Episode 300 Show Notes- What is the Conservative Agenda?
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Episode Description
What is the Conservative Agenda? Over the last few weeks, Professor Giordano has made the case that the radical left agenda has been an abysmal failure and that it’s time to plot a new course. In this episode, he’ll explain why and how the conservative agenda is the answer to getting America back on the right path. An agenda that promotes limited government, personal responsibility, and simple solutions to fix some of the most critical issues we face. He’ll also correct the record on what conservatism consists of as the left has completely maligned conservative principles as radical and racist.
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Show Transcript- What is the Conservative Agenda?
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Intro- What is the Conservative Agenda
Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I have a great episode lined up for today. Over the last few weeks, I’ve highlighted several policies of the radical left agenda. I’ve explained how these policies have failed. Not only have they failed, but they have inflicted an enormous amount of damage within communities and to the country as a whole. These failures illustrate that the leftist agenda is dead, or at least it should be given how they have weakened our nation tremendously.
In this episode, I am going to explain how we right the ship and plot a new course forward. A course that brings America back from the brink. I’m going to talk about what a conservative agenda looks like and why it’s the right choice for America and the American people.
For far too long, Conservatives have allowed the left to define the conservative movement and what it means to be conservative. They have allowed the left to define what the conservative agenda consists of.
But how many of you out there know what conservatism is and what it means to be conservative? This episode isn’t really for Conservatives per se, it’s more for everyone else to learn about an agenda that gets America back on track. An agenda that promotes limited government, and personal responsibility, and provides simple solutions to fix some of the critical issues we face.
I am sick and tired of the left defining what conservatives stand for and what they’re all about. Far too many people think that the conservative movement is a far-right fringe extremist group that promotes racism, antisemitism, and intolerance.
The truth is that it’s exactly the opposite. Conservative principles have been maligned for far too long, and that ends now. I encourage every one of you to listen and share this episode with those from the opposite side of the political aisle, at least the rational ones. I’ll talk about the proper role of government. I’ll talk about education, healthcare, immigration, race, social welfare, and more.
While I could be wrong, I still believe that America is a center-right country. I don’t believe we devolved into far-left ideology steeped in socialism, and even Marxism. I would bet that moderate Democrats, blue-dog Democrats, Republicans, most Independents, and even some libertarians will agree with much of what I say in this episode.
And if I’m wrong and the country has shifted to the radical left then what can I say, we’re all screwed.
I’ll explain what the conservative agenda is, but before I do, be sure to click the follow button so you never miss an episode and visit The P.A.S. Report website to sign up for my newsletter.
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What is the Conservative Agenda?
First off, I want to say right off the bat that not all Conservatives agree on every issue. Like any other political philosophy, there are varying degrees of conservatism. Some may be more fiscally conservative and socially liberal, others may be social conservatives, while some are more libertarian in their approach.
With that being said, one of the most important pieces to conservatism is right in the name, conservatism equals to conserve. So, what do conservatives want to conserve?
Well, it is to conserve the founding principles of this country and our founding. Interestingly enough, it never used to be controversial to say that. It was encouraged, not only by conservatives but the vast majority of people from all political walks of life.
But because the far-left lacks any ability to engage in serious thought, they immediately accuse conservatives of supporting the concept of slavery and racism. The one thing the left is good at is controlling symbols, language, and applying labels. They are attempting to redefine the flag as a form of white supremacy and oppression. Look at words like nationalism and patriotism. The left has perverted these concepts with negative connotations. Essentially, they say that those expressing nationalist sentiment are white supremacists.
It shows their ignorance. I’ve taught about the concept of nationalism in my international relations course for nearly two decades. Any one of my students will tell you that nationalism is built within the nation-state concept. Rather than have loyalty to a particular leader, the loyalty is to the country as a whole. Nationalism is what allows countries to grow and thrive. It connects individuals within a society, and determines a certain set of core values, social norms, and established right from wrong within that particular society. Nationalism is what fosters patriotism within a society and is the essential ingredient that motivates us to help each other to make the country a greater place.
