you are conservative, you support slavery. They want to rewrite history and redefine conservatism. If anyone knows anything about conservatism, they would know that it represents the exact opposite of fascism. In fact, the leftist’s ideology is more closely aligned with the fascist movement.
These idiots cannot define fascism. They have no idea what fascism is. Even if you look on Wikipedia, you will see fascism defined as “far-right ultranationalist characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.”
But these are just lies designed to smear and besmirch. In fact, fascism is where the State is the most important entity. It encompasses the theory of State Betterment that individuals exist in order to serve the State. If the State has more power, people’s lives will be better. Fascist societies place all emphasis within the government. The government controls all aspects of life under an autocrat. Everything people do must be to benefit the State. The State reigns supreme over all aspect’s life including economics, politics, culture, and social issues.
Those that oppose the State or criticize the State represent a grave threat. Those who cannot produce for the State are deemed obsolete. So, when you look at fascism, remember this is not a conservative ideology because conservatives believe the exact opposite, which I’ll explain in a minute. The hardcore leftists are the real fascists who want to take away individual gun rights. They want to take away free speech and censor you. Anyone that disagrees with them is attacked and savaged. Just look at Andy Ngo in Seattle.
What does Conservatism mean?
So, what does Conservatism mean, and what does it mean to be conservative?
Conservatism is respecting traditional American values and respecting the intent of the founding fathers and what they were trying to do. When you say that, the far-left says, “well the founding fathers are racist and had slaves. Therefore if you believe in anything they did, you essentially are a racist.” Obviously, that’s nonsense.
Liberty is the core American value. It’s the idea of individual responsibility and limited government. It’s the belief in allowing human beings to exercise their free will responsibly in accord with the dictates of right reason and natural law.
Conservatives reject the idea of an all-powerful government that allows an aristocracy or autocratic rule. They believe in the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence. That human beings are created equal and are endowed with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That those rights are given to us, not because of government, but because of our Creator. It is God that gives us these rights, and governments should be instituted to protect these basic fundamental rights.
Conservatives are suspicious of government power, and as the founding fathers, they recognize that governments tend to abuse their power. Conservatives believe that the government is naturally flawed because it is created by human beings. We believe the concept of liberty is best protected in small states. We believe that the government that governs the best governs the least. These are the 3 Principles of Old Republicanism.
See conservatism promotes the idea of personal responsibility. The idea that we cannot rely on the government for anything and everything. We believe this for several reasons. The main reason is that when government does everything for us and provides all our needs, then we become beholden to the government. While you still may be able to participate, and vote do you really have freedom and liberty? Are you going to bite the hand that feeds you? When you have little control over your life, you no longer live in a Republic with Democratic principles. That is what we define as tyranny.
Another reason we believe in the idea of personal responsibility is we recognize the incompetence of government. While government is necessary, they aren’t the best at solving problems. I always use the roadways as an example because it is clear cut. Obviously, as individuals, we cannot go around paving the roadways ourselves. Fixing roads is a pretty straightforward task, yet the government cannot even do that.
We want to limit government power and believe in the concept of federalism where we have two levels of government, neither of which is created by the other, and both of which operate independently of each other. The federal government ahs their powers and the states have their powers. Unfortunately, we have blurred the lines over the last several decades, where too many people have been willing to grant more and more authority to the federal government. Do you think that maybe contributing to many of the problems we see today? That we have deviated from the vision of the founders.
Conservatism emphasizes the idea of the free market. We promote the idea of capitalism. We believe that people are better at economics than government, and looking at the government debt on federal and state levels, there is no denying that. It doesn’t mean we support runaway capitalism. Capitalism does have some problems that certainly need to be addressed, but it is far better than a socialist or communist economy where the government engages in central planning.
Traditional Values
Conservatism believes in traditional values. One of those values is conserving the traditional family.
Conservatives believe in the traditional family. The fact is that one-third of children today live in single-parent households (Pew Research). Even worse, 40% of children are being born out of wedlock (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention). Has this made our society better? Has it improved our culture? Since this trend began, have things become better within our society or worse. It’s scary how most politicians won’t touch this.
The changing of the family structure has had one of the worst impacts on our society, and fatherless homes have created an environment where no strong male role-models exist. These fathers, who have abandoned their children, should be ashamed of themselves.
LGBT Community
The leftists try to portray conservatives as anti-gay, but the reality is far different. Most conservatives could care less about how people live their lives as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others. If two adults consent into a relationship and are of the same gender, that’s their choice.
