Rant or Rave Wednesday
Will the Democratic Party Do Any Soul Searching?
It has been fascinating to witness the realignment of the Democratic and Republican parties over the last decade, particularly during the Biden/Harris years. The Republicans, once known as the party of the rich and elite, have become the party of the working class, opening its arms to a diverse range of people including different ethnicities, religions, and races. On the other hand, the Democratic party has emerged as the party of the wealthy and college-educated class. The people spoke loudly on November 5th, with the popular vote going to Donald Trump, leaving Democrats wondering what went wrong. The answer is a lot, which begs the question – will the party do any soul-searching as a result of Trump’s unequivocal victory and try to earn the vote of the working class for future elections?
Democrats have been adept at sticking together. Elite party heads led with an iron fist, forcing their members to fall in line with policies or situations under public scrutiny. There are countless instances of this, ranging from lawfare Democrats pursued against Trump to bad policies that hurt the middle class. Let’s take the Inflation Reduction Act as a quick example. Paraded as a law that would do what its title implies, the bill was merely a climate change wish list for the far left. Trillions of dollars were spent to supposedly curb inflation, but it actually had the reverse effect while enriching wealthy lobbyists and leaving the poor and working class in the dust. Yet, administration officials, Democrat lawmakers, and pundits touted the bill. This is exactly why Trump won – stating obvious lies as truths. You know, like saying if a man feels like a woman, then he is. At some point, this type of craziness goes too far even for people who lean left.
As Trump has become the indisputable victor of the presidential election, Democrats have shifted from their usual stance of toeing the line to turning on each other and pointing fingers in a desperate attempt to save their own reputations. The truth is, there are a myriad of reasons Kamala Harris lost, including the legislation and policies that have devastated inner cities and middle-class communities – think open border, rampant and unchecked crime, and laws like the Inflation Reduction Act. Whether you are young or old, white or black, male or female, your life has not improved over the last 4 years. What enraged Americans was the fact that the administration would constantly say that everything was great – crime was down, jobs were available, the dollar was strong, the border was closed, etc. We knew this wasn’t true because we saw and felt the exact opposite in our daily lives. They screamed all the time about democracy, but when the truth that Biden was in no position to run for re-election became irrefutable, they chose to ignore the democratic process. Rather than hold a primary, they inserted Kamala Harris as the nominee 3 months before the election. Couple all this with the fact that VP Harris was unable to answer a single substantive question, and you have the inevitable outcome – a Trump victory.
Instead of reflecting on the mistakes of the past 4 years and the campaign, too many Democrats have reverted to blaming the American voter. Rather than doing some soul-searching and perhaps, trying to figure out what went wrong so that they can win future elections, some democratic public figures have called the American electorate racists and misogynists. When one of the female hosts of The View tried to explain to Sunny Hostin and the rest of the panel why Trump won, Sunny responded by claiming that Latino men voted for Trump because of misogyny. Ugh. These people are so out of touch.
Another assertion proposed by Joe Scarborough – a real gem of an individual – is that Kamala lost because of racism in addition to misogyny. He specifically draws attention to racism perpetrated by the Hispanic community. Really Joe? How disconnected can you be? Others propose that the Trump campaign had better social media messaging and reached more people by going on podcasts. I don’t think so – it’s much bigger than that.
The answer is clear. The majority of the American people want to earn money, raise a family, and live in safe communities. The majority of the American people don’t hate others because of their skin color or ethnicity. They just want good policies that reward merit and a government that keeps us safe from foreign conflict. Most importantly, they want the government out of our business. That is why Trump was elected – common sense policies that benefit the American citizen. Now it’s time for President Trump to get to work and deliver on the promises he made to the American people.
Vish Burra Explains How Democrats are out of touch with ordinary Americans and the Trump Agenda
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