Can nationalism be used and manipulated with evil intent? Sure, and the obvious example is Hitler. However, most completely ignore the fact that many other factors lead to Hitler’s rise to power. Those victorious in World War I sought to punish those they defeated, and so the allied powers decimated Germany’s economy through crushing and unrealistic reparations, and they instituted severe restrictions on the German military.
This isn’t surprising. To the victor goes the spoils. We’ve seen this throughout history. The German people and their culture were humiliated, and because of the poor economic conditions, they were desperate. Hitler was able to use this desperation in his rise to power. Does anyone believe that if the German economy was strong and everything was going well in Germany that Hitler and the Nazi party would have risen to power? So, to say that nationalism is inherently bad is ignorant.
The left has redefined nationalism to mean xenophobia and ethnocentrism, and they equate it with race. The whole white nationalism thing. Again, it’s simply because they can’t use their brains. Nationalism isn’t based on race, and if it’s the same as ethnocentrism and xenophobia, then why do we have separate terms for those?
The Founding Fathers
The founding fathers understood nationalism well, and they knew that we weren’t a country with over 2,000 years of recorded history. We weren’t a country with a common people and language. We weren’t a country with a common culture and shared traditions. They understood that for us to be a cohesive nation, nationalism would be necessary to create a sense of nationhood. Something that links us together.
Our founding fathers were also highly suspicious of a strong, powerful government. It’s why they built the framework around the concept of We the People. The founders understood that government will always be a flawed entity because it is created by human beings. Naturally, we’re flawed so anything we create is going to be flawed as well. Any practice we engage in will be flawed, including politics.
This is the reason that our first attempt at governing was through the Articles of Confederation where you had a loose coalition of states bound together by a weak central government where the central government can only exercise those powers granted to it by the states. However, their first attempt failed as the Articles collapsed due to the weakness of the central government.
The founding fathers were trying to reconcile the balance between liberty and order. They knew government was necessary, but they were also aware of the abuses of the government.
Ultimately, the founders would create a system where the federal and state powers would be enhanced, but numerous safeguards would be built into the system to protect the people from themselves and the government.
They designed the government to be slow, awkward, inefficient, and complex. They introduced a system of checks and balances and the separation of powers where we would have three distinct and separate branches of government, at both the state and federal level, that will fulfill different philosophical purposes, serve for different terms, and represent different constituencies. They institutionalized conflict at every level. The idea is that with this institutionalized conflict, you can have a strong legislature and a strong executive, yet at the same time, it won’t necessarily be a threat to liberty.
While it wasn’t possible to eliminate the threat to liberty and freedom, the founders did what they could to reduce the chances of an abusive, all-powerful government. However, they also believed that we are ultimately responsible for where we go and how powerful the government becomes.
The Elected Officials
I’ll get into the policies of conservatives in a minute, but first I want to talk about the officials that represent us because this is one of the biggest problems we face. Our founders wanted rational thinking people in office who would debate the issues, not simply just to pass legislation or institute a mandate so it appears that the government is doing something.
In last week’s episode, I discussed the concept of statesmanship where the officials have the wisdom and skill of managing public affairs and tempering the people’s expectations that the government can be all things to all people.
Our founders did not want a system that would just pass law after law. They wanted people of integrity to serve. Officials that would exercise prudence when crafting legislation. Officials that would thoroughly debate and exhaust an issue. And that the government would not get involved in an issue unless they determined that the problem was so important, and the people were unable to solve it themselves. Once the debate was exhausted, action would only be taken if a compromise could be reached and if it was within the constitutional boundaries of the government.
As conservatives, we are not averse to compromise. We understand that it’s a necessary element within the system. Anyone that expects that they’re going to get their way on every issue and piece of legislation is clueless about politics. However, the problem today is that the debates have shifted so far left that it’s really difficult to compromise. Also, when you don’t have people of principle in office, it becomes really difficult to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Take President Reagan. He negotiated with Congress for a sweeping immigration reform bill that included amnesty with the understanding that tougher border security measures would be implemented. That’s not what happened though. Those border security measures were never really funded or implemented by Congress, and that’s just one example of why compromise is so difficult.