However, what we don’t want is government to cram ideas and beliefs down people’s throats. Many do not believe government should be in the marriage industry. I am a Conservative, and I also respect the gay community. If they want to get married it’s their choice. However, I also want to teach my children about homosexuality, not government. My children are raised with the belief that everyone deserves to be treated with respect. That all individuals will make their own choices and it’s not up to any of us to judge.
We also believe in religious freedom. Private owned businesses should not be forced to participate in a religious ceremony if it goes against their belief system. If a bakery does not want to make a cake for a gay wedding, that should be the business owners’ decision. There are plenty of other bakeries that would make that cake because they want to make money and don’t want to alienate any potential customer bases.
As far as the trans community, once again, Conservatives believe how you live your life is up to you. They may disagree with certain lifestyle choices, but if you’re an adult, you have freedom and liberty. What conservatives don’t like is when parents are trying to push the idea of transgenderism on 4, 5, 6-year olds. We don’t let children make decisions on what they should and shouldn’t eat, yet we think children can definitively say that they want to be the opposite gender they were born as? Come on. Once people are 18, they can do what they want, but stop pushing this on kids.
We also don’t agree with the idea that the government should dictate what bathrooms people should use based on the gender they identify with. That is not the role of government.
As far as athletics, where are all the feminists where women’s records are being destroyed by males who now identify as females? See, conservatives do believe in science. We know from biology that the physical structure of a male is different than a female. Men are more physical, aggressive, and are naturally stronger. Stop feeding everyone this crap that the sexes are the same, we’re not. You ever notice how they say men and women should be treated the same, but the minute President Trump went after Hillary Clinton he was excoriated as a sexist.
Climate Change
Speaking of science, leftists love to say that conservatives are science deniers because they ask questions when it comes to climate change. As conservatives, it is important for us to conserve the environment. It is up to us to be good stewards of this Earth that God gave us. That means taking care of the Earth. We believe in an all of the above strategy when it comes to energy. Once an alternative fuel is developed, and it is as cheap and efficient as oil and gas, the market will naturally gravitate towards that. We don’t believe that people should be forced to adopt radical and unrealistic programs because it makes people feel better about themselves.
Speaking of the environment, Conservativism has an appreciation for all lives. Many conservatives do view abortion as murder against an unborn child. Most normal people are in agreement with Conservatives that partial-birth abortions and third term abortions should be banned. Conservatives believe that the States should decide the abortion argument, not the federal government. Leftists will accuse conservatives of being misogynists that want to control a woman’s body.
You notice how they are shifting the argument. It is no longer pro-choice or pro-life. Now it’s about reproductive rights and healthcare. The reason they are changing the terminology is because as science advances, and in particular, the youth look at abortion as a bad thing, they wanted to change the terminology because it sounds better. Conservatives support women. We also support the idea of the unborn.
It amazes me how the debate has changed, but think about it this way when a baby is born, there is usually a celebration of some sort. How many people celebrate when they get an abortion? People have to make difficult decisions in their life and they should have all the information necessary, including about adoption, before making these critical decisions. I mean how many people feel comfortable with saying that a full-term baby that’s born or partially born should still be aborted? Do you think a thousand years from now that that would be viewed as a crowning achievement that we’re proud of?
Many conservatives are spiritual and do believe in religion. We believe it is not our job to impose one particular religion over others, but we also recognize the importance of God within society.
According to a Pew Research poll, those who identify as atheist, agnostic or no faith went from 16% in 2007 to about 26% by 2019 (Pew Research). Gallup polls show a similar trend, where 9% of the public identified themselves with no religious affiliation 30 years ago to 21% in 2019 (Gallup).
As you know, I always try to ask simple questions. As we see this shift away from religion and God, has our society, our culture gotten better or worse? Now I’m not here to preach to you to go to church every Sunday or whatever your Sabbath day is. I’m here to ask questions and highlight that more and more people don’t view religion as important to them. As a Roman Catholic, part of it is the Church’s fault because of the sex abuse scandal. But that doesn’t explain the drop across religions.
As more move away from religion, do we also move away from the traits that religion instills in individuals like character, integrity, compassion, and empathy? It is interesting to wonder.
Remember Conservatism is not really based on a particular political party. In fact, many conservative principles can be found in liberal roots. I know it may sound crazy, but classical liberals had a distrust of government. They promoted the idea of limited government. They promoted the idea of free speech.
Conservativism is the answer to many of the problems. Think about this for a second. We have been debating the same issues for the last 50-years. Government has taken action on nearly every one of these issues, whether it be healthcare, education, immigration, infrastructure, you name it. Have they been able to solve the problem? Have they alleviated the problems in any way, or have they exacerbated the problems? Just look at bail reform in New York. The same people they claim they want to help, they end up hurting. We need to open our eyes.
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