Take the gun debate. There are measures that conservatives and Republicans would support. The problem is that it’s not enough for Democrats even when compromises are made, and if you don’t believe the other side is operating in good faith, how can you compromise.
I hate to say it, but people like me are extremely suspicious of intent and motive. What I mean by that is a question that I commonly ask- what happens when we implement new gun control laws, and the next mass shooting happens? These same people would scream that we didn’t go far enough and that we need to go even further, especially when you already have some calling for a complete ban on certain firearms, and some going so far as to call for gun confiscation.
While I understand the nature of politics well, we need people of principle and integrity in elected office. The fact that you have someone like Congressman Adam Schiff is still in office undermines the entire system. This is a guy who was one of the key players in the Russian collusion scam. He is partly responsible for tearing this country apart. A pathetic individual who said that he had more than circumstantial evidence of former President Trump colluding with the Russians, and it turned out to be one big lie. He’s at it again. He now says he has evidence of Trump’s criminality regarding January 6th but won’t release it because he doesn’t want to get ahead of the January 6th Committee. Schiff has got to go.
But it’s not just on the Democrat side. We need to look at Republicans as well. Just last week, you had Missouri GOP Senate candidate Eric Greitens. He released an ad holding a shotgun and says he’s going RINO hunting. He takes it a step further and tells the viewer to get a RINO hunting permit, and that there’s no bagging or tagging limit.
For those that don’t know RINO stands for Republican in name only. These are Republicans who are part of the uni party and have abandoned their supporters. While you may not like RINOs, this ad is highly inappropriate especially given the current state of American politics. We are in unstable times, and we don’t need morons exacerbating the instability.
Also, as conservatives, we have to do everything right. We have no room for error. I know it doesn’t seem fair when you have people like Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Speaker Pelosi calling Republicans domestic enemies, Majority Leader Schumer threatening the Supreme Court, and Congresswoman AOC saying Republicans in Congress support white supremacist ideology.
However, the left controls all the major institutions. They ignore when Democrats fan the flames and make idiotic statements. It’s not right, but it is what it is, and they amplify any mistakes we make so we have to be smart.
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Limited Government
One of the core convictions of any conservative is the belief in limited government. If you look at why everything is out of whack today, it’s because there are too many people who believe that the government is the solution to every single problem we face.
The second something happens, people turn to the government to solve that problem, but if we look at the actual issues, has the government solved any problems? Think logically, we have been debating the same issues for the last several decades, at some points, democrats controlled the system, at other times, republicans had the control. If the government solves problems, then how come we keep debating the same issues even though dozens of pieces of legislation have been passed to fix the issues.
For example, how many bills have been passed over the last four decades regarding education? Yet, the education system is in worse shape now than ever before even with all these pieces of legislation and an enormous amount of increased spending when it comes to education.
When it comes to limited government, as conservatives we only want pieces of legislation to pass when they have a realistic chance of actually solving the problem, and if legislation passes and the problem continues, why do we keep those laws in place? It doesn’t make any sense. We have hundreds of laws on the books that either didn’t do anything to solve an issue or problem, rather than rescind that law, we simply pass new laws. In some cases, the laws made the problem even worse or created new problems or issues.
And at what cost do we pass all this legislation? For every law that’s passed, we are losing some of our liberties. For every law that’s passed, we are empowering the bureaucracy even more. So why do people advocate for the government to get involved at their own expense?
The answer is relatively simple, and it’s because we’ve been conditioned to believe that the government is the only entity that can solve problems. We have been conditioned to believe that the government is staffed by fully competent people who can separate their biases to do what’s in the best interest of the people rather than the government.
Worst of all, we’ve been conditioned to believe that every issue is a federal issue. It’s why the federal apparatus has grown tremendously over the last century, and it is the main reason that the states have become dependent on the federal government.
Conservatives want to return to the system of federalism and reduce the state’s dependency on funding from the federal government. Ever since the federal government has realized that it can use funding as a mechanism to extort and usurp state authority, they have increasingly taken over state and local issues to the detriment of the people.
We need legislative officials to exercise prudence, not a rush to jam through legislation that doesn’t fix the actual problem. We need legislative officials that will hold chief executives accountable and stop deferring to chief executives simply because they’re part of the same political party.
We also need a legislative body, both at the federal and state level, that stops creating pieces of legislation that are thousands of pages long that no one of them reads. As a conservative, I would love to see a constitutional amendment that states no piece of legislation can exceed 30-pages.
I’d also like to see clean legislation meaning that it focuses on a particular issue rather than include nongermane provisions or amendments that have nothing to do with the subject material of the legislation, and everything to do with getting pet projects approved that have no chance of passing as standalone pieces.
Let’s get to where conservatives stand on the issues, and I’ll start with education. As a conservative, we believe in a robust public education system, but it has to be an education system focusing on actually educating students, not indoctrinating them with far-left ideology and harmful messages that have no business in the classroom and will not help students in any way when they enter the real world.
We need a public education system that teaches students how to think, not what to think. We also need an education system that returns to its original intent. An education system that wasn’t just about reading, writing, math, and science.
Virtues, manners, discipline, and what it means to be a good citizen should all be part of the curriculum. Civics helps us understand that while we have obligations to our family and faith, we also have obligations to our community and our country. When I say civics, I am not talking about indoctrinating the next generation of political activists.
We also need to get back to basics and teach students to have a love and appreciation of American history- the totality of American history, both the good and the bad. An appreciation for American ideals and values. Where we started and how far we’ve come in fostering a more perfect union.
This has been gutted throughout curricula over recent decades, and that’s why you have a bunch of pompous, arrogant know it all’s who constantly criticize America as a horrible country. It’s why we are losing our sense of nationhood and nationalism. If we can’t agree and appreciate the basics of our founding, how can we really survive as a nation?
To recap, the 3 goals of the education system should be: 1) foster nationhood, 2) develop good citizenry, 3) actually educate students, empower them to think critically, and teach them life skills that never get old or outdated. Enough with promoting a student body even though they haven’t reached the basic proficiency levels of the subject material they were supposed to learn. This just makes students fall further and further behind.
If we continue to simply cycle students through the process, even though they haven’t learned the material, the diploma or degree you get will be completely meaningless.
And as a conservative, we believe in penalizing schools that do not succeed in educating students. We believe in parent choice. That if a school is failing in their community, their parents can pull their children from that failing school and enroll their child in a school that does what it’s supposed to do. The tax dollars should follow the parent and the student, not the school.
I am someone who openly supports a public education system, but at the same time, schools need to be held accountable if they are failing in their mission.
Social Welfare Programs
When it comes to social welfare programs, contrary to what the Democrats say, conservatives support social safety nets. We are a decent society, and we want to help Americans when they face challenging times. Let’s face it, no one can predict when they may need to access some of these social safety nets.
You can’t predict when you’ll lose a job or get into an accident and become disabled. However, as a conservative, we want to see that those that truly need these programs have access to them. We want to make sure that the fraudsters and hustlers aren’t scamming taxpayer dollars. There are far too many people who know how to manipulate the system, and this does a disservice to those who are truly in need. I would rather give money to the single mother working 2-3 jobs just trying to provide for her children so that she only has to work one job and can raise her children than give it to those mooching off the system. That view the system as a lifestyle rather than a break in case of emergency.
But most importantly, we want to make sure that people don’t become dependent on these programs. These programs were never designed to sustain people throughout their lives. They were meant to help Americans get through challenging times that weren’t anticipated for a temporary period of time.
There is no dignity in having to rely on the government apparatus. Dignity is achieved when you teach a person skills, and they can take care of themselves and provide for their families. It’s why conservatives believe in a welfare-to-work program.
Unless you are totally and permanently disabled, if you need to access taxpayer benefits, you should have to work to obtain those benefits. What do I mean? If you are receiving taxpayer assistance, you have three choices, either the government will provide training in industries where we are facing personnel shortages, and you will be placed in a position once your training is complete.
Another option is that you contribute to society in a meaningful way, such as performing some type of community service where you are required to meet a certain number of hours each week.
The third option is that the person gets a job on their own and that you can receive some type of social welfare benefit making up the difference in pay. Let’s say you were receiving $1,800 a month in total benefits, consisting of housing, food, and welfare benefits. If you get a job and you’re making $1,200 a month due to it being a low-skilled job, the social welfare program will provide an additional benefit of $800. As you begin making more money, the amount of the benefit will be decreased.
I don’t think any reasonable person would disagree with this, but unfortunately, conservatives have allowed the left to define conservatism on a whole host of issues.
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Also, the only ones who can access the social safety nets are American citizens, and permanent residents that have done everything the right way and have been contributing to the system for at least five or more years.
This brings me to immigration. The left and their partners in power, slander conservatives as being anti-immigrant, but the truth is that we are pro-legal immigrants and encourage legal immigration. We believe that we are a sovereign country and that we get to choose who comes into the country and who doesn’t.
We don’t believe in an open border where people come to the United States with little respect for our laws and the core American values. A country cannot sustain an unending flow of migrants coming to the United States, especially those that disregard their court hearings and do not show up. The idiots will tell you that there are 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. We’ve been using that number since 2005. It’s a flat-out lie and a joint MIT Yale study. They estimate the illegal immigrant population is anywhere from 22 million to 35 million. (Yale)
This is unacceptable and should outrage everyone. Conservatives believe a secure border is necessary, and so we have to build a border wall. Some say a border wall is a waste of money and walls don’t work, but those people are frauds. Walls work. We know for a fact that when you have a wall, it will funnel people to certain locations.
You’re not going to plan a 2,000+ mile journey only to get to a wall. If you have a wall throughout the majority of the Southern border, it allows us to surge border patrol and resources to the areas where people will most likely come. Sure, a few people will be able to get over any wall, but the numbers of those illegally crossing the Southern border will drop dramatically.
Democrats, and even some Republicans, say that walls are old, outdated, and expensive and that we should use more technological resources and increase the hiring of border patrol agents. The reason I don’t support this idea is that I know how the government and politics work. The reality is that Congress can always cut the funding for these programs. Also, the executive branch can easily deploy the technological resources away from the border and can reprioritize where border patrol agents are deployed. They can also lay off border patrol agents. Once a wall is built, it’s a permanent structure.
Let’s cut the BS. For the amount of money, we’ve provided to Ukraine, we could have built three border walls so let’s not pretend it’s about the money. Congress wastes taxpayer money on a whole host of pet projects.
But fixing the southern border is only one part of the solution. We also have to fix our visa system. Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States will become illegal immigrants because they overstay their visas. We need to develop a better system to track and monitor those who overstay their visas and prevent them from remaining in the United States.
We cannot have any conversations on immigration until we get a handle on the southern border and the visa overstays.
When it comes to legal immigration. We need to encourage a merit-based system depending on the needs of the United States. We need to stop with the diversity visas and bringing people in simply because we feel that there isn’t enough representation from a particular foreign country or region. It’s one of the dumbest things I ever heard. We also have to reform chain migration and limit it to spouses and children.
As a country, we want people who are going to make the United States stronger. People who value and appreciate the core tenets of what it means to be American. People who can produce and sustain themselves. I want to ask everyone a question. Does it make any sense to import someone who is 75 or 80 years old into the United States? Can they possibly sustain themselves? Are they going to be able to work and produce so that the country can prosper? I’m just being realistic here.
To make it clear, we have to do what’s in the best interest of the country, and that means ending illegal immigration and encouraging legal immigration. I know it sounds pretty radical. Sadly, in this day and age, many seem to label common-sense proposals as radical, but that’s our fault because we don’t push back.
The real radicals are the ones that encourage this absolute human rights catastrophe, and that’s why the conservative agenda should include a proposal that if we don’t get control of the border, those illegally migrating to the United States will be placed in the elite zip codes that advocate for the open border policy. We can no longer send these migrants to already vulnerable communities in the dark of night. Instead, let’s send them to the communities that can afford to take care of them.
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When it comes to healthcare, the left likes to state that the republican and conservative healthcare plan is to have people die quickly.
Again, another slander that’s gotten hardly any pushback. Just because we don’t believe in socialized medicine, just because we don’t want a universal healthcare system, doesn’t mean we want to see people die.
Remember, when they told us that Obamacare was going to fix the problem, yet here we are still debating the issue. It’s another example of the government passing a law, not solving the problem, and now they want to expand their powers and go even further.
What we want is to get healthcare costs under control so that it will make the price of health insurance cheaper and more affordable. Several potential solutions wouldn’t cost the taxpayer a dime. Why not try the things that don’t require taxpayer money first, and if that doesn’t pan out, then we can talk about other solutions?
How many of us know the cost of treatment? How much does it cost for a check-up? An x-ray? Open heart surgery? Don’t you find it odd that we have no idea what the costs are? Even odder is how hospitals will charge completely different amounts for the same procedures with the same doctor. For example, a hospital may bill Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield $250,000 for open-heart surgery, but if the patient has Aetna, they bill Aetna $200,000. If the person doesn’t have insurance, maybe they charge $100,000.
There are significant price disparities that exist and that’s a big part of the problem. I mean these hospitals can really drop the price $50k-$100k depending on which insurance they have or if they don’t have any insurance? That’s bizarre to me. Maybe if the costs are published, we would see more competition, and ultimately see prices come down.
Also, why aren’t people allowed to purchase a-la-carte insurance? I mean if you are young and healthy, a 20-year-old, why do they need to have insurance that has all the bells and whistles? Why can’t they just get catastrophic insurance in case anything major happens, and pay out of pocket for routine check-ups? Not saying this will solve the problem, but it may help and make it more affordable for young people to get insurance.
What about allowing insurance companies to sell health insurance across state lines? Why is it that if you want to operate in New York, the company has to have a physical presence in New York? The reality is that New York is pretty expensive, and those costs get passed on to the insurance holders. Well, if a company can save millions of dollars a year because they operate in North Dakota and can sell insurance in New York, that will naturally bring down the cost.
We also need to cut some of the burdensome regulations as many of these regulations are completely useless but cost the providers a ton of money in time and personnel.
There are several other things we can try that won’t put the burden on the individual or the government. Getting costs under control is the key, but we also need to realize that we have a personal responsibility. I always find it amazing how some people have no problem getting a brand-new car paying a $600 a month car note because they want a luxury car, but then they will bitch and complain about the cost of health insurance. There’s a little thing called personal responsibility and priorities, and so if you are willing to spend nearly $1,000 a month on a car and car insurance, but you complain about spending $500-$700 a month on health insurance, who’s fault is that?
I know, personal responsibility must be a far-right concept.
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When it comes to race and racism, the Democrats continue to push the narrative that Republicans and conservatives are far-right white supremacists that deny that racism exists. Again, this is nothing more than a lie.
First, we do believe that racism does exist, we just don’t believe that the United States is a systemically racist country. We don’t believe in telling white people that they are inherently racist and oppressors and telling black and brown people that they are inherently victims and oppressed.
We don’t believe that race should be used as a measure of a person’s character, and we believe in standards for all regardless of color. We don’t patronize minority populations.
Just think about how Democrats and the left operate. They say that minorities cannot perform at the same level as their white counterparts and so academic standards should be dropped and honors programs should be eliminated. They believe that minorities cannot qualify and perform the same jobs and functions as their white or Asian counterparts and so we need to drop standards in hiring. They believe that minorities don’t have IDs and licenses so we can’t institute voter id laws as if minorities don’t travel or purchase Sudafed.
Think of how insulting and patronizing the left treats minorities. We believe that the color of a person’s skin does not define who they are. We believe in the idea of merit and personal responsibility. We don’t weaponize race for political purposes.
When they talk about white supremacy, they make it as if white supremacy is worse now than ever before even though if you go talk to minorities, they’ll tell you they never encountered a white supremacist in their lives or within their communities. They may have witnessed racism. They may have been discriminated against, but for most minorities, they’ll tell you the crime in their neighborhoods is a much bigger deal.
And let’s be honest, groups like the KKK or neo-Nazis are not even a shell of what they once were. At one point you had 14 million members that belonged to organizations like this, and that was when we were a country of 129 million people. Today you have between 4,000-6,000 white supremacists in a country of 329 million people.
As conservatives, we believe that the majority of Americans are good and decent people who abhor white supremacy. And while some people promote hate and racism, we have made astonishing strides when it comes to race relations, but the left seems intent on blowing it all up.
Everyone needs to know that white supremacy is the antithesis of conservative values, and here’s why. White Supremacist organizations want to use governmental power to suppress individuals and their God-given liberties due to their race or ethnicity. As conservatives, we believe that the government shouldn’t have the power to make policies based on race or a racial agenda. We are the ones that want to take power away from the government, and we don’t believe the government has the right to socially engineer society.
Interestingly enough, and something the left will never really tell you, is that the largest and more powerful neo-Nazi group is the National Socialist Movement. (SPLC) And many other neo-Nazi groups promote socialism and Marxism. Isn’t that interesting. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t hear too many Republicans or Conservatives espousing socialist and Marxist viewpoints.
And if you want to look at institutionally systemic racism, maybe we should look at the democrat-controlled cities and states. Remember, they are the ones who are responsible for increasing the academic achievement gap when they advocated keeping the schools closed for nearly two years. They are the ones responsible for allowing cities to be destroyed, and stores to be looted and set on fire. They are the ones that have made the cities unsafe for the people living there.
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As far as the military goes, I’ll keep it short and simple. Conservatives want the most powerful military on the planet that’s ready and prepared to meet all challenges of the 21st century. We want soldiers that are trained to kill the enemy on the battlefield, not trained in proper pronoun usage or CRT. It’s a friggin’ disgrace and every senior military official in a position of leadership pushing this crap should be ashamed of themselves, and they should resign in disgrace.
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Enough with the pencil-pushing political appointees who haven’t been able to win wars over the last 70 years.
Sorry, but I prefer a military that is only used when necessary and actually wins wars when called upon. Enough with the failures, and we need to hold our military leadership accountable for all these failures.
Soldiers should be trained to fight, kill and die. It may sound cold, but if you’re not willing to accept that then the solution is simple, don’t go to war or have a military.
Our adversaries are laughing at us. It’s pathetic.
Closing- What is the Conservative Agenda
When thinking of what is the conservative agenda, realize, that it’s not radical as the left likes to make it our to be. Most importantly, we believe in respecting the American people’s God-given rights and liberties. I want to ask you, did anything I mention sound radical to you? Does it sound far-right? Most of what I said is common sense.
I don’t pretend to have all the answers or solutions, but we start here. Over the next few weeks, I will lay out the conservative ways we can reign in the bureaucracy and get the government back on track to effectively govern for We the People.
This was an appropriate episode as we head into the July 4th celebrations. On Monday, I will talk about our Independence and what it means. I’ll explain how there are too many Americans unaware of our rich and unique history – a history that exemplifies why America is an exceptional nation.
When we don’t know our history, false narratives begin to emerge like the 1619 Project, pedaling the lie that our founders were nothing more than rich white men from England who wanted to preserve the institution of slavery.
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